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4.7k · Apr 2017
Exuberance Aflamed
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
Crescent orb radiates its crystalline sight,
languid lips coalesce like a tessellation,
the vexing vines wilder the incandescent-
glimmer but the burning impression remains.
Celestial bodies affixes a soliloquy amongst-
a halcyon tongue that revelate a rhapsodic-

Quiescent ambience rings a plethora of-
sentiments stinging on the mellifluous
lullaby. The lithe wildflower murmurs-
the euphonious recital of a sonnet that-
is unacquainted to the mind.
Luminous assemblies of fireflies retire-
behind the myriad of evergreen forest
as the insouciance wildflower approach.

Precocious primrose locked from the
scorching sensation of a wildflower
exhibited a lassitude facade like a -
waning lantern fiery on its final residues.
In the distant a wildflower and in
the presence, an idyllic primrose:
so scarce and so strange.
4.1k · Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
I have a lisp
It is lovers lips caught in the spasm of a kiss
I have a lisp
that restricts what I'm capable of saying
praying that I don't pass it onto my kids
but there's restrictions on scripture as well.
I have a lisp
It is a gentle twist in words I can't complete
I'll meet many who notices the obviousness of it.
I can't synthesise similar sounds subtly
to induce a feeling of happiness or sadness,
I've been driven half to madness by the flaw.
This is why my voice is within my writing,
it is the lightning without the thunder,
unheard to ears but the same power exists.
I can't give a speech openly, or sing to soothe my soul,
all because I have a lisp.
3.1k · Apr 2017
When I was a Kid
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
When I was a kid I used to play hide and seek a lot,
take it from me, the biggest tree isn't the best hiding spot.
When I was a kid I also used to smile and cry a lot,
I guess it was part of my game, disappear behind a tree,
avoid anyone who was seeking and let my brown eyes run
like the sun casting its lights over the cliff of a waterfall.

I remember the first time I had met and talked to Sarah,
she caught me playing hide and seek as I usually did.
I remember thinking it wasn't fair that she had found me
because there wasn't supposed to be anyone seeking.
She had asked me what I was doing behind the tree
before I could answer she told me to count to thirty,
so I counted. Being a kid; counting to thirty was difficult,
it was intricate enough to count to ten or even twenty
but thirty felt like an eternity to a six year old.
I told her I wasn't going to count because I couldn't
and I wouldn't satisfy the request of a complete stranger.

This was way before the stranger is danger days
where you could play in a park  with a forty-five
year old man and no one would bother wondering why
a forty-five year old man is sitting at a park.
These were the days where the dark sky doesn't signify
a time to come back inside the house but a time to explore,
explore the vast stars that sat above our heads, explore-
explore the core of the earth with a plastic sand shovel.

Sarah explained to me that I was wasting time behind the tree
that she could see in the future and that I will be happy.
I didn't believe her, I asked her how she could have known
and she told me that you reap what you have sown
and to a kid that was in itself a mystery, mainly because
I didn't know the words reap or the word sown.
Sarah was about eleven when I first met her
I've seen her a few more times since then but then
became moments gone and breezes of wind blown away.

I remember Sarah playing hide and seek with me
she said I shouldn't hide behind a tree because it's too easy-
it's too easy to find a kid hiding behind a tree,
it's too easy to see that the kid will pick a tree.
I asked her how can I do things differently,
how could I ever get my chance to win at hide and seek,
I remember the weeks followed; perfecting a strategy
of running and dodging the seeker in between trees,
interestingly enough the fact remained that I still lost.
I glossed over my different plans, wondering if I can
find a different way to win this game.
I asked her how come she could find me every time
and she'd remind me of her age, but to say that-
a tortoise is wiser than a human because of its old age
is to say that a page written a decade before
could tell of how people are feeling today.
It just wasn't the truth that remained in my brain.
I told her she was lying and that she was just trying
to hide the fact that she was cheating by not counting.

When I was a kid I used to play hide and seek a lot,
take it from me, the biggest tree isn't the best hiding spot.
When I was a kid, I would always used to cry a lot,
but as I grew up that was something I tried to stop,
and I succeeded in most instances.
2.4k · Feb 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
I do not love you as to hold you in my palms every second,
not as the blessing of wishful thinking, not as sunny days,
I love you as to let you float freely to your will, I love you in rainy nights,
I love you as overtly and covertly as possible. I do not love you as rubies and emeralds but as heartbeats and stolen kisses. I love you as a fleeting moment I may come to regret. I love you with or without cupid's arrow.
I love you.
2.3k · Feb 2017
Searing Metal
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
It would take forever to write out all the ways that I love you
my love glows bright orange like metal left to sit atop a flame
I could spend an eternity to find something I hate about you
and I'd still struggle to find a single one of your flaw.

Our chains remain under a lit flame,
the metal may burn a bright red colour,
but the chain would remain linked just the same
and I'm in love with you tomorrow, just like I was yesterday.
2.3k · Apr 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017

When I was a kid, I told myself I was going to buy a lion. Not to rule over the king of the jungle but to have a kitty named Mufasa. When I grew up Mufasa became my father and I found out three quarters wasn't enough for a lion.

When I grew a little older, reached adolescence I learned a lesson, that three quarters still wasn't enough to buy a giant pussycat. I would have bought a jaguar because my lion days were beside me, I would buy a giant jaguar to be beside me but I was still naive and had not known that jaguars would see me as a steak.

