I don’t decide on your beauty day to day
It’s a static viewpoint I won’t redecide
Regardless of the excuses you have:
Too much makeup!
Too little makeup!
Wait! I blinked!
Wrong angle, I have two chins!
Are my ears sticking out?
All of my hair is out of place!
Don’t get my profile, my nose has a bump!
I thought you aren’t supposed to get red eye anymore?
I look so tired today.
This shirt is doing me no favors.
Is one eye larger than the other?
For the love of God who has a comb?
Is that a gray hair?!
Is that a goat in the background?
That’s a zit. It’s a zit isn’t it?
I just don’t take good pictures. Ask anyone.
Keep adding to the list, doesn’t matter
You’re beautiful to me in any light
Wait, I just sent you a picture
Are you doing the same to me?!