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BardOfTheNorth Oct 2016

Thats my heart pounding in my chest,
these butterflies flapping not giving me any rest.
Seeing your perfection all across my day,
hoping in time you'll come my way.

I see you all the time,
in everything that is mine.
I feel so scared,
I dont want to mess up.
Seems im so nervous,
I cant help but fess up.
Saying things I shouldnt,
making weird jokes.
I just want you to feel
how you make me float.
Im happy whenever we're talking,
but not, I miss you all the time.
I cant seem to ever get you off of my mind

What have you done to me?
A new type of wizardy?


My heart is racing, faster and faster!
My cheeks are red,
my mind wont let me go to bed!
Just to see a simple hi,
is enough to make me fly.

Ive never felt so enthralled.
Im working myself raw.
Worrying, waiting,
I dont want to be too much.
But oh how I long to just feel your touch.

You're what I want,
You are what I need.
Let us break free,
together we can make history.

I want to hear your heart,
I want to hear that sound.
Of how it feels when you're around.
My heart is pounding out of my chest,
oh I do really need to rest...

But wait a midnight question,
I really must just mention.....
I want to be surrounded,
I want to be engulfed.
In a blanket of warmth and all of your love.

My heart still pounding,
with each breath I take.
Every thought that leads to you,
this can't be fake.
But what if it is,
will I ever know?
I dont think I will ever be able to let this sweet serenity go.
  Oct 2016 BardOfTheNorth
David Lessard
If I give my love to you,
would you handle it with care?
would you give it due respect,
can I count it, being there?
If I give you my tomorrows,
would I see them everyday?
would you honor all my dreams,
in those times when, you're away?
And will we have those moments,
when your hand's enclosed in mine?
when our hearts and souls embrace,
not just now, but all the time?
Can you treat love with the truth,
and not deny it with a lie?
can you give me honesty,
to succeed, not merely try?
Then I'll give my love to you,
knowing happiness will reign;
knowing that the days ahead,
our minds will be the same.
BardOfTheNorth Jun 2016
I am the forest,
I know this to be true.
Cicadas singing, an orchestra for two.
Feel the music inside of you.
Dance with me tonight,
let your body free.
I will take you in,
out of your misery.
Sing your heart, sing your soul,
we all want to feel your whole.
Spirits dancing, playing about.
Shh, be careful not to shout.

The moonlight shining its warm, honest beems,
to let you swim in our beautiful streams.

Love us, as we love you,
The circle of life, giving unto you.

Dance with me tonight,
and let your body free.
Take in me, the almighty.

Feel my dirt under your toes,
smell the freedom in your nose.
Dance and let your wings come free,
feel me in my entirety.
Breathe me in, hear my sounds,
know nothing is out of bounds.

I am the forest,
almighty and strong.
Hear my music all night long.
Feel the wind flow through your hair,
run real fast with out a care.
Look at me, with all of my beauty,
animals, my habitants, with no fury.
Loving one another, playing about.
Hey look, the sun's come out!

Leaves and flowers, soaking it in,
beeming and gleeming seeing their new friends.
Caterpillars munching a leafy snack, squirrels hopping over the cracks.
Some are falling asleep, while others are fighting to make their keep.
Exploring and investigating every sound,
joyful with every bound.
Cicadas still singing, an orchestra for two.
Mating and creating, something new.

I am the forest,
I know this to be true.
So when am I going to meet you?
BardOfTheNorth Jun 2016
Look me in the eyes and let me take you in.  
Let me feel your warmth across my skin,
I need to be close to you, seeing the galaxies in your eyes.
My life is beeming, I hope this wont be my demise.

Let me breathe you in,
feel your life circle within.
I want to feel your entirity until I am all done.
Touch me as I touch you, feeling as one.
Feel my soul, as my heart starts to pound, knowing that I cant even make a sound.
I smile, thats all I can do, when inside I just shriek.
Oh god, you make me so weak..

I want to be on your elemental plane,
touching and feeling you all over again.
I want to see into your soul,
touch every atom of your whole.
Send my sorrow, send my happiness, send my love for you.
In return to feel your pain, your joys, until our time is through.
We are spirits endlessly circling our own oblivion,
but you make me feel as I can actually live again.

The flowers are blooming in my soul.
Burning embers, just like coal.
Learning, trusting and seeing my way,
I may be entering into a brand new day.

I need to be close to you and feel your breath against my skin.
I want to give you everything that I have ever been..
BardOfTheNorth Jun 2016
Hello, I'm a siren.
Answer my call and I'll make you drown,
build you up and then break you down.
Good intentions are what it appears, but another look into my monstrous heart will bring you to tears.
I always get what I want and give you a rise,
but I will take you from the rear,  ha surprise!

A beautiful disaster, you'll never see me coming.
The monster within will bring you crumbling.

Watch out when you hear my song.
I'll walk with you all along.
Following, hunting, looking for my prey,
waiting to pounce,
just dont ever go near the bay..
Hello, I'm a siren.
Here to take you away,
just not to where you thought,
to your dismay.
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