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Dec 2017 · 377
lionheartlion Dec 2017
The most beautiful night.
No noise
No sound
Just the sound of the stars and the children in their beds
The magic that is born from being an adolescent
The hope
The whimisicality
It is all so gorgeous
Our savior came this night
He is perfect
S­o so beautiful
I am thankful
I try to be thankful
I find this hard at times
I adore this evening though
It is the feeling I reach for every day to keep alive in this childlike heart of mine.
This is the most peaceful night of the year.
Not because of santa or presents
It is the magic that the air holds and miracle that was born into the world on this night.
I love it
I crave it
I need it
This sweet empty night sky that is unvacated by the stars and the moon.
The noise that ceases to exist allowing our minds to dream so seamlessly.
Mar 2017 · 405
No Youth
lionheartlion Mar 2017
Remember how I said there were dreamer people and the idealists?
We're the dreamer people darling.
Growing up is stupid, preposterous.
What's even the point?
To go to school for the first 22 years of your life and do nothing but work for a "nice" paycheck that will never satisfy your wants.
Maybe needs.
I look around at the things I see and they're so **** beautiful.
No wonder adults are always so tired.
Were all burnt out from the last 20 or 30 years of a youth.
The most common misunderstanding is that we actually have a youth.
Youth is fun, youth is doing anything you wish whenever you wish.
Instead were thrown into a society where everything has order, everything has a plan.
The only thing they can't control are the dreams my intellect holds.
My bones ache for the great beyond.
I want to see God.
I want to listen to God whisper to me in the winds.
I want no means of communication or outside people.
I would be honored to meet the beautiful people of this world on my endeavors but not the cookie cutter bunch I found myself constantly surrounded by.
I need new.
I need now.
I need to get out of here.
For a very long time with him.
I want no plans.
Only the ones for the day I imagine with him.
I want to marry him tomorrow and begin to lives.
Be spontaneous because there isn't enough of it in my life.
Marry him and tell the whole world.
Be madly in love and do nothing but what makes us happy.
Mar 2017 · 419
lionheartlion Mar 2017
What is my place in this life currently.
What am I supposed to be doing.
I feel so strongly that this is a time where I'm supposed to find things, search for things, see new things, be something new.
Things are slowly slipping away to make this possible.
I have such a craving to focus on God, him, and these soulful experiences awaiting me.
Looking at me like a rabbit with a stopwatch begging me to follow them to Wonderland.
I am so suddenly willing to follow.
Willing to drop it all and see everything that has been missing down the hole.
I have passions and commodities of thing I love, yes, but that does not feel like right now.
Right now feels like camping on the beach, driving five hours to see the love of my life, sleeping in the car on a mountain with him by my side, eating those delicious pastries and drinking the most bitter of coffee; so unlike the spark I see in him.
I'm so inevitably, undeniably, irrevocably in love with the most old, gorgeous, kind soul I have ever encountered.
The taste of coffee, something I have known as a friend for so long, has come to remind me of the taste of him on my lips, the smoke dancing around his breath.
Curiously my mind always wanders to his old soul, the one that loves Billy Joel, the voice we listened to on that music box the time he crowned my finger in a wooden promise.
He is as handsome as the sun when it sets and as sweet as the syrup you taste in the morning.
Nothing is more enticing and satisfying than waking up to the natural scent of his sweet demeanor and kissing that ever so charming smile every single chance I can grasp.
My heart is compelled to explode as it cannot understand that this person has finally found their way to me, as if I dreamt up this soul and he came to me in the last membrance of the nights previous endeavor.
When I think of the future, I see only him, being my partner in crime.
Being there with me, holding my hand as we both accomplish our so closely reachable dreams.
I see myself having the honor of marrying my prince in the most whimsical, fairytale, forest you've ever laid your eyes upon.
I see those pink, fluffy flowers, I see that crown of peonies laying atop her head, his face looking at her as if he's seen angel and cannot stand the beauty she has longed to give to him for so long.
The face of a man so in love with his princess and so happy that they finally get to be forever wed in the way that most pleases God.
These two will have the most refreshing and kind love story anyone has ever seen.
One so full of kindness, love, bravery, honor, strength, honest, patience, and passion.
They will be so happy with all that they will be blessed with and be the happiest little fairy family that ever lived within the bungalow they made a home together in.
They will laugh and play and smile and cry together.
They will be so full of love for each other that people could tell noticing only an insignificant exchange between their eyes.
They will fight yes, but only with their hearts flooded with the love they feel for each other and will inevitably end in the most passionate of encounters.
They are the story that has yet to be told in this era.
Dec 2016 · 517
Escape the Labyrinth
lionheartlion Dec 2016
Sometimes it helps just to know that life is bigger than your own head.
That the jail cell you've locked yourself in isn't going to be forever.
Theres something bigger than the hold on your life.
I feel so trapped in this mental prison.
Ive never longed for an escape to something bigger than this tight suffocating space that I've locked myself in.
Oh how to be free when you have such a hold on yourself, how do I get out of this place when Im the one doing it to myself.
How do I escape the labyrinth of anxiety and fear that I have shoved myself into.
I long to see the bigger things I know are out there.
The ones that are bigger than me.
I know this is what I need because as soon as I step outside and see all the trees and all the sky and feel a breath seeping into my tired mind.
Get out of my head you.
They say all the best people are mad, bonkers, off their rocker, and yes they're the most creative and talented, but my God they're also in the most pain.
They need an escape and their creativity is their attempt at breaking out.
Dec 2016 · 352
lionheartlion Dec 2016
Its Christmas day today.
I feel so thankful and happy that today was the day my savior came into the world.
He is the only thing that I need and tends to keep me sane.
I also hate this time of year though.
When it becomes so painfully obvious just how alone you actually are and that you are no where closer to having a family of your own.
He's leaving and going into the navy.
My love.
The one who I thought would never leave me, inevitably is just like all the others.
They all leave, but maybe they aren't leaving maybe someone is taking them away to make room for my actual destiny.
I struggle so much to even want that real love in the end.
Nothing is forever, so why subject myself to that kind of possible future misery.
My parents barely make it and all they've done is make it a mission to see who can hurt the other more until they actually fall in love again.
I want real, honest, true, gracious, patient, passionate, silly, childish, love. The love that will last forever, the love that only God can bring or make possible.
He must love God more than he could ever love me, because then he will filter Gods love into me.
He will be there whenever I need him, just a phone call away and at my side as a real partner.
We will have the love of a new generation, where it is real, so true, and so pleasing to God and the both of us.
I long for that day and I am willing to wait as long as possible for that dream.
The dream of being with someone worthy of my love, affection, honesty, mind, body, and soul.
It is times like these when I know the only way this can happen is if I get myself in check.
If I take the time to better myself and become the person I need to be.
Travel a lot, smile a lot laugh a lot, cry a lot, create a lot, befriend a lot, and never stop driving.
Never ever stop driving what carries me so far to the destination I will reach in the end.
The drive that makes me feel so passionate about what I do.
About my art and my creations.
I believe that God will give me a brilliant idea one day.
He will fill my mind with his purpose of for my life.
I am so excited to see what is about to happen as I document it here.
I can always feel when God is about to do big things in me and my life.
Things get quiet, they get difficult, they get serious, and most of all they get hopeful.
Nov 2016 · 374
lionheartlion Nov 2016
Get ready for me again friend,
I feel myself falling again.
Not in the way people fall in love,
in the way they slip away from themselves into the labyrinth.
Its such a scary feeling to feel yourself going away, you so desperately want to stay calm but its so easy to panic as you get closer to the feeling of loneliness.
Dear God keep me above the waters please.
Protect my heart.
Above all else give me peace and keep me calm and sound like the night sky feels.
Nov 2016 · 542
The Lake To: ______
lionheartlion Nov 2016
In spring of youth it was my lot
To haunt of the wide world a spot
The which I could not love the less----
So lovely was the loneliness
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound,
And the tall pines that towered around.