When I reached adulthood and the pressures of buying a house and a car hit me so my first thought was once again, I'll buy a jaguar. Then I heard my brother tell me that jaguars will cost me a fortune to keep fuelled, so I told him, I'll sweat gas and bleed decorative pillows. He laughed at me and my naivety. I am now an adult and I wonder, how much does a lion cost?
1.3k · Feb 2017
The Moth
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
I am a moth chasing a flame,
you're burning me every second-
but there's no second guessing
that I am drawn to you.
I am a moth chasing a flame,
I might crumble to ash and dust,
to nothing but charred remains,
yet I still won't ever change.
I am a moth chasing a flame,
like a desert chasing the rain,
like a cloud chasing a plane,
like a needle chasing a vein.

I am a moth chasing a flame.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
There has been rain clouds
these past few days,
I've been allowed
to love for a long time,
Maybe i should drown
the problems alone,
maybe it's enough,
I have loved enough.
You clouded my trust
And now I know
that I have loved enough.

I hope you find all that you're looking for.
1.2k · Feb 2017
Rigid Poems, Vivid Poems
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
I want to:
die in a breath,
live in a heartbeat,
chase a sunrise
like the wind
under a butterfly's wing,
smile like the fishes
aren't watching,
hear the cricket croak,
soak in vivid poems,
become lost in the stars,
chase the cars
that I can't afford,
raise the hairs on my neck
from the affection of a kiss,
teach a kid that
heartache is natural,
witness a meteor shower
and its ashes,
hear a pigeon
give a soliloquy
and watch a rose
frozen in mid July.
I want to touch dreams
and dance in nightmares
Too much wishing and waiting,
Too much wishing and wanting.
1.2k · May 2017
Hydroponic Death
Gregory Dun Aer May 2017
Fields and farms of roses, each destined to be plucked or cut from its stem.
A rainbow under the covers of incandescence, a myriad of colours to suit a holiday.
Happy Valentines doesn't mean I love you  in the same way it used to, decades ago.
Flowers become a facade of emotions that don't seem to prosper from wandering minds.
I planted some rose seeds in a broken ***, a decrepit chrysalis that houses a blossom and bloom. The roses grew to an enchanting sight and I am disillusioned by the fact that the only options left are to pluck it or cut it. So I choose neither and I leave the roses to wilt in a decrepit cacophonous cemetery.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
I felt the arrow pluck my heart
I don't know how to help myself
I'm slowly but surely falling apart
and I'm dying for your help.

I watch the sun rise from your eyes
then the clouds swept the shine away
I'm trying so hard to get to sleep at night
but I feel like I'm slowly wasting away.

I felt the familiar beat of your heart
I guess I must have remembered wrong
because it was the heels as you depart
and my thought is a jumbled song.

I wish you would just turn back time
back to when you felt in love with me,
to when we fought the world and felt fine
but I guess the one to blame is me.

I look around and I don't know what to feel
my mind has become a muddled mess
I hope that over time I will learn to heal
but there's this tightening in my chest...

and I just feel like I can't breathe.
988 · Jun 2017
Broken Hope
Gregory Dun Aer Jun 2017
In my mind your fingers were in the gaps of my fingers
we were holding onto timbered dreams of romance
then the floorboards disappeared from underneath
and I am in this weathered storm left thinking-
that somehow someway I wish you could...
I wish you could find a way to love me as I have you...
but the only words that come out speak silence-
'you are beautiful' because that's all I wanted to let you hear.
Theres an ember lighting a pile of papers
that seems to turn rustic a foundation of solid ground
and right now- I'm wondering if love is real,
because if it's real, why does it hurt so much?
Maybe I just wanted the soft illusion to stick a little longer,
maybe I'm not great, maybe I'm not good,
maybe I wasn't trying hard enough,
or maybe I just wasn't enough-
but I do know that ...
I miss you...
not in the way we built our relationship-
I don't miss you in the way that you went to work,
or I went to school...
I miss you in the way that I won't get another chance to miss you,
so I miss you-
but the sun shines on my face,
and I wish I could say its familiar shape stings my eyes,
but right now - I wish I was blind,
I wish I was blind, deaf, and could not talk.
Just so I can say - this is close to death- and I like it.
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
I loved you, with every fibre of my being. Every muscle, every heartbeat, every breath and every instance. When I was with you, all I knew was to make you smile, make you happy, make you treasure every moment so I kept my heart open for any piece of vindictive criticism you had for me. I wore every part you liked and discarded every part you despised. I tried and tried to make sure I could build myself into your dreams like the way a person would mix and match ice creams fulfilling their every need. I will no longer choose to make you happy, I will no longer choose to make you smile because while that was fun and warm; I am choosing myself. I will not chase the imaginary dragon like a ****** addict chasing another fix by fixing myself for you. I will not choose to make you happy anymore. Do not look to me for love, the love I felt for you has died. Our moments have cascaded like snowflakes melted by the scorching sun. Do not look to me for love, my love for you is like a cadaver floating with the currents in a canal. I will not love you again not the same way that I used to, that I could. I have loved you from every starlit moment to every sunny day. Take it from a guy willing to risk his life to remind you that you are beautiful every moment; I have been deceived by an optical illusion that lays heavy like a contusion in the mind. I knew I was blind but unsure as to how blind, because beauty doesn't come from a pretty exterior but a heart that soaks in all forms of kindness. I gave you every piece of me just so you could rip it apart, piece by piece. I hope you cherish every hurtful moment with ease; you are lucky not to live with the same bitter blue saddened memories I will carry in my life. Do not look to me for love- I no longer know how to love you.

