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1.1k · Mar 2015
The Wonder Tree
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I see the clouds move
across the sky
but focus on the earth
are the clouds moving
or is it just us
I stand, feet rooted
in the soil
I spread my arms
soaking up the sun
knowing the familiar pain
to be a lesser compared to some
I feel the burn set in
my skin turns to bark
my feet don’t move
stretching, growing
my eyes remain
blue and green
staring to the clouds
up high above
a cat climbs up
its claws like needles
tearing at my newly formed bark
it sits
it smiles
and we both drift away.
882 · Mar 2015
I speak my heart
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I speak my heart
through hand and mind
I reach out to others
but alone I hide

I speak my heart
even if if indirect
I try to hold on
but my life is a wreck

I speak my heart
though no one listens
I cry and I shout
it makes no difference

I speak my heart
up to the sky
there is no response
so you answer this, why
872 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Walk by walls
all I know gone
walk by walls
my hope is in my home
walk by walls
to try and find my love
walk by walls
knowing it has left me

Take down walls
please, I need you
take down walls
I need to hear
take down walls
why you forsook me
take down walls
I can't stand much more

fall by walls
fall by walls
need help
fall by walls
no one to save me
fall by walls
857 · Mar 2015
This messed up world
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
This messed up world
full of cheats and liars
say they're truthful
well their pants are on fire.

This messed up world
everythings out of whack
They say just to sprint
they just ran off the track.

This messed up world
some go, some stay
all thinking its for the best
each going their own wrong way.

This messed up world
war is threatened and stabbed
while walls go down, more walls go up
each having their own shade of bad.

This messed up world
it spins round and round, tick tock
we try to try, we hope it’s fine
oops, we just smashed the clock.
804 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
People say it’s raining cats and dogs
no, it’s raining teenage tears
the people have been ignorant
all while our worst of years
we weep and cry, until some die
and people stand in shock
the people that could have saved them
they stand, then resume to walk
they could have saved us
they could be better
but they care more about the weather
than all those people big and small
those people that could change the world
well, you could save us all.
Porter Olsson Feb 2017
A lonely boy lays in his bed
Memories and thoughts drift through his head
Thoughts of a girl begin to snow
And fall through his mind, but she’ll never know
How much she means, maybe years from now
She’ll realize, looking back, and knowing how
He looked at her, but it’s too late
For them to try again, for even fate
Has shed its tears, for love unreaped
The go their way, Lachesis sleeps
The two live on, a pair unmatched
the boy never forgets, his heart unlatched
And through the years, the earth forgets
But the boy, now a man, will never let
The thought of her, his girl, his love
Ever fade, for they’ll meet above
A wise, old man sleeps in his bed
Memories and thoughts drift through his head
Thinking of his long lived life
And holding through his pain and strife
Was the memory of the girl so close
The beauty of the sea, the smell of a rose
He thinks of her, peaceful once more
He takes a breath, and gently lets go
Thought I'd write something special for Valentine's Day
Not your typical lovey dovey poem but it's meaningful
Thanks for reading- I hope you like it :)
696 · Mar 2015
Lose my Mind
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Struggling to keep my hold
on all of this
why would I try
to keep what is lost
because it’s all I have
and it can't be replaced
if I lose my mind
then I’ll never find it
if it floats away
it’ll never come back
so why would I
you ask
try to stay and contain myself
I don’t contain myself
I’m trapped in the grip
of malicious fog
the mist dissolves my heart
my mind goes first
then where would I be
for eternity
the trees will close in
the smile will fade
and then what will I be
where would I be
at the end.
614 · Mar 2015
What it seems
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
My hand drags across an empty paper
feeling, not seeing
my eyes are perfect and untouched
I’d prefer to stay blind
I see the world just how it is
and wish to get away forever
I see the ¨fun¨ the ¨cool¨ the ¨good¨
I know what they don't see, or should
I see the dark places
ones no one bothers to notice
I see the birds, the cats, the fish
and know, I'd rather lose all focus
on dreams and life and in-between
‘cause nothing is how we want it to seem.
497 · Mar 2015
Confined in a Daydream
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I see a bright red bird
silently glide past the lake
and try to follow it
I didn't know that it was a mistake

