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Nov 2019 · 104
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Everyone thought that it was some type of crazy stunt.
When Grant took Ethan on a deer hunt.
Ethan couldn't hit the right side of a barn with a gun.
And when a big buck charged him.
Ethan started to run.

Grant ended up shooting Ethan in the ear.
Ethan lived but Grant wished that he was dead.
So that he could have called the shooting a hunting accident.
And got back at Ethan for secretly taking his wife to bed.
Nov 2019 · 61
Night Breeze
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her love is the stars in the sky.
That sparkle so bright and make my emotions fly.
Her touch is the night wind.
Bringing good feelings to my body that have no end.
Her kiss is the night breeze.
Gently touching my lips with a little tease.
Nov 2019 · 55
Without Bud
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Drinking Bud made him strong.
When drinking those delicious suds, he couldn't go wrong.
He couldn't make it another day.
If his cans of Bud were taken away.
He even saw cans of Bud in his dreams.
A life without Bud would be so mean.
Nov 2019 · 40
Peppermint Kiss
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
If a genie could grant me a wish.
I would love again to feel the heavenly bliss.
From the taste of your peppermint kiss.
If a genie could grant me a second wish.
I would love to lay under the moonbeams.
Feeling the passion of my peppermint dreams.
If a genie could grant me a third wish.
I would love to live with my special girl.
Together, forever in our peppermint world.
Nov 2019 · 84
Angel Wings
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Sweet love by the pond.
Crickets chirping a sweet song.
Fireflies lighting up the night.
Our love taking flight.

Our spirits floating on angel wings.
A sweet love song our hearts sing.
The stars fill the night with joy.
Above the heavens our love soars.
Nov 2019 · 54
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Rufus was at the local bar and feeling fine.
After drinking many glasses of beer and red wine.
He tried to hit on a chick who was so hip.
She ended up giving him the slip.
He got her phone number and tried calling her the next day.
The phone number she gave him turned out to be for the police.
And this ****** him off in every way.
Nov 2019 · 94
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Randy and Sharon were on a nature hike.
And they decided to **** in a cave.
A bear disturbed them.
And only one of them could be saved.
Randy loved Sharon with all his heart.
He felt so sad to leave her.
As he went for the cave entrance at a running start.
Nov 2019 · 152
Black Pearl
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He loved the way her dark hair looked so beautiful in the moonlight.
And the way that her black pearl eyes sparkled at night.
He loved the taste of her ruby red lips.
And the gentle touch of her fingertips.
He loved the sound of her loving words.
And the way she lived her life.
Free as a bird.
Nov 2019 · 73
Rich Girl
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She was a rich girl from the city.
Prim, proper, and oh so pretty.
She wanted to live the country life.
Find a husband and become a wife.
She finally found her a hardworking man.
Built a cabin and lived off the land.
Nov 2019 · 60
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He had been treating his girlfriend very bad.
And her brother found him and sucker punched him in the face.
He tried to put up a fight but her brother was too big and strong.
Her brother beat him to a pulp.

And when he was on the ground her brother beat him some more.
Her brother even kicked him in the head.
Some people pulled her brother off him.
He was almost dead.

He had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.
He was in such bad condition that they placed him in the ICU unit.
When he got better all he could think of was revenge.
He was going to put that punk brother of hers lights out.

He waited for him one dark night and ambushed him at his home.
He shot his girlfriend's brother in the head.
But this was not good enough.
He found his girlfriend and killed her.

As the prison authorities were killing him in the gas chamber.
He thought that there must have been a better way for revenge.
He was not ready to die.
Nov 2019 · 70
Other World
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He had been pulled into a bad other world by demons.
Now he was trying to escape.
He was almost out.
Just a little more effort and he would have freedom.
But the demons were too stong.
They pulled him right back into hell.
Nov 2019 · 70
Goodbye Letters
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She had used a lot of ****.
And now she was greeted by the ghost of death.
She wanted to run away.
But the ghost was not having it this day.
She begged the ghost for another chance to do better.
But the ghost said, start writing your goodbye letters.
Oct 2019 · 199
Halloween Cheat
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
Howie was a Halloween cheat.
He was much too old of a kid to go trick-or-treat.
But he did it anyway.
Some people gave him treats.
And some people just laughed and sent him away.
Oct 2019 · 88
Halloween Ghost
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
It was the biggest pumpkin in the farmer's field.
The one that he was going to steal.
He was doing it as a prank.
But he should have taken more time to think.
The pumpkin was watched over by a Halloween ghost.
Who waited to turn thieves into toast.
Oct 2019 · 87
Card To My Mother
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
It was on a Saturday morning.
That my mother passed away.
God called her home.
He called her home to stay.