- from he who let you break him apart.
909 · Apr 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
There's no reason
why I should stop loving you
just because we're no longer in love.
881 · Apr 2017
Golden Sunshine
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
You remind me what it is like to smile again,
to pick up a pen that sends a positive message,
you salvage the wreckage that is my life
my light seems to flicker on and off
but I scoff at those who say I'm living in darkness.
I fall apart often trying not to get lost in
the crosshairs of two shooters crossing pistols,
I fall apart often believing in false prophets
that gives me warning and false cautions.
But I have you to pick me up every time
every line I write is a appreciation of you
of how you made the blue in my life vanish
and banished the negative emotions
that drizzles into an ocean drowning everything.
You are the sun when there is darkness,
you are the mountains and the harness
that keeps me safe and happy.
You are everything beautiful in my life
remind me one more time that tonight-
you still love me.

My heart beats for you, the familiar door knock
it's not chained up or locked so enter at your will,
come live inside my heart for free, it is always open
for a golden sunshine like you.
842 · Mar 2017
Life Takes Time
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
Follow like the mist of the morning
I'm yawning but my eyes are wide,
the dew on the leaves seem boring,
I cried but not from a place of sorrow
I follow the luminous orb to a place:
a place so far away from grace.

The cliffs are divided by gravel
I'll travel the rest of the ways tomorrow,
for the light prods a horse with a saddle
I watched the birds fly over my way.
I hear the chirps barricaded by trees
I'll see to it that I'll sail the seas.

The song echoes, I hear nothing but breathing,
the colours taste bland and there I was reaching-
for one glorious moment where it all made sense.
I commend those who travelled these cliffs
that were eclipsed by the deadliest woods.

I smell something sinister yet reminds me of me,
I smell something like the smell of flesh on water,
I smell nothing. I fear, I smell nothing.

I see one last projection of the illuminating orb,
as it transforms into a night sky of stars,
I'm afar from them, but I can feel them touch me.
The warmth I reminisce on, reappears,
I fear I can taste colours and smell roses,
I fear I can hear the birds beyond the trees,
I hear them just fine, and I hear more than that;
I hear my heartbeats, I've beaten the cliffs
eclipsed by dangerous woods.
I have no idea what I'm writing, because I sort of drifted out- but as long as I'm drifting in and out, I am happy.

834 · Apr 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
This is a place I don't dare to visit
the room is enclosed by four walls,
there are misshaped windows
with metal bars that laced the brick
as stained as a lifetime smoker's teeth.
The grey wall bleed a terrible stench
that brings back memories of pig farms
in the morning after a dampened night,
the walls are coated with red sludge
that is enough to reduce a grown man
to his knees with pleas of destroying
the savage assault on his senses.
In the middle of the room sits a chair
that is positioned right under a bulb
of light that spreads a dimmed vision
to the entirety of the room, the chair
is locked inside a cage as large a space
as the cabinet of a common kitchen.
The bulb swings from its loose wires
that seems to exist as a tangled mess
with the red intersecting the yellow
and in various points the wire
seems to have been stripped of its
dignity with copper exposed in points
that have rusted against the times.
It seems that the swinging light
may never be fixed to a single space
in the vast expanse of the ceiling,
so it throws shadows against the walls
where the chair is mere distortions
between light and dark.
The chair is trapped in a cage
with a lock that seems impossible
to ever penetrate and the break
in the metal bars that has rusted away
is too small for any hand to fit through.
The mildew grows in the corners
where the ground meets the wall
and against one of the four the green
grimy mildew meets the red sludge
enough to give of a yellow colour.
I recognise something against one
of the four walls, it calls for my eyes
and screams for my ears. It reiterates
this is the inside of my mind and
so far I'm making colours of everything
I could ever find.
I've been running my whole life
and in every single light, I am
another shadow casted against walls-
forever imprisoned.
805 · Apr 2017
Abaddon Abandon
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
The caverns,
so dark
so dreary
such a shame
the view
may have been
Stalactite sharpened
to a fine point
like a quill
used to write
letters of love
and courtship
every day.
Above the horizon,
the constant drip
of water echoes
against the
brown dusty
a pool forms
as clear as
wine glass.
The sound
of breathing
mimics the
howling wind,
the chilli air
a hug with a
that settles
its frost
into the bones.
The caverns,
with only a peel
of light is
let through,
the pebbles
the feet,
the bridges
two darker
places like
a stitch
tied over
a blistering
This is
the abyss
that abaddon
has abandoned,
and it may
just be the most
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
I miss the way she made me smile from cheek to cheek
I miss the sunrise that seem to accompany her words
I miss the moon's glow that felt like a goodnight's kiss
I wish I didn't have to miss any of these things.
I miss the clouds that sway in the sky, dry to the touch;
I miss the nights where I did not lay awake with the stars.

The night is young and the sun is a mere orb
telling nothing of the time but wasted moments.
I long for the days where I would stay up all night
lost in the conversations that seemed to lead no where
Now I stay up all night lost in my thoughts.
I miss the sun's ray beaming tiny droplets of diamonds
across the ocean's water.
I miss the spring and the winter.
I miss them all.
661 · Mar 2017
Radiation [Long Poem]
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
The light inside is broken but I'm still working
the moments of hurting seems to come and go
like a tide built from an undertow of anguish.
I let anger be my language and the bandage
only manages to grow in size.
In retrospect I should have expected less
I'm blessed that I found this sort of emotion
in an ocean of human sensation, I've taken
enough of what is to be learned.
Bearing another day felt almost impossible
as colossal losses shall feel and in tragedy
happening I found something else I want
a haunted thought that maybe I'm okay,
maybe just the slight; I am okay.
I would have been more okay in your arms,
but I am convincing myself that I am okay,
and like a torrent of despair, you shared
heartache into my soul.

The heart inside is broken, but I'm still working;
I remind myself it doesn't worsen
but in moments, I'm fervently certain I'm wrong.

I'll wait for tomorrow, and the day after;
til laugh seeps my soul, for then I will know
that the glowing light I've been expecting;
will be switched back on.

I will wait till I can learn to love again,
next time it won't be in the arms of pretence.
I will love her as I love wielding a pen
and fighting my inner turmoils.
I will love her as though she is my world
a world unknown to me before.
I will love her like a crimson moon
overlooking the riverside.
I will love her as I have loved you
but only more.
I will love her with complete radiance,
and build on my patience, for her.
I will love her like the complex things in life,
meant to be understood and studied.
I will love her as if we shall perish in waters;
and with a breath, I will lift her life like a balloon,
and shall that be the last kiss we ever share;
I will bear the pain of letting her know-
I have only ever held her in my heart.

I will love her as I will adore roses, not to wilt
but to instil the most of joy as I could.
I would love her as if she was a gem in my life,
unknown to opened eyes that she is sparkling.
I know I will love her,
and that is a promise of honest care
that shares paths with the joyous moments.
I know I will love her, because I know
she will love me too.
634 · Mar 2017
Finding love [10W]
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
Every heartache we stray
a little further from finding love.
630 · Apr 2017
Fiction Lenses
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
My dreams
pass through me
each moment
flicker like a
rolling film,
the teal
seems to
with the other

In them I hear
tales of untold
I hear
wedding bells
and a bride
along with the
sound of a rustling
as it sweeps
the floor.

I see
the sun through
a crack
in the blinds,
I see
a cup of coffee
on a tabletop
that has been
washed and wiped
so many times
that the patterns
start to fade.

I feel
relentlessly motivated
confused as to
which reality
I might want to live.
A world
I captured in
my mind,
where nothing
is patched together
the smells don't
correspond with the
the sights don't
echo the
other senses,
so do I live
in a blinded mind's
fantasised fiction
pieced together
like stitches
in a dress
or in reality
where everything
is as it is
I can be certain
of what is
624 · Feb 2017
Holding On
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
If I ever let go, it'll be the worst thing I can imagine;
I'm holding on, to the shadows and the smell of you,
because in a single breath: so much could happen,
I'm holding on, to the thoughts and memories of you.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
It all just started with a walk in the woods,
A talk on the woods blossomed like fire,
And they shalt not tire of their speeches,
Because leeches like those will never alone.

The words tasted the moisture on lips
a hidden kiss behind tall fern trees
And the bees will buzz as they ought to do
because the overdue sting is awaiting.

They sit on a log as the stream flows by,
A deer looks up, pauses, then flies away on a blanket of leaves

I wandered here myself and shalt I perish
I'd cherish the time my deer has given to me,
For to house a sea of hearts in a foliage of leaves
means less to thee and more to me.

I lay down my sword and pick up my pen,
I put down the chains and lift up my spirit,
I dance while the whole world crumbles,
As it crumbles around me.

I tumble on along the currents of wind-
passing me, a moment in an eternity,
I still turn to me for advice through the looking glass,
and passing me is a moment in an eternity.

There is a moment where I stop, the world slowly spins as I fall to the floor,
I see a flower blooming in the garden,
The woods that opened my eyes to the world beyond,
Getting smaller
This is a collaborated piece between me and Kiri Anon.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
She's a very honest soul,
A brave soul without care.
She will tell you of her day
so listen to the words
she speaks.
She will hide things,
But she will tell you
When you feel like
She won't ever force
You to say anything
Or ever force you
To do anything
For her.
She's beautiful,
Smart, creative
and definitely
She's able to bring up
any topic to talk about
so awkward silences
are non existent with her.
When you look into her eyes
If you haven't fallen in love
You definitely will.
There's a shine that
is indescribable.
The moon light can't compare
To the shine that glimmers
in her eyes.
If you can make her look
at you with that shine,
consider yourself a lucky man.
You will never find an angel
Who will be able to care
While at the same time
Make you laugh without a care.
Cherish her every second
Cherish her every moment
Because you have won the lottery,
Love her with all your heart
and make her happy.
If I could pick someone to be
With right this moment,
I would pick her.
So you should realise
Just how lucky you are.
You definitely do not
want to lose her.
Watch as the sun rises and sets
And you'll realise,
Her beauty is way beyond
Any of that.
Make her happy for me,
I just want you to make
her smile.
                 Love her
Like I never had
                 The chance
This is a repost of an old poem that I really have loved for myself.
617 · Mar 2017
Confessional Poem 1
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
I was a 4 year old kid who visited his father in hospital every day for months. The worst part about that was prentending everything will be normal. That me telling my dad "it'll be ok" will make it come true.But it doesn't.People would walk around and tell me that ok is relative. Some are just more ok than others but in that moment I felt anything but okay. Because to this day, I still say "no kid should watch his father strapped up to machines trying to breathe the words that say don't worry too much". Between each broken breath I can remember him asking about whether I'd behave at home, like a few bruises and cuts on my face would change how anything was going to play out. Some days I wish I could reverse death. Some days I wish I could reverse time. This is one of those days. Because 17 years ago I lost a man who was supposed to show me what it was like to be a man. How to stand like a man. How to walk like a man. How to talk like a man. So you know what really keeps me going? Being childish. It's easier. Easier to pretend. Easier to believe in imaginary things like an imaginary dad giving me advices. Most kids grew up with an imaginary friend or a unicorn, I grew up with an imaginary dad.
607 · Feb 2017
Pretty Poetry
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
He pens pretty poetry on a paper pad
hoping the mistakes he made would fade,
He counts each and every syllable to be safe
but the metaphors don't speak the fact.
He pens pretty poetry on a paper pad
to display the heartbeats and darker shades
of living the days of replayed heartbreak
just so that he could bury hurt in sand.

