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Nov 2019 · 119
Walmart Queen
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Candice was the Walmart Queen.
This was her favorite scene.
In her Daisy Duke jeans with **** crack showing.
She pranced through the aisles.
Getting stares from the ladies and from the guys she got smiles.
Nov 2019 · 131
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Darling, the Jamaican night was sizzling.
And so were you in your one piece bathing suit.
Looking delicious like pineapple fruit.

The brilliant stars dotted the sky.
Beads of pearls dripped down your face.
Sweet coconut milk on your lips I could taste.

A lady of high fashion.
A white sand beach.
A night filled with passion.
You and I climbing love's highest peak.
Nov 2019 · 140
Cane Fishing Pole
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
It was a great day for a summer stroll.
Just sweetheart, me, and my favorite cane fishing pole.
Looking for a day of fun.
Down at the local fishing pond.

The sun was was warm and the fish were biting great that day.
Enjoying the pond waves ripple and the way the bobber did sway.
Sweetheart was looking very **** in a seductive way.
But all I had on my mind was fish fillet.
Nov 2019 · 56
Sounds Of Ecstasy
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The rooster is crowing.
The grass needs mowing.
A piece of hay in sweetheart's hair.
A cool breeze blowing in the air.

Love in the barn loft.
Heavenly, sweet, and soft.
Passion beyond compare.
The sounds of ecstasy floating in the air.
Nov 2019 · 46
Two Rainbow Sky
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The corn is all yellow and ripe.
Paint is peeling on the outhouse.
There is a two rainbow sky.
Love will be smoking hot tonight.

Sweetheart has a rose scent.
Her lips are red and wet.
Passion will fly tonight.
On this you can bet.
Nov 2019 · 75
Hummingbird Song
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The way sweetheart's fingers touch my skin makes my heart flutter.
I am so spellbound from her kiss my speech becomes stutter.
On this morning nothing can go wrong.
With sweetheart in my arms and the sound of a hummingbird song.
Nov 2019 · 103
Raindrops Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
My love and I strolled outside.
In the flower garden.
Beautiful and scenic.

It was cloudy in the sky above.
It began to shower raindrops of love.
You and I darling became drenched.
Wet with droplets from above.

Love raindrops look good on your face.
From your lips they gave a sweet taste.
In your hair they smelled so sweet.
Soft rain and you darling.
Heaven's special treat.
Nov 2019 · 98
My Favorite Flavor
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Cherry Coke tastes sweet.
Mountain Dew is so neat.
But darling, you're my favorite flavor.
The one I always savor.

Sweet as a strawberry soda.
Fresh as lemonade.
Smooth like Mello Yello.
Makes me glad I'm your fellow.

Drinking nice and slow.
Satisfies my thirst.
Every part is sweet to the taste.
Not one drop goes to waste.
Nov 2019 · 63
Street Light
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The street light is glowing bright tonight.
As we share out hearts.
On a bench in the park.

Our love is burning bright tonight.
As we kiss.
On this wonderful night.
The air filled with bliss.

Our passion is rising high.
All the way to the sky.
You set my body aflame.
Seductvely repeating my name.
Nov 2019 · 67
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Out in the country.
Where life is so simple.
Lives a girl with the prettiest dimples.

All decked out in sundress and sandals.
Wearing a smile so broad and wide.
Brightening up the countryside.

Always happy and sunny.
Nice personality, cute, and funny.
Always a pleasure to be around.
Cutest freckles and reddest hair.
In this small rural town.
Nov 2019 · 59
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Flames dancing,
Wood popping,
Satin and lace,
Love by the fireplace.

Soft rug,
Tender hugs,
Sweet kisses,
Lovers' wishes.

Hot desire,
Bodies on fire,
Ecstasy and passion,
Complete satisfaction.
Nov 2019 · 84
A Single Tear
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I remember the time we said goodbye.
A single tear fell from your eye.
My love was going away.
On a distant trip today.

Her nearness she knew I would surely miss.
Upon my head she placed a kiss.
Even though she left today.
Her heart never did go away.