But when the Night has thrown her pall
Upon that spot, as upon all,
And the mystic wind went by
Murmuring in melody---
Then---ah then I would awake
To the terror of the lone lake.

Yet that terror was not fright,
But a tremendous delight---
A feeling not jeweled but mine
Could teach or bribe me to define---
Nor love--- although the love were thine.

Death was in that poisonous wave,
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his lone imagining----
Whose solitary soul could make
An Eden of that dim lake.
One of my favorites from Poe
lionheartlion Nov 2016
It was a neutral, fair weathered, mid October Friday night in downtown Raleigh, the sky painted with stars, but barely visible as lights are strewn out everywhere, glittering as they are draped across buildings to create a corner hidden from the rest of the world. There are also lights from the many expensive cars lining the already tight streets; Chrysler, Infinity, Volvo, BMW, but also there’s an array of Hondas and the Chevy I am currently riding in to get there myself.  The lights continue to follow my evening as the holidays are approaching, accompanied by Christmas lights hanging from local breweries. The skyline is made up of buildings mimicking an array of Christmas trees on a Christmas tree farm in December; one my favorite times of year.

The spirit of the air is carefree as people gather to unwind from the week before and have a good time with whomever they are with or alone. The variety of people is similar to that of Candy in a candy store; all there for the same purpose, but different in minor ways. Groups of friends occupying the sidewalks outside of restaurants, breweries, dessert bars, coffee bars, boutiques, and galleries. Hipsters walking proudly and dancing in the streets owning who they are in their hometown or possibly visiting to experience the uniqueness the beautiful city has to offer. Most people dressed their best to welcome the night before them and enjoy the company of their friends, walking around to whatever comes their way.

