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72 · Nov 2020
Too much sound
When it comes to me
There seems to be
No middle ground
Instead of reacting indifferently
People either love me
Or can't stand having me around
I try to be
Less vocally
But I just seem to make too much sound
72 · Mar 2022
What can I say?
You grew on me
Like moss
I suppose
******* off
The tree
71 · May 2023
I prefer a natural high
Smoke a little ***
All I crave
To get by
Lucky me
To be
Almost mostly free
When I say it in the written word
I feel like I am being heard
Maybe not immediately
But at some point in history
The right one will listen to me
And the right time
It will be
For he or she
To hear whatever words from me
And apply them to the life of thee
This is probably
The entire point of poetry
At least, for me
71 · Apr 2023
Upside scars
I admire your strength
And your refusal to be a victim
But at the same time
You are a victim
Refusing to accept yourself
For what you are
There is no shame to acknowledge
You’ve had it tough
I never worry that you’ll become one to
Lean on it
And trot out your scars
For anything other than to show another
Their scars can be
Like roots of a tree
That grow up
Instead of down
I see that in you
The beauty of your “only you”  blue
And scars wore like a crown
71 · Aug 15
I am the old lady
Stumbling down a dark, hard path
Telling myself there’s sunlight
And I’m frolicking in the grass
Gassed up grassed up
Ready to go
Fast or slow
Waiting to know
Which direction to go
71 · Jul 24
Am I taking pieces of you
For my own use
When I write you in my poetry?
And if I do
Do I at least
Leave a piece of me?
I feel like the lucky one
To have such a spectacular muse
But I ain’t no slouch
When  it comes to poetry
You got lucky
To be the muse
Of a pretty good poet
Like me
The spectacular muse
With the pretty good poet
There’s no telling what that could be
But it will be written
And thus
A part of our history
71 · Apr 15
She leaves a part of who she is
Everywhere she goes
Her true face she shows
To everyone she knows
71 · Aug 2023
Patient ears.
Whispers are most interesting
To patient ears
71 · Aug 2023
A new day
The first song on my playlist for you
Promise of a new day
Paula Abdul
71 · Jul 2023
People want to know why the chicken crossed the road
I don’t care why
I’d rather congratulate chickens for being so GREAT
At road crossing
I’ve seen dogs and cats and skunks and raccoons and deer and possum
Foxes too
All laying dead on roads
Obviously hit by cars
Yet nobody questions their motives
For crossing that road
On the other hand
I have never seen even one dead chicken
Laying in the road
And still
Everyone wants to know
71 · Sep 26
Through you
I go off
Whether you notice
Or not
Check out other spots
There’s gotta be one
Who I’d rather love than you
It would be healthy for me to
Focus on someone new
I know this to be true
And if I know you
You wish it for me, too
Wonder what a girl can do
With everything I’ve learned
Through you
71 · Aug 2023
Chalkbored fingernales
I wanna **** poets off
If just for a short wile
But I don’t no what too do
Poets tend to be pretty calm
A stoic, nobel crew
I ca’nt figure it out yet
Wat could possibly werk
To annoy that otherwise
Accepting and loving groop
But as far as accomplishments
Its’ sum thing ill surely
Figure out how too due
71 · Mar 2022
Lump in the sand
There was a time I tried to impress you
Now that time has gone
Approval that I once so craved
Feels like a heavy stone
I used to carry it around
Trying to make it look easy
Now I've left it on the shore
And I'm enjoying the sea
And the breezy
Hope somebody picks it up
And carries you inside
But either way, don't fret
You're too much of a stick in the mud
To get swept away with the tide
Black and orange stray cat sittin' on a fence
Ain't got enough dough to pay the rent
I'm flat broke but I don't care
I strut right by with my tail in the air
Stray cat strut, I'm a ladies cat
I'm a feline Casanova, hey man, that's that
Get a shoe thrown at me from a mean old man
Get my dinner from a garbage can
Yeah, don't cross my path
I don't bother chasing mice around
I slink down the alley, looking for a fight
Howling to the moonlight on a hot summer night
Singin' the blues while the lady cats cry
"Wild stray cat, you're a real gone guy
I wish I could be as carefree and wild
But I got cat class and I got cat style"
71 · Jul 4
Obscure bliss
What I am
Who I am
I will probably
Always be
But not likely
Above average probably
But not enough so that anybody sees
I’m not sure, though
I would want that to be
The world calling me out on my poetry
I don’t know if I’d wish that fate on
71 · Jan 22
Relight the thrill
Break my heart
Play me
Tear me apart
Twist me into spiral art
Better than the numbness
No passion
Icy cold against my will
Bring the flames
Relight the thrill
70 · Mar 2022
Selling something short
Dear sir
I think you have mistaken poetry
For an advertisement
To the club you belong to
In the form of a
Written lecture
Trying to pretend
It is poetry
But this poem is really in vain
Because if you read it
You will say
"I wonder who this 'poem' is talking about."
