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7.3k · Jul 2016
Eat the poor
Lyn Senz 2 Jul 2016
She looks away
once a well
now a shell
a can, a hand

and the lawyer tells her
she's okay
but she barely hears him
there's nothing left
to say

her bluster
where did it go?
and leave her there
so all alone
letting them crush her

'we knowed some thugs
they sold some drugs'

now she's never going home

©2011 Lyn
6.3k · Jan 2017
Lyn Senz 2 Jan 2017
I host my ghost
inside this life
all thought is fraught
with endless strife
my fate withstands
all tempted ways
all reasoned plans
all judgment days
there's nothing left
but shame and fear
to blame the ghost
I host in here

©2016 Lyn
6.3k · Jul 2017
Some octogenarian fool
Lyn Senz 2 Jul 2017
Wherever you go
whatever you do
you'll never escape
some octogenarian fool
they're smirking
they're lurking
in the shallow end pool
no you'll never escape
some octogenarian fool
they're gummy
** hummy
taking naps around two
no you'll never escape
some octogenarian fool
they're gabby
they're crabby
they're calling **** stool
no you'll never escape
some octogenarian fool!

©2012 Lyn
5.4k · Apr 2018
Just a fragment
Lyn Senz 2 Apr 2018
by Danny Smith

The old man rises from his chair
gently cursing the ache that crept into his bones
when he wasn't looking

His slippered feet scuff the carpet
making a journey they know without him
to the window

He watches down on the cars
as they flash through the rain on an urgent journey

Leaning forward to rest his forehead
on the cool damp pane that shields him from it all
his prison wall

The cars seem to softly merge
as fragments like a broken mirror
tease and torment

A lifetime of dreams and tomorrows
that somehow became painful yesterdays
much too fast

Squeezing his eyes tightly closed
he remembers her face and the soft scar on her cheek
a perfect imperfection

The laughter and cries of children
running to him with chocolate smeared mouths
grown now, gone now

All of them to different worlds
ones where he was afraid to travel to
out there

Plenty of time to make it through
but the nights seem to skip the sunshine days

he shuffles back to the chair
lowering himself with limbs that can't be his
removes his slippers

Reaches for the polished shoes
years old but hardly worn and still uncreased
laces them

Moves slowly through the house
turning of lights, collecting a wallet
a pack of cigarettes, a photograph
pocketing them

The old man stands at the open door
just a fragment of someone elses memory, as he walks
into the rain

©Danny Smith
one of my favorites. it may be the only
copy on the internet. I couldn't find it.
it used to be on the 'Poemish' website
which is gone now. He had maybe only
12 poems in all that he submitted, and
they were all good, but sadly this is the
only one I decided to save. He lives/lived
in England as I remember.
5.1k · Apr 2018
Lyn Senz 2 Apr 2018
an enemy
that is me
in all I see
my enemy

they'll still say hi
someone I knew
I'll wave and sigh
and wonder who
they see

not me

just a lie
just some guy
I used to be

now my enemy
is all I see

an enemy
that is me
that is you

©2018 Lyn
3.9k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
a menace
clouds my mind
all the wrongs
and berating
and bossing
so much time goes
listening to his woes
but I have to
you see
because the menace
is me

©2012 Lyn
3.3k · May 2016
she's safe
Lyn Senz 2 May 2016
so long
it's all I
her life's
my song
and I so
and I'll go
to my grave
just as long
as I know

©2012 Lyn
2.7k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
I'll have won't borrow
have fun no sorrow
and there's sun tomarrow
so I'm told
but right now it's cold

my road is an alley
no peaceful valley
no time to dally
it's cold

but I hold on I read
to plant some seed I need
just go slow don't speed
and you'll get there be freed
so I'm told
but it's so cold

well I'll hold on
I'll stay
cuz I was told


©2001 Lyn
2.6k · Jan 2014
Lyn Senz 2 Jan 2014
Silence is almost a name
quiet is a game
I'm tame
still the same
but no shame
it's just me
the same

I long to be
someone free
ones like I see
like them like me

and inspiration
or so we say
but she won't come
see me today
and if she did
she wouldn't stay
she never does

so silence is almost a name
and quiet's my game
and it's still the same

©2001 Lyn
2.5k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
walking with Henry I say
Lord this is the way
don't take him from me
let him stay

and riding my bike feels so free
don't take that from me
let it stay

cause I don't want to go now
let me stay let me show how
I can be

Lord I love this life
so I plead more time
just let us stay
and we'll be fine

©2003 Lyn
Henry my dog left me
March 17th, 2016
rest in peace my dear friend
2.4k · Aug 2017
life's fence
Lyn Senz 2 Aug 2017
get so intense
whenever I
go near life's fence
and all the wrong
they've done and said
stays strong they've won
inside my head
dear water helps
to ease the pain
from thoughts that taunt
and tease my brain
still calmness felt
from delta's blast
will not erase
my troubled past
so I return
to serta's grip
to dull my mind
with every sip
to let the poison
set time free
to quiet noise
inside of me
my well of blame
my pail of whys
my hell my shame
I authorize
my preacher whether
night or day
I reach for where
the lighter lay
and burn up
one more cigarette
and yearn for one
I can't forget
oh memories
get so intense
whenever I
go near life's fence