The atmosphere is quiet, peaceful, and chill but the night is nothing short of alive just like the people I experience. Young couples and individuals line the streets exuberating their young lively spirits into the air as they exhale smoke from their cigarettes. The streets are also lined with a couple individuals that seem a little sketchy, but that’s just because they keep to themselves and walk alone, not effecting the safe atmosphere Raleigh exuberates. Everyone seems to be focused on only who they came with, concentrating on what they will do that evening. My plans included dinner at The Pit, one of the greatest BBQ places I have ever been in my life.

The first place I went to this evening was a Chocolate Shop called Videri Chocolate Factory with the most intriguing vibe I have possibly received upon coming into a store. There are lights strung from the ceiling and a glass case containing expensive, gourmet chocolates made in house. As I continue to walk around the store there is a whimsical feeling I get when I notice the coffee bar and more Christmas lights hanging around and intricate glass cups behind the counter. Continuing down the corridor there is a large glass window displaying where the chocolate is made, making the experience even more real. As I continue to look around the store I notice most of the people are middle aged to older; the people with money. The chocolate in the store is not cheap, but I think most of the people who come to downtown Raleigh are also paying for the experience.

Upon leaving the shop I notice the outside of the store and this is one prime example I think of when I think that people physically impact the place in which they live. The picture shown above of the chocolate shop mimics so much of the personality of Raleigh that I have noticed. The store is made of bricks on the outside that you can tell have been there for a really long time, but displays a modern, exciting font and the final touch of bright white lights adds a perfect finish to the display of the store. The people of Raleigh (or the ones I have noticed the three years out of living here myself) tend to migrate towards vintage, old things and appreciate the beauty of unique sights that make you feel special and unique yourself upon going there.

Another key factor in the imagery of this shop that reminds me of the people of Raleigh is the artsy aesthetic that the door holds with the lights. There are so many art students who consistently go to downtown Raleigh and they are a part of what makes the atmosphere so bright and exciting. While the people who visit downtown Raleigh are looking for those vintage vibes and artsy aesthetics they are also incredibly modern much like the font the door holds. They are caught up on what is currently in style and trend setters themselves, but interpret it in a way that fits them personally. This to me is the only thing that people of downtown Raleigh have in common; they are old fashioned, vintage, modern, and unique all at the same time, perfectly mirroring the city in which they live.
An excerpt from a paper I'm working on
Nov 2016 · 260
lionheartlion Nov 2016
I wonder what guys would do if we acted the way they did half the time.
Had pictures of naked men on our phones.
Watched **** a couple times a week and they never even suspect it.
Disrespect them behind their backs by saying things about other men.
Basically cheated on them in every way possible that doesn't involve touching another woman.
I wonder what they would do.
I wonder if they would handle it better than us.
Or I wonder if they would finally get just disgusting they all are.
Nov 2016 · 239
lionheartlion Nov 2016
What does it mean when you're surrounded by the people who supposedly love you the most but you still aren't happy.
When they're are so many things happening amongst you, but still you're mind wanders to him for some unknown reason.
When you can sense that you need to talk to them and they need you because something tragic has happened.
What is that moment?
Where you can feel their pain from afar without even knowing anything for sure.
It's a feeling.
It's a connection that still feels so true and right that you cannot let their beautiful soul go.
That moment where you hurt for someone, feeling their own pain.
What is that?
You're not together but you still love, you still ache for them.
That has to be love or maybe it's just a gift that we were given to love the people around us to it's infinite.
I missed a friend last night and reached out to him because I simply just wanted to talk to him. Strangely enough he told me he lost his grandma just a few hours earlier. I hardly saw this as a coincidence and was happy I could be there for a friend in a time of need.
lionheartlion Oct 2016
There comes a point where you've been hurt so much that you become numb to everything around you.
You become numb to hurting people the way you've been hurt so many times the same way by others.
I now see the heartbreakers are a byproduct of the heartbroken.
The heartbroken become so strong from the amounts of times their heart has been ripped in half it doesn't even feel anything anymore.
And with that comes breaking the hearts of the ones who least deserve it.
The people who hurt you continue to bear their scar on your heart and that's all that haunts my tired beat.
I still miss both of them so much.
The ones who truly made me happy for a short time, a time I wish could have been so much longer.
What a vicious never ending cycle this world has gotten themselves into.
That the girl who once cared the most about people has now become like the ones who hurt her, cruel and selfish to the good ones.
Oct 2016 · 244
lionheartlion Oct 2016
Im tired of hurting.
There's so much pain I don't know how to deal with.
Pain that has been there for so long that I've only added to it.
I want release.
Release from any of this pain at all if not it all.
I've given too much power to them and I do not know how to get out of this labyrinth.
I've tried crying out to him but I only feel more and more lonely lately.
I know he is there but why does he feel so far off.
The pain is outweighing the hope that I used to have so much of.
This is not a cry for attention nor a plea just me raging at the world.
I need relief and joy.
Maybe that is why I give so much to these strangers that come into my innocence and then become devastated yet again as they leave me.
I don't know why it surprises me anymore.
It's my own fault.
But the cigarettes don't help anymore and neither does the alcohol so I just feel trapped.
So far down in this pit of self pity.

