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The Goddess of Longevity visited me this cold night.
Telling my future and my old time,
Her hair as snow, pure as a baby's heart,
And nails so long and sharp that they crash out the skull of a human.

You shall live long, till hair turns grey,
Teeth fall out, and ******* sag with age's sway.
I asked, 'Will wealth be mine?' She replied with a smile,
I am Eternity's goddess, not Fortune's guile.
I bless my kind with what people die of having.
I'm here to bless you with eternity, not riches.

Then Beauty's goddess appeared, a divine vision:
You shall be fabulous and youthful till the day you die.
Again, I asked, 'Will riches come my way?'
She laughed, 'I am Beauty's goddess, not Fortune's sway.'
She added, "You be sweet as honey, as enjoyable as wine.
You will live all your life in a youthful body.
A thousand men would fall beneath your feet, asking for your hand in marriage.
Your beauty would drive kings and queens crazy.
You will be put on the throne, and you will rule."

Fortune's goddess knocked, her eyes like starry skies.
Round her neck is the whitest cowry I've ever set my eyes on;
Her cloth is made of gold and diamond stones of different colours that no one has ever seen.
Though blind to the future, she saw my inner guise.
I said to myself, If only she had the eye to see her blessing, she is.
You hold greatness within; use it with gentle might.
Riches will take root, not departure.

She offered me choices, symbols of fortune's light.
But I refused, seeking knowledge beyond mortal sight.
And so the Goddess of Knowledge appeared in her light.
Warning me, 'Knowledge cuts both ways; use it with gentle care.'

I woke up the next day, full of knowledge and inspiration that I'm unable to control.
I watch my hand holding the pen, writing as it comes.
I'm knowledge, I'm beauty, and I'm longevity.
I'm possessing all within.
I'm all except patience

Oh, my sweet lover, what have they done to you?
What have they done to mankind?
Look at your helpless body, how could I have known?
I can still smell the fresh grape of your skin, like hibiscus.

Give my lover sadness, and he shall turn it to joy.
Give him a broken heart, and he shall make it his companion, unbroken.
But never give my lover a woman, for he knows not what to do with her.
Honey cannot be compared to the way my lover tastes.
In my lover's eyes, you see a rainbow.

We were both stupid, drunk on love.
Oh, love is intoxicating!
I was left for dead, but you were taken by death.

What have you done to the children of Adam?
Neither do you partake from the fruit.
I was his *****, and he was my Gomorrah.
If being who I am was a sin, tell the sun not to shine on me.

Seize the air, cast away the moon.
But if you can't do that, then let us intoxicate in love.
If being who I am was an abomination, turn day to night and night to mid-day.
Turn water to blood and blood to tears.
Then banish my lover and me.

If this was heaven, then give me hell.
My lover is dead; I can still feel the hot rod placed between his legs.
I can feel his pain; I can hear his blood screaming.
I wish I could have saved you; I wish I could have defended you.

Being who I am, why was your manhood cut off?
Why are they fighting for God? Did God send them?
Judge not, lest you be judged.
If being who I am was a sin, then leave me for God, as they have left me for dead.

Neither you nor I are righteous enough to judge my sin.
If loving the same *** was an abomination, then cast me into the deepest part of hell.
That cannot stop me from loving my darling.
If ***** and Gomorrah were destroyed for this, then the whole world should be destroyed.

This is who we are; we did not ask for this.
Neither did my lover and I decide this fate.
It was planned in our mother's womb; it was analyzed before we were brought to this world.

Your corpse smells like fresh morning wine.
Your face is as white as snow; your skin is as tender as the day you were born.
You look more alive than dead.
Nobody was here to witness your funeral, but you never mind.

That smile that drove me crazy the first time I saw you, that same smile I saw now in your coffin.
Just tell me, how could you keep that smile?
I can still remember that lovely night at the club before we were ambushed.
You said if you were to die, you would die by me.
I wish I never forced you out.

What should I tell our unborn child, of a surrogate mother?
That I was the killer of their father?
This is who we shall be: a thousand in one, a hundred in one.
This funeral is perfect, just me and you.
Funeral like marriage, what if today was the D-day?
You smile a lot; are you really dead?

They say the dead can speak if we listen; they can hear us if we pour out our hearts.
Just know you are only six feet away from me.
Make sure you wait for me; never find another lover.
Prepare a place for us; I might come very soon.
By then, we shall live to separate no more.
Rest, my darling; fresh rose flowers are coming tomorrow.
How charming can a bottle of wine and a glass be,
For living my best life? The grape is small and gentle,
Harmless, yet it can turn into something profound.

In my hand, I hold a grape, always welcome.
On the bed, I'm the little thing that crawls down your chest gently.
Same me, in the middle of your lips, a call of deduction.

When you smash me with your feet, extract my juice, and store me,
I still ferment to your taste.

I'm a therapist when you've been in moody situations.
Happy mood! You bought me to celebrate.
Bad mood, here I come. Perfect for that beat of tears.

You need me to get over a divorce,
To celebrate your good news.
Is somebody dead? You'll need more than a bottle.

I can be your comfort when you need me,
And also be trouble.

This thing called love,
Innocent and guilty,
Free and debt,
Strong and weak,
Happiness and tears.

A mystery to me,
Devouring my true nature,
And turning me into a simple being.

Is it what we feel,
Or what we design our hearts to desire?
Right now, I feel betrayed and left out,
Wondering why it hurts so badly.

Why is my heart both heavy and light?
When I try to do the right thing,
Nothing seems to work, day and night.

Why do people mock and deceive?
Why can't they see the beauty in my heart?
This feeling, my body can't take anymore.
This feeling inside is bigger than mere words,
A burning, wide flame,
Yet cold and lukewarm, hard to tame.

I'm lost, unable to control,
Afraid of becoming colder still.
Your words, I don't see,
Your voice, too shallow to understand.

This thing called love, not for the weak-hearted.
I'll stay calm and mute, if possible,
Though feeling numb,
Trying to make sense of it all, somehow.

I'm not waiting for your love.
When the boat of the lost comes,
I'll sail along.
It's funny how the world changes so fast in the blink of an eye.

Yesterday, you were She.

I was crazy in my delusions thinking about you.

I think you can be mine, and I can be yours.

And today you are He.

But that will never stop the way I feel about you.

I think I find comfort in knowing you find yourself.

I think finding yourself has brought me comfort.

My heart never changed.

My feelings never unwavering.

Your's faithfully

Your secret admirer

Roll me a joint, and I'll bring you happiness.
Light me, and I shall be the greatest smell of the day.
Then pop me off, and I'll pull into your new realities.
The sky is never the limit.
You're now swimming in your own diluted solution.


I stand in the middle of a fence, yet to drop down.
A hombre of grace on my left, a duchess of heavenly smile on my right
I embody everything that brings peace
That brings intoxicating of grape sweet wine.
This is not a war; there's no winner or loser.
This is me, and this is how I feel about myself.

My sexuality should not be measured; it is not a commodity.
I'll love whoever my heart desires.
I shall pick from these two worlds.
I stand
No stereotypes, no choices—my love won't be debated.

My love won't be denied by you.
I'm who I say I am; I'm unapologetic, I'm proud, and I'm flawless.
Let's smash the calabash of lies and do away with stereotyping.
The B is not a joke; it's its own identity.

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