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Saumya Jul 2018
It is often in our lives, when we stand at a crossroad, of  'What, how, when, and where'.When holding on, and letting go, both  may almost feel the same and  create the same rippulous effects.We are ultimately most hesitant then, and least confident about our very next step, which would actually be the ****** of our days to come. Why think, rethink, and think of it so much then, that we may end up doing nothing? why just not go for what we think, and give it a bright chance?

Life's an adventurous road, and sometimes we  do need to come out of the cocoon that we've been so far, so as to step in to the next, genuinely  miraculous step, instead of being dragged into the dullness of what we've been.Some steps may obviously require a new energy, a new and fresh us, but if somewhere you feel that it's worth giving it a try, bless yourself by going for it!  we certainly do not get a second chance for everything, and if we somewhere believe that taking a risk can fix it all, its worth going for it. We all have fallen, gotten up, and walked again as kids...and it is indeed that zeal, to learn, to stand up, and walk, which made it all happen! But, can you imagine how regrettable your life indeed would've been, if you refused to get up and walk again, once you fell down and got hurt while you  were learning to walk initially?

You certainly know, what is good for you, and what exactly is'nt. Stop compromising and limiting yourself with better, when you already know,that you're worth the best! work for it, take risks, and get it! It might surely take some risks and struggles to get to that pinnacle sometimes, but once you get through it, your very experiences of it will be overwhelming. What worst could happen to you in that journey? You'll fail, or you'll fall! but then, do not forget, that it will stll give you the knowledge and experience for your second run, that can be a disguised golden gateway! Isn't that fascinating?

Sometimes the best and the worst thing you can do for yourself and your precious life, are the same, It's just a decision and certain acts in accordance to it, that causes miracle or disasters.Go for it, and dare not treat it as a second thought, for the regret may last lifelong! Stop limiting yourself, when you know that you're limitless. Stop half smiling, when know that you can smile wide. And stop seeing life as simple, when you already know that each day is worth being celebrated, for the very preciousness it comes up with!  Not everyone is fortunate enough to savour it whole, afterall.
A chapter from book., The Philosophical Lessons Life Taught".

all you comments, feedbacks etc, are most welcome :)
Thank You for reading!
Saumya Jul 2018
Our worlds, certainly would be much better if we deeply realised the fact that people aren't 'wrong' just  because  they disagree with us  most often, and don't do the things exactly as others normally do.They are actually 'different', and not wrong, yet unique the way they are, and they deserve to be loved and respected for what they truly are! What good is in judging a something to be wrong, when it's actually one of its kind? I've never seen any two people to be the same structurally, emotionally,  behaviorally, and in all other such aspects, all at the same time, and I can gladly bet that you might least have, either.Have you? There certainly must be a reason behind that uniqueness, that's worth being respected at least, if not appreciated.It is so easy for us often to judge others,  when we have a wonderful chance to appreciate their uniqueness. But it's sadly weird that we tend to judge everything and everyone from the moment we find them somewhat different from our tastes.Why not embrace that uniqueness, and quit judging?

Nobody can practically agree with everybody, all the time, and that's very natural. We our all flesh and bones, with an ever  throbbing heart, and a calci-phospero framework inside it ..but our unique DNA,  our genetic composition, and our ever-thinking, appearingly same, yet different 'mind' still separates us from each other, and hence makes us 'uniquely special' individual that we are today! We obviously sleep, weep, smile, eat and wink the same, but our perceptions and perspective regarding a similar situation often varies from person to person. Honestly, there's nobody to be blamed for it since it's a very natural aspect we think is unnatural when the other person behaves differently than that was actually expected of him/her.Uniqueness too has a beautiful reason behind its existence, love appreciate, respect and admire it, for our lives would be too boring if all we were the same green and pink, and just one season!
A chapter from from my book, "The Philosophical Lessons Life Taught" :)
the previous ones have been posted on my my profile too.

Thank You for going through my words and the chapters.I much appreciate your time. :)
feel free to type in your thoughts about this chapters and the others, and let me know if there's any correction needed too :)
Saumya Jun 2018
It may seem interesting, but is an undeniable fact too at the same time, that the so called 'simple world' that we dwell in, is actually 'not so simple' one and is instead way more mysterious one that we can ever imagine, until we've breathed the very essence of it!and I state this by my experience and the realization of it.

As the most adaptable & emotional beings of mother nature, there certainly are a majority of us, and around us, who believe in the the philosophy of 'Letting go of all thats no more important' and 'going with the flow', so as to ensure that peace and harmony dwells in life. But the real question amidst all this is, that do we really succeed in it all the time? Is it really so easy?Before I judge such a question, and draw a conclusion out of it, I somewhere feel, that you should better get that honor, of asking this question to your honest self, for you already know the answer.

