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Jan 2016 · 436
Nothing Changes
Matt Jan 2016
Maybe I'm just
A brain
Floating in space

Attached to
An akward body

Do I
Even exist
At all?

I'm tired
Of this place

Of Earth

I think
It is pretty ******

God guy
Or whoever
You are

We are growing
Waiting for
The Jesus guy

How many more years
Will we wait

Who knows

It's an empty world
Full of emptiness
And loneliness

I fell asleep
For an hour
Or two

Woke up
And thought
I had slept
Through the night

But is was 5 p.m.
Not 5 a.m.

But it's all the same to me

Nothing changes
Just rearranges

No woman to hug
No one to love

I'll go climb a tree
Dec 2015 · 330
Sitting Under A Tree
Matt Dec 2015
I write how I feel

When the terrible times come
I won't be afraid

I spent my life alone
Reading and studying

When you live alone
You don't fear the end

The world never cared
About my desires

It was indeed absurd
I watched a woman *******
With a ***** that had
Been programmed
To spurt some kind of
Artificial *****

I enjoy those chaturbate cams

The therapist left
She didn't care
Maybe she was just
An atheist after all

A self-indulgent
Who loved to get plowed
In the behind

I had thoughts
Of ending my own
Mother's life

I asked Jesus for forgiveness

I learned that Jesus
Wasn't a genie
Who was going to grant
My wishes

Well everyone knows that

I tried to be good and kind

But then the day came
When it seemed
There were no people

Spent my life alone
At the gym
With my podcasts

Then the World war came
Mass starvation
Food shortages
Armies of drones
Civil war

The banks collapsed
I didn't care
Nobody ever cared

I went and sat under a tree
And dug a shelter there
I had some food to last
A few days

And then I slowly
Starved to death
Sitting under a tree

I cannot help
That I was robbed
Of life
In a way

I had only a couple
And I didn't see them

I dreamed about meeting
A female friend
She didn't come

I guess God didn't care

People kept asking
"How are you?"
What a stupid question

Nobody knows how
Anyone is

I never cared for my body
That much

I wanted to feel love
To give a woman
A hug

Oh well
It never came

I will just sit there
And starve to death

And after that
I will cease to exist
Or go to heaven
Based on my religious beliefs

Is it nice there

Are there caring women
With large *******
And firm bottoms?

I certainly hope so
I deserve it
For all the miserable ****

We endure on this planet

Maybe I'm just a brain
A brain floating in space

One day I will
Burn all the family
Pictures, perhaps

I would rather starve
Under the tree
Than go to the F.E.M.A. Camp

******* is a selfish act
Why do I have these urges
When I'll never meet a woman

A cold world

Go away
Stay away

Go away
And stay away

I have the light
That fills the day

The stars are bright
They fill the night

Everything is going
To be okay

Just stay away
Stay away from me

My podcasts are my friends
And that is how
It will be
Dec 2015 · 434
You Suck Mom
Matt Dec 2015
If you say
"That's Nice"
On more time

I'm going
To swear at you
And call you stupid

You are stupid
You ****

You have done nothing
With your entire life

When you die
I don't think
I'll shed one tear

You ****
You piece
Of human garbage
Dec 2015 · 266
Prepare and Beware
Matt Dec 2015
Preware and Beware
For hard times
You should be

Thie life
Will not always
Be easy

I don't know when
But a hard time
May be coming soon

Prepare and Beware
The message of my tune
Dec 2015 · 519
Showcase Room
Matt Dec 2015
You are cordially invited
To visit
My showcase room

My bedroom
Is like a house
To me

It has everything you see

And deodorant
On the shelf

Canned goods packed
In little bags
They are good
For my health

My Kenmore fan
That blows and blows

This is my showcase room
Now you know
Dec 2015 · 180
No Women Around
Matt Dec 2015
I keep getting erections
But there are no women around
Please Mr. P**

Go down
Go down

Dec 2015 · 198
No More People Anymore
Matt Dec 2015
I'd like to hang out
With friendly people