She is forced to remember all the good things she once knew to be so true about herself.
Painfully beautiful on the inside and out.
The kindest soul you will ever encounter.
The most talented artistic intellect lies within her hands and heart.
She loves the things around her more than someone might love their spouse.
She will go so far, even though she doubts herself.
She is undoubtedly loved by the only one who matters.
She is royalty, a Daughter of the King.
Only the most special people she has encountered really know her and who she is, however they are the ones who run the most.
They marvel at her poise, the way she carries herself and how incredibly gorgeous she is.
She should learn from this.

Find joy again my darling, she needs you to find her.
She needs to be lifted up, she needs to be her again.
Sep 2016 · 270
Chain Smoking
lionheartlion Sep 2016
I hurt. I just really hurt. He hurt me. They hurt me. Them hurt me. They all hurt me.
Of course this is right after they tell me how amazing I am, how different and beautiful I am.
So then what the hell happens in their intellect next when they decide they have me and then cut me loose.
When I finally decide to trust again thats when they get you the most.
When they dangle you in front of their compliments and then just let go as quickly as they first had you.
When does this cycle actually end.
Is it even worth the physical emotional love and knowing someone.
The pain is almost too much to bear yet we keep doing it again and again and again.
People like me never win.
The ones who would do anything for a perfect stranger they just met.
We're truly the best people in the world, the most beautiful creatures, but this world is so so so cruel.
The ones who love God, the ones who fall away to earthly things so easily.
Struggling and trying so hard not to drown from trying to be both.
Knowing what the answer is but still fighting the tired urges of the body to just feel better somehow.
What is there for us to do, what can we do.
To escape the hurt for just one second.
Chain smoking cigarettes to get any high at all, to escape the inevitable labyrinth at all.
Wine bottle after wine bottle, only to realize that God is the only answer the next morning.
Sep 2016 · 338
The Cruelties
lionheartlion Sep 2016
I don't know how I feel about anyone anymore.
About him, him, him.
Theres three of them and all symbolize the different cruelties of this world.
The first was nothing but a sad, heartbreaking disappointment. He is the most recent of them all.
The one who told me for the most absurd time that I was amazing but not good enough for it to work. That he did not love me enough to know my amazingness.
Well for you I am sorry you will never find someone better, sorry that you will regret not holding my hand through my undeniable success.
You broke my heart and you knew it all along.
The second of the them is in love with her, yet will never tell of this secret.
She loves him too but not in the way he wishes which is just another cruelty of this world.
Everyone jumping after something they will only fall from when uncaught.
She loves him, he does not love her, who is loved by someone else.
The third is the most complicated of them all.
The one that got away.
The one who still has never left the back of her mind and she has never vanished the back of his intellect either.
These two had all the chances in the world with time and space as their only enemy.
The ones who still have a chance when time moves on from them.
Their love story was unlike any other.
There was passion, true passion and love.
We all ache to find this love and are lucky to experience it even once.
We can lie and say we are in love with another like the one who got away but the truth is this love has not been felt as strongly since the final breath.
These are the cruelties of the world.
The girl who loves too much because she's been broken too many times and is always disappointed in the end.
The guy who loves that girl undeniably, but will never have the chance he wishes with her.
And lastly the love that may live on one day, but could just as well be the only real love affair that two people could experience.
Sep 2016 · 249
Beautiful People
lionheartlion Sep 2016
Love is weird.
It saves you and it breaks you.
It creates the most beautiful moments in life and it also creates the moments where you discover yourself in the pain.
Alaska wondered when we would ever get out of this labyrinth, and I think the answer is never.
The things who make us who we are, the people who have caused us pain from the beginning of our existence, they effect the whole of it.
These things make you over invest and care too much, just because you yourself never want to cause someone the pain that the person did to you with the first straw.
Again, these moments are beautiful.
They are painful, but would we rather be in pain than stuck in nothingness?
Beautiful people cause these moments, and it's the beautiful people who hurt the most.
The ones with the beautiful souls and the already broken hearts.
They ache to find it, they ache to mend it for a second.
They ache to never cause anyone pain as they have been caused.
And in the end, even the ones who hurt these people, they struggle to move on from them, because after all they were both beautiful people.
Aug 2016 · 493
lionheartlion Aug 2016
I fear I am losing myself again.
Not that I was found before, but I ache to be that person I once was.
The one who acquired kinship and required nothing more, nothing less.
The one who learned what it was to say no and be truly healthy; mind, body, soul.
Happy in her chaotic, inventive intellect.
She settled for nothing less than her prayer of him, however she fears he will be like the rest.
She has settled her weary mind and expects forever this time.

