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Lim Peh 3d
A bag of stickers
I've started sticking them
The back of the phone
A middle of a fan
The side of my computer
The back of my laptop
Why not?

Would I need to save them for a more special occasion?
Or use them on something of higher value?
All tossed away after death
I've started sticking them
Direct your thoughts, let them collide,
Strike the target: Hell's "paradise".
Enough of lies, they’ve taken toll,
And nearly claimed your very soul.

To save your soul, waste not the day—
Dismantle everything, make way.
Brick by brick, tear falsehoods down,
Expose the evil, face the frown.

But if you leave not "values" behind
Within those ruins of your mind,
You’ll cast yourself to yet another
Hellish circle, careless brother.

In Russian:

Разрушение адского "рая" в своём сознании

Мысли кучно направляй
На мишень — то адский "рай":
Ложь тотальная достала —
В ней Душа почти пропала.

Для спасения Души
Разобрать ВСЁ поспеши —
По кирпичикам Чушь, Зло
В своих мыслях. Не свезло,

Если "ценности" оставишь
В тех руинах. Так отправишь
Ты себя на Новый Круг
Ада, мой беспечный друг.
Lim Peh Jan 24
She had me running after her
Across the freeway
It was good cardio
Luckily she drove
Lim Peh Jan 23
Not by tempest but sea-sickness
Of Ailments of the mind
of minor consequences
with the exception should
you stay frozen in time
which still passes
this too shall
Lim Peh Jan 16
Aren't you tired yet?
You've been running through my mind all day
Lim Peh Jan 13
Absence breeds nostalgia

Longing to be with you once again

Yet I pull away, or just frozen in place

Learned helplessness without scientists

Merely affection, not love

Not lust as self justification rationalises

Do I really see myself putting her best interests at heart or

The moment I said "or" I put myself in a gotcha situation

It never really was about her

"You're not trying to make me feel guilty, are you?"

I say to the voice shoving guilt ridden anxiety down my gullet to my heart
Lim Peh Jan 12
While taking a shower
Cupping my face and mouth
The water sputters
It was only 6 seconds
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