But they are never there
And whatever God
Or creator

Doesn't care

I'd like to meet
More friends
But that is highly unlikely

And so
I'll retreat
To the mountains

When our country
Is totally ruined

I wonder if
There will be
Any people there

Probably not I guess

There are no more
People anymore
Dec 2015 · 143
Please Stay Away
Matt Dec 2015
I keep
These human beings
Far away

That is where
They belong

And where they
Will stay

So stay away
Stay away
Stay away from me

I would rather be alone
Sitting under this tree
Dec 2015 · 198
Matt Dec 2015
Matt Dec 2015
I found myself
Eating an orange

Then discussing
The Russian Revolution

Then I found myself
In the shower

These are the things
That happened to me

These are the things
That made up my life
On this morning

This must be
What is called life

Things just keep happening
To me
Holy smokes
Dec 2015 · 211
This Is My Home
Matt Dec 2015
They won't give you a reason

They'll just say
You need to do this

And you need to do that
And blah blah blah blah

That's all it ever was to me
"Blah blah, blah, blah"

Just like the radio
That is always on
Goes, "Blah, blah, blah"

And I learned that
Their concepts were
Almost always wrong

I was once told I had to work
Forty hours a week

I don't think I will
I have a few times

It doesn't suit me

More like thirty
That suits me

The angry man
He said, "Forty hours a week."
I lied to him

Told him
How I was going
To work and work
Until I was old like him

That was before
I discovered the Tao

That was before I learned
To do the minimum

And so
Whether these people
Love me or hate me

They will help me
Pay my bills

I make just enough to pay mine
Most of the time

No, I don't pay rent

Have you ever known someone
That repeats the same thing
Over and over
Every hour of their life?

So strange

I am happy being poor
It pleases me

If it angers them
Let it anger them

Kick me out of this house?
I don't think so
I have a house key

And if they did that
I would lose my job

I will pay no rent
This house will be mine
One day
After they pass on

My home
It was always my home
I'm the one that cleans it

I am the caretaker here
Lived here since 1997
Dec 2015 · 369
Nothing Leads To Nothing
Matt Dec 2015
Nothing leads to nothing
I always say

First comes

And then May

The flowers they will bloom
Then the summer
Will be here soon

And exercise
Oh what fun

Life is for the living
We'll one day
All be done

First I went here
And then I went there

Some meaningless times
I tried to show care

My female companion
Does not come

And so I wander
The mountains
Underneath the sun

Welcome to human life
Isn't it fun?
Dec 2015 · 263
Content To Be Poor
Matt Dec 2015
I don't have any money
Who cares

Jesus was poor
People hated Jesus

I suppose
They will hate
Me too

Content to live here
Content to be poor

Content to read articles
About the Russian Revolution

Does it make me a bore?
Dec 2015 · 282
So Poor
Matt Dec 2015
Went to college
Went to school 16 months
Past that

Can't even save up enough
To pay for my car registration

I need 130 dollars
To pay for my car  registration

So poor
Dec 2015 · 284
Poem Sharing
Matt Dec 2015
I used to enjoy sharing my poems
With my therapist

Then she left

Too bad

I would like
To share my poems
With someone

Maybe I should join
Some poetry readers club

I'm happy to share
My poems with you

Let's write and read
Them together
So we will feel less blue
Dec 2015 · 156
Matt Dec 2015

I'm good at that word
Ever since I was 4

I wanted to sit
By myself
I didn't want to play
With others

Is my response
To a full time career

Just no
Not said out of anger
Just a plain and simple no

Live simply
Live well
Oh do I have
Stories to tell!

Of times I sat
In the nature park
Listening to the 6 pm

Of the monastery bells
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
A Log At Sea
Matt Dec 2015
It is plain to see
I'm a log

Adrift in the sea
Nowhere important to be

And it really
Does suit me

I lived on an island
Underneath the shade
Of the coconut tree

Then a storm came
And changed my reality

And so I drift here
And then I drift there

Yes I'm a drifter
Who cares?
Dec 2015 · 268
Matt Dec 2015
I take testosterone supplements
To make me
Even more aroused

And why?

