Did you know Daddy? That it would be your last day, And when you didn’t wake everything in the past, Suddenly became the last. At least in this existence you are gone. But would it be different, if you knew?
**** You said it so much I thought it was my name. Too much skin attracts the wrong kind of men. You warned me not to dress this way. And if I did, I become their prey. What a game you love to play.
The smile he possesss Softens the pain & diminishes the worry. Without even knowing the full story. I swear we’re connected, like Mary and George Bailey. You’ve saved me.
I’m demoralized. From all the abysmal men, just wanting to scourge
de·mor·al·ized: having lost confidence or hope. a·bys·mal: extremely bad; appalling. scourge /skərj/: a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering