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Apr 2015 · 404
Just keep talking
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
Are you brutally honest
or honestly brutal?
I've seen enough
to know the difference
between what's real
and what's not.
A tiny mistake,
The daily weather,
A glorious light,
And fashion advice.
Just keep talking.
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Do people actually fall in love?
I've never wanted to dance
in the road in a rain shower
with a man so beautiful
he makes my chest hurt.

No one has ever made
my heart skip a beat,
except when it was fear.

Do people actually fall in love?
It all seems like lust to me.
Lust is such an empty thing.
Love is supposed to be warm,
Burning hot, even.
It's supposed to make you feel full.
But lust is all I see,
Like a match,
Intense and fiery,
But fleeting.

It's not love.
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
You're a monster.*
He looked at me for a moment
and muttered,
I know.
Without a thought,
He went back to his beastly ways.
Mar 2015 · 450
A Mirror
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I consider myself a mirror.
Look into me and
I shall reflect what
you expect to see.

Everyone despises mirrors
for the truths they echo,
but mirrors are just glass
and they shatter when you hit them.
Mar 2015 · 307
Bad wolf
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
"I can see everything,
All that was,
All that is,
And all that ever could be."

You are a speck,
A tiny spot
in all of time.
I just want you to be safe.

I know you feel big,
Like you can save everyone,
and everything,
But you cannot.

You are so small,
So insignificant,
But you are mine,
And I want you to be safe.

You may be a speck
In the eyes of time,
But to the bad wolf,
You are everything.
Mar 2015 · 237
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Sometimes I feel like we're all just here,
Telling each other we deserve better,
but never taking our own advice.
Do we even know how to be okay?
Mar 2015 · 266
I must be immortal
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I must be immortal.
No matter how
hard I try to die,
I cannot succeed.
Mar 2015 · 669
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I grew up believing that
I should be seen and not heard.
I always felt like a decoration,
A wall flower,
Staring out at the sea of faces.
Speak politely and give nonexistent answers,
Smile and keep your eyes down.
I represented my parents' integrity,
So I kept my head down,
With my ribbons and curls
and was always the good little girl.
A trophy of good breeding.
But it's a lonely existence,
To sit on a shelf and collect dust.
Mar 2015 · 446
Childish Questions
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
When I was a child,
I asked my father,
"Why do the seasons change?"
and he told me about the world turning,
and that was how it is.
He didn't really understand.
I wanted to know why;
why the snow never lasted,
why the leaves always fell,
why the sun never stayed?
I couldn't understand
why nothing ever lasted.
Mar 2015 · 283
Remember me?
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
He had forgotten
how to love,
But she blew away
the dust that had gathered,
With single breath
and a smile on her lips.
Mar 2015 · 329
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Do you think that
Adam and Eve's
betrayal made god
sorry he created them?

When you see a plane,
What do you think?
Do you wonder where
it is returning from?

Does the rain remind you
of the other nights it rained?

What does it mean to love?
What does it mean to live?

*Just who are you?
Mar 2015 · 318
Look away
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Every time you sent me
one of your fake smiles,
I clenched my fists
and covered my eyes,
pretending I knew nothing.
Turn away and keep quiet,
Isn't that how the world works?
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Let it die,
Stop with the sunlight,
The water,
The care,
It's a hopeless case.
Once the rose is cut,
All it can do is wither.
It's too late to save it,
Just let it die.
I thought this kind of looked like a vase but I didn't mean to do that.
Mar 2015 · 736
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Stop screaming,
no one can hear you
in this terrible nightmare.
Mar 2015 · 691
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I'm not saying that I want to die.
Not right now, anyway.
But lately, I just want to sleep.
To sleep and never wake.
I'm so tired.
Tired of everything.
Mar 2015 · 291
It's sad
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
There are a lot of
lonely people in this world.
Unintentionally ten words
Mar 2015 · 467
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
More than a year has passed,
Since they built the wall,
yet every night,
I press my ear
against the rough brick,
hoping to hear
his melodic voice again.
Mar 2015 · 507
Rabbit hole
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
And you fall in.
Mar 2015 · 495
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
The little girl was sitting on the wall,
Looking down on him with hate filled eyes.
You broke the world, she said.
And he didn't understand.
But who ever understood anyway?
I don't know.
Mar 2015 · 598
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
You have one unheard message
Hey. It's me. Just wanted to say I love you. Have a nice day at work. Call me when you're on your way, okay?

