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Jan 2021 · 252
I Never Knew You
Lost Girl Jan 2021
After four years, I thought I knew you
My self-proclaimed little sister
The girl I picked up to help escape your family with mindless activities
My phone was always open for every text about poems
And every call about stupid high school boys

You said malicious things about the people closest to me
Beginning with yourself
You could not say anything face to face with me
I know now you were too cowardly to look me in the eye as you lie

I do not know what you told people I did
I just know I never really knew you
Apr 2017 · 358
Lost Girl Apr 2017
He thought
He was too broken
No one would ever love him
He saw no color
In the world
It was black and white

Cynicism blacked out
Rays of sun
Depression pushed away
Suicide seemed
To be a light
It drew him
Into its embrace
It held him tight
Like a noose
It whispered promises
Of ending all the pain

He was moments away
From falling
Nov 2016 · 14.2k
The Kingdom of Insecurities
Lost Girl Nov 2016
There is a place
Where insecurities rule
No one is safe
From the voices that live in the dark recesses
The Kingdom of Insecurities

Walls of confidence crumble
Seedlings of doubt are planted in the gardens of love
Hate lives among love
Flowers of fear grow tall
The fruit of all relationships is rotten

The Kingdom of Insecurities is dark
The lack of light does little to hide
The terror that lurks behind our own eyes

There is no King or Queen of Insecurities
We have no master but our own internal fears

Please help me escape this yolk
Get me out of
The Kingdom of Insecurities
Nov 2016 · 351
Lost Girl Nov 2016
I** wish you could feel my pain

A strong girl cries too
Memories that need to be forgotten

Forever alone
I want you to stay
Never believe the ones who say they care
Enough is enough
Oct 2016 · 439
Broken Glass
Lost Girl Oct 2016
You know how they say that we should never get too close to broken glass?
That we might get hurt?
Isn’t that the same with humans?
If we get too close to a broken person, we could get hurt too as I found out the hard way.

When that person comes into your life, it messes with you.
It cuts you deep.
And the closer you get, the more blood it draws.
The pain becomes addicting.
You never want it to stop.

Now put yourself in the broken person’s shoes.
How they feel every time they hurt someone.
Image watching as you unintentionally hurt the other.
The person you love.
The only person you have loved and will ever love.

Your heart is as fragile as glass and all it takes is one little hit to break it.
Once it’s broken, it’s hard to put back together.

Am I saying it wasn’t worth it?
I am saying just be careful what you ask for.
You just get what you wish for.
Sep 2016 · 498
Lost Girl Sep 2016
Today in class
The teacher asked a question
What is beauty?

While the others raised their hands
Wanting to give an answer
An answer that was far from honest
But would please the teacher

I ducked my head
Hiding from the searching eyes
I wasn't ready to show my vulnerability yet

My name was called
It echoed in the room
Or was it my head

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Am I supposed to be this tall?
I don't know about that
But I think I am fat
One, two, three
Is that a pimple I see?

Beauty was not my life
I was no Beauty
More of a Beast
Yet here I was
I had to answer for the sweet girl

Honesty is the best policy
I opened my heart and poured it out
I drowned in the feelings

Beauty is our own perception
It is in everything
It just takes different eyes
To see different types
Aug 2016 · 285
Lost Girl Aug 2016
Three little words
Eight little letters

Make of them
what you will

I miss you

I need you

I want you

I hate you

I love you
Aug 2016 · 418
My Mask
Lost Girl Aug 2016
I once wore a mask
A mask of shame
Of indifference
Of embarrassment
That mask has now slipped
I am ready to show the world
Nothing to cover my true self
I am enough
I don't need to be what the world wants
The mask they gave me is gone
I am me
Aug 2016 · 2.8k
The Art & The Artist
Lost Girl Aug 2016
She was art
Yet no one told her so
She covered her body in other people's art
She didn't think anyone would see past the ink
She liked it better that way
She was art

He was an artist
Yet no one told him so
He covered others' bodies with his art
He didn't think anyone would see past the needle
He liked it better that way
He was an artist

One day, the art met the artist
He called her his masterpiece
He covered her in ink
But he would never touch his face
Artists know when not to touch art that is beyond their own talents

She never believed she was art
Only a blank canvas
But as she lay fully exposed to him, she finally knew all his words were true

He never believed he was an artist
Only a man with a needle and ink
But as he watched her lay exposed and vulnerable for him, he finally knew all her words were true

She never believed that she was a piece of art
That was okay
She was just waiting for someone to make her believe she was a masterpiece
His masterpiece

He never believed that he was an artist
That was okay
He was just waiting for his perfect muse
His perfect canvas

And in his bed, entwined together
The art fell in love with the artist
The artist fell in love with the art

