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Madonna Suchak Jun 2015
Oh! I wish I could be like her,
Oh! I wish I could be like her,
With brown feathers
A creature with metres.
She soars in azure like an eagle,
Her chanting is so dart,
Which over flows my heart
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
She nibbles the rice driftLy like an ant,
She swallows the water & dance in it
Like a peacock in rain.
Oh! I wish I could be like her
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
Her voice is so thrilling like a peacock in farm,
Her life is so stunning like a butterfly,
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
Days and days after Mays,
She starts to make nest
With a press of grass
And fear of crow cast.
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
I wish I could swoop like her,
I wish I could chant like her,
Oh! I wish I could be like her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madonna Suchak Jun 2015
A CUTE LITTLE SPARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! I wish I could be like her,
Oh! I wish I could be like her,
With brown feathers
A creature with metres.
She soars in azure like an eagle,
Her chanting is so dart,
Which over flows my heart
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
She nibbles the rice driftLy like an ant,
She swallows the water & dance in it
Like a peacock in rain.
Oh! I wish I could be like her
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
Her voice is so thrilling like a peacock in farm,
Her life is so stunning like a butterfly,
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
Days and days after Mays,
She starts to make nest
With a press of grass
And fear of crow cast.
Oh! I wish I could be like her.
I wish I could swoop like her,
I wish I could chant like her,
Oh! I wish I could be like her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madonna Suchak Aug 2016
sometimes in life it happens we always try to find answers
of our questions among others but the truth is it is among ourselves...
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Books r the ultimate gifts of god and the greatest one, we often Deny the fact but it is truth!
Love u each and every book!
Books # luv#
Madonna Suchak Oct 2016
I had always heard that festivals are symbols of joy,symbols of happiness.
but I think more than that it is feeling o f peace,prosperity,love,kindness it is the only time when everyone in our society have get together,follow rituals and the most interesting part is the broken relationships,friendships & every other relations get adhere together.
friends i always thought that festivals means only having holidays and enjoying it but today i came to know that every festival has its own story like Christmas for birth of lord Christ,
Diwali for returning of lord Rama and goddess Sita.

on the occassion of DEEPAVALI I wish everyone HAPPY DEEPAVALI and may this diwali bring prosperity,Elation,peace in your life!!!!
Madonna Suchak Feb 2016
it is so difficult to forget those people and memories who gave so much to remember!!
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Why group of friends r called friends circle?
Because square has four sides,
Rectangle has four,
Hexagon has six,
But circle has no such boundaries!
Isn' t it true?? ???
Make frndz live with them enjoy!!
Njoy#chant#live happily#
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
whenever someone hurts u never feel bad just gather ur strength and pray for day he' 'll pray for u
Just pray for them.
Madonna Suchak Apr 2016
Sometimes v give a lot of importance to someone they at that time really appreciate us bcz they need us but when their needs r fulfilled theyforget what v gave to them a free advice to all my well wishers & frndz pls don't give importance to anyone u will definitely feel hurted later on!! Dont do same mistake which I did!
#hurt#heartbreaking #
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Whenever v see darkness in cave although it's too dark and v will definitely feel alone and scared,
But after every dusk it's a dawn,
A bright sunshine or just a candle at least!!
#U can do it# where there is a will there is a way#
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Sometimes a person who always tries to make everyone glad is only the loneliest person in the world....

Pls never leave them alone bcoz they would never say u that they need u
Madonna !
Support # glad them #
Madonna Suchak Oct 2016
love is like flow of wind it happens very fast,
love is sometimes like destroyed rose which gives pain,
love is a sweet poison,
love sometimes improves you and gives you encouragement while sometimes destroys you in such a way that you cannot recover,
love is mixtures of chemicals
sometimes sweet
sometimes bitter
sometime sour..
love has all kind of aroma..
Madonna Suchak Jan 2016
When I miss I don't  have to go far,
I just have to see inside my conscience
It is there where I can find you!!
#missing u#
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Soft nature of a person doesn't mean he is weak,
Remember nothing is softer than water,
But it's force can break strongest rocks! !

