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Lola 4d
You're gone. truly, fully, seriously, and utterly gone.
Over time, I got used to your presence.
like a parasite that you don't want to be rid of.
I gave you a chance to make it right, but it wasn't all there as it was before.
Sorry doesn't fix a broken bottle, and it cannot put my heart back in my chest.
I thought that I would miss you more than I do, and at first, I did.
I soon realized that I did not miss you. I missed the thought of you that I created in my head.
Unfortunately, no matter how much you cry and you beg the gods to give mercy to your soul, what starts must end, and all good things stop sooner.
No god nor mortal can prevent death, not the literal death of a person or creature, or the metaphorical one that happens to all of us when someone leaves.
When all else fails, you cannot expect everyone to stay. Not your boyfriend, who you said that you loved mere weeks after meeting, not your closest of friends, not your dog. everyone leaves eventually, whether it is in or out of their control. you both can't attend each others' funerals, and when all else fails, you'll end up alone.
Lola Dec 2024
It feels like we have been fighting forever,
This is an endless game that neither of us ever seem to win
“Oh, we are just going through a rough patch. Things will be fine by the end of the week”
The lies just seem to build up.
Either fighting, or putting it off.
Putting on a face for our friends but showing each other our teeth
I don’t want to fight with you.
You just won’t listen.
You are sick of fighting
I just don’t trust you.
This seems like an easy solution,
One that we should have come up with by now
“Tell each other how you are feeling”
It is never that easy though.
If I tell you how I am feeling then you will blame yourself
You are afraid to let me in.
How do we fight without telling each other what is wrong?
Just an endless blame game.
Like a wheel with a broken pedal.
A never ending cycle of toxicity.
You say, “Maybe it is because I don’t ******* want to? Did you ever think of that? Did you ever consider that the reason that you are my favorite is because you are my escape?”
Your words, carve into my mind.
Blood seeps into my brain.
Lola Nov 2024
You are worth more to me than your weight in gold.

It is like every "flaw" that you see in yourself is actually just another reason that I feel the way I do about you

The most prominent art in the world could not compare to that of your smile and I feel extremely lucky every day to have you in my life.

I don't think I could go a day without your good morning texts. You are ingrained into me in a way my best friend would scold me for

******* hell you are my favorite person that this world has to offer

I am grateful everyday to have you in my life and your perfection outshines that of all the stars in the sky

If eyes are the window to the soul, it makes since that yours are as beautiful as they are. Your eyes are like the ocean, not to be confused with the bright blue hue of the one in cartoons. Your eyes remind me of the color of the Pacific, carrying life and the intensity of the crushing waves. If eyes are truly the window to the soul then I know yours is one of a kind.
Lola Nov 2024
I saved you as my lock screen.
I know you would cringe if you knew.
I just wanted, every time I opened my phone- to be reminded of you.
My 2 addictions, now combined.
Maybe the boomers were right: it might be those "**** phones"
I only ever seem to cry when my eyes lock on the screen.
Like when you threatened to leave.
Words cannot describe how afraid I was,
You bring out a different part of me, a part that I can not believe.
I was mad. More anger flowed from me than words on the screen.
You have done no wrong.
All tears I have split have been a fault of my own.
I broke down at 4am. I thought that I would lose you.
my eyes blinded by the light- brighter in the night.
those ****** phones.
Lola Nov 2024
It's mid-November
It's insane how much has changed.
From never talking, to talking every single day.
I didn't realize that I could be so attached to one person.
I feel like you are infused into my blood.
You fill my veins, without you-
I fear my heart would stop.
Seeing your goodmorning test is what gets me up.
I don't even mind our late night talks keeping me awake.
You are worth every minute of everyday. It pains me to be kept away.
You deserve more love than I can give.
I would let the shards of your glasses shred my limbs
Pour blood into a vile to leave on your alter.
Use my hair as a rope to tie me to you, so that you can never leave.
Use my tears to cook for you, so you are never hungry again.
Use my skin as carpet and place my bones of the foundation of the place that holds what I feel for you.
Love can't even begin to describe it.
No container could contain just what I feel for you.
Letters and poems fill my notebooks, write until my fingers fall from my hands.
One-By-One. Use them as fuel for a fire to keep you warm.
Pick my nails until they bleed.
My blood, all for you.
More and more unhinged describes well enough how my heart burns for you.
This is meant to show the thing line that borders love, devotion, and obsession.
Lola Nov 2024
I am starting to think that you don't like me.
you my like talking, but you never seem to want to see me.
well, unless you are talking about the ***** things that you want to do.
you didn't seem into me, until we brought up ***.
it's not like it is hard for you to get laid.
did I pressure you, without meaning to?
are you lying because you felt pressured to?
please just tell me the truth.
am I overthinking this?
you seem to trust me.
you seem to care.
I know I am not the center of your affections.
But, what if it has all been a lie?
No- It can't be.
I'm supposed to trust you, right?
how am I supposed to?
3 weeks.
My brother.
I am *******. But what if my fears hold no truth?
what if they do?
Lola Oct 2024
I know I have to trust you,
I am just not so sure that I can.
Trust you or trust the one who cannot lie?
Trust you or my gut?
I know trust is the backbone of a relationship.
The rope that ties our hearts together is pulling thin.
The strands are made of vulnerability,
the trust and love that we put in.
I should have faith in you.
I should have no uncertainty,
no doubt you would never lie to me.
The fire of doubt- I must put it out.
I need to trust you.
Believe me, I want to.
But who do I believe, when the time has run out?
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