His right hand writes away the tears
the years have made him grown bitter;
he shrivels as the roses start to wither
and poems become scribbled cries no one hears.
He ends tear-stained poems before it gets torn
with last words that read loving you was war.
574 · Feb 2017
Fallen [Haiku]
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
With feathers of love,
You were my one searing sun
And I: Icarus.
563 · May 2017
Gregory Dun Aer May 2017
Twisted times we live in, it is sad really;
people aspire to be just alike models
some get to live the dream and others
fall in gravestones of eating disorders.
New health crazes don't burn the hunger,
they set alight igniting the soul till nothing left
but broken bones, ashes scattered
across seas as pink as blood.
I watch the passerbys sip on poisons
contained in a bottle with promises
that this will bring in the gold,
bring in the women, bring in the fame,
but never discerning the devil
is on his stride, taking his jog just as
passerbys do. It is sad really,
to watch bones and dressed up animate
corpses walk across a stage filled with
estranged eyes. It is sad really,
so I try to spread my happiness as ashes in the wind and tell them they look good.
I don't know if I'm feeding their death
or savouring on their happiness, but
they grin back with gratitude and I
feel none the less grateful. Have I become their poison? I watch with careful eyes, and tell another;
you don't have to change the way you look,
but my words fall on deaf ears as they say, it's my choice.
Do I give them a path to walk,
or do I choose their path?
Who am I to dictate what they should do?
So I sit idle by in a little corner,
drinking my coffee, reading my book and
watching people exsanguinate themselves.
I sip on coffee and pass out happiness
where I can, and where I may not,
I sit idle by drinking coffee, reading books and watching people die.
542 · Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
Am I allowed to see
you smile one last time,
the ghost of you is still
so pretty in my mind.
Do you mind if I say it,
your love was war,
but it was my favourite
so I keep the bloodied bandages.
The care package changed hands
I am a letter in a book of pages
I now fight a different war
but much doesn't really change.
The rainbow behind your eyes faded
I remember every one of your eye colours
and how they persistently persuaded
me to hold live ammunition to my chest.
The artillery remnants
scattered across the soils
I stand in line at remembrance
holding sepia stained photographs.

**I am fighting a different war,
one that is worth fighting for.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
Tonight my heart writes a sad song.

I will write for example ' My heartbeats sings the blues
And the night sky is shaking in silence'.

The stars dimming with every fresh breath of air.

Tonight I can write a heartbreaking song.
I gave my heart to her and she left the next day.

Through nights like these, I sat under the stars
Watching her smile lit like fireflies in the night.

She loved me once, and I loved her too.
Who wouldn't find love within her smile?

This night, I write the saddest song.
To think I held her in my arms before I held empty air.

To hear the sour surrender of silence
I used to hear her laughs, now my musical tunes tired.

What does it matter where she is.
For I know ingrained in my whole, she is not here.

Tonight I will write of emptiness like a sky
That is staring down the Earth without a light.

My eyes gazed upon the faint stars, praying it was her
My heart has found her, missing from my eyes.

The night sky casing us all, changes when morning arrives
And so like us, we too change when time comes.

I no longer hold her that's true, but with a million hearts I loved her.
My songs from my heartbeat, I hoped reached her ears.

Somewhere else, she will be somewhere else,
Showing her shine of a smile to other beings.

I love her no more, just the disdain that kept me going.
Maybe I do love her for my heart faults without her.

Though I held her in my embrace, empty nights like these,
I wished on a falling star to hold her.

Although I had not been blessed by a thousand stars to get to love her,
I let my heart write a sad song in hopes she can hear their beats.
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
You were once just a child as well, with eyes bright blue,
who knew nothing of right or wrong, the starlight's song-
comforted you from the wrong your father committed,
the childhood hurt grew every minute and the pictures
you've taken shows a father and child but not a father figure,
the flicker of a flash could show a mother or a father,
some in the name of scripture and some in the name of tradition.
but canes and whips in the name of discipline
did not transform kids to men; only bruises to hatred.
It is a generational hatred,
and it is time to stop tradition,
it is time to stop physical abuse against children,
because once upon a time- you were once just a child as well.

*Hatred breeds more hatred.
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
What did I do wrong to deserve this?
Why do you hate me so much as to hurt me?
Why does this keep happening?
What have I ever done to you for you to hate me?
Am I a tragedy magnet, awaiting the next storm to wipe me out?
Why couldn't I find a love that was built on genuine care?
Why did I have to find you?
Out of everyone in this world, why was it you who hurt me?
Why couldn't you have just told me the truth, left in a happy bliss?
Why couldn't you remember that at any time I have tried all I could?
Why ...just why do you hate me?