©2017 Lyn
2.3k · Nov 2013
to blame
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
of ones
caught up
in our
where death
never ends
all lives
filled with
there's billions
in ruins
every day
it's the
but those are
my friends
and I
feel such
we are

©2012 Lyn
2.0k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
When I feel up
you tear me down
when I need love
I get a frown
when I need words
there's not a sound
when I need you
you're not around

when I need peace
you cause a war
when I am rich
you make me poor
so many things
I need you for
but you only
give me


©2011 Lyn
1.9k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
poeter poetess
poetee I must profess
there's more and more
with less and less
implore explore
impress express
ignore deplore
digress obsess
undress unless

poeti poeted
the only thought
inside your head
your life is fraught
with constant dread
the dreams you sought
all dead all dead
***** unread

poeto poetum
no fee no fi
Jack run run run
oh me oh my
another one
won't satisfy
don't be no fun!
poem poem

©2012 Lyn
1.8k · Nov 2013
After all
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
I'm under the weather
and over the hill
my skin feels like leather
did I take my pill?

and I always say better
when they ask how I feel
but I know it's forget her
cause they're not in the will

and my bones make more noises
than the creaks in this chair
and I kind of hear voices
when there's nobody there

and I know the day's nearing
when I won't be around
and I'm tired of fearing
being stuck in the ground

there's a picture of family
there still up on the wall
I'll be joining them finally
guess I won after all

©2013 Lyn
Hi. This one came about on
a dare from someone on a
social site called sodahead
to write a poem off the top
of your head. I think it was
done in about 20 minutes or
so. not very good I guess but
worth keeping I thought
1.8k · Sep 2017
Lyn Senz 2 Sep 2017
believe in ants
believe in trees
believe in plants
that please the bees
believe in chants
that ease disease
believe in rants
that seize the seas
believe in stance
that breed decrees
believe in pants
pulled past your knees
some aberrants
all kinds deceive
believe beliefs
in grief relieve
beliefs I see askance
ennui ennui

©2017 Lyn
1.6k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
All those scared nervous nights
with the door not quite closed
all those shameful drunk fights
fall asleep in your clothes

playing war like a soldier
camp at aunt Billie Jean's
don't go back til they're sober
that was life so it seems

and you'd cuss out existence
hid away sad and blue
then return with resistance
no one even missed you

watch the lonely campfire
at thirteen wide awake
sleeping bag your eyes tire
under stars that don't hate

©2012 Lyn
1.6k · Aug 2017
dirty walls
Lyn Senz 2 Aug 2017
Brian lines the walls with dirt
from every bump from every shirt
from every trip to fetch a beer
day after day year after year

Brian wipes his glasses clean
his beady eyes behind are mean
he'll never see the filth he's caused
content inside his ***** walls

©2013 Lyn
something I wrote and kept
about someone I knew
in the early nineties
1.3k · Aug 2017
Lyn Senz 2 Aug 2017
Death is dreadful
hides in shadows
seethes and battles
grim the night

Beth is bedful
rides in saddles
breathes and prattles
trim and tight

©2013 Lyn
1.3k · Nov 2013
a way
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
glass factory
so much to do
pick up glass
I bust my ***
and there's always more
and I'm always poor

thru the glass
I can see
how you don't
see me
so strange
cuz I rearrange
all day
trying to find
a way
to see you

©2000 Lyn
1.3k · Nov 2013
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
It sweeps you away
you say no no no
don't take me today
but love takes its toll

and she looks in your eyes
and she says it's alright
but you'll know all her lies
by the dawn's lonely light

her love's so expensive
tho you don't get to buy
your thoughts always pensive
no you never deny

saw her tracks turn to black
see her trail in the snow
say she's not coming back
left you begging to know

why love's so expensive
put your cigarette out
stop being so pensive
and living in doubt

©2003 Lyn
1.2k · Aug 2017
my front porch
Lyn Senz 2 Aug 2017
lesbians laugh like clockwork
each cackle measured
for effectiveness
and travels well
on Sunday's eve

then buckeyes pop in the road
like tiny bombs
good for slingshots
but my petty neighbors
would never allow
such insolence
so I don't bother
somehow the tree
gets away with it

then a car rolls by
with thunderous beats
why they choose
this little alleyway
is always a question

but in between
the occasional car
the occasional pop
and the occasional laugh
I occasionally enjoy

©2012 Lyn
931 · Nov 2013
so old
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
you punch too much
with hate and lies
my battered soul
I can't disguise

cut off my breath
til I turn blue
I wait for death
to escape you

I look in space
just a shell a can
a dam a hand

and the mirror
tells me I'm okay
but I barely notice
there's nothing
left to say

dear mystery
where did you go
and leave me here
so all alone
letting them punch me

oh I know
just let love show
but their punches grow

so old

©2003 Lyn
826 · Apr 2020
Lyn Senz 2 Apr 2020
along alone
aware atone
beware bemoan
dont care go home
the moon at night
I stare at some
and sing a song
along alone

©2020 Lyn
745 · Nov 2013
were two
Lyn Senz 2 Nov 2013
I long to be
among the few
who live life free
no clouded view
a giant tree
just me and you
below to see
love true

I've barely known
but always thought
I'd see love shown
but I got caught
the time alone
that I have sought
I only think of you

as hours days
and years go by
the love it stays
I wonder why
my mind replays
how you and I
were two

©2011 Lyn

— The End —