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LONDIN Sep 2013
You take me to the woods to kiss me
it's there I realize there's no spark, no light in the collide of our lips
just mindless, emotionless kissing
I could see it on your face
you didn't stay the night as I earlier
and no longer wished you would
I collapse on the sofa and watch as you shift in reverse out of the driveway
LONDIN Sep 2013
Your back liedĀ upon my floor
my head lied upon your chest
through my right ear I hear your heartbeat
"an illusion?" I ask my self now
couldn't be.
I felt your pulse thumping to the rate of our pace.
lying alone on my bedroom floor
like me,
my eyes fall
they shut to envision your face
LONDIN Sep 2013
My brain soaks in confusion and my eyes scan nervously over forty six little white pills sprawled out on an orange paper stating academic achievement.
I repeat the same question i've asked myself probably four hundred times since last night, and my answer still lingers somewhere in-between absolutely and no.

— The End —