There are no women
In my life

Chances of meeting one

I like to watch women
And couples
Pleasure themselves on chaturbate

Did you know chaturbating
Is the act of chatting
And *******
At the same time?

Physical intimacy

Strange and foreign
To me

WIll a woman
Ever desire me

I work out and
Read good books
I'm a good guy

I guess I'll
Most likely be alone
Oh well

Whatever this
Life is

Just let it be

I don't suppose
I really need
Physical intimacy
Dec 2015 · 274
Some Thoughts
Matt Dec 2015
People who say
"Oh my God"
Are obnoxious

Perhaps they don't
Even believe in God

I find the taxpayer's
Concern with money

His money just
Digits on a screen

The bank only has
Some small amount

Of the actual funds

I don't buy into
A "40 hour a week"
Work week

I don't need
My own place

I was at the park
Reading the
Myth of Sisyphus

The Christmas music playing
At that one house
The glow of the lights

That denseness
And strangeness
Of the world
Is the absurd

I listened to an audio clip
Of this woman
Form the Christian chat
I sometimes chat on

She was laughing
And so happy
Good to hear

Beautiful things like that
Exist far away from me

The world isn't meeting
My expectations
But that is okay
I'm content to listen
To her on my iPhone

I'm ready
For the terrible times
When the illusion
Of our safe, secure
And wealth nation

Is shattered
Dec 2015 · 163
When Hard Times Come
Matt Dec 2015
One day
In my life
Something hard will come
Something difficult

For me
Maybe for many Americans

And so many people
Take everything for granted
In this country

I guess I've just read
Too much history

Peace and prosperity
Not a guarantee

And neither is
Three meals a day

I'm kind of glad
In a way
I've had a difficult life
In some ways

I'm more ready
Than some people

When difficult times come
You'll see
Who people really are
What their character is like
Matt Dec 2015
Nothing but
Salted fish to eat

On the way
To the Goulag camp

And the train
It was indeed

So dark and damp

Hope was not lost

No water

So she licked
The train parts
Covered in frost

They Sang For Their husbands
On the way to the Goulag
Written after hearing an account of a woman's experience on the way to the Goulag under Stalin's purges.  During the Great Terror of 1936 to 1939 women were arrested under article 58.  Their only crime being their association as "wives of enemies of the people."
Dec 2015 · 465
Mean Women
Matt Dec 2015
Mean Women
Make fun of me

Please laugh at me
And make me cry

Yes I'm not attractive
And I don't care why

You don't want to touch me
You don't even care

And you slapped me
In my face

I think I like it
So there

You made me kiss your boot
You stuck a vibrating *******
In my ***

Made me pleasure
A powerful black stud
Isn't humiliation fun

A woman could never
Desire me

And why really cares
Wandering across the earth

I see Gollum sitting
Over there
Dec 2015 · 259
Leave Me Alone
Matt Dec 2015
Why are some people
Attractive and some
So ugly

I guess it is
A type of joke
The creator played?

To leave me alone
On this planet

Alone and ugly

You would think
He could have created
Something better
Than this

Some better experience
The whole thing
Is kind of ****** really

My body is ugly

Leave me alone
I don't want
To meet

Any kind
Or attractive people

Leave me alone

I'll dig a hole in the ground
And live there

Leave me alone

I don't want to be hugged
I don't want a friend

Leave me alone
Dec 2015 · 561
A Miserable Poem
Matt Dec 2015
Another Christmas

Got some fun gifts

What I would most like
Is to never see
My parents again

Far far away
Sometimes I wish

Dad would just die
Just drop dead

Or maybe I'll take
A shovel

And bang him over the head
Drop dead guy

Such wicked thoughts
I am a sinner I know

I will ask for forgiveness

I'm so sorry Jesus
We celebrate your birth

But you couldn't give a ****
Enough to help me
Fix my body

I love you Jesus
And I also hate you

One day America
Will be in ruins
And we will be starving

Like in Stalingrad
I wouldn't share one
Bit of food with
I'd just let you die
You obnoxious piece of garbage

