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Dec 2014 · 307
Believe me
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
If I told you I was happy, would you believe me?
I mean, I smiled, didn't I?
But you didn't see the scars
Or the bruises...
The red, tear stained eyes
The ****** torn cuticles
The anxiety attacks
You didn't hear the thoughts
screaming in my head.
You didn't see the poetry,
Or the sadness etched in my soul.
But you believe me, right?
I'm happy.
Believe me.
Dec 2014 · 240
Death, my friend
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
When Death comes for me,
I will take his hand,
Like an old friend
And say to him,
"I've been waiting a long time for you."
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
You can't breathe.
Gasping for air.
The panic as your lungs  fill with water.
You'd never think  water could burn so much.
The cacophony of your mind, screaming at you.
The disbelief that you are drowning.
The mind and body do not know how to die gracefully
The very process of drowning makes it harder and harder
Not to drown.
Dec 2014 · 638
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Will you count the stars with me
until I fall asleep?
I cannot hold them in my hand.
Forever, I will reach out to catch one as it falls.
Maybe their light could provide some warmth.
It's so cold here.
Dec 2014 · 401
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
The horrid things that you have done,

                        Do they haunt you in the night?

                                          Do you lie awake  regretting it all?
                         I hope you're afraid of yourself,

Because I'm afraid of you, too.
Dec 2014 · 1000
Good Girl
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I was raised to keep quiet
and let life pass me by.
No one ever told me
It was okay to fight.
No one ever told me
They had faith in me.
I was raised to keep quiet
and life has passed me by.
Dec 2014 · 421
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
When I came to you,
You were but a child.
Innocent, almost,
Your innocence was fading.
But before it could leave quietly,
It would be ripped away from you.
And I would take it's place.
My gentle touch, the whispers in your mind.
I never hurt, that was yourself.
I'm just a guest in your mind,
But I'm not leaving.
I encourage you,
But you can not blame me
For the scars you made, my dear.
Silly kid, you did that to yourself.
I personified depression because.
Dec 2014 · 325
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
While fate is cruel,
Chance is graceful,
Desperately trying to grant us
a reprieve from fate's cruel ways.
Dec 2014 · 487
Observation on sadness
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
There are two types of tears.

The hot tears that pour from you eyes, suddenly before you realize you're crying. The violent , unrestrained sobbing.

And the cold tears that slide down your cheek as you fight the urge to cry. Quiet, and choked back tears.
Dec 2014 · 929
Logic, no?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I'm going to assume you had a mother,
as so many do.
You might even have a sister.
One day, you'll be a father.
It might be a daughter.

I'm someone's daughter.
Don't you understand?
I'm not just an object.
How would you feel,
if someone did this to your daughter
or mother or sister or friend?
the rrrrrrrrrrrr key is stupid
Dec 2014 · 287
Found Verse
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I feel your eyes, trained on my back and lower.
Pretending not to notice, I keep a steady pace.
The click of my heels beat with the staccato of my heart.
I found this, unfinished... I don't feel like finishing it... but it started off well...
Dec 2014 · 223
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I picked the skin off my lips when they weren't looking,
so maybe I could forget your touch.
Dec 2014 · 383
Blue Lips
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
the other day,
i saw another teenager.
His lips were blue,
and his skin was pale.
Scars peeked out from under his sleeve.
It was like looking in a mirror.
But what could I say?
I  know from experience that words can't make it better.
A split second, our eyes locked.
But I turned away,
and walked out the door.
What could I have done? Another bad decision.
We can try to heal ourselves with words, but i bleed words and it is not my tourniquet. The words aren't fixing anyone.
Dec 2014 · 400
Out of place
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Most girls who get bullied,
are bullied by other girls.
It's a harsh kind of thing,
The words and the looks,
And when they ignore you.
They pull your hair and take your things.
They might even hit you.

The one who bullies me,
is a guy, so much bigger than me.
Intimidating and he knows it.
He plays with my mind,
Shoving me against lockers
like he's going to hurt me
But he walks away.

I'm left to make sense of his words,
And stop the shaking,
Sometimes, I wish he would hit me,
At least then, I would know what he's doing.
I don't know what he wants,
But he says some frightening things,
I'm afraid he might make good on his promises.
Some phrases from a journal entry before it happened.
Dec 2014 · 367
The Bully (part 1)
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
His laugh broke the silence.
I stared at the ground, closing my locker.
Looking up, he looks down at me.
His smirk darkens as I shrink away.
"Just leave me alone, please?"
The whisper falls from my tongue,
but I know he hears.
Another cruel laugh,
suddenly, i'm pinned against the lockers.
and he's talking low.
"Not in a million years."
He walks away,
leaving me with my fear.
More a story than a poem... an experience
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Prepare for War
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Vegetius
"If you want peace, prepare for the war."

I have been at war for a lifetime.
At war with myself,
At war with the world.

