How am I born empty & dented, I thought your immaculate hands didn't construct flaws Father.
Why is it that I find homes within strangers? Linger upon their words & filthy promises.
How is it that my soul will never be clean no matter how many times my fingers clench the bible?
I searched for love in vacant hearts like you said I should. It doesn't exist. It never existed. You created a lie.
Do you ever feel lonely? I do, every night when I realize that the letters my lips write don't reach you.
How do I love these demons Father? Teach me to tame them so that my spine no longer shivers when I feel them
Is darkness the only light I'm meant to see? Because I longer fear it. I fear my thoughts. The ones that are too heavy for my eyes.
Lord, you said hearts were meant for beating, I think mine lost its rhythm