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Leydis Jun 2017

A sweltering day,
in the haze of deception-
in another dream deferred.

Walking with my face buried in shame.
Yearning for a blessing,
perhaps, a sign from above,
or just one single breath.
Something that would inspire, anything, that,
would make it worth to keep going one more day!

In the haze of deception, I walked into his space,
my eyes glued to the background as the Geisha caught my gaze,
with her gory red lips fanning her passion away.
But, the cherry blossom returned me-to his face.

In the midst, of that sweltering day.
In the haze of deception….
my dream was no longer deferred.    

Leydis Jun 2017
I know you think I am off……
and you are probably right!

Is just that,
the different shades of  HOPE in your eyes,
have captivated my mind,
engulfed me in a sinful delirium,
that makes me lose all decorum!

I want to be normal,
but, when you gaze into my eyes,
they speak words of life into my soul!

Your eyes speak to me of this thing people call……
Leydis Jun 2017
I’m not *****, but my name is Diana.
I’m not *****, but what you provoke in me,
may take my demure like the wild side.

I’m not *****, but my name is Diana!
My kiss has the power to plough through your empty life.
I can be your morning dew just by embracing you.
I can take you to heights not discovered by man.
I can do all that,
by gazing into your soulless eyes.

I’m not *****, but my name is Diana!
I am not a harlot; but, when I love…
I do it with irreverence!

Let’s not play these games,
if you want me, just say the word.
If you belong to someone, keep walking through.
I want to give all this repressed passion to the man who can only love me.
I want to be your lady,
and your harlot in the shadows of the night.
Some call me Lady Diana
yet, I’m no Princess in bed.

My name is Diana, but ***** I am not.
I want to transcend in your arms,
to that harmonious line,
where the sun and the ocean osculate unbeknownst to the stars.

I want ****** combustion,
that culminates in exhausting convulsions,
creating a series of combustible explosions
of surrender and celestial passion.

My name is Diana, but, ***** I am not!
I want your love.
I want that mystical magic, the sun and the moon create,
when they eclipse their passion into each other’s hands.

My name is Diana,
Call me *****.
Call me sweetie.
Call me whatever you want…
As long as I know,
That you are entirely mine.

Leydis Jun 2017
I am poetic chaos.
I am the just in injustice.
I am the kiss the moon blows,
when she's blissfully happy.

I am the grey in the sun and the rain.
I am the orange in a combustion.
I am the green in hope.
I am the color scheme of love.....
The red in passion.
I am wrapped up in compassion
and promote social equality.

I can become a hurricane level five,
when I see corruption.

My breast can be a symbol both of weakness and strength,
all depends who you ask.
My eyes can reflect beauty and pain.

I can be the soothing breeze of a summer night, and simultaneously create scorching and suffocating emotions that will leave you dried.
I can be the calming sensation that comes from staring at a cherry blossom,
and become that spatial distance  between the day and night.

I am woman.
I am justice.
I am love.
I am passion.
I am simultaneously bitter and sweet.
It all depends on what you want!!!!

Leydis Jun 2017
How much longer will your love linger around?
Your love is as perennial as the grass,
yet I lose it in every in every autumn,
to this insatiable nostalgia of what once was.  
You have become the shadow of love lost,
of lost love and the hope of love found.

Though of love I know not,
I have loved you since our eyes first locked.

This is not a poem of love or a love poem.
These are words, my heart wants to get out.

But be in peace, for I have made peace
with the tautology of you, of us, of love lost…
when we first locked eyes.

Leydis Jun 2017
In an instant,
in one second,
two lives are forever changed,
in the blink of an eye.

Love is put to the test.
To be forsaken or to prevail is the test
that the players of this game must overcome.

Time and destiny are the referees.
They’re setting the rules,
the players have been selected (they’re you and me).

The obstacles have been set,
the game must begin.
You are to forget me,
my touch must become unfamiliar to you.
My thoughts must not reach you,
for if one does, your love is immediately resuscitated.

The challenge is for you to love in your unconscious state of mind!

No flowers in our paths, just thorns,
that penetrate the skin making this (our) journey bleak.
No sun during the day, so, light may not be a guiding presence as you search for me.
No full moon, since its face will point you towards me.
No rainbow, so that hope dies with thee.

Angels, angels, want to intervene!
But have been forbidden from interceding
or the lesson won’t be received.
The lesson, what lesson? What is the lesson?
Is it strong enough?
Is it loud enough?
Will good prevail?
Will LOVE conquer all?
Will I stay or go?
Will you go down into memory lane, as unknown?
Is that the lesson? (I don’t know)

Two soul mates found each other in their last life.
They began to play the game.
He did not remember her.
She remembered everything.
He forgot love…she reminded him

He remembered love.

Leydis Jun 2017
He became jazz as I watched
the lights dimming down in that cozy Barrio bar.
The room filled with bohemian lovers,
seeking transcendence through the tune of a saxophone.
As the notes, filled my spirits….in that instance
…..he became jazz.

The past was forgotten,
its pain diminished as the pianist displayed his love affair with a keyboard
every note became love enraptured in infinite compassion
and in that instance….
        …..he became jazz!

The drums brought back the excitement with every tun, tun, papa, pa, tun, tu, papa, pa!
Passion was revived, obliterating the hate from our painful past.
That night under the dim lights of a cozy Barrio bar,
in a room filled with bohemian lovers seeking to transcend to a place they've  never been to…….

We became JAZZ!!!!

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