She worries of nothing these months, but is dismal for the day she loses her adolescence.
People think her insane when she talks of her dreamery and passions.
She aches to never grow up, for that is where creative aesthetic is lost.
"Stay with me forever Alice and Peter", she says.
Tell me the stories behind your pages and never cease to keep alive in this wit.
Remain as deranged as the lions mane atop her cleverness.
The one her maternal never loved.
Remain fierce as Aslan and gentle as a peony.
Most of all never lose confidence of your creative destiny.
Jul 2016 · 336
lionheartlion Jul 2016
What is this feeling of desperating despair my heart is pounding at me.
I feel joy and light but there's something of darkness I'm being dragged toward.
How can I feel so so passionate but still have this panging feeling of panic pawing at me violently.
Is it because I so desperately want him to know that I believe the sun shines towards him in my existence.
That I am undeniably in love with his sweet demeanor and carefulness.
Is it because my soulmate has finally found his way towards my raging heart.
It's been so long since these words poured out of my intellect and someone has been worthy enough to be some of a muse.
The smell of mint dancing on his breath to put out the smoke of his heart is the most intoxicating sense he has upon me.
Our intellects are one in the same and the goodness of light is seeping through the common words on those pages.
I love him.
I do.
I want to know him and his spirit for as long as this life allows me.
Jul 2016 · 262
Late July
lionheartlion Jul 2016
It is still a  summers day,
my adventurous bone is still so so heavy.
Not for that city of stars though.
For Gods creation, for his artwork and paintings.
The most incredible artist who ever lived.
We are so blessed to be living in such a marvelous place.
The trees and flowers are the beings that speak the most to me,
they have so many stories to tell.
Names created and gifted so carefully.
My God is so much on my mind,
the incredible extraordinary blessings he has poured out over me convinces me nonetheless how much he loves his creation.
He loves you too friend.
May 2016 · 386
lionheartlion May 2016
I always feel a prying demand to write when you come back around.
Darling, our story lives on as I knew it would.
It may not end well, like most love stories, but I do know I have patiently awaited this day for many a months.
You told me at the departing of 6B that you would in fact see your tum again.
You told me not to let anyone tell I'm not worth it, even when you said I wasn't.
You were unable to move on as easily as you thought.
I think leaving an impact that strongly on someones life is so flattuous.
That moment when Edward told us how hard life was, was such a beautiful moment.
Crying over you was the most satisfying love that I Have yet known.
You're coming back for me and that is something my dreamery has not let me cease to acknowledge night upon night.
Now they have ceased as you return.
I dream of myself once more and not of your face.
I have peace again.
Another goodbye is inevitable but will be nothing compared to the last.
We will lay again for hours making love, laughing, and fantasizing intimately on our dreams.
My best friend will be there once more for me to pour every intricate thought onto.
He always listened to what was spoken from these broken lips.
Although this will be my destruction, God it is so worth knowing you.
The moment you cannot explain why you love someone is more powerful than making up reaosns to satisfy yourself with unhappiness.
Mar 2016 · 317
They're True
lionheartlion Mar 2016
The stories are true sadly.
The love ones.
There are two people in this world who long to be together,
They are miles and miles apart.
But that doesn't stop feelings or love.
If anyone says otherwise they're lying when they say those loves only exist in love stories.
Because love, we have one of those stories.
And I can't wait until we can be in the same place again for even a second.
Mar 2016 · 459
Good Morning
lionheartlion Mar 2016
God you are too good to me.
I woke up this morning with the ability to feel blessed and thankful for all that you are doing.
Every time something goes wrong something good comes out of it and you have such a way of making everything whole again.
That is the message of Jesus, taking a broken person filled with holes and making them whole again.
You bring me so much joy Lord and I wish I could worship you every second of every day with songs of praise.
You are so gracious, beautiful, forgiving, and loving.
How could I or anyone else need someone else to fill this void.
You will never leave me or forsake because you have promised me this.
You have promised me a bright future that will make everything of my past worth it one day.
I have no desire more than to make you proud of me and follow the path you have so lovingly laid out for me.
I desire to hold your hand through every minor part of my life and even more so as I move the mountains in my life.
Mar 2016 · 332
lionheartlion Mar 2016
I was weary and weak.
I came to him and I was renewed, refreshed, and revived in spirit, mind, and heart.
He will be there if you just come.
Mar 2016 · 277
Dear God
lionheartlion Mar 2016
This is a letter to future me for my God:
I love you lord with all my heart.
I lack the strength I need to remain constant and to fight my urges but once upon a time you came so that I could be free in these struggles.
You loved me when no one else did.
How can I be so dumb to doubt your love.
Your anger lasts only for a moment and your favor lasts a lifetime.
I pray lord that you will give me the faith to stand firm for once in my life and stop this madness.
Take it away please Lord.
Make me pure,  make me clean, and whole again.
Thank you thank you thank you for your grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
I beg of you to not let me fall away again.
Hold my hand through this journey as I look to you with every decision and struggle.
I give you all my God.
Praise be to him forever and always, the creator of all things.
Mar 2016 · 294
lionheartlion Mar 2016
You're a disgusting human being how could I ever love you
Mar 2016 · 515
Best Muse
lionheartlion Mar 2016
It's been a while since I wrote to you.
But things have definitely turned over.
I think people write when they're really happy or really sad but there are more phases than that.
I wrote a lot at a time in my life where I thought I was undeniably in love.
Then I wrote about how that love was my greatest destruction and the aftermath was nothing by drear.
Then I stopped writing altogether because I forgot you.
Now the next phase.
I think I love my best friend but he doesn't know how much.
He's with her right now and all I want is to talk to him.
To talk about everything and nothing.
He's my person and I think I'm very lucky to have found him.
I waited to long too tell him and I'm not upset about it because I couldn't be happier just talking to him.
This is the phase I want to stay in.
The in between phase, where nothing is complicated, just happening.
Where things take their course and I just sit back and wait.
He has caused me to write again and for that I thank him for making me myself again.
Feb 2016 · 294
To B From T
lionheartlion Feb 2016
If you were ever coming back, now would be a really good time.
Feb 2016 · 268
lionheartlion Feb 2016
After all this time you're still here.
Even though we're thousands of miles away our hearts still want the other and to cease caring has proven to be impossible.
I still love you so much.
It's a beautiful let down of a love story that still has not finished.
Come back to me for good darling, because you're the one I still want when I crawl into bed alone at night.
Feb 2016 · 506
lionheartlion Feb 2016
Do you ever wonder when you’ll be kissed next? When someone will genuinely look at you and think “she’s so beautiful and I want her to know that”. Then they kiss you and you know they meant it because they think you’re a beautiful person. That will be next kiss I hope to receive. Not the drunk sloppy kiss, the meaningful, deep, slow, impression on the crescent between my lips.
Jan 2016 · 219
lionheartlion Jan 2016
I want someone, anyone.
Jan 2016 · 331
Hold On to the Heavens
lionheartlion Jan 2016
What do you do when you dream so much but begin to realize that you're dreaming of the past and not the future.
Yes, far I have come, but I still miss the past.
But how can you miss something that's past.
It's never coming back and even the most intelligent mind can fail to grasp that.
Letting it go is a figment of the imagination.
All you want is for that thing that got away to come back to you.
I dream of the day when we encounter one another again, but for now I'll go on pretending like you disgust me, because thats the only to not be so pathetic.

