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Dec 2017 · 158
Jin and dr.Seus
David Dec 2017
The best feeling is speaking publicly
Expressing what a expresso can do after just to coffees

Holy Jesus
****** devil

I see why words are hard to process
Like Egyptians speaking Latin
Hickory or trickery in still bickering
Why people can't realize

I'm the Grinch in a pinch punch drunk love off of the cat in the hat because Horton hears a virus .

One fish, Two fish, Three Fish
Dec 2017 · 192
Season 1
David Dec 2017
Smoking cancer like a horoscope strand, my life explained in a single ciggarete, as I breath in Oxygen I feel more high then the setntement, haiku,raichu, don't catch these habits , cause even the ash has me misty. Life is a badge don't be gary.
Great Ball

— The End —