Don't you feel that there's still a different force, from what we already know, which drives us from our very core so magnificently, sometimes? A force that we do realize, somewhere exists in us all, but we don't much believe in it,  since it's just so common, yet uncommon and & just so natural!

There are times when our when our heart doesn't agree with our mind & our mind does not agree with the heart either.A point of time, where there's huge and intense internal conflict going inside us, but a mere glimpse on the face, won't utter anything about such a situation.Remember those hour or days or isolation, seclusion, discomfort, disgust, disappointment, and anger, or that phase when you were just so  clueless about what next to do for it and for the life onwards.There  certainly might have been a voice amidst all this topsy turvy of life, that guided, soothed, and helped you get out of it.That very delicate voice inside you, you may still be thinking of.Yes, that is exactly the one I'm talking about! That voice which knows everything so perfectly well, but sadly the most unheard and underrated one. I wonder, why some of us, ignore it too often?

I've often heard this voice that speaks so loud in silence, but it is not the ears, but our minds and heart that can listen and feel it.It indeed knows everything! While I had been writing any of my chapters, it has always been with me like a faithful companion.Guiding, teaching, telling, and dictating me what needs to be mentioned.And it's not just in this aspect, I hear it often.Still the best part about it, is that we all have it inside us.

Our mind definitely is a mysterious place! It weighs so less, and does so much! It often takes us to different places, while our body is at rest & the heart then makes us feel what's  still  left unfelt.Sometimes I feel some thoughts about this  chapter and the others,just knocking at the door of my mind, some popping into it, wandering, bubbling, working, and some just getting lost in the breeze of it. It feels good, it feels great, both at the same time!It is certainly a moment of zeal and an interesting experience, when those thoughts play,walk, & some of them getting approved too from a special corner of it, that is, its administrative section.And, honestly, penning it down and pouring out those sentiments then, feels like a ' little victorious treat'

Sometimes in our life, we just decide things randomly, and go for it.Those 'random things' often are those we've least thought could even initiate or accomplish, but the very moment, when we give light, effort, and a tint of belief to it, it creates a spark that 's both fascinating and soothing.That spark is an we need for anything, and the journey of such works.I humbly concede it here, therefore, that my mere Idea of writing this book, was random!The title too was random.Tho, these thoughts that I've discussed about in the previous chapters, or will be discussing about in the chapters to come, are those that I've purely learnt by my personal experiences  of life and its different aspects.These lessons have long and ever lingered in my mind and some in my heart.

Also, I do realize this deep in the very core of my heart, that 'Life, in itself is just too grand to talk about!' and the mere lesson that each our morrows come up with are indeed tremendous!But it is often that I've witnessed, experienced and  learnt about some people, that they learn not until they get hurt hurt, and lose almost everything.The more we get acquainted with life in general, the more positively we take it, the more mature over the advent of time we become.The more open minded, perceptive and wiser we become, and that degree at which we philosophically see, and see through life, we certainly and eventually learn such lessons.It's just that not all wish to see both sides , and realize that life's bifacial too, when life's being good to them.And by saying so, I obviously don't intend to characterise myself as a superior one, since I too commit such a mistakes at times, and we all as beings normally do.But what exactly I wish to convey is,that, Its better seeing life with a broader and clear perspective when it has so much to bless us with!we  need to realize and least  ignore those little lessons that are worth being learnt.

I do not know what the other day may hold for me, and I'm sure you're unaware of yours too.Are you? Life, is exactly that uncertain!hence, live it carefree, but do care & let your heart bleed love and empathy for all that matters to it everyday.A tomorrow's regret won't fix what's become yesterday's story every time.Our tomorrows are always unpromised, until we wake in the dawn of it.And ironically, still amid all this we so happily and innocently tend to promise each other 'forever' often!

Our life, our tomorrows, are just as certain as the upcoming chapters of this book for now, the exact no. subject, and theme of the chapters, the ending , and how exactly will it end. In short, it's so uncertain! you can't predict the former, and you can't predict the latter.Or well, we both can't predict anything for now.Life's therefore more about "the realization of living in now and today, and making the best outta it!"
Chapter 14 from my book, 'The Philosophical Lessons Life Taught'
the other 13 chapters have been posted here too. Please check them out if you wish to, and let know about them, if you do :)

All your suggestions, feedbacks, correction, and reaction about all the chapters and this one, is most welcome :)

Saumya Jun 2018
Dear life, dear destiny,
take me Up To that enormously unending  uphills,
where nothing but hope, applauds one's will.
the virtues smile, and crowns the will.
Yet, dear peace,I beg you still,
to stay, Stay, and stay  still.
For these miles may be long,
and you're an essence to one's minuty minute will
with you and patience, and a little will
I know, it will last till the end of my skills
suggest me a title for this  poem please.
also, let e know how was this poem.

