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BardOfTheNorth Aug 2017
Take me with you with all of my intricacies, and take me in with utter intimacy.
Let me hear those sounds until
I feel not the ground
But the sky.
Blissful and unaware of what surrounds us, completely taken aback by this lust that drowns us.

Reacting to every touch of our beings, moving into more ethereal feelings. Exhaling and kissing me deeply, I submit to you completely.
My gentle breath caressing you, my body begging as I am ******* you.
Dripping from my core, I can't wait any longer I need more.

Our hearts racing, but we're only pacing ourselves.
Dive into the waters of my love while I feel your body with every shove of your flesh pressing up against you so you can feel my naked *******.
You are touching my soul, and filling me whole leaving me with goosebumps dancing across my skin, while releasing sweet moans to grace this heavenly sin. Worship my body, while I take you in.
My lips curling around your pulsating shaft, shivering with every impact.
The feelings get stronger, oh god I don't think I can last much longer....
in the face of pleasure, you and me together floating on the passion of your love
Until we both come crashing down from above. Leaving us in eternal divinity.
BardOfTheNorth Jul 2017
I've hurt people in my life,
I've done bad things,
but everyone has something to blame.
I wish I could take it all back,
and do right by everyone and reverse the pain I have caused.
That's not how this works though,
we move on and learn from our mistakes.

We are what we do, no matter what is truly in our hearts.
We can dwell on the past, we can dwell on the future, but all that matters is now.
And what we do now.

Time to move on, stop looking back.
The time is now, to make your move.
Everybody is looking at you.
Do what's right, do what is good,
but most importantly do what you should.
Do what you should that will better yourself.
Do what you should to help everyone else.
Do what you should despite the context,
do what you should despite the fear.
What's in your heart counts more than you know,
all that you need to do is let it show.
So don't look back at what you've done,
move on and show everyone who you have truly become.
BardOfTheNorth Mar 2017
I wish I could exist outside of time
Living everlasting in one moment
and every moment, and it would be all mine.
Do things better, and do things right.
No going back, and thinking over and over about it at the end of the night.

I wish I could exist outside of time.
Maybe things wouldn't hurt so much,
maybe they'd hurt forever.
All I know is we would all be together.
Friends, family, and everyone above.
It hurts to see them leave, with no push or a shove.
Time moves on and things happen.
People die and people change.
People start getting into the strange,
the work world filled with bills living just to survive.
Tears us all apart from where we used to be, wishing we could go back and change history.
Not much to do but go with the flow, because after all we are just little specs in time.
BardOfTheNorth Nov 2016
Unfair cruelty to citizens below,
the space cadets agree its their time to show
their worldly leaders and planets alike their secret software to rule the night.

Together they fight with powers showing, invasions and aliens all the more growing. The universe is in crisis, all in fear of their lives seeing aliens and demons alike.
Death and destruction, chips implanted, portals, and chaos erupting within. Civilans confused, villains amused by the amount of chaos berused.
The council agrees the first wave is plenty, but many fight and others wont shed a penny to help the cause of saving many.
BardOfTheNorth Nov 2016
Gentle dusting across the earth,
singular stars are getting their birth.
Each unique with every flake,
instellar galaxies all at stake.

Falling from the heavens,
This is the day the angels come out to play.
A fresh new start, pure and clean
it can be so freeing.
Silence, peace, and beauty galore
so much new old area to explore.
Crystals of fragile flakes surpass, our minds and endeavors all at last.
Until we find we are alone with the universe
finding ourselves, with every verse.
Cold running through our veins,
complexing our hearts, leaving us full of stains from the endless mutiny of our wondering brains.
BardOfTheNorth Nov 2016
I am inspired to do the best I can,
and change the morality of who I am.
Keep pushing on, I must meet all of my goals.
Find a better job,
and not make any foes.
I want to get a doctorates, I suppose.
Love everyone, in everything that I do.
For I must do everything, out of love for you.
Such is a motto I hold dear to my heart.
Love is essential, in every part.

I want to succeed not just in life, but in love.
Do more than I have achieved before,
from the outside to my core.
Be the better me,
and fight against tyranny.
Of our government and of ourselves.

Stand up for whats right,
stand up for myself.
Its time to put a new book on this shelf.
Fixing what I dont like,
starting over new,
now see why I do what I do?
You are my muse,
and its all because of you.
BardOfTheNorth Oct 2016
I cant get you out of my head.
I miss you, even as just a friend.
Your smile, always in my mind.
I cant just leave you behind...
I miss you so.
Please dont go..

I may never feel what its like to be in your arms.
Thats okay as long as youre there,
torture it is, without being able to share.
I want to know how your day is.
I want to know you're okay.
I want to hear your laugh.
I want to see your smile.
I want everything that has to do with you.

You'll never see this,
never hear my words.
Part of me wants to tell you,
but I know its absurd....
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