One of the most beautiful things about Poetry
I can creatively
Tell someone to "*******"
And who knows how many people will think I'm talking about them?
Or tell someone they're wonderful
And make however many people
Feel wonderful
Others can relate
And find common ground
Dear sir,
I think you have mistaken poetry
70 · May 2023
I get annoyed by the Cocomelon song
Calling a boo-boo an owie
And then
I get annoyed with myself
For being
THAAAT person
******* about a Cocomelon song
Here I am
Allowing myself
The luxury of whining about
Meaningless ****
We might as all well
Take a moment
To whine about meaningless ****
What a freaking luxury!
Right now
Take the moment
Get over it
Cocomelon who?
As it turned out, “owie” is in the dictionary.  It is in fact, a word.  On a side note, a “Yowie,” is a Bigfoot like creature, supposedly living in the Outback.
70 · Jun 2023
She didn’t bring it as far as she could have
Not because she was wrong
But because he would have been mad that she was right
She thinks it’s right enough
Just to let it slide
Pretend it was all his idea
If she must
She’s almost stopped believing
Slides can be unjust
70 · Jun 2023
I wonder what a tree would say
To a climber
If it could
If I was a tree
I’d probably like
When people climbed on me
And birds
They’d probably tickle
All that being said
Thank Goodness I’m not a tree
Helpless as a thing could be
70 · Jul 2023
Teeny moments
Some days it’s more
When it’s little things
Sometimes same
Sometimes new
Sometimes new within the same
Teeny moments added
To become
70 · Jan 2022
I hate your sorry ***
Excuses laced with
Never is the blame on you
Even when facts
Bear out to prove it true
There's always someone else to blame
Who you identify with
Not by name
I rolled my eyes
And dismissed you
But so many people
Think you're so true
I write him far-away poems
Jerking off in lamplight
Public *******
Reflecting back on my face
Screen attachment to a maybe
70 · Feb 2023
Status quo
Can you tell when I bow to the crowd?
Cheesy crap I said out loud
Just to say something
With nothing to say
I musta needed attention that day
I see them now
And cringe inside
Though the crowd seems to love it
I suppose from myself
I cannot hide
Nor can I rise above it
70 · Apr 2022
Tantrum number ten
You are leaving
But your announcement about it
Must've been painful
When you had to note
Nobody noticed
Your micro tantrum
About how you're going away
And maybe a day
Not one measly comment
Asking you to stay
I suppose that explains why
You're done with this place
Goodbye, lonely one
Be on your way
70 · Feb 2023
Old lady
I’m older than the internet
Older than cell phones
Air bags,
I got a few years on Mrs. Pac Man, too
I’m older than My Little Pony
And He Man; he’s just a youth
Easy Bake Oven, younger than me
So are VCRs and DVD
No ATMs present
Till I was a teen
And microwaves
Didn’t exist either
I’m thinking about
All the things we went without
But why did it seem so much easier?
70 · Aug 2023
Just me
I want to be a worm
Climbing inside
Attaching to your mind
Well, not true
I want to be the controller of the worms
Hundreds reporting back to me
Implanting what I want the subject to see
But then again, that’s too much
I’ll stay with being just me
I don’t want to control anybody
I want your mind to be free
Then, it means something when you choose me
70 · Feb 1
Fool in the room
It will happen
One day
When one you trusted
Will turn and betray
You’ll feel like a sucker
Let yaself get played
But you’re not the one on the fade
The real fool in the room
Is the one who
Looses you
70 · Mar 2022
Bitchy me in progress
I judge people for little things
And I judge myself for this
I can be a nasty *****
I am working on it
70 · Aug 2023
Honesty is a given
Of course, loyalty, too
And it wouldn’t hurt
If he could turn a head or two
But the absolute thing in a man
To which I RUN
I sure love a guy who knows how to have
70 · Mar 22
Someone delicious
I cannot hear what you don’t say
Silence is not your typical way
Could be black or white
But you choose gray
It’s perfectly ok
That you don’t want to play
You have your reasons
Valid and true
If I ain’t your flavor
I hope you find what you savor
I pray you have in your crew
Someone delicious to you
70 · May 2023
Can you truly hear my voice
And recognize it’s me
Regardless of the name you see?
