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What if I died tomorrow
Will you cry for me?Endlessly
What if I've burnt this pictures
Will you remember me? Promise me
That you will carry me in your memory
Till the end of the world just you and me
In this tragedy in misery we will keep holding on
for eternity...
The pain it meant so much for us
made us grow aware of things that betrayed us
An intervention that rained down from above
that found us here together tangled in love
So hold me and don't let go
We can fade away tonight and no one will know
Falling up in space
our souls have finally found a place to rest
No one can disturb us here
No one can find us there
In our sweet embrace we call our home
Let us turn off the lights and finally be alone
I have never seen her the way
saw her the first day.*

she was the prettiest from far
when the beauty of her
was in dream discovered!

she was the sweetest of song
when she first came along
my heart went ding ****!

she wasn't just a pretty face
but a fountain of grace
my happiest address!

but the days soon wore
in insane explore
she was new no more!

seen it from morn
her splendor was shorn
she turned a monotone!

i found many a flaw
her plume was of daw
by proximity's law!
there was a little turtle and he loved the sea
and a surfing champ he just long to be
riding on the waves on his little board
and be a surfing champ that was his reward.

he bought himself a board and surfing suit
now he was a surfer and he looked so cute
went down to the beach to the local race
standing at the start turtle took his place.

he took the biggest wave the biggest he could find
jumped on to his board and left them all behind
turtle was the winner his dream it had come true
now he was the champ just like he wanted to
 Mar 2015 Aasim Le Roux
The man that liked to catch things
His hands were rough
His face was dark of complexion
He knew what kind people would like
He was amongst the sea during the day
At night  amongst his friends  
Eating peacefully AFTER an entire day of catching fish
His name is “Yiankos” the fisherman
it is my first poem so i know this might not feel nice
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