I am tired of fighting,
Exhausted by this agonizing war.
Please let it end.

*I just want to be at peace.
Dec 2014 · 308
Love me?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
They say no one will ever love you,
Not if you can't love yourself.
It would seem I'm doomed, then,
for I don't know how to love myself.
How will I learn if none will ever love me?
Is love not something you learn?
Dec 2014 · 418
Don't Grow Up, Kid
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Do you remember laying in the grass,
staring up at the sky, chasing the clouds,
Daydreaming about growing up?
I always wanted to change the world,
Do something amazing,
Make an impact,
Leave a legacy.
The sky was not even the limit,
We could go to mars if we so wanted.
These childish fantasies,
I wish I could have them back.
I would give anything for the innocence
I once had before I was so disillusioned by the world.
I will never change the world.
Dec 2014 · 266
The living
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I woke up dead.
I was still breathing,
But something inside me had given up.
The light had died.

Maybe it was never there to begin with.
Maybe I've alway been less alive than everyone else.
I like to watch the living.
The way they smile when nothing is special enchants me.

I've not been among them for a long time.
They're beautiful, the living.
They look so natural, so fresh, so new.
Like flowers in the spring before the heat of the summer withers their beauty away.

I wish I could be among them,
But instead, I'll stay alone,
And watch from a distance,
Forever wishing my life back.
I'm sorry my messed up brain offends you. I never meant to be so broken.
Dec 2014 · 473
I Said Sorry
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
When I dropped the plates,
When he pushed me against the wall,
When his hand was at my throat,
When nothing was right,
And I wasn't good enough,
When I was bleeding on the floor,
And the crimson stained his shoes,
When I fought his lecherous touch.
It wasn't enough to save me.
Dec 2014 · 743
Intricate Lies
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
They say that writing is like weaving an intricate lie.
That writers are just excellent liars
Lie to me, story teller, for you make lies sound beautiful.
         *I was never a good liar.
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
Calm Down
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I can't, I can't, I can't

Don't get the blades.
It's okay that you ate,

If he comes back...

Stop panicking.
Calm down. Calm down.

I can't, I can't, I can't
Dec 2014 · 315
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I wanted to be wanted....

                                                             *...but not like this.
I guess being wanted wasn't what I was looking for.
Dec 2014 · 207
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I'm sorry.
I know I get lost in the scenery outside the car,
and I don't speak like I should.
I know you think I'm cold.
It's so much safer to stay behind my walls.
It's so much better for the both of us
if I keep my secrets and my thoughts and my stories
all to myself.
Trust me, It's better this way.
Dec 2014 · 377
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I don't really know what I'm doing.
What my purpose is,
Why I'm here,
What I'm good at.
I don't know.

I don't understand why bad things happen.
Why people are killed,
Buildings crumble,
Cancer takes over.
Good people fall apart

I don't understand why such things have happened to me.
They said I was asking for it.
He told me it was out of love.
She said it was my fault.
My lion said there's no controlling it.

Maybe I'm a bad person.
I asked god why? why? why?
And I have recieved no answer.
My sins must have been far too many to forgive.
Forgive me if I can't find the faith to believe.
Sorry for being selfish.
Dec 2014 · 260
I'm Sad
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Those words do not encompass my emotions.
I am so much more than just sad,
It's not a bad day,
It's so much more.
What I have been through,
And I how I feel,
Is not properly explained.
Not with "I'm sad."
Not with any words.
The words aren't flowing today.
Dec 2014 · 325
When I'm gone...
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Will you put lilacs on my grave?

                                 *I've always loved them so.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Another Him
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He told me he was damaged.
I was too,
So I tried to fix him.
If I could save him, I could save myself,
Or maybe he would save me.
But instead,
He broke me further
Instead of mending the rips in my soul,
He tore it to shreds,
And left his marks on my skin.
It's not nice to hit people.
Dec 2014 · 683
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Close your eyes
And it'll be over soon.
You won't feel the blows
Or his unwholesome touch.
I miss the one who cared for me,
If I close my eyes,
Maybe I can pretend he's here
And not the one who hurts me.
If I close my eyes,
Maybe endings will be easier.
If I close my eyes,
It will all be over soon.
Dec 2014 · 387
A Bad Friend
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Two faced.
Smile at me, act like everything is fine.
Turn around and tell them how much you hate me when i'm not there.
back stabber.
I'm sorry I was never enough for you.
I'm sorry i'm cold.
but you doing this to me has only made everything worse.
When you begged me to stop cutting, I never imagined you'd be the reason that I would tear my skin to shreds.
Dec 2014 · 310
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He called me his lion,
even though I told him
female lions are lionesses.
I opened my eyes
and he held my hand.

but then I swallowed the pills
and he saved me life.
I sobbed, disgusted by myself,
that I was still alive.
He simply held me and let me cry.

