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Dec 2022 · 734
One last dream
Lily08 Dec 2022
You dream of a future
You dream of growing up

Then you grow up
And you realize its no dream
It’s a nightmare
Jan 2022 · 318
A Fraud
Lily08 Jan 2022
Maybe I’m not enough.
Cool enough
Pretty enough
Smart enough
Good enough
Maybe I’m fooling myself
Or maybe worse,
I’m fooling everyone else along with me.
Jan 2022 · 277
Open Wounds
Lily08 Jan 2022
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I’m laying in bed,
And I’m thinking of you.

A knife in the back,
Years down the drain.
Yet you keep coming back,
A fresh round of pain.
Dec 2021 · 255
Lily08 Dec 2021
One path in life
And you’re not on it.

The more they try to pull you back,
The further away you go.

Eventually they give up
So you walk alone.
Oct 2021 · 118
Lily08 Oct 2021
Isn't it ironic that
We fight for peace?
That we **** murderers?
That we'd do anything to live when we already know we're going to die?
Lily08 Sep 2021
Nothings wrong but nothings right,
I've been walking this tunnel,
but there's still no light.
The pace is slowing down,
I'm just so over this fight
Mar 2021 · 451
Running Low
Lily08 Mar 2021
A weary traveler
Destination postponed.
Keeps missing their exit,
reason unknown.

A license to flee yet nowhere to go,
I'm running from my problems
But my gas is running low.
Nov 2020 · 130
Lily08 Nov 2020
No one likes the waiting game,
Yet it's the game that offers the most.
Oct 2020 · 108
Lily08 Oct 2020
They say doing it all is an impossible task,
But I’ve come to find doing it sane
Is the impossible part.
May 2020 · 131
Lily08 May 2020
Life is full of promises
And yet few promises remain unbroken
Mar 2020 · 140
When People Fall
Lily08 Mar 2020
People Fall,
Friendships die,
And all that's left to do is lie.

Every word you say, memorized.
So bad, so much
You've already pre apologized.

They keep yelling,
You keep telling.

Rumors spread leaving you in fame
and in the end no one even knows your name.
Nov 2019 · 293
Lily08 Nov 2019
Heaven or Hell?
I know of many that are sure to have fell.
I don’t fear falling.
My faith has fished me out of the great fiery cell and landed me in the forgiving hands of God.
Rather than groveling with the demons,
Set to rebel,
I’ll dance with the angels,
Whom I know quite well.
Jun 2019 · 391
The Butterfly Effect
Lily08 Jun 2019
We live our lives not for ourselves,
But to effect the lives of those around us.
Everything makes a difference.
May 2019 · 522
May the 4th
Lily08 May 2019
Hey, hey
It’s Star Wars day.
Gather around.
The rebellion needs you.
Yoda’s here to teach,
Obi wan, to show the way.
Now it’s Luke, stepping up
What an exciting, adventurous day.
Lightsabers and blasters are good to have,
When the stormtroopers come around.

It’s over Anakin,
I have the higher ground.
May the force be with you.
Jan 2019 · 164
Lily08 Jan 2019
Add one word.
With just one extra word,
You become brave,
And courageous.
Add one word,
And why becomes,
Why Not.
The best answer when asked why, is why not.
Dec 2018 · 130
Our Broken World
Lily08 Dec 2018
They say it’s us.
They say we’ve wrecked the planet.
But who’s to blame,
When what we inherited,
Was already broken beyond repair?
These things you call stupid and awful,
We do simply to get away,
Or to get some attention.
No one pays attention anymore.
They say we’ve wrecked the planet,
But it was gone before we got here.
Dec 2018 · 235
Crying Poet
Lily08 Dec 2018
You’ll never hear the crying poet.
You’ll listen to their sobs,
But you won’t understand them.
They’ll write out their thoughts,
But you won’t get what they mean.
They’ll plea for you to understand,
But you never will.
You’ll hear their poetic cry’s
And think of it as something sweet,
Rather than the sour truth.
You’ll never hear the crying poet,
Just whispers of their doubt.
Only the poet truly understands their poetry.
Jun 2018 · 289
Colorless World
Lily08 Jun 2018
A world without color is a colorless world.
No blue skies
No green grass
Or pink flowers
Instead we would have
Gray skies and grass,
Black sunsets
And white flowers.
Our feelings
Our thoughts
Our independence
Would all leave with the color.

We would turn into one person,
Zombies controlled by one thought.
Controlled by our want and our need
For our own thoughts
Our own feelings.
Our wishes that we could see
A colorful rainbow
A rainbow full of color
Slowly fading from the sky after a rain
But soon
We will lose that too.
A world without color, is a colorless world
May 2018 · 166
To Live A Life
Lily08 May 2018
Life is short.
So why do we live?
We live so that others may live.
We die so that others may not die.
We live to create memories
And relationships.
We live to have a life,
To help a life,
And to serve a life
May 2018 · 180
Lily08 May 2018
The blue water glimmers.  
A clear sky holds a bright yellow sun
It hovers over me,
A beacon for everyone who sees it.
We lye in the damp warm grass
Or upon the hot sandy beaches.
And when the sun goes down,
We fall asleep under the stars.
Just one small person in a giant galaxy of Infinity.
May 2018 · 163
Lily08 May 2018
They may call it freedom
But, does that make you free?
If you can not go out at night
Or are forced to stay in a confined area,
Aren't you trapped?
You are forced to leave your home.
You are forced to work.
This is where you realize that,
They may say you are free and you have freedom
But in reality,
You don’t.
You are not free.
And this whole time,
You have been trapped
Mind controlled by the human want and need for
And for everything to be okay.
Because, the theme of humanity itself,
Is freedom.
I wrote this in honor of those who lived and died in the holocaust during World War Two.
May 2018 · 256
Beyond The Horizon
Lily08 May 2018
What goes on when you’re not looking?
What happens where you cannot see?
What is happening beyond the horizon?

Look beyond.
Beyond the curve of the Earth.
Past the ocean.
Look deep into the sky.
Look into the imposable.
Where you can not see.

You may think I’m crazy,
But you simply don’t understand my words.
You see,
I don’t mean literally.
We can not really look beyond the horizon,
Unless we travel beyond the horizon.
Even then there is always a new boundary to travel beyond.
It is impossible to look or travel beyond that limit,
Simply because the Earth is round.

You must use your imagination to look beyond the horizon.
For then, only you can decide what is beyond that boundary.

Don’t let anyone tell you
What is beyond the horizon.
Because they don’t know either.
No one knows what is beyond the horizon,
And no one ever will.
The horizon is always moving.
Move with it.
It is impossible to move against it.
Apr 2018 · 152
Too Hard To Breath
Lily08 Apr 2018
I’m sinking  
I feel my foot get caught
But I can’t free it
I open my eyes
But can’t see anything
Except a murky green fog
I look harder
Weeds pull on my foot
I pull
It won't budge
I try to escape,
I try to breath but can't
My lungs feel like they’re collapsing
My vision blurs
And the world goes black
Apr 2018 · 157
The Truth?
Lily08 Apr 2018
If you meet someone that you no nothing about
How do you know they are telling the truth
You meet them
You love them
But do you really know them?
It takes more than love and hope to truly know someone
You may think you know them
But you don’t deep down
Until they let know
Until they let you care
Until they let you love them
But until you really know the truth
Is it possible to love
To care
To share
Your own truth?

— The End —