I see a bright red bird
fly into a forest dark
I did not know right then
that it would steal my heart

I see a bright red bird
disappear from sight
and waited for hours
then decided to stay the night

I look for the bright red bird
and eventually fall asleep
now I can soar and fly
but I'm still confined in a daydream.
451 · Mar 2015
Now you greet me
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Now you greet me
now you don’t
our friendship went up in smoke
I see almost every day
you never care to do, or say
you walk right by
without a glance
I see you look
at the opposite wall
just in order to avoid me
whether lunchroom, class, or hall
I see you laugh
your group of friends
yet I still try
to make amends
I watch you speak
with some of my mates
and feel myself shiver
I still won't hate
no matter all the hurt, or the tears
I still will love you
for many years
I see you glance
then look away
my eyes tear up
because I know
that it just might stay this way.
448 · Mar 2015
My insane limerick
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Limera, limera, rick
the gears spin on, tock tick
are these poems insane
is that my name
limera, limera, rick.

Limera, limera, rick
my mind, it might be sick
these writings I scrawl
up there on the wall
limera, limera, rick.

Limera, limera, rick
my feet, they have to be quick
I run and run
unravel, undone
limera, limera, rick.
436 · Mar 2015
A Life, Stolen
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I see the fish
fly into coral
the bright blue sea life
curling and growing
I see my fish
fly to the right
hiding in seaweed
out of my sight
I see a fish
swim into the cave
all alone
I hold tight to my fish
knowing what comes
I hear a great swoosh
and then there’s no more
what once was a person
a fish for someone
what once was a friend
is now a life, stolen.
419 · Mar 2015
What clouds deserve
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
The sparkle of the clouds
the dull gleam of the lake
the texture of windswept grass
the spires of trees
the soft sheen of the stones
all deserve much, much better
than us pumping oil and gas.

Our skies start to cloud
our lake starts to die
those fields of grass are gone
the trees have no leaves
broken stones litter streets
all from our bad decisions
but now we're all gone, hence the bones.
Thank you to Parsavagely for helping me with this title. :)
409 · Mar 2015
Unnatural Wonderland
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I sit alone
in a room, untouched
my senses have no rule
over this place
the air is still
no noises, no sounds
I see nothing
as if long black hallways
were in every direction
that I happened to look
I try to stand
the chair is gone
I try to look at where it was
all I see
an abysmal
dark, pit
under everything
above me
the ceiling was not there
and I felt my heart
this unnatural
is where I just happen
to stand
I watch
I see a face
familiar, but not so
it fades to dust
the dark space as once
is ash again
the loneliness fills me
as never before
and I close my eyes
to see no more.
394 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Why do I sit
against this wall
or even
why exist at all
why should I have to
bear this weight
of others emotions
mainly hate
378 · Mar 2015
These Walls
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
These walls that encase me
these gray slabs of stone
the castle walls contain me
and keep me from my home.

My home is not my house
it is where my heart is
so when my heart splits and moves away
I have no place to go.

Theses walls that describe me
some tapestries, tall and wide
these huge dark walls surround me
yet here is where I hide.

Why do I hide
from those devils and beasts
those demons have come from inside me
and still they never do cease.

These walls have become my home
my refuge from horror, and stress
these walls that could be my nightmares
they've started to become my best.
360 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
The drums pound in my head
trying to force me
to express my emotions
anger, sadness, envy
faster, faster
they resonate through my mind
forcing me to listen
to every word
my eyes begin to glisten
the words that have been spoken
have torn much more than my mind
I try to turn
to look away
I need to live
and know another day
I see her walk right past me
my eyes cast down
my face shows a smile
my mind, weighed with the saddest frown
I walk the other direction
I turn the other cheek
but I know, as one of many
how my emotions leak
I sit, alone
in the darkness of my mind
wishing for a friend
someone to show
they love me
some one that is willing
to stay for eternity.
352 · Mar 2015
Just one day
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I once went away for a day
just to wipe all my cares away
I was discouraged, angered
my trip had become one of danger
my trip that was once for the better
had turned into one fueled by bitter.