His soft touch was a paint brush
Each stroke painting her with more love
Her openness was a canvas to him
Each time, a new and exciting moment for him

She wore his art as a badge of honor
He wore her on his arm as a mark of freedom

The art and the artist had become one
And no one could separate them

The art and the artist
Lost Girl Aug 2016
He wears half the sun around his neck
Yet when he smiles, he eclipses the full sun
His eyes outshine the sun
His hair is as gold as the sun
The boy with the half sun necklace has become my ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark world
But someone else holds the other half of his sun
He sees her as his only sun
The girl with the other half of the sun is his ray of sunshine
I am nothing but a sad little rain cloud passing by on the horizon
He shows me the sun yet holds me in the dark
Whatever light I have in me, belongs to him
The boy with the half sun necklace
Feb 2016 · 325
Miss Understood
Lost Girl Feb 2016
No one ever seems to understand
My eyes brimmed with tears
My heart crumpled like paper
My love shattered like glass

They tell me I'll be fine
That everyone goes through the same things

If everyone goes through it
Why do people not understand?

I was left behind
I was made fun of

I am human
I am imperfect
Can't you see?

I was meant for so much more
Than this ridicule
I was meant to live
I was supposed to be unafraid

My mistakes are my rights
My weaknesses are my strengths
My flaws are my beauty

I am Miss Understood
Feb 2016 · 598
Behind the Mask
Lost Girl Feb 2016
Who truly cares to look
Beyond what is only perceived?
Who takes the time to find
who everyone was meant to be?
'Smile' they say
'Show the world your okay'
The mask supposedly shields us
Or does it destroy our humanity?
My mask hid my fear
My lies and my tears
My shame and my pride
My love and my hate
My hope that was lost
My heart that was broken
The light recedes
Shown only through our eyes
The emotions disappear
Our souls shrivel and die
All that is left is the mask
Dec 2015 · 555
Hail to the King of Death
Lost Girl Dec 2015
Here I write my lullaby
I take my pen and teach you how to live
A hopeful hero’s speech
The anthem of the underground
To all the lonely ones
To those who sing alone

I am the chosen
I am the unspoken
I am the broken
I am the cursed
I am the worst
The one they left behind
Wretched and divine

Can you hear the march of the rejects?
Line up in the parade of the defects?
Eyes of the dismissed?
Hearts of the used?
The faithful and the blind?
Innocence is forsaken
They call me a nothing

Church of fear
Church of failure
Church of fools
They feel like a distant memory

They might call me a sinner
The devil in the mirror is screaming that my heart is flawed
“You’re on your own”
The new hate with the same lost values
“What lives deeper in death?”

Every day feels like a war
This war of hearts is haunting me
An army strong as one
A land where chaos reigns
A land that bows down to broken ways
A land where sins are gripping tighter
A land dead and broken
I survived
I will not surrender
But I fall down to my knees

I never knew that hope was fatal
Until I looked it in the eye
Stay alone, count your fears
Death is from depths of silence
I’m just a human, not ready to die

Beginner and sinner
In blood I draw the line
I’ve given all my pride
Save me from the darkest places
Save me from myself

Lions guarding castle walls
Jewel upon the crown
I lost it all
But you can never take this dream from me

My back’s against the wall
Just trying to breathe
Just trying to figure it out
I built these walls to watch them crumbling down

I was the fear of men
I held the key to the kingdom
I ruled the world
But I was blind
I couldn’t see the world there right in front of me
Takin’ life I have made
I’m tearin’ through this calm
The reaper of disaster
Crack bones with blind agression
I live just to conquer
So self righteous
Hail to the king of death
Deep inside my heart I’m still here
Who can save me now?
This is a found poem
All of the lyrics are credited to Black Veil Brides
Dec 2015 · 274
What is Love?
Lost Girl Dec 2015
Some say love is a chemical reaction
An intense feeling of deep affection
A deep romantic attachment to someone
But to me

Love is
A tender touch
A caring thought
A laugh shared with you

Love is
My brother pushing me on a swing
Or pushing me off of it
And laughing as I recall the tale

Love is
An act of unspoken kindness
A hug that comforts
A shoulder to cry on
Looking like idiots and not caring because we are together

Love is
Falling down and helping each other back up
Falling asleep on the phone after a stressful day
Deflating each other’s egos because no one else will

Love is
Picking up where we left off when you get back
Listening to music together
Being able to talk freely

Love is
A smile that sends a thousand words
A lifetime of memories we see in each other's eyes

They say love has to be romantic
It has to be tried to be true
We’ve been through a lot
Thick and thin
This poem is to you, my best friend
Let us show that love doesn’t have to be that way
Between a boy and a girl

Because love is everything
As long as you are here with me

— The End —