You have two unheard messages
Hey. It's me again. Where are you? I miss you. It's late and I'm cold and you aren't here.

I know you're sad, but you can't do this. It's not how things work. Please don't leave me alone. Just... Just answer your phone, **** it. I need you. You're important.

You have three unheard messages
Why'd you do it? I needed you. I need you. It's a joke right? A prank? Well, it's not funny anymore. I need you back. I just... I just want to hear your voice again. You're so beautiful. Please come back to-

I ran out of time. I just want you back. Why did you do this?  I want to see you again. I need to see you again. But not like at your funeral. Like you were when you lived.

They said I have to stop calling you. I don't know how to stop. I love you. I can't do this without you. But don't worry, love, I'll see you again soon, it's only a matter of minutes until we're together.

You have no new messages
Mar 2015 · 893
The things you stole
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
You took a lot of things from me.
My dignity,
My hope,
My self respect,
My innocence,
But I think the biggest thing you took from me
was my feeling of safety.
I haven't felt safe since that day.
I'm so afraid these days.
I've been thinking about feeling safe a lot lately, as I'm sure my poems reflect.
Mar 2015 · 679
Nowhere is safe
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
They say that we're lucky,
and we are,
To live in a safe town,
Where nobody dies
and there's little crime.

But it's a lie,
They say it's safe here,
It's better here,
But nowhere is safe.

Because down by the train tracks,
The bartender of a little bar
was ***** and murdered
in the parking lot.
They left her naked,
No dignity, not even in death.

I know that I'm far safer
than a lot of others,
But the truth is,
Nowhere is safe,
Not here, not in the country,
Not in the city,
Nowhere is safe.
We deserve to feel safe and she deserved to live.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
Why is there so much violence
and hatred towards women?
I've been searching for a reason.
I just don't understand.

What is it that makes us different?
Why should I be violated,
simply because of my gender?
I am a human, just like you.

We have feelings and emotions,
Do you simply see us as toys?
Do you not understand that
we are one and the same?
I don't understand.
Mar 2015 · 617
To write is to feel
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I've never known a poet left unbattered by life's cruel jokes.
But isn't that what life is?
One big, cosmic joke.
Someone's laughing at our expense.
Mar 2015 · 399
Another life
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
In another life,
I would have loved you.
You would have enchanted me,
but I don't believe in love.
If we had met before
I knew the world was cruel,
before the wicked man,
before all the pain,
things would be different.
In another life,
I would have loved you.
Mar 2015 · 406
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
They said I should forget about you.
That I can't love what doesn't exist anymore.
But to me, you're still so real.
Every last memory is tangible,
tangled threads ensnaring my fingers,
I'm still reaching out for you.

We were young and in love,
what a sad cliche.
You were such a dreamer,
and opened my eyes to art and poetry and music.
I still love all those things,
but they remind me of you,
all so tangible, but intangible all the same.