I'm tired of everyone saying
God this and God that

I want God to let
These country be ruined
This country deserves it

People will learn what
It is like to suffer
To starve to death

Armies of drones
Tanks driving down the street

I never cared much
For this planet anyway

Now humanity
Will destroy itself
Countries going to war

Our precious Christ
Who knows
When He will return

Hey Jesus guy
Why did God
Make life so ******

Can you tell us that?
Why most of the population
Fights against starvation

I'm thankful
For food and water

I would have traveled
With the Wise Men
To meet this Jesus guy

Supposedly He
Loved us
Or something

I hate most people
Really hate them

In fact I wouldn't mind
Hitting My own dad repeatedly
In his face

For all the terrible things he said

And I'm not sorry Jesus

You made me suffer too much

I won't bear the weight
Of the cross

That was your miserable job

Another **** day
The 25th

Who knows when
The real birth was

I'm going to hike far way
In the mountains

Far away
From these people

Thankfully Christmas
Will be over soon enough

Merry Christmas
Or whatever
Nobody cares

I tried to care
But no friends
Or anyone fun
To spend it withh
Dec 2015 · 436
When The End Comes
Matt Dec 2015
Driving around
Looking at the Christmas Eve lights

When to the mansion
Where they do the big
Nativity scene
Every year

Well done

Life as the show
The big show

And I thought that
A big joke
Was being played
On me

The joke of life

And I thought of God
As a neutral clockmaker

I have had some improvement
With the akwardness of my body

I thought about how
I'll always be alone

I thought about how
America will one day
Be in ruins

Am I afraid?
Not really

Savor the good days
I tell myself as the
Terrible ones
Will come soon enough

And I thought of
All the suffering
On this miserable planet

It's an empty program
An empty simulation
Just a bunch of times
With no inherent meaning

On and on
Too much time on here
Tired eyes, no female friends

When the end comes
I'll just an apple I suppose
Dec 2015 · 305
Must Be America
Matt Dec 2015
Sports talk
At the gym

Mortgage talk
At Starbucks

The money
And the money
People always
Talk about money

Holiday shoppers
It must be America

The technocracy
Dec 2015 · 614
A Sinner's Poem
Matt Dec 2015
Lord have mercy
On my soul

Let not
Your heart
Grow cold

I sinner I am
And will always be

And man has been
This way
Through history

The battle with sin
I cannot win

It seems as though
I do the same wrong things
Again and again

Hours on the computer
Pleasuring myself

This is not good
For my spiritual
Or ****** health

But it wasn't my fault
You see

I just wanted
Female company

A poor man I am
Yes indeed

Listen to my words
Please take heed

Pray for mercy

And that judgement
Does not fall
Upon your head

Try to listen
To the words Jesus said

Talked to those
In chatrooms
Who delighted
In wickedness too

They lied and said
Evil was good for you

A good guy I am
And try to be

O Jesus
Please have mercy
On me

I mocked Christmas
And you too

I had evil thoughts
Through and through

These wicked women
They excite me

But oh how
Do they frighten me

Keep me safe Jesus
From their feminine charms

Protect me Lord
Let them do no harm

Preserve me
Until the end of days

I love Jesus
I'm not ashamed to say

And so I walk out
Into the cold

The next 6 hours alone
Each day I
Grow more old
Dec 2015 · 376
Online Chats
Matt Dec 2015
Hours and hours
On end

Looking for online
Chat friends

I just want to talk
To women online

To find a companion
To pass the time

I am an American
Who spends many hours alone

And so this internet
Is like a home
Dec 2015 · 376
Predestination Poem
Matt Dec 2015
Fun to be a part
Of this divine plan

What do I know
I am just a man

I was at the golf course
Chipping golf ***** today

I heard a man say
Something about money
And the house too

Getting worked up
Doing what American men do

And I just stood there
As content as could be

If I was him
I wouldn't worry

For it all works out
In the end

We are predestined
My friends

Words John Calvin
Did teach

Is salvation
Within your reach?

