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I carry with me a Well
Not of bricks and mortar
But a deep emotional dwelling
That fills to the brim
And overflows
Sometimes with joy
Sometimes with laughter
And sometimes with pride
And out of nowhere, tears.
Such deep sorrow that I cannot contemplate
climbing out.
I look at you and see your smile...
Its almost as if you know that one day
I will need to remember it.
Each step taken is one mountain climbed
Be still the clouds so I may breathe.
The Sun beats down but burns me not
For life, so far, I have achieved.
‘Tis not for graduation, position or more
That I look, seek, work or learn
But only for me, the blowing leaf
Not waiting to take a turn.
Inside the fear is great
But greater still the fierceness grows
For a-top the mountain I shall stand
In glorious rays of my own.

Samantha August 2019
You love me
You hold me
You admire me
You respect me
You adore me

You hate me
You push me
You scold me
You belittle me
You neglect me

You are me and I am You.
Self-hate is easier than self-love
only because it's familiar.

Thank You for opening my eyes
My heart, my mind, my soul
Thank You for taking me out
To walk, to run, to hide

Thank You for waking me up
For turning on the light
Thank You for stirring passion
For putting coffee in my cup

Thank You for brushing my hair
For plaiting it, and making it shine
Thank You for the nice smelling creams
And the clothes you told me to wear

Thank You for telling me stories
And singing to me late at night
Thank You for calming my thoughts
From the night into the morning

Thank You for loving me sweetly
For letting me be who I am
For not running away when I get too much
Thank You, from my heart, completely.
I sit and wait for the idea to come
To feel the thought take shape.
And, though I know it will become
so much more I cannot wait.

The anticipation grows from deep within
A smile begins to form
and there, with hurried ink and pen
Magic appears and my story is born.
I'd say 'Hello', but you won't hear me
I'd hold your hand, but you're not near
I'd put my arms around you, but they would hold nothing.

You're not here.

You said you were going 'Home'
You asked for time to rest.
Then you flew away, sweet Janie

Its been 15 years. Where are you?
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