Surely someone paying attention
Could pick me out from a crowd
Pretending out loud
Not to be me
I think
Even the blind would see
Right through me
70 · Jul 2023
I watched you lose him
It took all of a second
A flash of a smile
Dimpled and sweet
He took to it
Like a dog to meat
It’s a good thing
Dogs are so otherwise
And give such special treats
69 · Jan 4
Shame on the moon
Shame on the moon
For gazing at you
That moon up there has some nerve
It’s  always spying upon you
Loneliness is what it deserves
Shame on the sun
For kissing your skin
Inviting you out of your clothes
But if I had the power to do that
I would, too, I suppose
Shame on the ocean
Engulfing your body
And lapping you with it’s waves
The tide comes in early when you are around
It’s clear to see what it craves
Most of all
Shame on me
For feeling so strongly
One day you may know
How deep my feelings go
Until then from afar I will swoon
Look to the heavens
And shame the moon
I make demands
Follow through halfway
And wonder if it will be a win
On this one important thing
That means something
To me
Maybe too much
But not enough
To give it up
69 · Jan 7
We can rely on each other
Take from me
What you lack
I give it so willingly
And you give to me
What you have in abundance
And then forward we be
Or sideways sometimes
Whichever way
On a brand new day
Leaning, then leading
Leaving, then greeting
Ignoring, then heeding
Giving, then pleading
Numbness, then feeling
From floor to the ceiling
All through every corner
And cranny and nook
Illuminate, and take a look
Spiders scatter
Cobwebs cleaned
We can rely on each other
Take this from me
69 · Aug 2023
Honesty (Billy Joel)
If you search for tenderness
It isn’t hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don’t want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe

Bedrock that did not cover the roots
Otherwise impossible
Except in
69 · Jul 24
I want to get under your skin
Infect your within
Shot of my witch’s brew
It might make you itch
At first
Then thirst
You feel the spirit of me
Almost physically
Thirst turns to burn
The pilot light
Is on
Fuel parasite
Maybe useful it be
We will see
69 · May 19
Silent drumming
I bang my drum
Words on a page
Music you see
69 · Jul 2023
Darn it
The one friend
Who makes me wish I could be gay
She’d be a perfect lover
If I could just get down that way
69 · Jan 2022
Add in a little fear
Watch the machine take it up
Put a little in every cup
See the motor
Start to churn
Notice who hasn’t taken their turn
Push and **** them on your way
Tease, cajole, and have your say
This is progress
And you will thank me
One day
69 · Apr 2023
Just when I was starting to get bored
Here you come
Spark and fire
And juices
Fire and liquid
The breadth of you
Breathing Art from
Deflated old tires
It’s not a job
Yet it’s required
The homage of the re-inspired
I know you know it’s for you
I'm sayin' all the things that I know you'll like
Makin' good conversation
I gotta handle you just right
You know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant
Then to a suggestive movie
There's nothin' left to talk about
Unless it's horizontally
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
I've been patient, I've been good
Tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard, this holdin' back
You know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view
We know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out
The animal in me
69 · May 2023
Tainted perspective
Better than who she was willing to see
She might have been you
She might have been me
69 · Jun 2022
Fairy tales
There is no such thing as
Bringing a relationship
Back from the dead
Attempts at resuscitation
Will only result
In more frustration
Holding on
Hoping for change
According to Einstein
Makes you deranged
And he was pretty smart
69 · Jan 19
I get closer
Every day
69 · Aug 24
Frankie sign
I been silly
It would seem
Working on a dream
But work is tedious
I feel inspired
Crafted by a Master
Against his will
The monster he created
Has a brain, still
69 · May 2022
Couch potato
Thinking big thoughts
From a couch
Is a lot more productive
Than it used to be
In itself
Might be a big thought
From a couch
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