Upon a TWA jet she flew.
Up in the sky so blue.
A love so true.
I could still feel her kiss as the wind blew.
Nov 2019 · 107
October Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The moon just peeked from behind the trees.
At you and I darling on our carpet of leaves.
Your love is sweet like ripe fruit.
As our passion takes root.

The wind blew just right tonight.
The stars shone from heaven above.
Lovely as a dove.
October love.
Nov 2019 · 577
Little Bird
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She had all that she could take.
Her boyfriend was so fake.
It was time to tell him goodbye.
And stop listening to all his lies.
So away his little bird flew.
Looking for someone who would be loving and true.
Nov 2019 · 50
Juices Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The stars shone brightly.
The moon sprinkled magic from heaven above.
The night is calm.
In the valley of love.

An owls hoots.
The deer are like statues.
My sweetheart is sweet like an apple.
The juices of love flow freely.
Nov 2019 · 93
Jacuzzi Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Moonlit night,
Feelings right,
Bubbling water,
Jet streams.

Bodies mesh,
Warm flesh,
Stars shining above.
Jacuzzi love.
Nov 2019 · 138
Thank God
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Every night before I sleep.
I get down on my knees and pray.
Thanking God for sending your love my way.

Every morning when I open my eyes.
And look at the beautiful sky.
I thank God for another day with you.
A love who makes all my days so fresh and new.

With every breath.
I thank God for a love that's true.
And true love darling is you.
Nov 2019 · 84
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
You are the sun.
You are the moon.
You are the happy tunes.
My heart sings in June.

You are the flower.
That blooms in my heart after an April shower.
You are the star that shines so bright.
You are the love that makes my life so right.

You are the wind that blows through my hair.
Your love, like God, I feel everywhere.
Nov 2019 · 69
Goodbye Michael
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
A star has been plucked from the sky.
The sky is now dimmer.
It happened on June 25th.
A day we will always remember.

Never agaain to see Michael's smile light up the skies.
Never again to see him moonwalk across the stage as his fans cries.
Never again to hear him sing Billie Jean.
To the roaring sound of his fans' scraems.

A brother of the sun has been taken away.
But in our hearts his music will always stay.
Michael Jackson will now dance among the clouds.
And in the heavens, you will still hear him singing loud and proud.
Nov 2019 · 56
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Some people dream of diamonds.
Some people dream of gold.
But I dream of you love.
Until the night grows cold.

Prayer kept me safe.
Visions of you kept me warm.
Thinking of you through the night.
Secure from harm.

Some people dream of riches.
A whole lot of money.
But I will dream of you always.
My precious honey.
Nov 2019 · 48
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Light as butterflies floating on the wind.
Thoughts of you flow through my mind.
Pretty as flowers blowing in the breeze.
Your image dances with the wind in the trees.

Sweet as a lollipop.
Visions of you is tops.
Cool as ice.
Dreams of you feel so nice.
Nov 2019 · 61
Her Eyes
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Eyes so green.
Like ones in a sweet dream.
Eyes so round.
Shining like moonbeams.

Eyes so pretty.
Loveliest in the city.
Eyes so bright.
Like stars shining in the night.

Eyes so soft.
Like those of a spotted doe.
Eyes so tender.
Brings to the heart sweet surrender.
Nov 2019 · 57
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her sweet voice echoes within the walls of my heart.
Her words vibrate in the rooms of my soul.
Her whisper gives me a sweet senstion.
Her laugh is my true elation.

She is the queen of my dreams.
In our castle of licorice and jelly beans.
Life is palm trees and beautiful sunsets.
A perfect surfing wave and a cool drink that's wet.
Nov 2019 · 88
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I never feel alone when you are near.
Life is sunshine and roses because you are here.
I never feel sad and blue when I'm with you.
Because I found a love so beautiful and true.

