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Lucy F Jun 2019
light in the heart
you might say what does that even mean
it means the feeling you get
when you do what you love
knowing everyone you love is healthy and happy

healthy and happy you might ask what is that
happy is an emotion
an emotion so strong it fills your body sends vibrations
it lights you up and opens opportunities to do good

do good, what is that
to do something "good" is to do anything
that helps anything or anyone
good: trying with everything
bad: giving up
Lucy F Jun 2019
why live in the present when you can live in the future
or even past
You woke up to the feeling of ambition but no drive
and sound of nerves and chills

why live in the future or past when you can live in the present
I woke up to the feeling of rays and bliss
to the sound of silence with wings
barely making a sound traveling miles on end

you tell me don't leave the *** of gold for a chip
but in the end the chip
is worth more than the sun
the truth comes from the small coins
not the *** of gold or diamonds
Lucy F Jun 2019
A kid, homeless, ***** by strangers
abused by passing men
eyes giving ***** looks
the kid crying night by night
under the bridge where the cars cross
inside the cars hold the humans
the humans that drive day and night
never stopping
Lucy F Jun 2019
hands clinking rocks into spears
hands shooting arrows toward mammals
hands carving meat off the bones
and hands stroking through hair

mouths spilling words into ears
mouths talking to enemies
mouths singing to ancestors
and mouths cannot hurt others

hands. pulling the trigger
hands. pushing onto another
hands. puncturing
and hands. trading

mouths- killing
hands- killing
hearts- killing
ears- killings
words out the mouths into the ears out of the hands

outcome: good or bad
happy or sad
living or death
love or hate
Lucy F Apr 2019
The baby blue house is weird
afloat the dry brown sand
the brittle pink door is always left ajar
the sounds of clasping tea cups
emerging from the basement cracks
inside you will be left to find
red cats purring to the sound
of your beating heart
Lucy F Apr 2019
you can't do that
why do you want too
cover me up
present me to your white, sensitive, equantives
like a shiny gold token
shining through your broken dull heart
Lucy F Apr 2019
When emotions come
spit them out
let them become the raging ***** of fire
they want to be
When emotions come
and you shove them down
you will regret it
they will come out
later in your longevity
they will come out
through liquid
liquid and flames
out the crevasse of your head
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