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Apr 2018 · 242
Martin Majercak Apr 2018
Fleeting, yet slowly
Moving at incredible speed
Sands never cease moving!
Jun 2016 · 386
Martin Majercak Jun 2016
Fair words should first spoken,
but are no more than false,weak noise
If backed by no skill,a ready sword
And alert,firm resolve
Jun 2016 · 343
Martin Majercak Jun 2016
Life is like a dream
Ends within a flash
Jun 2016 · 333
Martin Majercak Jun 2016
It is the colorful butterfly that comes into view when you are at your lowest
It is the ray of sunshine on your darkest day
It is the overwhelming joy of child birth to a couple that was told that they never would
It's the innocence of our children and their belief in Santa and others that bring them joy
It's the beautiful stars that shine down on wondering faces thinking about where we could go and what's out there
It's the feeling of hope when you were sure there was none left
It is all around us,we must see,not just look,but see!
May 2016 · 390
A weed?
Martin Majercak May 2016
Dandelion,it sprouts fast
It has its own charm
Yet we blindly grab the thorn
May 2016 · 404
Martin Majercak May 2016
Another sleepless night
The Sandman is meeting friends at the bar tonight
As you finally get out of bed, again it is still dark out
You walk slowly to the bathroom as something catches your eye
An instant feeling of dread hits as your mouth goes dry
As you squint to have a better look,you see a shadow,dark and black
It does not move or speak,nonetheless,it sends chills up your back
Curiosity not only **** cats,it will take people too
As you try to sneak up on the shadow you notice that it has yet to move
You are now inches away from the shadow,it starts to feel strange
Cautiously you tap his shoulder,and see that it is you,but deranged
No words are spoken,but the message is clear
And from that moment on,no drugs,liquor or beer
Most of us think no matter what,I will be just fine
And that is the start of the cycle again,drugs and crime
Whatever vice or multiple vice's you use
You will have way less days of happiness,and more so days of the blues
I hope one day we all will see the light,and travel the right path
Life moves fast and catches you off guard,love,honesty,and even wrath
You are not alone,there are still many of us left
A feeling of love and light,not one of shadows and bereft
Just something I put together cause I LOVE WRITING lol.
May 2016 · 345
Martin Majercak May 2016
She awoke,tired and extinguished
Her mouth tasted as if she has been licking stone
As she touched her lips they were swollen and painful
Sometimes,the visions took such a toll on her body she felt as if she could not go on.
As she stood in a shaft of moonlight from the unshuttered windows
She knew there would be no sleep again this night..
This is actually a paragraph from my books I am trying to publish,but I think it fits here as well
May 2016 · 340
Martin Majercak May 2016
The noise is extremely loud
Beating with my heart
My soul feels like it's on fire
May 2016 · 471
The Downward Spiral
Martin Majercak May 2016
Standing on a strange street corner waiting
Knowing that soon you will be better has you anticipating
The wait is only minutes but they feel like hours
No umbrella despite the rain showers
Then you see him coming and feel ecstatic
But as he gets closer,his behaviour seems sporadic
Then the exchange goes flawless,excitement begins to grow
No words are spoken,not even for show
You finally get back to your safe place
Getting your rig ready is like a feverish race
The draw up goes smooth
And you tie off above the old faithful groove
As you poke to find the right vein,
When you can't you panic and it feels as if you are going insane
You finally see the beautiful red mix with the brown
As you push it in,you feel like a King would wearing his crown
But this time it's different,something is not right
You fall out instead of taking the flight
Friend finds you unresponsive and calls for help
Your mother arrives and lets out a blood-curdling yelp
You are aware of none of this because you are now dead
Leaving friends and loved ones filled with dread
You may cheat the Spector many times
Like a Judge,he has taken you for your crimes
The funeral comes and it goes
But the pain for your family continues to grow
Before you decide to selfishly satisfy your needs
Remember all the family you left to grieve
It is a smart Demon and it's easy to listen to
Just remember all the people you left behind that love you
It is an everyday struggle for a lot of us human beings
But next time you pick up the rig,try putting yourself in their shoes and see what the are seeing
Live every day as if it is your last
For the Reaper strikes ferociously fast
This is a poem about addiction.I hope even one person reads it and puts down the needle forever..Much love all
May 2016 · 837
The Walking Dead
Martin Majercak May 2016
As I sit and watch
the drones stare almost seductively
at whatever device of fancy was in hand
Times such as these
make it painfully clear that our Mother Earth
is in great peril Indeed
The whole world is singing
we simply stopped listening
May 2016 · 1.1k
I will
Martin Majercak May 2016
I will...
I will try,someday I will also die.
I will live,someday I will give.
I will pray,someday stones lay where they may.
I will think,someday my hopes may sink
I will learn,someday peace is it what I yearn
I will evolve,someday problems I will solve
I will strive,someday into the ocean I will dive
I will age,someday I will quench the rage
I will awaken,someday my sins will be forsaken
I will write,someday with ferocious sight
I will fail,someday,my ship will sail
I will win,someday my time will begin

Martin Majercak
I wrote this in about 8 minutes.

— The End —