I walk through life without a care.
I know that your love will always be there.
In this life I know no fear.
Because your love and God give me strength my dear.
Nov 2019 · 58
Support Pet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He planned on stealing his neighbor's pet turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner.
He went to get the turkey and the turkey looked at him with pleading sad eyes.
Saying please don't **** me.
So he decided to show the turkey some understanding.
Before he killed the turkey, he put a blindfold on him.
His neighbor found out what he had done and shot him in the leg.
Saying this is a small price to pay for eating my support pet.
Nov 2019 · 316
Your Lips
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Like an apple.
Red and delicious.
The answer to my prayers and wishes.

Full of smiles when happy.
A bit of pout when sad.
Full of sweet kisses.
That makes my heart glad.

Full of kind words.
When sometimes I feel gloom.
Full of sweet songs.
That could fill a room.
Nov 2019 · 109
Treat Her
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Treat her right.
She will be so nice.
Treat her wrong.
She will be cold as ice.

Treat her like a queen.
She will be your lifelong dream.
Treat her bad.
You will end up lonely and sad.
Nov 2019 · 80
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Our love is written in the stars.
Illuminating the universe from Mercury to Mars.
Our love is floating in the sky.
Dancing above the clouds so high.

Our love is sung by the wind.
Echoed by the thunder.
Caressed by the rain.
A thing of beauty and wonder.

Our love is touched by the sun.
Blessed by God.
Etched in the heart.
Destined to last forever from the start.
Nov 2019 · 121
A Lover's Fling
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Night comes to the meadow.
Two lovers entwined in the shadows.
A soft rain begins.
Bringing tingles to the skin.

The air is fresh.
Lovers fest.
A night bird sings.
Bells in the heart ring.

A lover's fling.
Sweet love is the cream.
Nov 2019 · 98
Flame Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Darling, the path of our love has been very smooth.
Because in my heart you lit a fuse.
My soul never sings the blues.

A flame of love that always burns.
A wheel of passion that always turns.
A bird of romance that always flies.
A garden of happiness that never dies.
Nov 2019 · 85
Cool Love Calls
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Half moon,
Brilliant stars,
The air is brisk.
Sweetheart's warm kiss.

A horse neighs.
Two lovers in the hay.
The coming of fall.
Cool love calls.
Nov 2019 · 193
Our Romance
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Our romance is like the sun gleaming.
The moon beaming.
Our romance is like the stars shining so bright.
All through the heavenly night.

Our romance is like violins playing.
Sunny days staying.
Our romance is like birds singing.
Bells ringing.

Our romance is like rivers flowing.
Flowers growing.
Our romance is like a cool wind.
Love that never ends.
Nov 2019 · 81
Desert Flower
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Precious as a rose in bloom.
Treasured more than a gold filled room.
Jewels are the moments spent with you.
Diamonds are your love so true.

Your love is my treasure.
Happiness beyond measure.
My *** of gold at the end of the rainbow.
My desert flower that always grows.
Nov 2019 · 65
Kiss In The Wind
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Birds fly.
Eagles soar.
For your love my heart roars.

A baby is born.
New life begins.
Love was born from a kiss in the wind.

I loved you in the beginning.
I'll love you til the end.
Our love began.
With a sweet kiss in the wind.
Nov 2019 · 45
Her Physical Beauty
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her physical beauty is lovely to behold.
But nothing compares to the beauty of her soul.
She has a personality that is so sweet.
And a gentleness that can't be beat.

She has the ability to deeply feel.
This is by far her greatest appeal.
She has the gift to show great love.
That surely came from heaven above.
Nov 2019 · 90
My Soul
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Loveliness adorns her.
Love of God transforms her.
Happiness surrounds her.
Sweet love warms her.

Strawberries appeal to her.
Our love is real to her.
Flowers smell sweet to her.
My soul lives for her.
Nov 2019 · 192
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The wind blows free across the sea.
A little girl laughs gaily on her father's knee.
A bird sings happily in a tree.
Love blows free for my love and me.

Deer run free in the fields.
Eagles fly free at will.
Leaves dance freely in the wind.
I will love you freely until life's end.
Nov 2019 · 125
Her Voice
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her voice is like a song.
That's written on the pages of my heart.
Soft and low.
With a sweet melodic flow.