They said I should forget about you.
That I cannot love what doesn't exist anymore.
But they're wrong.
You still exist
and I don't believe in love.
Not anymore, not with you
gone from this world.
Fevered writing... still.
Mar 2015 · 377
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I know everyone thinks
black is a sad color,
a depressing color.
Black is the absence of light,
and white is the blending of all colors.
But white always felt so hollow,
so sterile and cold.
Black has seemed to wrap its way
around me and embrace me,
while white has left me alone,
as if on a stage, spotlighted by
my own fear of stages.
I've got a fever, so this may make no sense... Sorry
Mar 2015 · 431
I miss you
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
I miss you.
I keep writing about
how I much miss you
But it doesn't make it better.
I'm still counting the days.
I miss the way your thumb
rubbed across the back of my hand.
I miss your eyes, the way they sparkled.
I miss the way you never yelled,
except that one time when
I stood on the edge of the world.
You promised me forever,
And I promised you always.
I miss your dumb jokes.
I miss your bad cooking,
The way you tried so hard to make cookies,
And apologized when you burnt them.
I miss you little mutters at night,
When you thought I was sleeping.
I miss you,
After all this time,
I will always miss you.
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
You know more about me
than any stranger should.
You know more about me
than any friend could.
It's not always easy
to post the things I write
Because they are more of myself,
that I don't like to share.
My poems are me and me alone.
I hope you like them,
but more, I hope you like me,
even if I'm a mess.
Mar 2015 · 478
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
She cried and screamed at the edge of that cliff
until she tasted blood in her mouth
and her body collapsed
into the dirt, spent and shaking.
They led her away from the edge,
one officer looking down at the ravine,
her lover's crumpled, broken body
shattered at the base of the cliff.
Two days later, she followed him.
They just shook their heads and cleaned up the mess. Another Romeo and Juilet, ruining everyones' lives.
Mar 2015 · 376
Le masque
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
He knows better than anyone
how necessary masks are.
Monsters cannot walk
in the broad daylight
without the disguise
of a charming, beautiful
human being.
Feb 2015 · 686
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
"But do you know,
I'd like to corrupt you
in the loveliest ways?"

"oh dear..."
Dangerous games we're playing.
Feb 2015 · 746
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I am a figment of your imagination.
A product of your creation,
a mere fabrication,
your own fantastic notion.

I'm not real,
I'm not real,
I'm not real.

I felt so real, so live.
I just wanted to survive.
Let me come alive,
something for which to strive.

I'm not real.
I'm not real.
I am real.
Feb 2015 · 556
The woman with the light
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
She opened her mouth,
and light tumbled out.
But it wasn't pure light.
The room was full of shelves,
a library of the knowledge I possessed.
And she opened her mouth
and the books began to burn.
Fire consumed me
and everything I knew.
everywhere the light touched
burning hot and painfully.
The woman with the light,
she brought sorrow.
Inspired by a recurring nightmare of mine.
Also, I tried my hand at a short story.
Check it out here:
It isn't very good but I could use constructive criticism.
Feb 2015 · 737
A fond memory
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
The way his eyes lit up,
It was as if he saw heaven,
As if he could reach out and touch it.
"Amazing, isn't it?"
He asked, excitedly squeezing my hand.
I know we were supposed to be watching the sun rise,
But I much preferred to watch him.
*Yes, truly amazing.
A fond memory of you.
2 years, 3 months, and 20 days, I'm still hoping you'll come back.
Feb 2015 · 696
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
You're so beautiful,
but you don't mean a thing to me.
I'm sorry about that,
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
That's how long it's been since you died.
I know everyone else stopped counting
long ago because it hurt too much.
But it's still hard to breathe without you.
I don't know how to be without you.
That day, I stopped existing when I found out.
Why did you leave me all alone?
Why didn't you take me with you?
Or stay with me?
Feb 2015 · 290
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
"I cannot remember the last time I loved the girl in my bed,"
He said to me one day while I was dreaming.
I opened my eyes and looked out the window,
Jumping from one dream to another,
But then, I blinked and looked back at him,
My dreams shattering around me,
For I was his wife, and always the girl in his bed.
A little different perspective.
Feb 2015 · 400
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
We're friends, right?
I know I don't see you often,
but you can tell me anything.
You're such a beautiful person.
I know I never know how to make things better,
but, we're friends... right?