Nature # lover#
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Parents r ones who shapes our life,
They r the one bakes our life,
Who accepts us as if they r almighty,
I have never seen god but I have always seen a messenger of god.

So b thankful to them 'coz u r here 'coz of them!!
Madonna Suchak Nov 2015
Patience with others is love,
Patience with self is hope,
Patience with God is Faith!!
- Lekh@$UCH@K
#patience #
Madonna Suchak Dec 2015
The longer u wait for something,
when it comes u appreciate it a lot
isn't it so?
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Be a good person don't waste ur time to prove it! !
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
A person who lives and wishes for his own is a selfish person but the one who lives for others is an actual person loved by God!!
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Sometimes pray works more than practical thinking I really feel God is there with me & he is my best friend
Madonna Suchak Oct 2016
A girl is regarded as a sign of PROSPERITY for every family.
why always when a child mistakens his mother is always cursed,
why a girl is given a name of father firstly and then her husband,
a girl always plays her roles like daughter,wife,daughter in law,a mother,
when she do something in accordance with society she is never praised
if she do in oppose is she is only on who is cursed,
when a girl is ***** everyone points our her mistake that she was careless
but no one points out mistake of the person who made her suffer.
Madonna Suchak Aug 2016
You are not scared of dark,
You r scared of what's in it.

You r not not afraid of heights,
You r afraid of falling.

You r not afraid of people around you,
You r just afraid of rejection.

You r not afraid to love,
You r just afraid of not being loved back.

You r not afraid to let go,
You r afraid to accept reality.

You r not afraid of try again,
You r just afraid of getting hurted for same reason!!!
Madonna Suchak Aug 2015
Sometimes someone comes in our life as an angel,
They use to support us in each and every part like almighty,
But they r like a passing clouds to us
Sometimes they r with us and sometimes not
I m sorry but I can't understand those who are someone......
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
sometimes there are ones who hurt u, but u should not hurt yourself just gather up ur strength and pray for them!
Sad# gloomy#
Madonna Suchak Aug 2016
sometimes we feel that there is no way to come out of it
but the truth is lord always shows a way to come out!!!
Madonna Suchak Oct 2015
I thank  u god for everything  u gave ,
Thank u god for forgiving  my every mistake,
Thank u god for giving  me a chance to say
at last  I express  my gratitude  towards  u for this!!
#thanks #
Madonna Suchak Nov 2015
Waiting is a sign of true love and patience anyone can say u that I love u but not everyone can wait to prove it!
Madonna Suchak Oct 2017
Everyone say love the heart that hurts u but never hurt the heart that loves u but I think we should not make us hurt again n again
We really don't deserve to get hurted again n again one need to get blossom in their life & cherish Almighty has given equal right to live, luv...
Happily in their life!!!
Madonna Suchak Jan 2016
I m heart , u r my beats,
I m Lungs u r my breathe,
I'm lyrics u r my music,
U r my moon I m ur lit,
I m face u r my smile..........
Me and u will remain together forever
Madonna Suchak Aug 2016
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
We r imperfect people loved by perfect God! !!
So b thankful to him don't complain him for anything!
#thx god#
Madonna Suchak Feb 2016
Sometimes it often happens when v give so much importance to someone in life v loose our importance in their life!!!!!
value everyone #
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Sometimes we feel v r all alone,
There is no one with us,
But never feel it bco'z u r never alone
Someone will be always be there for u that is

only almighty!!!
By lekhasuchak!!
Madonna Suchak Oct 2015
Sometimes we think that someone  sounds so egoistic ,
but r actually not but the situations make them such...
#Be positive #
Madonna Suchak Jan 2016
Sometimes it often happens that
v think of someone each day,
each night, every time,
even v care about them a lot
even if they r nothing for us
this is so b'coz v have true love & respect
for that person
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
We r imperfect people loved by perfect God! !!
So b thankful to him don't complain him for anything!
#thx god#
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
don't think yourself everything,
Don't think yourself nothing,
Just think yourself something...
Just an atom not a compound or molecule......

— The End —