Each word spoken.
Like a beautiful note.
Straight out of a songbook.
For my heart she wrote.

Voice so sweet.
What a treat.
My heart melts whenever we meet.
Nov 2019 · 91
Your Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Your love is like diamonds.
That sparkle in the night.
Your love is like the stars.
That shine so bright.

Youe love is like the wind.
That feels so cool.
Your love is like icecream.
That tastes so smooth.

Your love is like the sky,
That is so blue.
Your love is like a bright sunny day.
That makes the world seem new.
Nov 2019 · 68
Purple World
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
With guitar and hair full of curls.
Prince made this a purple world.
People are crying sounds sadful to the ears.
And it's raining purple tears.

At the drop of a hat he was taken away.
There will be less happiness in the world today.
Up to heaven his soul did fly.
Where he is still singing and dancing above a purple sky.
Nov 2019 · 229
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Like the birds sing a sweet song.
Like the rivers strum a lovely tune.
Like the stars serenade the moon.
Like flowers look so pretty in June.

Like water makes violets grow.
Like winter brings flaky snow.
This is true and no jest.
Love is the blueprint for happiness.
Nov 2019 · 163
Secret Place
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Our eyes met.
Our souls touched.
First love is a feeling that you never forget.

First love brought to my heart.
A flood of emotions.
Beautiful and wide.
Exciting like a ballon ride.

Years go by and days pass.
But the memory of a first love will always last.
This is something that must be realized from the start.
A first love always remains in a secret place in the heart.
Nov 2019 · 66
Her Sweet Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her sweet love flows down the waterfalls of my soul.
Her sweet love climbs the mountains of my heart.
Her sweet love flows through the rivers of my life.
Her sweet love seeps through the windows of my mind.
Her sweet love flies on the wings of my prayer.
Her sweet love sustains me like the air.
Nov 2019 · 37
Her Body
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Scent like lilies in bloom.
Looking so sensuous.
When she walks into a room.

Hair so silky.
Skin so smooth.
Feels like a peach to the touch.
A touch I love so much.

Lovely as a female genie.
Who fulfills the wishes.
Just like cotton candy.
Looking so delicious.
Nov 2019 · 54
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Peeled sugar cane tastes sweet upon the lips.
Coconut milk tastes sweet on the tongue.
Your love tastes sweet in my life.
Easing burdens and taking away strife.

Apple pie smells sweet on the breeze.
The scent of peach pie flows through the trees.
Your breath tastes sweet to my lips.
Like ginger ale with every sip.
Nov 2019 · 77
Only Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Love can sometimes be fresh.
Love can sometimes be new.
Love can sometimes make you happy.
And sometimes make you blue.

Love is the light that radiates from your eyes.
Love is your image floating in the skies.

Love is true.
And darling, the only love for me is you.
Nov 2019 · 109
Oceans Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
You make the winter seem like spring.
You make troubled seas calm.
You are the peace within my soul.
You are my warmth when the sky grows cold.

Your heart is my pillow in the night.
Your arms enfold me until early light.
Your breathing is music to my ears.
Thank you darling for oceans of love all these years.
Nov 2019 · 78
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Raindrops fall from the sky.
Stars shine from the heavens.
Snow blows off the mountains.
All gifts from God.

God sent me an angel.
That angel my darling is you.
The greatest gift of a love so true.
Who has stood by me my whole life through.

When this life on earth is past.
Through eternity, the gift of love will last.
Nov 2019 · 732
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The sun rises.
The wind blows.
Like a tree.
True love grows and grows.

Like a flower.
True love smells fresh.
Like a river.
True love stands time's test.

Two elderly people holding hands.
Walking barefoot on the beach sand.
The young at heart lady is the man's wife.
Love can still be like the sunrise in the twilight of a person's life.
Nov 2019 · 109
So Fly
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Some guys use to talk a lot of trash.
Because Madelyn had a tiny mustache.
She was a lady with a lot of pride.
Her tiny mustache never caused her to break her stride.
Madelyn's mustache never stopped her from getting a guy.
Because mustache or not, she was still so fly.
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