All your comments, feedbacks, etc are most welcome :)
Saumya Jun 2018
Lavendrous sky, with a pink cream hue,
atop our house, enriching the view
the stars under  clouds giggle and coo,
while they play hide and seek
In The Midnight Blue.

Fireflies dance in the breezy air,
The crickets chant hymns with a soothing flair.
An owl keeps watch with stones in his stare -
None should be disturbed
In the Midnight blue.

The leaves rustlein'  their own norm
lost in the melody of their divine song.
the wolves howl at the end of the shore,
with a mighty thought of more to explore.

The world is asleep, but the world is alive,
As fantasy, charm, and solemnity thrive.
Nothing else need be done save to open our eyes,
And the midnight blue would present the surprise.

The fairies smile in soberest pride
At restless souls in rest's delight.
The breeze blows, and wishes the world better luck,
While orchids embrace it, and add a bluer touch.

The flora and fauna sway freely and prance,
Partaking at will in the calico dance.
Lights stream through the sky with angelic allure
To enhance the contagious sensation astir.

The moon chuckles, strolling with admiration,
As the knight of midnight, in want of attention.
He relishes the sky, and its wondrous hue,
He prods into action, the entities who
Don't partake in the joy of the Midnight Blue.

Amidst this midnight's fascinating mirth,
Silence, a bubble in aeolian's berth,
Strives to remind dawn shall soon take its cue,
And playtime should end with a bow and adieu,
As the owl takes flight through the Midnight Blue.
Collaboration  with a friend :)
Saumya Jun 2018
We come across many people, in the few days life offers.They all make us smile, laugh or cry at different phases of life, and such associations are indeed inevitable. But there are still some weird, yet rare among among them whom you like for the mere weirdness they posses. We start understanding them, and eventually get understood by them too. We eventually start caring for them, and get cared too...and later, this bonding blossoms into Friendship, and grows deeper and deeper in the time.

How strange it would therefore be, if the same person misunderstands, misjudges you, concludes and considers you to be a person, you never actually are, and your heart too knows this real deep that you'd never be, no matter what.But then, not everything can be debated and proved. Some virtues just demand a heart to feel, and a healthy uncluttered mind to perceive. It indeed hurts to let go,but holding on hurts even more. an therefore, you cant help letting go, since all we yearn is peace...which holding on might never give.

People come and go in our lives like seasons.Like you can't stop yourself from shivering in a cold day, and sweating in hotter one, the same goes with the people we come across.In short, every one affects us in some way or the other, and vice versa. There's a reason  why people come in your life always, either they come to make you a better person, or they come as a better lesson. and practically, both elevates and nourishes our personalities.

A medicine is never pleasant, nor is  hard work, and the same goes with the foe-y friends...their presence will often be tiring, and will drain you off your happiness and peace, but their existence and the advancements you do  to cope up from their harsh behavior, will leave and transform you, into a better, considerate, and endearing you.Plus, it will turn you into an empathetic person, which we so need in a world like today.

Pain has always been a great teacher, and adversities are but a fuel to a good can you ever know what actually is being hurt when you've never gone through it? how can you know what's a tear, when you've never shed one? and how can you know whats true intimacy and love, if you've never hated or rejected before? Don't give up on people, before they transform you into a new and better you  by the mere harsh behavior  which is good for you positively, to grow up as a wise person after they finally leave in disgust.
Saumya Apr 2018
There comes a phase or well, a period technically  when nothing seems matter  how hard you work, how optimistically you behave ...nothing, and none of the actions fall right into the place...nonetheless, most of your actions may create 'devastating effects' the kind, that you have least thought of, because your action (S)wasn't intentionally meant to fruit it into ' a disaster'.

Life,  in  such a phase might seem meaningless for the very cyclic though seemingly minute atrocities that you go through n the advent of time to others. You may wish to give up on everything and everyone you so wished to have in your life, yet your instinct wont let you..and all you may actually yearn for would be "Peace, Silence, and solitude' but that's what destiny and life will often deny giving you, or well, that's what exactly your life will demand for its fixture, yet that's exactly the fate will cunningly deny giving. Do not therefore, get caught in the trap! Realize, Analyse and move on... if required, crawl as slowly as the conscientious and painstaking "Tortoise".
But don't, don't you dare give up! and let your heart know that, This too shall pass.