He stopped the bleeding
and took care of me.
He dealt with my mess and
loved me anyway.
I just don't understand why.
but i love him back
Dec 2014 · 345
A Day in my Life
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
5 am
get up
stumble around
go for a run
take a shower

go to class
stay in class
pay attention
be awake

eat lunch... or don't
does it matter? No.
Lie a little,

more classes
more notes
blank stares
empty mind

eat dinner? no.
Can't deal with food.
watch some television
do some work

stare at a wall
take a shower
do some work
feel empty

1 am
stay awake
cry for a while
stop the bleeding
don't sleep until 3

4 am
wake from a nightmare
muffle the sobs
sleep for a half hour
a boring life
Dec 2014 · 613
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
She whispers in my ear;
her laughter echoes coldly in my mind.
Skeletal, beautiful.
I want to be her.
I can never be her.
She slinks around,
winning all the attention.
I hate her.
I hate me.
She has driven me to this.
She is self hatred.
Dec 2014 · 429
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Demons are beautiful...
They've fallen from heaven.
It's hard to say no
Not to sin
Why would you say  no?
You could have all you ever wanted with a simple word.
Just say  **yes.
Dec 2014 · 197
I have nightmares. (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
How do you sleep,
*      With the beastly things you've done?
I hope you can't sleep either.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I haven't slept in quite a few days.
A week maybe.
The occasional hour of nightmare ridden rest
has not done anything for me.

I've starting forgetting words,
Mixing them up or saying the wrong word.
Even mispronouncing them.
I barely have the energy to think

I spent an hour crying because I thought I had wrinkles under my eyes,
But they were only bags and shadows.
I'm too young for this.

It's hard to focus,
I sob and laugh for no reason.
I'm cracking
And I can't stop thinking about what you did.
I'm afraid to sleep.
This isn't very poetic, but I can't think.
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I bite my nails
when I'm nervous
but I took what I had
and painted them red
to match my blood.

They say red is a sensual color
They say it is ****.
But all I see in red
Is blood and drowned hopes and pain,
But maybe pain is ****.
It's oh so beautiful for the sadist to watch me fall apart.
Dec 2014 · 186
End It
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I don't believe in Heaven,
but hell is for sure.
I've looked a demon in the eyes,
and spent a life time in hell.
A sweet facade,
a happy exterior.
But I cannot hide the haunted eyes.
I cannot hide the brokenness
left from a dance with the devil.
Dec 2014 · 553
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
A whimper,
A plea,
don't let it go.
A tear,
A gasp,
why did it happen?
Why do I feel so guilty for what you did to me?
Dec 2014 · 231
No more dreams (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I lost my childhood...

Please help me to find it.
Dec 2014 · 221
For a while
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
For a year or so, I was happy.
Comfortable with myself.
There were always the pervading fears
And the lingering self hatred,
But I was almost happy,
For a while.
But know I see myself again,
And I do not like what I see.
My hatred is back
And I think it's going to stay
For a while.
Dec 2014 · 483
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
The blood that should have flowed like a river through my veins,
Instead stood still in the porcelain white tub.
I'm sorry I stained the tub.
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
Fly Away
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
**** you.
You and your beautiful wings.
My wings have been clipped
and my feathers are ruined.
There's no point in staying behind.
Don't bother waiting.
I'll never be able to fly with you.
Just fly away and leave me with my misery.
Dec 2014 · 717
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I love to watch my skin part.
The way it gives,
Like paper.
The ink oozes out,
This deep red color,
Like the mistakes I've made.
Write a novel in my skin,
For we are walking stories
And it only makes sense
To write it down.
Sorry, urges and such. Don't get triggered. I'm sorry.
Dec 2014 · 499
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Cupid's existence must be pretty lonely,
Watching all those people,
Fall in love,
But never being able to feel love.

The bringer of love, unable to feel love.
Isn't that a sad irony?
I let the demons get to me. I'm sorry.
Dec 2014 · 234
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Death like eyes knows little of listening to the cold love hardened words cupped in my hands.
It just wants a way to feel able to be held dear.
Words taken from my previous poems, turned into it's own poem.
Dec 2014 · 292
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Don't leave me...

I don't want this life.

Don't let me do this.

Don't let this go

Don't do this.

I guess it's too late.
Dec 2014 · 396
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Do you want to run away, too?
Do you want to leave me alone...
Like everyone else?

I don't want to be alone.
I can't be alone.
I can't do this anymore,
Why do you have to leave me alone?
Dec 2014 · 535
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
What makes me happy?

Playing my instrument
I wouldn't know what else.
I guess i'll have to learn.
The happy challenge in response to Raven
Dec 2014 · 208
Emotions of the Day
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I must admit,
I hate to feel.
But burning rage,
is what I feel often.
If you want to **** with me,
two can play at that game.
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