I dream of the day when I've moved on and you're gone from this tired memory.
The day when someone has showed me of my past stupidity and the faith I have now is turned into a physical blessing.
When the glory has come through the pain.
They Christians feel the most pain and I don't doubt that for one second.
We are dreamers and we dream of a world where pain is nonexistant and all of our wildest, impossible yearnings are suddenly so close to our reach.
Yet, we patiently pray to our Heavenly Father waiting in faith in this world of pain for the one thing we want most.
We can so easily grasp it too.
All we have to do is discover the love of God, yet we so desperately and stupidly grasp onto human beings to bring us this gift.
They will always disappoint and leave of dying of thirst.
We need him and only him.
I wish I would actually believe what I so desperately plead with others to grasp.

But here I am still wanting him.
Jan 2016 · 300
Give It All
lionheartlion Jan 2016
It really ***** when you feel like you have so much love to offer, but no one to give it to.
When you've tried so hard to be happy alone, but so desperately still want someone to share the happy moments with and mostly the depressing ones.
When you need someone you can really pour it all out to.
I want to be someone's everything again.
Someone who won't leave after they've told me I could count on them.
Jan 2016 · 268
lionheartlion Jan 2016
Why do we cling to one thing that we acknoweldge as our greatest destruction
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Romans 8:28
lionheartlion Jan 2016
God told me today he works for the good of those who love him.
Lord, I believe you and I choose to have faith for once in my life when it feels difficult to even breathe.
You have promised me a better life and I give you my struggles of heartbreak.
Lord, turn this misery into a testimony and make the sun stand still in my life.
Give me the faith to trust what you say.
Jan 2016 · 316
Ben II
lionheartlion Jan 2016
You make me forget how much I know I'm worth.
Caught up in the moments that time stops and we still think of one another.
You had me contemplating a road trip to see you,
What a stupid little girl.
Patience patience patience.
Something I seem to lack as I focus on the world around me.
Look up up up.
Close your eyes and open them to the lioness.
You don't need him it he.
You don't.
Keep dreaming sleeping beauty and don't let them wake you.
Jan 2016 · 398
lionheartlion Jan 2016
Congratulations, you finally broke me.
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Failure of Success
lionheartlion Jan 2016
Writing soothes the soul, it knows no formula or rhyme.
It only meets the writer and everything in between.
There are things I wish to say and **** the rhymes and numbers.
Writing only knows the artistic mind beheld to its grasp upon birth.