You used to say I didn't make you feel safe, and you hated that about me.
I used to silently say, you made me feel like I never mattered, and I hated that about me.

I'm still silently saying, buried under a thousand unanswered questions;
why do you hate me so much as to set out to hurt me?
Why can't I seem to do the same, why can't I just hate you even a little bit?
Why am I so stupid to still feel like I could think of you and associate the word love?
Why am I so stupid?

I guess sometimes this world is just like that; we live in our own minds for a little too long, longer than a breath and it drives us insane. One breath at a time.

I don't know if I'd make it breathing, this breathing thing is getting a little too hard for me.

Why do you hate me? When all I've ever done was tried my best to love you?

Why can't I breathe?

Why can't I just have everything go well for once? Just once?

Why did you have to turn out like the rest of them?

What happened to the caring soul I remember who came to my defence when I was called a nerd? What happened to the person who made sure I was safe in a car crash? I guess I've been led to believe so many things could happen, I guess I spent too much time in my mind.

Out of so many billions of people, why am I so unlucky?

Goodbye forever G.L.K.
The other 900 thousand are running through my head every second. I can't sleep and all I've been doing is crying and drinking water (so at least I'm hydrated).

Sorry for the really.....bumming write.

I'm just so close to calling everything quits, this thing I call a life, this joke of a thing- I just want to call it quits; but there's people out in my life I don't want to disappoint. So I hope I can handle this storm and keep going on.

Why did you grow to hate me and I never even knew?
500 · Mar 2017
People In The Crowd
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
The crowd stares at me in disbelief, they're trying to tell me how to dress,
like the left wing says my jeans are too short, it's unaccustomed to them,
the solution is to loosen my comfort and enjoy the prospects
of being taken hostage by a system that assists in my demolition,
I'm not perfect, I'm not beautiful. They preach it through musicals,
that acoustical tune that says the world is watching every step,
so every breath is not my own to control, I'm holding a cane
that doesn't make me stand taller, doesn't make me stand bolder,
that says the older I get, the more of these I will have to buy.
So I look up to the sky wondering how in the world I got here
a beard, some faded jeans telling me what it means to be amazing,
amazing as defined by pop star icons is found in the way you dressed
not in the depth of your soul, not in the acceptance as a whole
but in the pressed on nails and roaming around with flesh on sale.

I do not live by the words of the left wing nor the right wing
I live within my own world where the words soothes my soul,
there's a hole in my chest but it isn't being filled with clothing
because closing a hole with materials is not as filling as it is.
I do not care how I dress, as long as my purpose is intact
I will not be trapped inside a system that assists in my demolition.

The people in the crowd looks to me, says your purpose-
is to sling curses at an old lady with a veteran husband
that the nation trusted, sling curses at an old lady
who lately struggles to sleep as she seeps into the bottle.
The people in the crowd looks to me, says your purpose
is to worsen the lives of those around me, that old lady
who as of lately suffers from arthritis, with shaking hands
tell her you plan to disrespect her because she is a wreckage
unworthy of salvaging so you're doing a hefty good deed.
The people in the crowd says it is all in the name of being cool,
shattering lives, taking knives from drawers
and drawing in people who self harm to help calm their bloods
with a slice of a blade, this mistake after the next,
a blade forgets the wrist but the people don't shut up.
They look at us, like we are their chopping boards
playing tic-tac-toe with an ink they can afford,
each hateful name is a checkered stain across a wrist
that has been kissed by mothers and stitched by doctors.

The people in the crowd says to me, how do you expect-
any respect dressed as a draped over curtain, for certain-
you are earthen for a purpose and that purpose is to show yourself;
dress like hell is awaiting and the heaven is sacred,
dress like a patriot but swear foul things towards your country,
do it for the money or don't do it at all.
The people in the crowd looks at me, up and down,
their face forms a frown like a rainbow made from hate,
a greyish drab sweeps over their face and they know
that I'm gone.

I taught hate towards myself where a pill in a bottle won't feed it
I've beaten myself to blue and pink where my instincts to be insync
with hatred is but a tempo in a song. I look to the crowd
and question are you proud? I've been alive, trying to minimise
the time I have left before I expire and in this light
I might just give fight to the wrong cause
because I'm lost. A pill in a bottle won't fix what's broken
I've soaked in the word of the crowd for so long
that I'm long gone.

I hope that I can stand tall, stand bolder,
grow older, grow wiser to love myself
and not need help on learning to love.
497 · Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
I can't seem to stop smiling from
how hard the weight fell off my shoulders
when I decided you aren't worth my time
and right now in a long while
I just can't seem to stop smiling.
*I am happy
489 · Feb 2017
What Poetry Is To Me?
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
Write every word as if they will never cease to exist
diminish every demon within each single letter;
bring together the jovial gestures and utter anguish
captured in comforting language that manages to strike at hearts-
by breaking apart the tantalising daggers in souls and spirits.
Poetry is meant to be fierce, every piece of writing
is meant to encapsulate a lightning's roar:the thunder
and sunder the bits of the world that chooses not to fight.
Each write teases at breezes that aren't blizzards
and visits on topical interests that puts the world on its head.
Each write bled the soul of the poet and artist behind it
to bring sight to blinded eyes and give fantasies to reality.
The brutality of brandishing a knife is like a simile:
meant to cut simply at the way the world functions
and cross the junctions of where two things are alike but unseen.
Poetry is the trickling of sands in a world without deserts;
it confesses the soul of the one who holds the pen,
always meant to defend the views possessed by the poet,
holding closest every word as if it was still tied to the heart
and tear apart the fabric of a world too darkened by shadows.
Poetry is an arrow that isn't meant to stop the heart, but stop the hate.
479 · Apr 2017
Long Rant 1 [Long poem]
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
I will not be the vindictive serpent's next victim
laying stitches into the brick and concrete of society.
I will not quietly be brought to my knees
sought to please those who make it my choice to do so.
I will be bold against the ridicule like a person
with a burden on his shoulders the size of boulders.
I will grow bolder if I must, to overcome the suspicious
tradition of holding people down and building ladders
out of the souls of cadavers just to allow people to climb
above another.
I will not crush another person's self esteem
to succeed and I will not watch another person bleed
like a machine leaking oil and pretend that its nothing.
It is not nothing.
People get hurt, words are a cursed knife covered in rust
to those unlucky enough to be cut by such a blade.