It's okay when you stop answering,
I know you're really busy.
I miss you so much though.
I get nervous, you know.
but, we're friends, right?
For a friend I'm missing, even though she's so close.
I just want you to be happy.
Feb 2015 · 312
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
So, this is fate.
It is not what I thought it would be.
I must say,
I never understood it,
but now,
I understand even less.
So, this is fate.
I don't like it.
Feb 2015 · 384
Shake with your left hand
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Shake with your left hand-
We don't trust these people.
Still your tongue and
Keep all your secrets.
It isn't lying if you say nothing.
Narrow your eyes,
Wide eyes, full of innocence,
You aren't their fool.
Shake with your left hand-
We don't trust these people.
Feb 2015 · 320
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Make me feel like
I'm worth something,
Anything at all.
Don't just walk away,
Don't just ignore me.
Don't leave me all alone,
to be nothing in this nothing world.
Feb 2015 · 473
Self hatred
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I cannot forgive myself
for forgiving you.
                                       ­                                                I cannot find a way
                                                             ­                      to look past our mistakes.

                                         I cannot look into
                                             your ice cold eyes.

I cannot forgive myself
for letting you do this
                                                                I cannot forgive myself
                                                                   And I cannot forget you.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I know exactly what I'm doing.
Feb 2015 · 316
It's just a dream
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
The shadows of another world,
You've seen it in your nightmares.
Don't believe the mutterings of

It's just a dream.

Dreams are just a real as the waking world,
but so much more dangerous.
Those shadows,
With their glowing, sickly eyes,

They'll haunt you.
Feb 2015 · 568
I once knew a man...
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I once knew a man who called me trash,
and after that, worthless,
with some lovely expletives in between.

I was hurt, yes,
but the truth hurts,
does it not?

I nodded my head,
I knew the truth.

The truth...
the truth was a lie,
and my lies were truth.

All was fine,
and I was worthless.

The truth was a lie,
and my lies were truth.

I no longer know
what is real and what's not.

All was fine,
and I was worthless.
Feb 2015 · 477
Dear future me;
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I hope you've finally found something that makes you happy.
Make me proud.
Your past self
P.S. I hope you don't look back at all these poems and feel embarrassed by how dumb you were.
Feb 2015 · 669
Je suis jaloux
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Jealousy, what a nasty thing. I was asked to describe it.
Jealousy is when another little girl takes your doll. It's the first time you have a crush, and you see another kiss him on the playground. It's when you look at the other girls and compare yourself. You simply cannot stand to be in your own skin. You want, no, need to be them, to be like them, to be with them.
Jealousy is when you're never quite good enough. There's always that smart kid that shows you up in class, always someone with better grades. When you were almost valedictorian, but someone else got it by one fourth of grade point.
It's when you fall in love and you watch them walk away. It's never enough. The summer before college and your high school sweet heart is going out of state for college, and so are you, but somewhere else. You never thought you could be jealous of place.
It's when you're with your friends and they don't listen to you talk, and they don't notice when you no longer talk. When you're the one alone on the side walk.
Jealousy is your heart, slowly turning dark as the happiness of other peoples' lives dance by, because for you, nothing was ever good enough. Not even yourself.
This might be prose.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Waiting forever
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I'm still waiting
for Peter Pan
to come take me
away to never land.

I'm still waiting
for my fairy godmother
to come work her magic
and make me beautiful.

I'm still waiting
for my seven dwarves
to come save me
from the hunter.

I'm still waiting
for the big bad wolf
to come huff and puff
and blow the house down.

I'm still waiting
for the white rabbit
to come lead me
down the rabbit hole.

Where is my escape?
I am no princess.
Feb 2015 · 838
I think too fast
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Sometimes, I think too fast
and the letters get jumbled
and the words come out wrong,
But it's those  words,
the ones that make no sense,
From my racing mind,
that mean the most.
Feb 2015 · 327
Falling awake
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
You told me you want
to go back to sleep.
I'm sorry you fell awake.
Go back to sleep,
With your dreams
and your hopes,
Where reality cannot reach,
Go back to sleep,
It'll be okay,
You don't need to fall awake.
Go back to sleep,
Where life is okay,
And pain is bearable,
and brokenness is nonexistent.
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