You cannot decide
Nor your sinful feelings hide

In the Master's grand design
He will decide how you spend
Eternal time

Now I just jest
I really do

Taking that teaching to heart
Is not good for you

Worrying am I saved?
And how do I know?

Simply ask for
Forgiveness of your sins
Keep on sinning
Then ask for forgiveness again

You will receive
His divine grace
And not have such
A worried face

Saved by grace through faith
Luther once said

Now you can sleep
Soundly in your bed
Matt Dec 2015
Now I'm here
Now I'm there

First in my room
Then at the market

But there is the sense
That I'm not "living"

Events just keep happening
And the sun goes up and down
And it is just funny in a way

Non action
Doing nothing

Just moments
The moments of my life

Some type of natural process

Effortless action
Dec 2015 · 330
Matt Dec 2015
That was an enjoyable movie

Sometimes I feel as though
I am like Matt Damon
In his container

Waiting for someone
For people
Waiting for a friend

These days everyone
Just goes around
On their phones

I thought being
A human being meant
Having human relationships

I can tell you one thing
After a certain point
I enjoy being by myself

Almost like I am adapting

I suppose it is
Society's fault

Should I just go
Wander out into the night

Banging a stick
Against the ground

The movie
Talks about love
That's good

I love my family
And friends

I try to love
My own self

Maybe I don't have
A great body
But I workout

And it's so easy
To be aloof

And if I spend
Every night

Not hugging anyone
Oh well

Perhaps better
Not to love too much

Christmas is almost here
Maybe I will spend it
On a hike or something

The days go by
The nights go by

And I wonder why

The tragedy is
I am a personable guy
I enjoy people's company

I exist
And dwell in nature

All this talk
In this movie
About love

I don't know
I just go on
Trying to be good
Be loving

Perhaps I'll find my
Female friend
If not, so be it I guess

I'd like to have a glass
Of Ovaltine
But I need to go
Get some milk

Take care fellow poets
Dec 2015 · 280
Hi Wherever You Are
Matt Dec 2015
Content to live here
Content to do the minimum

Figuring the human race
Will most likely destroy itself
In some atomic world war
In my lifetime

Maybe our society will collapse

The body ages

Some people lead
Meaningless lives
Watching musicals
Over and over

At least I have a part time job
And contribute to our society

Our economy is pretty stagnant
And all that debt

Hey did you watch the debates?
Trump and Bush and all that
I guess the show is kind of fun
Not that I care much who wins

I'm content to be poor
To live at home

To lie on my yoga mat
And look at the birds
Content to be alone

I lift weights
To stay fit
But I am not attractive
To women I guess

Too poor to date I guess
And who cares really
Content to be alone

Maybe I will meet a female friend
Maybe not

Either way
That's fine

Same dull face
Same earth cycles

If an asteroid
Is announced to hit earth
I will just sit on my yoga mat
And eat a protein bar probably
Like always

Times come
Times go
And it is all so strange
You know?

I would like to be
Many places at once
To see different names
And faces

And travel to
Exotic places

Do I even exist at all?

I think therefore I am
And I write
Therefore I am

And I eat my chicken and rice dish
And I also love tasty fish

It's an odd place
This earth
Dec 2015 · 2.9k
Cries Of The Cuckold
Matt Dec 2015
The cuckold sat
As he
Peeked through the door

The Arab stallion
****** deep
Into his wife

She screamed for more!

Deeper inside her
Then he had ever been

She loved his c**
It was no sin
Dec 2015 · 227
Restoring The Body Balance
Matt Dec 2015
I am finding a way
Each and every day
After therapy
Exercises too

I am making significant

That is what dedication
Will do
Dec 2015 · 348
Time Files
Matt Dec 2015
Put the slides
In front of me

And I can see

Each file
A glimpse
Into time

This machine
Can show me
Mongol Hordes

Or the city of Nazareth
During the time
Of Christ the Lord

Put in a file
And you can see
A prior time
Of history

I saw Diogenes
Sleeping On a bed
Of straw

Did you see
Pope Julius II
Gaze upon Michelangelo's
Sistine Chapel ceiling
With awe?

