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Nov 2019 · 62
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Nothing about Margie was coy.
She was an older inner city girl who made men out of young boys.
She was a little wild and always on the prowl.
Some of the boys will remember her for eternity.
Because she was the one who took their virginity.
Nov 2019 · 89
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Anita was a Walmart cashier with a good attitude.
She was always happy and never rude.
She could ring up items fast as a jet.
And place all of the items in a shopping cart.
Before a customer could write a check.
Anita was very good at her work.
Anyone who didn't appreciate her was a ****.
Nov 2019 · 47
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was his future and his past.
They had a love that he knew would always last.
She was his everything.
The one whose love played his heartstrings.
The one who was in it for the long haul.
Who would help pick him up if he should fall.
Nov 2019 · 44
Lap Dog
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He ran behind her begging her to stay.
She didn't even look his way.
She said, I need a real man and not a weak lap dog.
He fell to the ground crying in the mud and fog.
He just couldn't understand why she didn't show any heart.
And why she treated him like a smelly ****.
Nov 2019 · 88
Coach Bear
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Coach Bear loved to swear.
If players didn't hit hard enough.
He gave them a hard stare.
He was one tough football coach.
But he was always fair.

He worked his players very hard.
But come game time, this was their winner's card.
Coach Bear always brought out the best.
Made his players stronger for life's test.
Nov 2019 · 89
Nurse Rhonda
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Nurse Rhonda was a nymphomaniac.
She put smiles on the faces of the old guys in the nursing home.
When she was giving them their baths, she would take advantage.
Some people would call this senior abuse.
But the old guys called it pure pleasure.
But one day Nurse Rhonda was caught by her supervisor doing wrong.
And she was fired and many of the old guys cried.
Nov 2019 · 48
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Mr. Morris was an industrial arts teacher with old school roots.
He had a unique way of letting students settle disputes.
He would put them in the middle of the shop floor.
And let them punch until they settled the score.
The students would hit and punch a little bit.
Afterwards, they would shake hands and quit.
Nov 2019 · 77
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Gretchen loved to smoke Cuban cigars.
And she liked to hang out at the local bar.
She was very good at shooting pool.
And all the guys thought that she was really cool.
Gretchen was tough as any man.
But she ended up married and the sweetest mom in the land.
Nov 2019 · 347
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Evelyn was all that and a bag of chips.
She worked really hard for her tips.
She would hustle until weak in the knees.
To make sure that all her customers were pleased.
Evelyn was a waitress with a heart of gold.
When God made Evelyn, God broke the mold.
Nov 2019 · 168
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Willow sat quietly in the night.
The wind whispered her name.
And told her that there was no shame.
Because she was not to blame.
For leaving him because of his cheating ways.
She just had to move forward and look for better days.
Nov 2019 · 88
Honey Sweet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Louise wanted to be a dancing star.
So that her parents would be proud of her.
She had all the right moves.
She knew how to make her body groove.
Louise attended a local school of dance.