I will not climb on the backs of others
to cover my mistakes and I will not scale mountains
on the fountain of someones emotion.
Humans aren't meant to be used. We live in a new world
where the humans are used like a ***** and a nail,
we've all witnessed betrayal and deceit.
We live in a new world where the hurting is conscious
we've all tried to be a little more greedy than honest
and the anaesthetic feeding into the blood is rotten.

The illusion that we see on television is that:
we almost always live in an almost oasislike life
where kites soar over the cliffs and heaven exists.
Where kids are kissed before bedtime and the night
is meant for dreamers to gaze at stars
and not to be spent afar from family in a coal mine.

I will not be the vindictive serpent's next victim
I am on a mission to redefine the word beauty;
oxford finds that the word beauty means
aesthetically pleasing, so the creases in a paper
does not speak of experience but its anti-beauty.
Some make it their duty to be anti-beauty antibodies
who seem like copies directly made from a printer
and the thinner the paper, the better.

My definition differs to those already defined words;
beauty is abstract; beauty is like a race track,
it may have marks, may occasionally fall apart,
may contain broken gravel, cement, concrete,
may not even be complete, but there is something about it
that makes me want to keep visiting it.
The olden saying of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
the further we move towards what society wants;
the colder we become to realising that beauty surrounds us,
it is in the love of a brother, love of a mother,
it is in you;
you are beautiful.
Definiton of Beauty: You.
471 · Aug 2017
Far away from where you are
Gregory Dun Aer Aug 2017
World's apart,
the gates closed,
boarding rooms packed;
stranger faces than truth,
she waits for me on the other side,
so familiar yet so distant,
two hearts connected,
she loves me
and I love her,
but world's apart
and don't think this space will close,
not any time soon.
I'm staring at framed photos,
edited to mesh like wires-
red with red and blue with blue.
454 · Dec 2017
Unintended Lies
Gregory Dun Aer Dec 2017

Every girl I’ve ever pursued,
I would be lying if I never gave you my truth,
the truth is I am scared of myself.
They say time helps but over the years
my fears seem only to grow larger
and each day gets harder to go pass.
Now I can tell a joke, make a few smiles
but each mile I walk in my shoes,
the harder it is to stand still.
So I watch the world descend on me
like a rain pouring over a little field,
and dream of a shield to cover myself.
Just...there’s just no umbrella big enough.
So if I’ve ever pursue you,
don’t take the ruse of a happy smile
or the ruse of a joke like manner,
I am rarely ever happy,
but there is a little bit of happiness
in making you happy.
So I would be boldly lying if I didn’t tell you,
that I’m a sad and broken man.
I am not confident, and I don’t know how to pick you up,
but I do know one thing,
I’m happy that you’re smiling.
So I am being honest in saying
your smile is the deposit into my bank of happy memories.
I am not confident and chances are you’ll look through me
but if you could catch a glimpse of me,
remember- I never intended to lie to you.
Remember- I just wanted you to smile.
447 · Feb 2017
Star-Light Wishing
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
Do you ever wonder if stars are lovers wishes,
the thousands and millions of wishes to be together forever,
and a city without stars is a city of lovers that have never seen a day apart.
What if stars are a painting of the different pathways,
two lovers could take?

What if the late night thinking and the dazzling stars,
are telling me that you and I are a mistake?
But what if they're telling me that you were made for me,
the same way stars are made for each other to form constellations?
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
Fatigue does to me what feels like a goodnight kiss
I miss the way she'd remind me to sugar coat my dreams
like the cream on top of a hot beverage on a winters day.
I face myself every day hoping that she'd find her way back
I lack the courage to ask for her to return into my life
I know the night is long and the days without her feels longer.
I hear her voice echo in my heart mimicking my heartbeat
the discrete sound of what feels like a million shattered pieces
each part increases in size hoping that they'd fill back up.
I love her and I had hoped she had found herself to love me too
but confused to what love really means, I know she did not love me.

Fatigue does to me what feels like a goodnight kiss;
I miss being able to sleep at night without tiring myself out.
I doubt I'll sleep tonight but I do hope she haves sweet dreams
like the sweet tea in the morning just the way she likes.
I don't know whether to give up or to hold on
my heart is frozen between one beat and the next
I guess this has been why it has been so hard to breathe.
I believe one day I will find my answer;
and I hope it is in her arms.

