It's been almost ten years since
I wrote that violence was imminent
The guns in our classrooms, and hate towards the immigrants.
We're more divided now than ever before
And the horrible future ahead means war.
It obvious that we haven't been studying because,
1.5° Celcius doesn't sound like such a scary thing until,
you see the flames coming towards you down the hill,
And there's not enough water in the reservoirs to win.
So, we're cutting funding here and there
Anything to avoid taxing the billionaires
What good is an education anyway now
That AI can take all those dreams away
We offshored the factories, might as well send off the tech
We'll ban the apps we don't like, so we can get a bigger check
Tarrif the food supply, and deport all the farmhands
Jack up the rent in cities, and buy all the private land
The wheat will stop growing soon, and The white house is a circus tent, so
When there's no bread left to break, then
What's the point of these sycophants?