So that she would be ready for her big chance.
But things didn't go the way she planned.
She ended up in a club as a stripper stage named Honey Sweet *****.
Being eyeballed by lustful men.
Nov 2019 · 82
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She quietly sips her drink.
He gives her the eye.
She smiles.
He walks to her table.
Showing his flashy style.
They talk about everything.
For tonight, she plans on making him her plaything.
Nov 2019 · 125
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Some people must have thought that they were going insane.
Because Perry and his girlfriend were walking arm in arm in a heavy rain.
Perry's umbrella said to them why haven't you opened me up yet.
Then you two lovebirds wouldn't have to be all wet.
Perry knew that his umbrella was speaking out of place.
Because he just loved seeing the raindrops caress his girlfriend's face.
Nov 2019 · 47
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Damien knew that he was in for a holiday treat.
One that couldn't be beat.
Because on his girlfriend's nice *****.
She wore some edible tangerine *******.
Damien's girlfriend was being a bit of a flirt.
Because she knew that those tangerine ******* would be Damien's dessert.
Nov 2019 · 93
Ho Ho Ho
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Alex's wife called him to come down quick.
To see what was left by Old Saint Nick.
Alex came down to see his wife naked as can be.
Standing underneath the Christmas tree.
All wrapped up a Christmas bow.
Saying ** ** **.
Nov 2019 · 106
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Willard loved his pet turkey.
He fed him good all year-round.
And his pet turkey put on the pounds.
Around the farmyard, Willard's turkey was boss.
And at Thanksgiving Day dinner,
He tasted so good with stuffing and cranberry sauce.
Nov 2019 · 81
Crystal Ball
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
In a crystal ball, she sees it all.
Wonderful things big and small,
The colors of fall,
Blue skies and waterfalls,
Happy children at play,
People living the godly way.
Nov 2019 · 341
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Kip and his girlfriend were having an argument.
Over bills and paying the rent.
His dog said, it will all work out in time.
Her cat said, I hope that everything will be fine.
But you must admit that he is blowing all his money.
And that just ain't funny.
His dog just grinned and said, boys will be boys.
Nov 2019 · 87
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was stretched out on a white bearskin rug.
Purring like a kitten.
Waiting for her boyfriend to come get his milk.
Wearing her negligee of pure blue silk.
She was looking so fine.
As her ******* dripped of white wine.
Nov 2019 · 102
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She had blonde hair and blue eyes.
And she wore a yellow dress.
Looking ripe for hot passion.
To savor in sliced banana fashion.
Her boyfriend peeling off the dress.
For a sweet love fest.
Nov 2019 · 70
Yellow Umbrella
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
All the guys fell at her feet.
Because she looked so sweet.
Walking in the rain under her yellow umbrella.
Smiling at all the fellas.
To be under that yellow umbrella was their wish.
So that they could cover such a sweet dish.
Nov 2019 · 139
60 Red Roses
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
60 red roses for 60 beautiful years that they spent together.
60 red roses for making it through all kinds of weather.
60 red roses for 60 years of wonderful love.
60 red roses for 60 years of more happiness than the heavens above.
60 red roses for a loving wife.
60 red roses for a sweetheart for life.
Nov 2019 · 53
Little Daphne
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Little Daphne started to skip.
While eating a bag of Lay's Potato Chips.
The autumn wind began to blow.
And the leaves put on a dance show.
A leaf fell softly in little Daphne's hair.
Just another part of nature's colorful flair.
Nov 2019 · 112
Bananas And Coconuts
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was in such a rut.
She just wanted to go off to an island and live in a hut.
Spending time eating bananas and coconuts.
Palm trees and moonlit nights under a beautiful sky.
Just looking at the stars and enjoying time passing by.
Nov 2019 · 40
New York Red
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They called him New York Red.
He had a hair full of long dreads.
He was the neighborhood ****.
He made his money selling hard drugs.
If someone crossed him and didn't pay.
They would be dead before the sun came up the next day.
Nov 2019 · 50
Shooting Stars
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They looked up into the night sky and saw a sign.
One that blew their minds.
They saw two shooting stars.
Racing through the sky so fast.
They knew that their love would always last.
As the shooting stars flew past.
Nov 2019 · 126
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was the world's stingiest cheat.
He went to funerals just for the eats.
It didn't matter whether he knew the deceased person or not.
He only went for a plate of food that was hot.
No one would ever consider him a good chap.
He was just a stingy piece of crap.
Nov 2019 · 63
Land Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
In the land of love there was love for many.
Which made her wonder why she wasn't getting any.
Was it something that she was doing wrong?
Which was leaving her so all alone.
But she had to have faith.
That the right guy, she would soon find.
One that would ease her loneliness and blow her mind.
Nov 2019 · 62
Country Girl
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He saw her from the top of a hill
As he stood among the daffodils.
He hair looked so sleek.
As she washed it in the creek.
She was a lovely country girl.
And he wanted to be a part of her world.
Nov 2019 · 71
Drop Kick
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Charity was a girl with a lot of wrestling skill.
When her boyfriend ****** her off.
She went in for the ****.
She drop kicked him because of his foolish cheating ways.
She didn't believe in taking his crap on any day.
Nov 2019 · 76
Sweet Peaches
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was called Sweet Peaches.
She had some of the prettiest features.
Honey blonde hair and emerald green eyes.
She looked so sweet making fried peach pies.
She was the best cook from miles around.
And the sweetest lady in her small southern town.
Nov 2019 · 68
Down Low
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He had I love you wrote in the sky.
Just to show her that his love for her would never die.
He got down on bended knee and asked her to marry him.
But she told him that she had a thing for her best girl Kim.

