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lucy-goosey Jun 2021
i. i could write about so many things,
about how i love him like he's a fungus
like something that is creeping and slow and is definitely not planning to just let go anytime soon, how i love him like he's a part of me that i love or rather that i love to hate.

ii. i could write about how i love her and she loves me too but not in the right way.

iii. i could write about how she feels like moonbeams and the wink of a star, like something that you're so lucky to have and you know it.

iiii. i could write about how i only really miss her when we're together, because then i'm afraid, afraid that i won't be how i seem online, afraid that i cannot possibly love her enough to justify this horrible betrayal of friendship which is letting her believe i love her like a friend

iiiii. i could write about how he doesn't love me, how we're not even friends, how he feels like love is a cage, a trap, a sugary addiction (and it was with him)

iiiiii. i could write about how it felt to kiss him even though we didn't kiss, how it felt like you were nothing and he was everything and how he didn't even love himself so i had to do that for him

but i'm just so tired. i'd rather let words dance on my tongue and then tell myself to remember them and then forget, forget the words, forget the emotions, because even if they were beautiful they're tearing me apart, because to write good poetry you have to be able to rip off pieces of yourself and observe them and write them down, even while you're still bleeding.

iiiiiii. i could write this. i could hit the save button and just let it go, go back to wasting the potential that feels so much like something else, like kissing him, like when i'm working on myself, (my work, that is, essays and diagrams and all those pretty little traps) i am really working for someone else, because if i were really doing what i wanted, it wouldn't all feel like a trap, like i'm stuck in a mental net, would it?

iiiiiiii. i could write about things that never happened to me, but they might as well have because the real way to know if things have happened to you is if they changed you, and i am changed like these people in my mind i so love to write about are.

iiiiiiiii.  i could write about how my realest poems are things like this or scenes from my imagination, from people that never lived and never will but suffer like me every day of their nonexistent lives.

now i think i've written enough to know that there won't ever be a good ending to the poem, but i've started it so i have to finish it, and this sentence is just that,
an ending.

//not real people (except for him)
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
i am in a box full of sewing needles,
the sharp tips pricking my knees as i crouch
positioning myself to be able to see you through the narrow viewpoint.
a single needle in a well-placed position
can drive itself through my eye socket,
into my brain,
and potentially **** me.
and yet i watch you because like the innocent child i am you gave me *******, telling me it was sugar,
you gave me an addiction and said it was your heart.
i know better now but standing outside your window on a snowy summer's day,
catching glimpses of you and storing them in my happy place
(which has by now become a not-so-happy place, just a place where i can maybe catch a little relief from the blistering cold before i burn)
i do not know better,
i only know you.  
you are made of all the sickly sweet things in the world,
an overpowering taste that lingers on my tongue, and i crave more of you.
like faerie fruit,
for once a paper is lit it will burn and burn and burn until something blows it out or else it dies.
and when you come down to it, that is what i am doing,
i am dying internally, necrosis of the brain, rot of the soul
and it all tastes like cough syrup,
like dead baby birds that fell out of their nests on rainy days,
and like you.
i wish i could say you were my sunshine (my only sunshine) just like the nursery rhyme they sang to get us to just shut up and go to sleep when we were four, but instead you're something like a tan, like something that looks beautiful while you last and then ends up and gives me skin cancer,
you will be the death of me as sure as the moon orbits the earth, as sure as everything i have ever known, and when i go down, instead of your sickly sweet flavor dancing on my taste buds,
there'll be charred paper and rotten apples.
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
if only I could speak my feelings

lots to say, yet the crucial absence of a mouth prevents me
overtones of "temporary" when we talk
very well, I'm fine to go out with a bang
everyone has something to say yet no one wants to raise their hand

you're a miracle, but oh so temporary
underground love with no tunnels up
"oh" a sigh running rampant with lost emotions
to j.b.
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
what is love
but an evolutionary tool
to boost population
what is love but
a chemical cocktail
stewing in your brain.
no, really
what is love?
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
writing poetry
while in a competitive french quiz
i haven't been listening this whole lesson
i really wish i wasn't third place.
that means i have potential
and it would be a shame,
wouldn't it,
to waste something so many people talk about
even if it doesn't quite seem real
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
try to try finding yourself
in the middle of a pandemic.
i know!
i'm a germ.
lucy-goosey Jun 2021
i don't miss you
but i sure miss the feeling
of having someone i loved
more than myself.

let's dance, darling
dance until our muscles wear themselves out
and we drop dead
on your daddy's nice carpet
going out not with a bang
but with one step too many.

if you came crawling back to me
i'd take you no doubt.
even if you still didn't love me.
because that's ok
as long as i have someone to love
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