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143 · Jun 2018
LowkeyPoet Jun 2018
Pushing everyone in his way.
He isn’t like this every day.
He's just filled with so much rage.
Like a lion who just broke out of a cage.

You won't like him when he's angry.
Just stay out of his lane.
He will beat you to death,
this isn't a game.

He's punching holes in the walls.
He needs his revenge.
Let me tell you a story about a guy named Ben.
He was popular in school,
and had tons of friends.
But one day he was betrayed,
and had to get revenge.
It was nothing small,
it this was a huge deal.
He was invited to hang out,
but he was the third wheel.
But little did he know,
this was just a big set up.
His house was burnt down,
but no evidence was found.
His family was all killed,
and he just wanted to drown.
He went by the lake, and stared deep into the water.
He realized it wasn't an accident,
and his family's been slaughtered.
After this day, he seeked nothing but revenge.
He found out who did this,
and it was his so called "friend."
He grabbed a large knife,
and started storming down the street.
He pushed everyone aside, he was hunting for some meat.
He found his "friend" and tied him to a seat.
He tortured him, beat him up,
he's just looking for a treat.
With a wrapper labeled revenge,
it tasted pretty sweet.

You won't like him when he's angry.
Just stay out of his lane.
He just beat his friend to death,
this isn't a game.
67 · Jun 2018
A Dim Life
LowkeyPoet Jun 2018
Back up from the dead,
like a zombie from the ground.
   Six in the morning,
the birds are chirping really loud.
   But I can't hear them
because they are too happy.
   The lights are on,
but I still can't see color.
   I'm like a crab in the morning,
talk to me, and I'll be snappy.
   Turn the music on in the shower,
and I'll start to feel the light.
   There's a loud knocking on the door,
it always gives me a fright.
   But when I lower the volume,
I start to lose sight.
   It's like going through stormy clouds
while searching for something bright.
   I'm blinded by the darkness,
but find my way to what feels like freedom.
   Loud speakers and wheels
that can take me where I want.
   It's like losing the moonlight,
and seeing the real sun.
   Then I realize
that I'm not really free yet.
   I arrive at a building
that students call Hell.
   But this "Hell" is kind of odd,
as it shines a blinking light.
   It's like being in jail,
but at times, it could be swell,
either way, you always want to be bailed.
   I make it out just fine,
as I can see the sun shine.
   Once again,
I enter what I call freedom.
   I like to speed
because this rush is something that I need.
   But when I make it back,
I get stabbed by the darkness, and now I bleed.
   I lose more blood everyday,
one day I will run out.
   This is the point where I get flashbacks
of when I was a fool.
   I had friends who I call fake,
they just used me like a tool.
   I went to parties and got faded,
it was fun and really cool.
   But then I realized that
this was to escape reality,
and enter a fictional pool.
   Soaked in what I wish could
last forever... I was such a fool.
   But now I'm just a sheep
who lost all of his wool.
   I have nothing to protect me
from the cold world.
   The light fades
and I do too.
   The darkness always wins the battle,
and the light will always lose.
   Things can always change,
like a person seen in a photograph.
   But for now the record's broken,
and I can't take it from the phonograph.
   I could get a new flashlight,
and shine a new bright.
   But for now, the battery's low,
and I'm living a dim life.

— The End —