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Nov 2019 · 100
A Kiss
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She blew a kiss to the moon.
The night was ending too soon.
He held her so very tight.
They felt sorry to see the moon leaving with the coming of daylight.
She blew a kiss to the sun.
They felt so happy together this beautiful morn.
Nov 2019 · 82
Bikini Buzz Cuts
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He decided to srart a business.
And stop all of his out of work silliness.
So he started a bikini buzz cut business.
Buzz haircuts given by pretty chicks in bikinis.
Who looked like models of fitness.
His business was a big success.
That was the end of his lack of money stress.
Nov 2019 · 84
Thirsty Soul
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Love, darling, is you.
Your love cascaded down the waterfalls of your heart.
To my thirsty soul.
Your love filled the crevices of my life.
Your love is my lighthouse.
My beacon in the night.
I found home in your heart.
Nov 2019 · 77
Magical Night
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
What a magical night.
I drowned in your caress.
I'll always remember how cute you looked.
In your silk mini dress.

Pretty long legs.
All lovely and tan.
Looking so good.
You could light up a baseball stand.

When you walked.
All the guys' heads did turn.
For a moment with you.
They would walk through fire.
And get burned.
Nov 2019 · 117
Strawberry Hair
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She walks through life without a care.
The girl with the strawberry hair.
She glides on top of the world.
The girl with the strawberry curls.

She's every boy's dream.
Sweet as cherries and ice cream.
Pretty as flowers in spring.
She makes all the guys' hearts sing.
Nov 2019 · 88
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She found it so appealing.
Whe she got that sweet feeling.
After seeing him kneeling with a diamond ring in his hand.
Wanting her to be his wife.
And his soulmate for the rest of her life.
He felt so fine when she said yes.
He knew that he had gotten the best.
Nov 2019 · 57
Deep Sleep
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She counts sheep.
And then falls into a deep sleep.
He wakes her up for a midnight talk.
He just wants to share his thoughts.
She says, I have to get up early for work hon.
Take your **** back to sleep.
I will talk to you in the mon.
Nov 2019 · 58
She Likes Bad Boys
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He wanted her but he was too kind and sweet.
And she thought that he was a little meek.
He told her that he would be good to her.
He would be the best guy that she ever had.

She said that was fine but she was not into good guys, she was into bad.
She said that bad boys were her thing.
And that he just didn't interest her.
And she wasn't trying to be mean.
Nov 2019 · 93
Jelly Beans
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They both had become old.
And her love still warmed his soul.
Their love was beautiful, bright, and bold.
It was pure gold.
He was the man of her dreams.
Still strong as rock candy and sweet as jelly beans.
Nov 2019 · 85
Sweet Friend
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
When she said these words, let's only be friends.
He felt like his world was coming to an end.
And his hurting, breaking heart could never mend.
He knew that it was a mental sin.
But he just couldn't visualize anyone but himself.
Romantically loving his sweet friend.
Nov 2019 · 64
Misty Morning Kiss
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They have a misty morning kiss.
And together they make a wish.
That life would always be like this.
The two of them together and misty morning kisses.
They looked deeply into each other's eyes.
And had another sweet kiss under the misty morning sky.
Nov 2019 · 88
Los Angeles
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She wanted to fly to the moon.
He wanted to fly to Los Angeles and arrive by noon.
She wanted to go to places out of reach.
He wanted to put on sunscreen lotion and go to the beach.
She wanted to party all night in a dress that was red.
He just wanted a quiet night in bed.
Nov 2019 · 174
Bud Light
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was fishing.
While his dog sat beside him.
He said, I have got a bite.
The dog said, good now pass me another Bud Light.
His dog drank his beer and burped.
While the birds continued to chirp.
Nov 2019 · 107
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was sitting on a bank fishing.
When a copperhead snake slithered up and said hello.
He said, what's up bro.
You want to bite me I know.
The copperhead snake said, no I just wanted to stop awhile and rap.
He said, you know you want to bite me.
You lying piece of crap.
Nov 2019 · 63
Bright Side
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He left her and she thought that her world would shatter.
She felt like she had been beaten in an egg batter.
But she knew that she had to hold on.
And things would get better before too long.
She just had to look on the bright side.
And keep her dignity and pride.
Nov 2019 · 87
Sweet Thrills
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
A leaf blows in the wind.
A flower bends its head to the breeze.
Deer run through the trees.
My sweetheart and I find bliss on a carpet of leaves.

The night caresses the summer sky.
An owl hoots and a bobcat cries.
Raindrops sprinkle softly on the fields.
The night is filled with sweet thrills.
Nov 2019 · 74
Castle Of Ice
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
In a castle made of ice.
Love was so nice.
The passion was so hot that sweetheart and I felt.
The ice began to melt.
Nov 2019 · 90
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Icicles hanging on the trees.
Snowflakes dancing in the wind.
Children sledding off the hill.
Enjoying the winter chill.

