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  Sep 2018 John Doe
Andrew Rueter
I live in the wilderness
The Sun shines on the trees and through the leaves
Warmth envelopes my sanctuary
Until darkness approaches like a fog
The darkness is pregnant with sounds
I hear animals snarling while bones are breaking
Whimpers turn into blood curdling gargles
As the darkness renders invisibility among predators
And the darkness engenders vulnerability among prey
I desperately want to help but there is a darkness barricade
The darkness follows everything
The darkness swallows everything

I can hear planes crash
And the passengers scream
From within the darkness
I can only see muzzle flash
And the barrel's steam
Creating hardship
The darkness converts men to shouts of agony and rage
The darkness blinds us from the writing on the page
The darkness makes us believe
That it's our reprieve

Darkness has us in it's sight
When we choose to live in light
Even when we do what is right
Darkness takes flight
Becoming our plight
We try to fight back with futility
The darkness' bite has more utility
We are engulfed by negativity
As we lose all connectivity
And our mouths begin to foam
When the darkness is our home
John Doe Sep 2018
Losing you was the worse
Yet best thing life offered

I lost you but found myself
John Doe May 2018
Her favorite flower is a sun flower, while mine is nerium oleander

One is with warmth and happiness and longevity, while the other can **** you

Her heart glows brighter then the afternoon sun while Mine is as dark as the night sky

Her soul dances like a burning fire, while mine is sitting in the corner.

Her and I  are vastly different but we still seemed to fall for one another

That's until she kept getting upset at the way I was  that I didn't talk much or not at all
thrive in conversations while I thrive in solitude

But wait tell you’re standing in front of me all of the darkness seems to fade
My heart calms , you can see the way my smile curls at the ends of my lips just by looking at her  I didn't have to wash my hands after she'd hold them

But now I live so far that The only way I can see her  is through a screen so far that I can't touch her or kiss her lips

Now she didn’t know what to feel and I press my lips  against  the one thing that will **** me
John Doe May 2018
We were together only moments

But with her

those moments felt like life times
She felt like life when I was dead
John Doe May 2018
Love her. With every once in your being and every elk in your body.
Make sure she knows that you love her and cares because she constantly needs reassurance.
She gets ferociously jealous, It’ll drive you crazy but don’t get angry it means you loves you.
She’s a queen not a princess, Treat her like one. Do the little things they’ll go along way.
bring her flowers especially sunflowers, those are her favorite.
Or do some corky thing like paint red roses yellow, That’s her favorite color.
Some nights she can’t sleep alone, hold her tight, Don’t let her go.
Sometimes she’ll have a huge smile on her face and not know what to say but just know she’ll love it.
Buy her candies and put on movies, Peter Pan especially.
Order pizza and save it for the morning she loves left over pizza.
She has a corky sense of humor that you’ll never find anywhere else, make her laugh the kind where stomach will hurt from laughing to hard.
Always look in those china blue eyes and play with her long blonde hair.
Always tell her how beautiful she is 1000 times a day even if she might not believe you.
If she gets nervous or anxious make sure she knows everything will be ok.
Don’t let the AC run her nose gets irritated. Take random pictures with her even if you hate it because she will love it ,I wish I did.
She loves hand written letters with wax stamps on the back, she likes old fashioned things.
She’ll love you with a depth deeper then any ocean. Love her the same
I hope she sees this one day ... I still love you.
John Doe Apr 2018
A few things Ive learned in this life

just because you’re soul mates

Dosnt mean you get to be together

And just because “you deserve better “

Doesn’t mean we get to choose who our hearts love
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