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Everyone has a birthday
That would be the day, you were born
You then live your life
Hopefully to the fullest
Everyone has an expiration day
When it's your time, you then die
I believe in the after life
Death isn't the end of life
Death is a doorway, to the after life
Death is the beginning, of a new life, in heaven
We don't all, make it to heaven
Some of us, go the other way, to hell
Heaven must be a wonderful place
Only the select few, get into heaven
I watched you **** a man
Now it's time for me to take a stand
You are someone, I can never trust
Which for me, is always a must
You told me not to make a fuss
I didn't know what to do
Even though it is going to be bad for you
What was I to imply
I never received your reply
After I caught you in a lie
That caused someone else to die
I almost choked on my tie
What else could I do, but cry
As I looked up at the sky
Where birds are supposed to fly
What else was I to think, you lied
Murphy's Law states that
What can go wrong, will go wrong
Things can get better with time
I was at a point in my life where,
I had lost everything of value
I had lost my job
I lost my apartment
My car was repossessed by the bank
My girlfriend also left me
I'm now homeless on the street
I have hit rock bottom
Where would I go from here
I hope that things get better for me
Death comes in many ways
What if these were my last days
Who knows when death will come knocking at your door
Who will pick you up off the floor
My doctor said that I had six months to live
What else but my life, could I give
I knew that I was going to die
What else could I do, but cry
I kept saying to myself why
You have but one and only life
What was I going to tell my wife
I was sick laying in bed
Many thoughts were running through my head
I knew death was coming soon
I would rise up to the sky like a balloon
My mother called me on the phone
I told her that I would die alone
Today is February 4th 2018
The temperature outside is 75 degrees
It's also my birthday and I'm happy
It's supposed to be my special day
It's also Superbowl Sunday
My family has called or texted me already
I walked to the grocery store Albertson
I bought my groceries
I then took an Uber ride back
I then watched the Superbowl
The team that I was rooting for won the game
This was how my special birthday went
Thank you all for celebrating with me
I have made you many promises in the past
I just didn't keep any of those promises
I do love you, just in my own way
I know that I smoke too much
I know that I drink too much
I know that I use too many drugs
I have too many women around me
I have cheated on you, way too many times to count
All of these women, just use me, for what they can get
This has been going on for many years
I want to change my evil ways
I need help
I'm afraid to ask for help
Now is the time for me to change
There is a flag that hangs on my wall
This is a beautiful and bright flag
This flag is red, white and blue
The colors on this flag, will never run
Don't ever touch my flag
I don't allow that to happen
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