Life has never been easy and kind to anybody all the time, how can it be biased  to and towards you forever then? We are but the sons and daughters of this mere human race, which is " emotional" yet "
so emotionless" "selfless" yet "selfish" beyond measures.Its just that, we often ignore the bad behind the goodness and consider it to be the  concrete truth, which actually isn't the case . We pray, but not as seriously and religiously as we do in our hard times, and seldom not for the necessities but the materialistic stuffs and exterior charms of life. Blessed therefore, are those who pray as hard in their good times, and they do in the hard times..and it is their good acts which makes the sight of 'misfortune' humbler to them. There prayers are straightaway "pure dedications" to someone they seriously adore.

We all pray, but most prayers are actually polite yet impolite orders to God, for granting that which is actually materialistic, shallow, or well, most often trivial.Rare are those who pray for the peace and well being of the universe, the plants and animals  and everyone around them who does even a little for the better days he goes through, for they who actually do...don't need the shallow things as others, since natures itself walks in agreement with them, and consents to bless them with all it finds essential. Prayers are powerful communicative words, that God definitely hears...but ironically men are mean and blind enough today, not to see what abundant blessings they already have, and unhesitatingly demand for something new each day. How terrible it is though amidst all this, that we men have become thankless creatures to God! there rarely are prayers that 'Thank God' that pray for the poor souls, that die almost each day and every hour out of the scarcity of the necessities of life, and we ironically  call ourselves, "The most civilized race" of the earth! If this is what civilized race looks like, human beings are better deserved to be transformed into the uncivilized one yet again.It is indeed inhumanly to keep fast, and not be empathetic enough to serve the needy and give him a day's meal at least.

We say, that we care, but that care too is selfishly for our own selves, and sometimes for our own parents and familes. We say, that we share, but we share only that share with others whichis not much required for us anymore.With the advancement of time we have all become more a machine, than have evolved as a human with a humanly heart at-least, and that's pathetic. There rarely is a common man, who would willingly like to 'Compromise' his one meal when he is hungry, and give it to the needy who is dying of hunger and thirst since past few days, an well, leave aside the wealthy man already, since it is most often seen that nothing but his wealth, and the devils that branch out from it, take over his life, and he's left helpless in the fist of death.

In our good days, we become much a carefree vagabond and don't pay much attention to our deeds, and it is then the laziness, the overconfidence, and sometimes the pride, start affecting our actions, not obviously in good ways, but t we are by then  busy enough savoring those good days, as if it is going to last forever,which actually is but the half misleading  truth. **Nature, never gives that which it cant take back us, may it be the family, friends or a so called "forever " lasting love. The irony is, that "Nothing, nothing lasts forever, and it ner has.....except your very soul, since it is actually  your creator's".
Do not therefore ruin it by any means, pray for it, keep it  in good health, nurture it with good thoughts and deeds, help those who you can, by any means possible,  and thank your creater for the already blessed life that you have, for what you have exactly, isn't the same blessing that others have..and you shall therefore be the happy of the happiest even in the state of  greatest adversities, for that's what nature wants us back from us.

Life destiny, nature and fate never perturb a man who is dutiful, and sincere even in his hard times.As for the passage of time, it has never been a smooth and even one for anyone all the time, nor will it be for you.The bad day comes, to make you a good and a better, powerful you for the much greater days to come.  Hold on, work hard,  but never lose faith. Know this deep in your heart, that Every dog has  a day, and every cloud a silver lining, and therefore try seeing those adversities and your dear life with the perspective of adventure sometimes and  do wait for your turn, for life indeed is very dear. Time tho, doesn't have the habit of being alike all the time; your today is different than yesterday, and the tomorrows will be yet different one... and well, who knows that it might turn  be the greatest and most auspicious day of your life? Be a good ,   sincerely patient and a dutiful soul, that works and waits. Your good days, and the greater day are but on a passage to transform you from a jaded and annoyed you, into a Happy you! SAIL AROUND IN THIS WHIRL BY THEM, and enjoy the whirls that your life introduces you with, for it is actually a good sailor who know what adventure indeed it is to be in a boat, and what an immensely soothing reward it is to sail through the ocean and seas.
From my book, "The Philosophical Lessons Life Taught" :)

Please let know how was this chapter? All your comments, feedback etc. are most welcome :)
Thankyou for reading! :)
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