Life knows not one destination.
But many mere moments where life is gazed upon through the past,
and the present visions something much more beautiful than once was.
Happiness is born from past pain.
God I'm so sick of the pain being spoken of.
The pain is gone!

Now she lives as a shining pearl, her oyster shell gone but never forgotten for one must always remember where they derive.
She knows only up.
She knows only success.
Even in the failure she finds success as not one thing in this universe can stop her.
God is on her side as he always has been, but in an instant her mind has shifted to the light.
She has become the spark to her own endevors.

Oh how she craves adventure and gazing upon the breath of the sky.
Venturing out and up to unkown places to her and only known by her creator.
The glorious beauty of this earth, art of its own creation.
She thirsts and hungers for newance and things only fathomable by God himself.
She will succeed even if she fails for that is the secret of living that no one has yet pondered.
Jan 2016 · 386
lionheartlion Jan 2016
January 1st at midnight was the moment I forbid my conscience to acknowledge your existence any longer.
It's been haungingly unbeautiful and sweetheart I'm happy and relived to express I shall no longer scribble another slash of word encumbing you.
lionheartlion Jan 2016
I don't know about you but sometimes I wish it was as easy as finding the "spare room" with a wardrobe in it to go home. To be able to walk through an old wooden door or fall into a painting on the wall that suddenly to starts coming to life like in "The Chronicles of Narnia" and end up home just like that would be nothing far from the greatest thing ever. I often find myself watching these movies and craving to stumble upon a far away land called Narnia that resembles heaven. Can you imagine a place greater than a world where nothing bad happens and there is only goodness and good people? I am also a huge dreamer and a total sucker for anything resembling a fairy tale, a happy ending, or a distant far away land lacking any sort of reality.
I am not a huge believer in reality because I believe there are two types of people in this world. The idealists and the crazy dreamer people. I'm a crazy dreamer person. I am 19 years old and still read Alice in Wonderland on the regular and freak out in static when a new Peter Pan, Fairy Tale movie, or anything resembling Harry Potter is on the brink of coming out. Why be an idealist when you can dream about things that bring you happiness. This is called hope and this is what Jesus brings us. What is life without hope and faith in something better than what you can see? I know I'm a dreamer because I focus on things unseen and allow my mind to wander wherever it takes me next. The bible tells us not to focus on things we can see but what is unseen because what is seen lasts only a moment but what is unseen lasts a lifetime. I would rather imagine a better world than look and see the world crumbling around me because that is how to get depressed real fast.
Dec 2015 · 285
lionheartlion Dec 2015
Something everyone needs to learn who is an artist of any sort.
At some point down the road of your destiny, when people start to disagree with your capabilities and tell you you're wrong,
You're doing something so right.
Don't tell your dreams to everyone.
Not everyone appreciates your beautiful mind.
Dec 2015 · 371
lionheartlion Dec 2015
What is a life without chasing a dream you're terrified could blow up in your face at any moment?
I crave failure.
I want to know my destiny and in the midst of horrible pain is where I know to rise up in victory.
Dec 2015 · 383
Dear God
lionheartlion Dec 2015
I am so sorry for not trusting you more. I thank you for constantly letting me come back to you after falling astray and not including you in whatever I am doing in the moment. Please forgive me for not trusting you in every area of my life sometimes. I should know by now that your way is always perfect and beautiful in its own unique way. You were right about Ben and I'm so happy I got away from him. He is condescending and makes me feel inadequate. I know the man you have picked for me to marry would never make me feel this way. He is hurtful and knows he is hurting me but refuses to sacrifice his moments of happiness for a hard but worth it future with me. I am worth it. You've told me this many times. Lord I love you and I thank you for this heartache. I feel like it is definitely starting to wither away. I will always care about him in some capacity but from here on I don't feel like he will have a hold on my mind. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer and that I don't have to wonder anymore about what it would've been like to have a long distance relationship with someone who would not have cared. And probably cheated on me. I finally got the closure I needed and won't miss the long pauses on the phone where I expected you to fill them with how I wanted you so desperately to feel about me. The empty spaces forever filled with disappointments that you never could satisfy. I pray Lord that bring me the man who will stay up late to talk with me about dreams and your Kingdom we both wish to come home to one day. The one who will love you so much more than anything on this earth including me. You are so good to me Lord and I will wait for this man. I pray that you would keep me pure for him in every way, mind , body, and soul. Please turn me into the Proverbs 31 woman. Lord I also want to thank you s much for my incredible family I am so blessed to have two parents who love me to the ends of this earth. Thank you for the lonely times and for the wilderness I have come to know in as I walked through these shadow places. For the first time in months I understand your purpose and got a glimpse of your plan through my own stubbornness.You truly work all things for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purposes.  And glory will come from this pain as I rise up from the ashes. Lord Please give me the faith and courage to walk with you for the rest of my life. I'm tired of falling and slipping away from you so often. I want to stand on firm and solid ground with you and look toward heavenly things unseen all the days of my life. I love you so much Lord. Happy Birthday Jesus, I'm so glad it's Christmas.

