I want to feed you
Not feed the flame
I want to be the field
I want to be the rain
A seed inside your heart
Till the soil
Plant the crops
I want to be the harvest
And with the sunshine of love
We watch it grow
Not feed the flame
Not pushing wood unto a hearth
Tumultuous skies
And violent earth
And uneasy heavens
The only fire I want to feel
I use to cook for you a meal
Eat until you have your fill
Leaving room for my dessert
I want to feed you
Sustenance in ****** form
Nourishment for the soul
I want to feed you
You're starving appetite
I want to be your bread
I want to be your meat
A kitchen in a castle
A recipe for a queen
Ingredients in order
I want to be your dinner
The last meal that you eat
Before you go to sleep
I want to be your dream
The last meal that you need
And everything was leading to
From the seed, the soil, the rain
The time it took to let it grow
The mind that cultivates
The hands in the field
The back-breaking labor
The knowledge of the chef
I am your food
Laid upon your table
I want to feed you