With every sunrise, I see her face.
In my heart, no one can take her place.

Christmas is coming.
It is so very near.
Bringing thoughts of my mother.
Whom I miss so dear.

So I'm sending a card to Heaven.
It floats upon my prayer.
One day in Heaven dear mother.
We will all have Christmas there.
Oct 2019 · 110
Reflection Of God's Love
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
As sure as the sun shines above.
People are just a reflection of God's love.
As sure as there are stars in the sky.
There is magic in a baby's cry.

Just as fresh as the morning dew.
God blessed this love between me and you.
Just as sure as the ocean is blue.
Our love will always be true.
Oct 2019 · 171
Country Living
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
Wood popping in the fireplace.
Eating homegrown food at dinner and saying grace.
Baking bread on the old wood stove.
Picking peaches from the grove.
Taking baths in the old washtub.
Heading to the creek for a scub.
Working hard from dawn to dusk.
Going to church on Sunday was a must.
Oct 2019 · 85
For Farrah (Fawcett)
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
A great beauty has passed from this life.
Of good times and sometimes toil and strife.
Some will say that she went to a better place.
Look at the blue sky or white clouds, you will still see her face.

Movements like a gazelle in flight.
Hair that shone like gold on a moolit night.
Eyes that could touch your soul.
And essence like that of a red rose.

Farrah, you fought hard to stay here on earth with us.
But when God calls you, go you must.
Whenever we feel a summer breeze or April rain.
It will seem like you are near.
And in our hearts, your memory will always remain dear.
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
I left home for the war.
When I was just eighteen.
I went to Vietnam a person so good and clean.
I came back home all broken spirited and mean.

All through the war I kept thinking.
If I could just get back home.
Everything gonna be alright.

As I tramped through the fields.
Bodies of my buddies maimed and killed.
I kept thinking if I could just get back home.
Everything gonna be alright.

They shipped me home on a Monday.
They gave me a Purple Heart.
I lost one leg and my mind is bad.
People look at me with faces so sad.

But I'm home now Lord.
And everything is alright.
But I'm home now Lord.
And everything is alright.
Oct 2019 · 91
Autumn Chill
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
It's twilight.
The sun escorts the moon to the night.
The sun sleeps, the wind howls.
My sweetheart smiles.

Autumn chill,
Sweetheart's warm feel,
Sultry looks,
Heart be still.
Oct 2019 · 60
The Night Wind
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
The night wind sings a song of love.
It carries the spirits of sweethearts.
To the heavens above.

The night wind blows sweet romance.
Upon its breezes.
The souls of lovers dance.

The night wind blows very cool.
Tonight, love and romance rule.
Oct 2019 · 69
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
White clouds,
Morning breeze,
Ripples in the pond,
Dancing trees.

Tall grass blowing.
Our love growing.
Sunlight shimmering.
Sweet love simmering.
Oct 2019 · 178
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
Brooke slips quietly into the night.
Looking for a little peace.
In pink shawl, she looks so small.
While the moon and night creatures call.

Brooke bends her ear to the wind.
And she lets all of the night sounds flow in.
In this moment, she is one with the night.
And her soul floats lightly like a kite.
Oct 2019 · 126
Sweet Whispers On The Wind
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
Our love was whispered on the wind tonight.
Everything was right when we held each other.
So very tight.

Our love was reflected by the moon.
Our song of love.
We could hear the wind croon.

The wind whispered.
Trust your heart.
Go with your felings.
This sweet love you'll always be needing.

We were so close I could feel her heart beating.
See the love and passion in her eyes.
One so lovely in the evening.
And lovelier at sunrise.
Oct 2019 · 253
Rare Diamond
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
The morning mist touched my face.
Iced sweet tea satisfied my taste.
Softly you walked behind me on the porch swing.
And placed a sweet kiss upon my face.

These are the moments that I treasure.
There's nothing else on this earth that can measure.
You are the rare diamond of my world.
My creme of soda and ice cream swirl.
Oct 2019 · 103
My Love
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
My love sails on blue waters.
Blue waters of your heart.
My love dances on the wind.
The wind of your soul.

My love is a true reflection.
Reflection of your eyes.
My love will live forever.
In your body and soul.
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
The night was made for romance.
In the night our two hearts dance.
Under the stars our lips touch.
In the garden your embrace means so much.

The night was made for love.
Our hearts cooing like a white dove.
Your eyes sparkling like diamonds so white.
I love you darling with all my might.

The night was made for caring and trust.
And darling, God made this night for us.

— The End —