Wood is popping in the fireplace.
The room is very warm.
Laying in sweetheart's arms.
I can weather any storm.
Nov 2019 · 71
Joy Of Christmas
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Ice floating in the pond.
This Christmas season I am so fond.
All the people full of cheer.
Love and happiness is everywhere.

Cold can be felt in the air.
Children playing without a care.
Snowmen and snow angels on the ground.
The joy of Christmas is all around.
Nov 2019 · 45
Spirit Of Christmas
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Houses lit with Christmas lights so bright.
The spirit of Christmas is flowing tonight.
Carolers singing Jingle Bells.
Joy and love in our hearts swell.

Family and friends showing love.
Snow falling from heaven above.
We feel the love of Jesus in every way.
In our hearts, it should always be Christmas day.
Nov 2019 · 127
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Willie the husky friendly as could be.
Loved to *** on the neighbor's favorite tree.
Willie was good a dog as they come.
But this one bad habit his owner couldn't break him from.
Nov 2019 · 88
Dog's Life
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
On an autumn day pretty as you please.
Lucy the basset hound could be found chasing falling leaves.
Wagging her tail high in the air.
Frolicking around without a care.

A dog's life must be good.
All Lucy has to worry about is chasing leaves.
And crapping in the woods.
Nov 2019 · 60
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I remember watching some hogs grow nice and round.
And listening to their funny grunting sounds.
I even gave them names.
And felt like they were my pets playing games.
I was surprised and felt so sad and unstable.
When the funny hogs ended up in the smokehouse and on the dinner table.
Nov 2019 · 79
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He thought that he had game.
But she thought that he was so lame.
He would take her out for free dinners at the church.
She thought that he was such a ****.
He would take her for free concerts in the park.
And only drink free fountain park water until after dark.
Nov 2019 · 83
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He knelt before her and started to bawl.
She said, if you want me back.
You will have to beg and crawl.
He did as he was told.
For him her love was worth more than gold.
Nov 2019 · 95
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He missed his girlfriend so dear.
So he had a beer.
Her leaving caused him to lose cheer.
So he had a beer.
She might never return.
This caused him great fear.
So he had a beer.
Nov 2019 · 41
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Life with you is a beautiful dance.
Of loving and sweet romance.
Life with you is a sweet dream.
Of honeysuckle and cool running streams.

Life with you is a thrilling roller coaster ride.
Knowing that you will always be by my side.
Life with you is my eternity.
You and I floating on an endless cloud of serenity.
Nov 2019 · 101
This Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
This love runs on emotion.
This love is fueled by devotion.
This love floats on feelings.
Higher than a cathedral ceiling.

This love soars on the breeze of monogamy.
Two  hearts in perfect harmony.
This love is you.
This love is me.
Together, forever through eternity.
Nov 2019 · 274
Your Kiss
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Your kiss is sweet as a candy cane.
Soft as a summer rain.
Soothing as a soft pillow.
Free as a weeping willow.

Sweet as honey.
More precious than money.
Wet as a winter snow.
The kind that is dreamed of.
This I know.
Nov 2019 · 105
Expressions Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I love you more than the morning loves the sun.
I love you more than ponies like to run.
I love you more than mountains love streams.
I love you more than the moon loves moonbeams.

I love you more than the clouds love rain.
I love you more than tracks love trains.
I love you more than the desert loves sand.
I love you more than God loves man.
Nov 2019 · 96
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Sweetheart and I feeling wild and free.
Frolicking on the beach in Waikiki.
The surf is high and the breezes are nice.
My lips touched sweetheart's lips twice.
Watching the beautiful sun go down.
Passion thirsting for another round.
Nov 2019 · 71
Butterfly Dance
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
One sunny day sweetheart and I were put into a nature trance.
Watching the butterflies dance.
Floating here and floating there.
Spreading beauty everywhere.
One softly landed upon sweetheart's hair.
Then lightly drifted into the air.
Nov 2019 · 56
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
There use to be times when hobos would tell.
Stories of freedom times of riding the rails.
Going wherever the wind blew.
Everyday, seeing something new.

Hardship and freedom were their way of living life to the fullest.
Braving weather that could be the cruelest.
Owning only the shirt on their backs.
Living life on the railroad track.

When their life was at an end.
Their only treasure was memories of places they had seen and been.
Nov 2019 · 83
Pretty Sweet Thing
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I bask in your love.
I delight in your kiss.
I glide in your heart.
I swim in your soul.

I'm rich beyond compare.
Knowing that for me you will care.
You are my sunrise in the morning.
My stars at night.

You are my fresh morning air.
My cool running spring.
My dew on the flowers.
My pretty sweet thing.
Nov 2019 · 88
Recipe For Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Five cans of patience.
Five boxes of romance sensation.
Ten cups of sharing.
A gallon of caring.
A bowl of trust.
Honesty a must.
Always put God first.
Salvation for thirst.
Nov 2019 · 84
Beauty Bouquet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
There's a girl who walks the scenic trail.
The one with the long ponytail.
The way it blows in the breeze.
Can bring a fellow to his knees.

