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For 3 months I had been thinking about buying a car
That day finally came yesterday
I brought a new car on that day
When I left the car dealership
I was hit from behind, by another driver
My vehicle was totaled ten minutes after buying it
I had no insurance and no vehicle
What was I going to do next
I owed all this money, and nothing to show for it
September 11, 2001 is always on my mind
We can never forget, what happened on this date
My eyes are closed very tight
I'm afraid to open my eyes
I don't know what I will see
I can't see anything but darkness
My faith in people has been destroyed
People are crying all night long
Their are too many innocent victims here
For you to have a better tomorrow
Someone had to give their life today
My life is like a picture frame
The picture isn't very clear
This is what I really fear
I walk around with blinders on
When I look at life, I have tunnel vision
I'm walking down this long hallway
All of the walls around me are white
It's like this hallway will never end
There is a lot of smoke in this hallway
I can't see the end of this hallway
When I get to the end of the hallway
There is a big blue door at the end of the hallway
I'm very afraid to open this big door
What is on the other side of this door
I don't open the door
I just turn around and walk away
I have strong feelings in my heart
I just don't know, what is keeping us apart
You have always been the best
Even though you just moved out west
I have a group, that I call my crew
We all go out to drink some brew
This bar was located on Palmwood road
The temperature outside was very cold
I met a woman at my favorite bar
I got so drunk, that I lost my car
One of my friends started a fight
I really know that wasn't right
Someone hit me and I fell to the floor
I picked myself up and ran out the door
During the fight, I hit my head
My head was hurting and I couldn't go to bed
Even though I thought I was dead
I was sick and just got over the flu
My rent was way over due
What was I to do
It was the 15th of May
How was I going to keep the landlord at bay
I was three months behind on the rent
My landlord couldn't help but vent
He had me put in jail
I didn't have enough money, to raise my bail
This is what I found
The walls came tumbling down
I couldn't hear a sound
My heart continued to beat very fast
How long do you think this can last
Or is this just something in my past
I had a dream last night
In my dream there was a light
People seem to be very kind
Your always on my mind
Most things in my life turn blue
I'm always thinking of you
There were dark clouds in the sky
You have the most beautiful green eyes
Every time I see you
My heart skips a beat
I get so nervous when I'm around you
The palms of my hand, begin to sweat
Your the love of my life
I'm just looking for you, to be my wife
I don't know if this is true
Can you help me find a clue
The sky was the color of dark blue
Tears came down like rain
I was in a lot of pain
Things in life, move like a snail
When I'm with you, it's like being in jail
Can someone just pay my bail
Every time I try something, it usually fails
People only buy things, that are on sale
The house next door, just sold
Come to find out, it had mold
You are very bold
This is what I was told
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