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Lucy F Jul 4
Like a river flows
getting stuck behind the stubborn rocks
I try to find the words to throw down
through my words come.
It stays silent while my mind writes
that could be
framed and hanged in palaces all over
the world.
Lucy F Jul 4
The silence.
Holds nothing, but everything
The silence.
Holds the universe
in her hands
Holds me in her silver hands
Wraps me in her blankets of

While I lay under
Birdsong and
The angels of
Lucy F Jul 4
I met a sleeping Giant today
           I climbed up onto her and gently walked around
I laid myself down
            on her one soft green hair
as my ear touched the earth, her soft whispers
Dulled the noise
silenced the business around
as she pulled me deeper and deeper down into
like gently falling.
                       away from this earth....
Lucy F Jul 2023
Such raw beauty
        Are the trees that blow in the wind
it’s roots unseen, holding it down
As I perch beneath, an atom in comparison yet the same intelligence running within us
Connecting us to eachother
Unseen by our eyes
Yet felt in the stillness of time
Lucy F Nov 2022
There he walked
Alone and glum
Down the forest
Of fame and glory

She saw him laying
On the worthless sea
Gulping remains
To stay sane

She empathized for she
Had been there too,
Cutting rags for affection

Only she had walked faster,
Faster up the forest
   Of fame and glory
Lucy F Nov 2022
still yet in constant motion
seagrass dancing in the wind
motion of water going out with the tide
the birds singing
But yet
the calm is overwhelming
the strong resilience of the trees
the soft yet courageous ground
beauty of unity all intertwined
as time trickles on
seasons change
clouds come in, the rain, the snow, wind, the blossoms
but yet all remains the same
all remains one
as all is God
and God is one.
Lucy F Jun 2022
It’s been awhile
While since I’ve opened that part of my creativity
A lot has happened since
Since my past life time
Another reincarnation you say
Well that’s what it feels like
A new me
But the same me
Living co-inside
All let go and flow we go.
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