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Leydis Jun 2017
I loved you so much;
I absorbed all the darkness out of you
and left you with my light!  

I can live with a dim light, I can forever renew my shine.
But, when the light I left you with, begins to fade…...
the darkness I absorbed from you, will come back…..
to claim you again!!

Leydis Jun 2017
Quien me va a querer?
Quien se va a conmover por mi chueca sonrisa?
Quien vera más allá del ***** velo?
Quien me quitara el luto?
Quien tendrá suficiente luz,
para alumbrar mi vida?
Quien va a encontrarme entre la fría bruma
que como espuma va formando hoyos cuando
estallan sus gotas?
Quien me prestara sus ojos para ver el color del cielo?
Quien quitara el rancio bilis de mis labios ya secos de dolor?
Quien humedecerá mi piel fruncida  por falta de amor?
Quien me salva, si ya Dios no escucha mis plegarias?
Quien me salva,
Si no quiero yo ser salvada?


Who will love me?
Who will be stirred by my crooked smile?
Who will see beyond the black shroud?
Who would clinch my mourning?
Who has enough light to illuminate my life?
Who will find me amidst the cold mist?
That obstinate haze which like foam, is beginning to produce holes when its bubbles burst?
Who will lend me their eyes, so that I may see the color of the sky?
Who will remove the rancid bile from my orifices? My lips, which have dried from all the pain.
Who will moisten and peel off the charred pieces of my skin?
Who will save me, if God no longer hears me?
Who will save me…………,
if I don’t want to be saved?

Leydis Jun 2017
Who disrespected who, I ask?
Who gave more and who did not give enough?
Who gave you the rights to my livelihood and soul?
Who made you the protagonist to this story when you didn’t have a role?
How do you get to have the final say, in the way this story ends?!
Am I not, the one directing this play?
You were merely an employee…..I hired you!!!

How do you now, own the rights to this company called my life,
when you have no collateral?

How did I end up with glaucoma having a 20/20 vision?

How do you get to decide?
Who made you the judge in this trial?
When was the jury selected, and why was I not present?
Don’t I have the right to an appeal based on the notion that this was an unfair trial?

How do you turn my beloved spring into long endless cold winter nights?

Why do you win? How do I lose?

Who decides?

Leydis Jun 2017
Am I the cork to your wine?
Am I the night to your moon?
Am I the wick to your candle?
Am I the bottom spring to your umbrella?
Am I the air you inhale?
The Lysol to your bacteria?
Am I the coordinates to your soul?
Tell me..............What Am I to you?
Because you are the ink that inspires my poetry!!!!

Leydis Jun 2017
Do not fall in love with me.
Do not envision me in your life.
Do not think that this, a happy ending will have…..
do not lie to yourself like that,
I am not trying to be malicious,
It’s just that I no longer…. have a heart.

Do not kiss me, thinking you will revive,
that part of me that died during a winter night.
Do not hug me and try to transfer your essence to my soul...
I no longer create synergy,
I no longer believe in love.
Do not hurt yourself like that, my soul left my body,
it lays dormant in the abyss where loss resides.

I am not trying to hurt you……
I just don’t want to lie,
You deserve a person that still feels alive.
You deserve someone that is still willing to risk it all.
You deserve the magic that lives between the air and rainbows.
You deserve to look into eyes  of someone whose pupils still shine.
You deserve someone that will get lost in the wondrous silhouette of our mouth.
You deserve LOVE.

Not me……………………
………………………………………………………………….I am broken

Leydis Jun 2017
I feel it in the air,
I feel it in my bones,
I feel it in my heart…
something is shifting.
Something is changing,
something is coming,
It’s like nothing I have ever seen…
it’s already making me blissfully happy.

I feel it in my eyes.
My vision is no longer fuzzy, nor is it disturbed by the cloudy days.
I am beginning to sing in the rain,
and I have always despised getting wet.
Even the rain is now my friend.

I feel it in my lips, they are no longer chafed by loneliness..
They are beginning to smile again.
They are beginning to desire someone to softly press against them.

I feel it in my body.
It’s beginning to engulf itself in music again.
It’s moving to the rhythm of hope,
embracing faith to the tune of courage,
taking a two-step dance in expectation of what’s to come.

Yeah, I feel it in the air.
I feel my heart releasing anguish and pain.
I feel it rejoicing in each beat again.
I feel it singing a song…..
oh, you have been so strong,
Oh, you’re time is due,
Oh you have been so brave
It’s time to live again.

Oh, I feel it….
I don’t know what it is…
But here I am,
with all the humility in my being,
Thank you
…………..I have been waiting a long time!

Leydis Jun 2017
Take me in your arms; I’ll leave the fear behind.
Steal a kiss from me,
I want your lips to give me a second wind.
Renew my lungs with a tight squeeze,
Squeeze the hallucinations I held on to so tightly.

You may find my many shades of grays intimidating,
it may incense you to not understand who I really am.
Yet, I am asking you to be patient,
…………………………..I will soon reveal my heart.

Once I do, you will understand my ambivalence,
Yet after the revelation, I will love you;
The way lavender loves the soil.
The way the rain sneers when a drop hits the pavement.
The way germs cling onto a clean surface.
The way the roots love the branches.
The way the waves loves the ocean.
The way the upper-room loves Jesus.
The way law loves crime.
The way silence loves noise.

Just take me……..
I’m yours!

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