I saw Jackson
Standing like
A stone wall

His left palm
Facing outward
He did raise

And for the victory
God he praised

The South won the battle
Of First Bull Run

But the Civil war
Was not over
It was far from done

To be continued...
Dec 2015 · 261
Matt Dec 2015

All times
And all places
All names known
And all faces

As one can see
It's a program
For you and me

Predetermined it seems
To an extent
And with this poem
I do vent

Maybe a female companion
Will come along

To make it
Less of a sad song
Dec 2015 · 332
A Female Companion
Matt Dec 2015
There are these things
Called human beings

I do not know many
Of them
Strange it seems

Am I just a brain
Floating in space?

I occupy a different time
And a different place

One thing
Would be fun
But it seems
It is not for me

Is some kind
Of physical

A loving goddess
To say "there there"
To give me a hug
And with some care

To pour me an enjoyable
Glass of wine

Discuss our poems
To pass the time

And to watch
Documentaries too

She cares for me
That much is true
Dec 2015 · 1.4k
My Earth Vacation
Matt Dec 2015
I just don't get it
I don't understand
I think I will
Come up with a plan

40 hours a week?
No thanks man

They promise you
Two or three weeks
Of vacation time

This is my poem
I'll make it rhyme

Turns out that way
Is all wrong

I can sing this poem
Like a song

This is the way
I will make things be

Every day
Is a vacation to me

I'm on vacation
All days while on this earth
And I think it is wonderful

For what it's worth
Dec 2015 · 237
My Poem
Matt Dec 2015
I became to understand
That I lived in
Some type
Of organic simulation

Its so random
And so fun

And with each
New day
I see the sun

I listen to podcasts
Here or there

Now I will sit
Upon my
Wee little chair

My folding chair
At the park
I may sit there
Until the dark

I live inside
A computer matrix
It is plain to see

Nothing to strive for
There is just you and me

Human beings we
Do what we do

FIrst comes 12, then 1, then 2
This cycle repeats
Itself again and again

I am not looking to win

Empty yourself of desire
And you will see

The world is an empty place
And this emptiness suits me

Bodies walking in and out
Of doors

Want more money?
They promise more and more

And with more money
Comes more stress

I think I would like
Less and less

Less and less
Let's take
Many things away

Food, water, and shelter
To make it through the day

Then one day
This country
Got *******

And everyone got in
A terrible moo

The value of paper money
Went almost entirely away
People did not know how
To make it through the day

These silly people
Were just little pawns

And there I was
Sitting in the park

I think I saw a chirping lark

I had a match
I made a spark

I got my pan out of my car
Gathered some kindling
It won't go far

But just enough
To grill
These cakes

I mixed the batter
Yummy food it makes

Then the pancakes
Went in my little tum
And with a grin
I did say, "yum!"

Oh here comes
My friend
The holy man
Of Hastings Ranch

I waved as he walked past
It was just by chance
Dec 2015 · 232
My Body
Matt Dec 2015
I wasn't born akward
I became this way

I do not know
What to do now

I experienced some

Feeling Akward
Is not too fun

At least its not major
I guess

But I am trying
For a ****** balance
And harmony
In life this test

My left back and shoulder
Feel as though
They exist
A bit to
The left of me

My head
Not in the direct middle
Not where it should be

No use to cry
Or to ask why

I would like
Some rhubarb pie
Dec 2015 · 264
Matt Dec 2015
Why oh why
I look at the sky

The world
Is an empty place
Full of empty space

First I am here
Then I am there

And I'm usually
All alone

And so I sit
At home
And write these poems

Friends Companions
I just have one

Being alone
Is not too fun

I watch Star Trek
The Original Series
And next Generation too

And what do you
Love to do?
Dec 2015 · 162
One Time One Place
Matt Dec 2015
I find it strange
One time
One place

Yogurt is delicious
I enjoy the taste
Dec 2015 · 433
Limited Human Contact
Matt Dec 2015
I was having
A friendly conversation
With A Christian woman
From Michigan