[A poem about a girl - StarShine/Teacup]
441 · Feb 2017
Torn Buildings
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
Your words wage war; they've torn down the confidence I've spent a lifetime building.
The feeling of shattered self esteem is incomparable to any other pain known.
I've grown to learn to fend for myself,
to help myself, but I know all too well what it is like to hurt.

Your words are an artillery of hurt
each engraved with the letters that form the words
       D     E     S      T      R     U    C     T       I        O     N,

           H        A       T        E.
438 · Dec 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Dec 2017
I like how happy you have been,
I like how it isn't with me and that you
weren't as blue as the sky anymore.
I like the four by four prism you drew
in the morning dew that sits on the car.
I like that about you, the fact that you smile,
and each agile part of your lips only made you more,
and with less time passes the more you become,
so if I could sum you up; you are more than you
have ever been.

And that's a good thing,
because you have more life in your feet now
than you ever did in your own house.

I like how happy you have been
and I know how it had nothing to do with me,
but I'm happy for you regardless.

I like how happy you have been
and scene after scene, I wish I could watch a movie
of you smiling. Panoramic angles of nothing...
but you.
434 · Mar 2017
Before - After,
Gregory Dun Aer Mar 2017
As she has before
So she will after.
As he has before
but he hurts after.
As she has tried
so she will try again.
As he has tried
he has given up.
As she has met fate
she shall greet with love.
As he has met fate
shall he learn to let go.

As she has found love before
So she will find love after.

*As he has found love before
he finds it no more
426 · Feb 2017
Barbed Wire
Gregory Dun Aer Feb 2017
There's a barbed wire encasing your heart
no broken parts need to be held together by it
the silent sound of blood trickling down my arm
the harm I've done to myself led to no result,
like a knife in a cult I am covered in blood
and the blood I bled barely seemed to move you.
This was usual because the barbed wire ribcage
has kept your heart safe but has also kept it safe.

There's a barbed wire encasing your heart
and I promise I wil let the wires break
but never mistake it for your heart.

There's a barbed wire encasing your heart
not meant to keep things in but to keep things out,
to keep doubt on the realities of love,
to feed enough companionship in loneliness.
419 · Apr 2019
Seven Minutes In Heaven
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2019
We played our childish game of seven minutes in heaven,
when I knew very well that I should have gone to hell.
We played an endless game of  nicky nicky nine doors,
because the floors were lava and we had no where else to go.
Too little hiding and too little seeking to find what we wanted,
or to even run away from what we truly honoured.
We played games like children playing breaking bricks,
trying to break traditions set by parents from years earlier.
We chose to play a 'til we die' game called arranged marriage,
because operation made for a better game than abortion,
and it's all distorted marketing; trying to sell parkinsons-
to veterans with medicine prices sky rocketing.
We lived in a time where playing cops and robbers
meant playing tax offices trying to honour tax on coffins.
Take the heinous nature of human and discount it forward,
we are not all as evil as we seem, but we still play jump rope
with the sensitive lines hidden behind media's eyes,
we play jump rope with politics because it was always fun-
to lunge up the ladder in a game of snakes and ladders.
We all played at monogamy like it was a game of monopoly,
constantly competing for marriage like it was Mayfair on the board.
We've boarded on a train of imagination with fetishes and kinks,
trying to rethink what the ordinary could never provide,
and I admit, i lost in the game called tinder but I don't lose sleep
knowing I haven't matched with someone who swiped right.
We built campfire out of torches because there's still a light
in the horse **** we go through on a daily basis,
and we hold our tragic faces trying to compete with the sob stories
of modern day Romeo and juliet's because what's best is beyond us.
So I tire of playing Simon Says when I know quite well that
we play duck duck goose with bullets and guns hoping the fun
doesn't reach us too soon because there's still some fun in funeral.
We played our childish game of seven minutes in heaven,
when I knew very well that I should have gone to hell.
417 · Apr 2017
Happy Venom
Gregory Dun Aer Apr 2017
I've drowned my sorrows in a bottle-
for too many nights,
I'd light a matchstick that feel like pain patches
trying to detach myself from feeling anything else.
I've consumed the liquid poison to coat that wound
of feeling so consumed by the world in itself.
I feel like I'm being eaten away by this world at times,
my mind is a vortex that seems to enjoy being doused in toxic objects.

So give me an injection that makes me happy
and I'll give you my health to make it happen.
416 · Jun 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Jun 2017
If half of the world understood me
       I would be half as mad,
       but twice as sad.
So I prefer being a cosmic unknown,
       because I wouldn't expect-
       anyone to care-
       and that might be the best-
       way to be driven mad.
410 · Jun 2018
Silver Linings
Gregory Dun Aer Jun 2018
She rides in with the moonlight,
the hollow echoes of her footsteps,
silent as her smile glows in night,
as those sparkling eyes match.

I wore pride like a badge across me,
at shoulder height, slung right across,
the fact that she’s mine, forever to be;
silent as my smile glows in night.

The cusp of the air grows beyond stars,
cherished breath; we matured forward,
redundantly relaxing beyond the yard,
as we stood in the tenacity of the dark.

There is not one thing left in the world,
just two souls stuck silently smiling.
405 · Dec 2017
Gregory Dun Aer Dec 2017
I have spent so much time blaming you,
that you have died and came back alive
in the amount of time that I have held on
to this hatred.

I blamed your life for my future
just because it suited me to say
you were in charge of my history
as if the mystery behind an unopened
box is controlled by you unwrapping
the ribbon.

So for all the times I have been selfish
I helplessly apologise
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