She's pure as sunshine.
Mellow as aged wine.
Mystical as a Hawaiian sunrise.
A beauty bouquet for the eyes.
Nov 2019 · 62
Popsicle Lips
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Ponytail and spearmint gum is what I remember about my first love.
A lass of beauty to be proud of.
Popsicle lips that taste so sweet.
Coke bottle figure that couldn't be beat.

Silky hair soft to the touch.
Sparkling eyes that I loved so much.
A pretty sweet thing who had it all.
Beauty that radiated through the high school halls.
Nov 2019 · 81
Nature Pleasures
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The sun said, look at me.
I am so warm and sunny you see.
The rain said, feel me.
I am so cool and refreshing you see.

The wind said, fly with me.
And float so gently upon the breezes.
The trees said, lay under me.
You two lovers can make such sweet love you see.
Nov 2019 · 118
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Birds sing.
Sweethearts dream.
The heart knows that it's spring.

Love buds.
Root Beer suds.
Children play.
Moms pray.

Thank God for life.
And another spring day.
Nov 2019 · 39
Heaven Tonight
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Love is brushing my lips across sweetheart's lips.
Love is touching my fingertips with sweetheart's fingertips.
Love is slow dancing holding sweetheart so very tight.
Even though I have never been to heaven.
I'm in heaven tonight.
Nov 2019 · 63
Mist Ballet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Mist dancing a ballet upon the pond.
A cool breeze greeting the morning sun.
Ripples moving about at play.
Trees in the water begin to sway.

The clouds providing plenty of cover.
For the sweet caresses of these two secret lovers.
An old tractor sits in a field of hay.
Along a red dirt road,
That brought these lovers here today.
Nov 2019 · 88
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Church has always been her favorite place.
When she prays, tears of pearls stream down her face.
She has always known that love and God is the key.
To a good life that's trouble free.

She has always loved God and Sunday School.
Spent her life living by the Golden Rule.
I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
For putting God and me at the top of her chart.
Nov 2019 · 678
Mountain Dew Haze
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Some people like their whiskey.
Some people like their gin.
But a pretty girl and Mountain Dew.
Really gets under my skin.

Because I live in a Mountain Dew world.
My body runs on Mountain Dew pearls.
My mind floats in a Mountain Dew haze.
I look at the world.
Through a Mountain Dew gaze.

A pretty girl and Mountain Dew.
Really gets under my skin.
A pretty girl and Mountain Dew.
Really gets under my skin.
Nov 2019 · 64
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
God sprinkled the night sky with stars.
God sprinkled the heavens with angels.
God sprinkled your eyes with love.
God sprinkled the galaxy with stardust above.

God sprinkled the oceans with blue.
God sprinkled my life with you.
God sprinkled moms with newborn babes.
Who give unconditional love.
Sent like you darling from heaven above.
Nov 2019 · 61
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The moon just hid behind the trees.
Looking tasty and sweet.
Like an orange sherbet ice cream treat.

Your love was tasty tonight.
Like an orange slice cake.
The kind that it takes time to bake.

Passion was out of sight tonight.
Love flying so high in the breeze.
That you could feel it rustling the leaves.
Nov 2019 · 59
Love Destiny
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
My love sails upon waves of trust.
Destined for your heart.
My love takes flight upon breezes of honesty.
Destined for your soul.

My love walks a path of sincerity.
Destined for your mind.
My love climbs a mountain of togetherness.
Destined for your life.
Nov 2019 · 51
Something Mystical
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Something mystical happened today.
I felt your touch.
Even though you're far away.

I felt your hands upon my face.
It seemed as though your sweet lips.
I could taste.

It seemed as if I could feel your embrace.
It took me to a wonderful place.
Because even when you're far away.
I feel your love in every way.
Nov 2019 · 105
Kiss Your Tears
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Darling, remember the day.
You felt so sad and blue.
All you wanted in the world.
Was for me to just hold you.

I spent all of that day.
Loving you and kissing your tears away.
So whenever you're feeling sad and blue.
No matter what time of day.

I'll be there for you darling.
To kiss your tears away.
Nov 2019 · 71
Dream World
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Soft and mello.
Sweet like jello.
That's how you felt when I held you on the dance floor.

Eyes closed.
As we took our whirl.
Felt like I was in dream world.

Bodies entwined as they played our favorite song.
Sparks that you send.
God I prayed that this slow dance would never end.
Nov 2019 · 80
Your Face
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Your face is smiling and inviting.
Kiss so exciting.
Lips so sweet.
Taste like a peach.

Your face is framed in my mind.
Painted in my heart.
Tattooed on my soul.
Sketched on my skin.
Part of my very being.
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