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349 · Jan 2021
Lily Jan 2021
I wonder if I'm being real
I think about what it would be like to be nice,
Do I speak my truths or set a trap
That with one wrong move could snap back,
Or do I tell a lie and be attacked
Or tell the truth and be set back
At times I think lies don't hurt
But when I tell them I lose my heart;
I lay awake thinking out loud
Only to find my mind making no sound,
But my heart stops at an end
For the lies I've told and heard
Make me sad and, finally put me to end
I want to cry but no words come
I lay there silent no lies to come
I had to write a sonnet for English and this is what I came up with, I didn't add the Shakespearean words but I think the point gets across
170 · Mar 2021
Start over
Lily Mar 2021
All I wish is when, I was innocent and pure of the world, back in the good old days were people didn’t have phones or care about what you were wearing. I want to go back and change my life so I wouldn’t have turned out like this, stop my dad form hurting my sister, tell evie its not worth it in the future. And I truly wish I could start over
119 · Dec 2020
The lies of my life
Lily Dec 2020
Just a cut
Just a scratch
"what happend ?"
"oh its just my cat"
Just an excuse
Just another lie
"what with all the bracelets ?"
"I like them"
Just a fear
Just a cry for help
"why are you crying ?"
"oh I was just yawning"
Its not just a cut
or a lie
I thoughts go all over when writing these but sometimes my minds just knows what to write
112 · Nov 2020
Lily Nov 2020
I cry enough tears to fill a ocean, both good and bad, love and death, happiness and sadness, tears water the earth with memories and death. Tears drop and stay until the rage of fire and anger dry them up and then there gone until more tears drop again, tears
107 · Nov 2020
Romans. 8:18
Lily Nov 2020
The pain that you have been feeling cant compare to the joy that's coming
This verse helped me through a lot and still does
104 · Nov 2020
I wonder
Lily Nov 2020
I wonder whats its like to stop
I wonder whats its like to love
I wonder whats its like to be loved
I wonder whats its like to have no one
I wonder and know buts I'm wondering that too
I actually wonder
104 · Oct 2020
Lily Oct 2020
Blood, I feel it drip down from my wrists on to the floor. While I watch I see what my life would've been, but why do I make this mistake. It will affect me but I still do it. I cut deeper to make the pain go away but causing more pain and I don't stop. I'm waiting for someone to help but no one does, I finally decide. What's the point if no one comes they won't notice your gone anyway.
104 · Sep 2020
Lily Sep 2020
Everyday someone goes unseen and we lose another, everyday someone is hurt so badly the pain wont go away so they stop the pain, everyday someone loses their life and everyone finally realises what they've done and could've stopped it, everyday someone feels the need to hurt themselves because no one is there for them, everyday we lose another.
I've found that poems help me express myself when I cant talk to others.
101 · Sep 2020
My breaking
Lily Sep 2020
My life is different. It has a meaning but I haven't found it, my life never goes to plan it always goes the opposite way just like my moods I have no up or down just in the middle where everything happens. My life is in peoples hands but if they don't take care of it it might break or shatter leaving nothing but the memory you had and would have kept. My life has no meaning to me but I hope my life has meaning to others and that they take care of it because I am not able to see the meaning of life.
97 · May 2021
Lily May 2021
Her hair like honey and eyes like the ocean,
her words like soft rain trickling down onto the ground,
how I wish I could be her and not be me,
how I wish that she could see what I see and hear what I hear,
89 · Sep 2020
The pain
Lily Sep 2020
I feel the pain, I've felt it before but it has come back to haunt me, I thought I could get away but it has found me, the grief and analogy monster has found me and taken a hold of me and won't let go, I try to run but I feel as I'm just slipping away farther and farther from him. Why doesn't he help me, have I been disowned, did he forget about me, Help me father don't let me go but no answer, Please help… welcome home.
Father is an another word for God.
82 · Oct 2020
Lily Oct 2020
Smile they say
you have to be there for others
No one is going to be there for you
81 · Oct 2020
Lily Oct 2020
Stay quiet,
my "mind" says,
don't stand up or speak,
lie to others when you don't want to speak
“Mind” why won't you let me go,
let me speak and help, but no “mind”,
you stay quiet and don't speak
Please "mind", I'm failing
I need to let go,
please let me go and say something
“I need help” shh keep quiet.
79 · Sep 2020
Lily Sep 2020
Life is when life doesn't make sense or function, life is when good and evil don't want to work together, life is not worth living if you have no meaning or message.
77 · Sep 2020
Humanly body
Lily Sep 2020
I want to explore, but this humanly body wont let me reach, it wont let me see and touch, it wont let me live a life I want, but it will provide protection to my soul and give me a smile to give to others like me, my body puts an image in others head and will put one in mine too, my body stops me but gives me life too.

— The End —