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Dec 2014 · 747
Damon Heard Dec 2014
I met the connect by the water
His Jordan's were Grey Cool
He sported the dread locks

Never shook his hand
Nothing but head nods, we kept it classy
The whip was clean but the seats were ashy

Met the connects daughter
By the border as he smoked the Marijuana
He told me his undercover name was Porter
Let me know what I should change or improve.
Thank you!
Dec 2014 · 770
Find Your Purpose
Damon Heard Dec 2014
You must be able at all times,
To sacrifice what you are;
For who you could become

Realizing you've reached
A summit of your life's potential
You've been seeking

Getting confused by manipulation &
Excessive servitude becomes unneeded
then fail to exceed a life desire
Please tell me what I should improve.
I appreciate it!
Dec 2014 · 494
Damon Heard Dec 2014
Razor sharp visions
Prestige our living souls
And advanced traditional morale

Next, a path untraveled
Contains a light within
The human soul

We have to walk
In the light, not dark
And continue our positive impulse
Tell me what I should improve.
Dec 2014 · 342
The Question
Damon Heard Dec 2014
The Answer
Won't be solved
Until we realize for our self

Understanding will be the beginning
Guilt will follow
Impoverishment will be the result

Our resolution to absolution
Ties with engagement & commitment
Our duty will equal our homage
Dec 2014 · 443
Damon Heard Dec 2014
People misunderstand each other
Until they've realized
They don't have the piece to the conundrum

Inferior people we find polluted
Superior people we find upgraded
Sterilized people we find transparent

It all still discharges
A mysterious enigma
That'll never be puzzled

— The End —