Of course
She had to
Go to sleep

When I wanted
To chat

That's the closest I have been
To a woman in 7 years


Because I can't meet
Women at bars
Or wherever

They want guys with money

I doubt I will
Ever find
My female companion

All my life
I've been
Looking for something

Something never comes
Always turns to nothing

Earth is beautiful
But cold

Song lyrics
Go through my head

Soon I will
Be alone in bed
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Polly Want A Cracker?
Matt Dec 2015
Meet my parrot Polly

"Polly want a *******"

Polly responds,

"Polly wants a *******"

"Crunch, Crunch"

Listen to Polly

Munch on those crunchy crackers

I think I will have a ******* too

Polly and I send our love to you
Dec 2015 · 368
Takin' It Easy
Matt Dec 2015
I just don't feel
Like working full time

I enjoy part time
Even If I was full time

I'd have enough for just
An apartment
And if I moved out

I wouldn't be saving much
After food and rent

So why not just continue
To live here?

Why change dwellings?
I only use my room
The kitchen
And bathroom really

Why pay for that
Every month?

And what is the motivation
In making more money?
So I can store it
In a bank?

I have nothing to
Spend money on really

I just need a new pair of glasses

I don't buy into
This system

I will not work
As a full time employee

I refuse to
Call me lazy

Or whatever
But it suits me

To hike
Or hit golf *****
On a certain day

It suits me fine

I'm just going
To take it easy
Like the sone says

Take it easy
Breathe deep
Dec 2015 · 479
Sitting On A Log
Matt Dec 2015
Sitting On a log
6,000 feet
Above the sea

There I was
Not much after
A tad past 3:30

Will a woman
Ever hug
Or love me?

Perhaps I'll just
Live my life alone
In front of my computer
Writing poems
Dec 2015 · 371
Someone Once Said
Matt Dec 2015
Someone Once Said
I needed to work
40 hours a week

As if it was
An order
From some
Computing Machine

I don't and I won't

The machine can
Only give orders

It cannot answer my questions

It requires
40 hours a week

Sorry Machine
I believe in non action
Just give it a try

A simple question
It cannot explain why

Now let's watch
The machine
Overheat and die

I will do what I enjoy
Less than 40 hours
A week

I am not striving
To reach some
Non-existent peak

Down through the mountains
And through
The valley
I will flow

The Tao is like water
This I know

I like to do
Different things
With my time

Eating a pear
Underneath a tree

This is who
I am meant to be

And I will live here
As long as I want

I think this text
Is Times New Roman font
Dec 2015 · 184
Far Away
Matt Dec 2015
It can be
A cruel world

This morning
I saw the most
Beautiful woman

With a Northern
European accent
I believe

On her webcam
She pleasured herself

Her smile
And her laugh

She seemed
Too beautiful
To be true

She is still there
In her home
Of miles

I cried a bit
Because she was
So beautiful

I thought of my therapist
A woman I used to know

She is far away too
Should I write her
A Christmas card?

I do not know
I wonder if she ever
Thinks of me

I have always asked
How the people at
The checkout
Are doing

Just trying to be kind
Not that I am some
Type of saint
Or anything

This Christmas
I think about going
To a Christmas party

But no
That's just in
The movies

I won't be spending
It here

I'm too poor
To buy presents

I may spend Christmas
On a mountain

Far away

30 years old
Well I'm off to the gym
And then to the mountain trail
Then to the driving range

This is my life
Dec 2015 · 228
No Plans To Leave
Matt Dec 2015
No plans to leave
Happy to live here
No plans for
My own place
I do not care

Content to
Do what I love
A few days each week

I like to watch
Women have *******
On chaturbate

I love to sneak a peek
Dec 2015 · 704
The Money Again
Matt Dec 2015
To listen to the guy
Blab about money
Each and every day

And because
It was always more
And more

Life turned
Into a total bore
5 days a week
From 9 to 5

Seemed like
Was a drug
For this guy
To stay alive

He could have retired
A long time ago
But he spent
And wasted
So much you know

And so he'll
Work and work
Until the work is done

What a miserable
And not much fun
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