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Lucy F Apr 2019
When emotions come
spit them out
let them become the raging ***** of fire
they want to be
When emotions come
and you shove them down
you will regret it
they will come out
later in your longevity
they will come out
through liquid
liquid and flames
out the crevasse of your head
Lucy F Apr 2019
She she walked into the enclosed cement building
she covers her face
puts her hands in her pockets
Looks down

When she takes her hands out
they are drenched in water
and are burning with red
her face starts to turn red

when she leaves the building
her hands turn tan
they dry up
she is free again
Lucy F Apr 2019
we are taught as kids this is right and this is wrong
don't hangout with the weirdos
they eat green fish and drink kombucha
don't hangout with them they sit in circles
they wear every color of the rainbow (even brown)
they don't raise their hands
they always seem like they are talking to spirits
But they
they are happy
Lucy F Apr 2019
lush growing trees
Bright blue water flushing down the rivers
dainty flowers dancing
cheetah racing
birds spreading their wings as far as they can spread
Dead pelicans covered in brown chunky liquid
two headed lions biting each others heads off
monkeys barely surviving in the deserts
the smell of burning fur, scales, epidermis

the cause: **** saphians the ancestors of
what now only remains
the skeletons and decaying atoms
the creators and the destroyers
in the blink of an eye what was
once a glimpse of eternal sunshine
is now a gray worthless cloud

better luck next time
when the radioactivity shuts down
maybe on another planet
called "trying"
Lucy F Apr 2019
"**** in"
click click
touch press post
ahh there we go
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Body goalzz!
ugh yeah right
dinner time
one apple
one piece of sugar
mmm that was good
"want more"
Lucy F Apr 2019
The craving
The hunger
The waiting
december 1
January 7
Lucy F Apr 2019
Smelly perfume sinking into my skin
heavy powder breathing on my face
black liquid dripping off my eyes
shiny red punching me

Alex I want to be a lawyer
                                  a doctor
                                   a teacher
                                  a president
more importantly I want to
eat lush greens
lay next to death on the sandy orange beaches
watching the pink elephants bounce,
bounce up and down until they break their legs
and start jumping on their hands

I want to see my grandma smile
I want to see a terrorist hugging a white southern man
                                 The ocean will turn green
and the land will turn blue.             in 3002
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