Dec 2015 · 258
lionheartlion Dec 2015
I'm trying to be happy but I'm falling into the darkness.
Falling hard and fast.
Don't succumb darling.
Dec 2015 · 732
lionheartlion Dec 2015
My mind keeps seizing me into a corner.
Forces me to fantasize of what it will be like to see you again,
How beautiful and freeing it will be.
To know your touch and smell again that I've  longed for so long.
To know your sweet demeanor and love.
All I want in this universe is to know you once more,
To be your tum again in the sun.
Please come home, for home is wherever I'm with you.
Dec 2015 · 237
lionheartlion Dec 2015
When you know in your mind that there is someone so much more desirable for you but your heart is there to send the memories back to the same mind of the chaotic bittersweet love he once gave you.
Dec 2015 · 373
Focus on the Journey
lionheartlion Dec 2015
They call her lion heart lion.
She is ferocious and far from ordinary.
She can see through the eyes of a lion and focuses not on the things of this earth.
She knows there is greater,
far greater than what they all know.
God has agreed to inflict pain and suffering on her for she has a great destiny in sight.
Her pain is nothing compared to the glory and greatness that will come from heavenly places.
Do not compromise he says, you are a daughter of the King and no one will know her worth.
She is like a diamond in the Kingdom of heaven and even more extraordinary on this planet of dirt.
Sweetheart keep your head up and heart strong because it will all be worth it one day.
One day you will know the reason why.
Why she lost who she thought was the love of her life,
but he was replaced by him whom she knew was there all along.
Keep your eyes focused on not what is seen but what is unseen.
Focus on your destiny and where you come from.
Do not compromise on this place, but look up and up and up.
Most of all be joyous as you walk this journey because the journey is the whole point of reaching the destination.
Dec 2015 · 228
The End
lionheartlion Dec 2015
I think the only way to get over you is to turn you into a novel.
Dec 2015 · 315
December 20th
lionheartlion Dec 2015
Tonight is one of the worst I have yet experienced.
I cannot stop thinking about him.
Regret is starting to sink in that we didn't try my love.
That we did not give what I thought was so strong a fight.
Belly I think we could have made it past the terminal.
Sadly, I don't think we will ever get the chance to know.
I miss you more more than I have in a while and the memories come in waves.
Tonight, without you, I'm drowning.
I want you so badly to be mine again.
I still love you and I've never been more sure than right now in these passing months.
You were the one who understood me, my best friend.
I'm petrified that I will never know another who could read me like their favorite book.
Who could do anything and make me smile.
And God that sweet sweet face who looked at me like I was everything in the world to them.
I love you Ben..
I'm not sure when I'll stop.
Dec 2015 · 278
Sincerely Past Her
lionheartlion Dec 2015
I envy the day when she gets to be with you on the holidays and wake up to you in her bed.
When she will feel so happy in this awful world because she knows she has someone to love and to hold whenever she pleases.
The joys of spending the winter time with someone warm in body and soul.
The day when she gets proposed to by you and you make her the happiest woman in the galaxies.
I envy her quiet time with you and your sweet prayers to God thanking him for her and praying to be the man she so much deserves.
I envy that she gets to have you as a best friend and call you when she is having a bad day.
I envy the intimacy that will be incomparable to anything she's ever known because it came from heavenly places.
I envy her because she already knows you and I cannot wait to meet him.

-Past Her
lionheartlion Dec 2015
Hello to whoever you are.
My friend whom I write to.
Things have been changing lately.
I have changed.
I asked God to do something and he did.
For that I am blessed.
But I'm stuck on Saturday.
The day in between the bad thing that happened and the day where I'll feel happiness again.
I'm waiting patiently for the one I can tell everything to and give my heart to.
I think he still has it but for now, I'm peacefully assured by this.
I want to wait this time for the one who loves you more than anything.
The one who makes me feel adored and extraordinary.
The one who won't make me lose myself in the process of the journey.
One who will talk with me late at night about my fears and dreams.
Who will pray for me in times of trouble and be there in the trials.
A helping hand to bring me closer to my King.
I long to know someone like myself.
I'm still getting to know her but I know she deserves what she wants.
She has worth and wants the glory from the pain she's known.
She's been hurt but she's going to be strong for him because of it.
Darling I can't wait to meet you.
For it will be the greatest pleasure to know you.
Dec 2015 · 219
When You Were Mine
lionheartlion Dec 2015
I don't want to be alone anymore.
What I had with you was what I wanted forever.
I wanted forever with you.
I still miss you and it's been so long since I even saw that face in a frame.
I don't know that anyone can ever truly make me happy the way you did.
I wish I could tell you all this but you're so far away already and I don't want to ruin the good that has come about lately.
I'll always love you and I just wish things could be different.
Oh how I would give anything to go back to a moment from a year ago.
A moment when you were mine.
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