I had gone out for a day
but here, I might just stay
this place I found with much less stress
much less anger, and duress
my trip that was once for a day
well, here, I think I'll stay.

I remembered for a day
he place from which I’d came
the soft clouds
the long grass
I might miss my friends and cat
‘cause here I don't have that.

I forgot for just one day
now I know I can't just stay
My life is day by day
no change, not okay
and where before I was looking for peace
now I look for my place.

I found it the next day
everything wiped away
my friends, my cat
they just weren’t that
they didn’t exist
Cause I couldn't resist.
351 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
Am I alone
are you with me
do I have your support when I say
that I want to leave

Am I alone
will you come with me
would you commit to live with me
when I find a new place to start

Am I alone
or are can you save me
from my fears, my tears
as they fall through the next gate

Am I alone
or will you help and lighten
my burden that weighs heavy
one of loneliness and death

Am I alone
can you be with me
can you help, help me please
I need to be released

Why am I alone
why did you leave me
why would you do this
and leave me to be with me

Now I’m alone
no one to help and keep me
no one to save or love me
no one to be with me, to fill my void
351 · Mar 2015
Sky of Glass
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I lay, alone
in a field of grass
not thinking, just looking
at the sky of glass
I see a cloud
out of the corner of my eye
I feel it start to rain
and I begin to cry
I’ve tried so hard
and come so far
I flew so high
then fell so hard
my love doesn’t really
doesn’t really exist
and whatever I do
digs a bigger pit
inside my heart
inside my mind
and that’s why I'm here, of course
to hide.
I had a hard time thinking of a title for this
318 · Mar 2015
My Thoughts are Lost
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
My thoughts are lost
in a high up cloud
my thoughts are lost
beyond my shroud
my thoughts are lost
in a puff of smoke
my thoughts are lost
but I think it’s a joke
my thoughts are lost
beyond these dreams
my thoughts are lost
past all of my bursting seams.
284 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
No time to talk
for can't you see
I’m not in need of company

Don't make me laugh
don't make me cry
right now I just won't bat an eye

I just need to write
I need to express
I'm not even sure if I could say yes

I can't stand much
or not for long
I know this isn't, my best song

I’m not good at poetry
not the best at art
but I have tried to give you my heart

Don't turn your cheek
don’t look away
I want to know another day.
280 · Mar 2015
This Fish
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I sink beneath
the surface cool
the water’s embrace
chilling me
past the bone
and straight into my mind
I watch as the light
of the sun drifts away
guess I’ll never see
you again one day
I watch the sky
darken, and vanish
the fish start to come
first a thousand
the only one
stays and lingers
alongside me
I guess this fish is my friend
for eternity.
275 · Mar 2015
All I am
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
All I am is limited
whatever you do see
wherever you look, or not
I'm not, or should I, be
people talk to me
like I'm a work of art
but the quality isn't in the masterpiece
it's in the one who created it.
252 · Mar 2015
Heart of snow
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
The rain is falling
the birds are calling
outside of my open door
I sit inside
I forgot all pride
but longed for a heart of snow.

My soul grows weary
my thoughts are dreary
inside of my mind so old
though I am not aged
I am my body's cage
I long for a heart of snow.

I walk halls each day
dismiss all delay
Just try to be on time
I keep every class
I pass when I pass
I still look for my heart of snow.
228 · Mar 2015
Porter Olsson Mar 2015
I’m falling
falling into this pit
this pit of sadness
I cry for help
but no one hears me.

I’m falling
past everything I know
this pit with walls of black
just this pit, no going back
I fall, no light to be seen.

I’m falling
falling, everything’s gone
I thought that I should be alone
but now in this hole of dark and black
I know that I should have turned back.

— The End —