He felt that she had led him on.
There was now darkness where light had shone.
She said, I'm sorry that I gave you the blues.
But Kim and I are old down low news.
Nov 2019 · 84
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was feeling a little depressed down by the pond.
When up to her swam a beautiful swan.
The swan said, I use to feel depressed like you.
And I really didn't know what to do.
But I looked at the beauty and wonder of the sky so blue.
Then my soul felt so brand new.
Nov 2019 · 90
Sweet Spirit
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She has the face of love.
The beauty of a white dove.
The scent of a red rose.
A sweet spirit that God chose.
A love of charity giving.
A zest for clean and religious living.
Nov 2019 · 51
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She wanders through the night alone.
Wondering why she ever left home.
But things had gone so wrong.
Daily life made her want to moan.
She thought that it was better to just drift.
And not worry about the what-ifs.
Nov 2019 · 235
Summer Rain
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She tried to be happy but it was in vain.
So she went outside and kissed the rain.
She let the raindrops fall on her tongue.
Then her heart began singing a happy song.
Summer wind and rain, nothing could go wrong.
The summer rain felt like a happy home.
Nov 2019 · 75
A Secret Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She told him that he was her secret love.
He told her that he already knew.
For he felt it too.
A love feeling that was so true.
Who would have knew.
While she was peeking at him.
He was peeking at her too.
Nov 2019 · 63
Grandpa Jack
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Grandpa Jack loved black-eyed peas.
He could really slurp down macaroni and cheese.
He could eat a whole apple pie.
And gnaw on barbecue spare ribs while drinking a large beer mug dry.
He loved green apples fresh off the trees.
You could smell his green apple farts on the breeze.
Nov 2019 · 61
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was busy as a bee.
Looking at all the pretty honies that he could see.
Whistling at all the ones that came his way.
Made it such a beautiful day.
He knew that he had it made.
Seeing all the honies on parade.
Nov 2019 · 87
Wildflowers For Mom
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The day was nice and sunny.
They were a poor family without a lot of money.
And little Lorrie felt so nice and warm.
When she picked some wildflowers for mom.
Mom had the happiest time.
When she received those wildflowers from her little Valentine.
Nov 2019 · 55
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She looked so pale.
Because their love had grown stale.
She just wanted to set sail.
And look at the big blue sea and killer whales.
And enjoy blue skies and beautiful sunsets.
And remember how wonderful it was.
When they first met.
Nov 2019 · 37
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He made a mistake and called his girlfriend a heartless witch.
It was no mistake when she threw him into a ditch.
She said, you and I are through.
And then kicked him in the head with her stiletto shoe.
It was too bad that his head landed in dog poo.
And she ruined her nice stiletto shoe.
Nov 2019 · 256
Special Girl
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They were laying in the grass so in love.
Looking at all the stars above.
He felt like they were the only people in the world.
Just him and his special girl.
She was completely blowing his mind.
She was so lovely and one of a kind.
Nov 2019 · 59
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Hambone loved the highway.
He was a big rig driver by night and day.
He loved to hear those big wheels rolling.
While riding down the highway grinning and smiling.

Hambone fell asleep at the steering wheel one night.
He thought that he was in heaven when he next saw light.
But God had other plans.
There were more roads to travel for this lucky man.
Nov 2019 · 114
A Sweetheart
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
A sweetheart is one of God's greatest creations.
Who brings to the heart.
A sweet sensation.

She makes everyday worth living.
Her love is always there for the giving.
A love that makes sorrow take flight.
That lights up the heart.
Like fireflies light up the night.
Nov 2019 · 123
Anywhere In The World
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
A beautiful day is a beautiful day anywhere in the world.
A cool breeze is a cool breeze anywhere in the world.
A bird singing is a bird singing anywhere in the world.
All of these things can be appreciated anywhere in the world.
Nov 2019 · 196
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I wanted to write a poem.
I wanted to write it about something cuddly and warm.
But I could not write a poem.
I just sat and had a brainstorm.
A thought to me has just come.
I think that I just wrote a poem.
Nov 2019 · 111
Almond Eyes
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
His heart got such a thrill when he saw this lovely cutie.
She was such a mysterious beauty.
She had straight dark black hair and almond eyes.
And a beautiful brown body that looked so hot under the blue skies.
She had a pretty face that could make a person fall instantly in love.
And sing happily forever like a white dove.
Nov 2019 · 251
A Night Like This
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I gaze into the night sky.
The moon smiles.
The stars wink.
Deeper into my sweetheart's arms I sink.

I inhale the fresh spring air.
And tenderly stroke my sweetheart's hair.
A shooting star streaks across the sky.
Our love takes wings and fly.

Her charms I could never resist.
Two hearts floating in ecstasy on a night like this.
Nov 2019 · 117
Ageless Camille
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Camille never let age get in her way.
She could stay on the dance floor from March until May.
You could never tell that she was 70 years old.
She still wore capri pants with blouses of colors bright and bold.
Camille was still very pleasing to the eyes.
She could still attract guys' attention for more than just being wise.
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