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As I opened my front door
I can't help, but to look down at the floor
I was able to look outside
There were many clouds in the sky
My flag can't help but fly
I waved my hand through the air
All of my thoughts were very clear
I walked down my street
There were no shoes on my feet
It just began to rain
I'm going through a lot of pain
I saw the writing on the wall
There are times, when I fall
I was able to read, the good book
Where else should I look
People keep looking at me
What do you think, that they see
Is this something, that I can bare
Or is this just my fear
My depression is very bad today
What else can I say
What is on my mind
Is that something, that I can find
I live in my own world
I isolate myself from other people
I'm scared when I hear a sound
All I want, is to be found
I'm different than everybody else
I keep hearing voices in my head
They keep me from going to bed
I can't go to sleep
So I begin to weep
I cry all night long
But this is what keeps me strong
The things that I do, can't be wrong
Just another day in Paradise
I'm on an island all by myself
I'm sleeping on the beach in a tent
The sweat is pouring from my face
The temperature is over a 100 degrees
All kinds of thoughts, keep running though my head
My depression keeps getting worse
My anxiety is going through the roof
You have changed my whole life
I have love in my brain
Although I'm going through a lot of pain
Tears are falling from me like rain
The weather is always sunny and hot
I will be all alone until the end
This is my island Paradise
Your thoughts are always in my heart
Why are we always apart
I just got over the flu
And the sky was navy blue
Your eyes just didn't have a clue
The smell of rain, was in the air
I looked up into the dark clouds
The rain began to fall
I just received a call
My feelings for you, are very strong
I know that my feelings, can't be wrong
The temperature outside is very cold
I can't believe that your so bold
This is the story, that I was told
We should always be together
This should always be forever
Everyday in our lives, we make choices.
Some are good choices for us
Some are bad choices for us
We must make the choices, that we can live with
When you get up in the morning
You make a choice on what to wear
You make a choice to eat breakfast or not
All during the day, you make choices
Where do we go from here
How many people, really care
At night I look up at the stars
As I drive down the street in my car
At night when I go to bed
All of these thoughts run though my head
My eyes are closed very tight
But my feelings are never out of sight
What else can I say
These are the choices, that we make everyday
There are many thoughts in my head
What can I do but go to bed
How do we control our emotions
What changes our emotions
Sometimes it is happiness
Sometimes it is sadness
Sometimes it is fear
Sometimes your scared
We can't control, if we are scared
I suffer from depression
I suffer from anxiety
Emotions are all around us
Where do we go from here
Is it something that I can bare
What else can I tell you
My life is becoming blue
Life is a wonderful journey to travel
This journey is better traveled with a friend
I was born on the East coast
I have lived most of my life on the West coast
In between life, you will make many stops
My other family is in New York and Puerto Rico
I also have family in Florida and Connecticut
I myself live in Los Angeles, California
My daughter was born in Vallejo, California
I will die in California
This has been a wonderful journey
I hope that my journey, that we call life, never ends
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