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Nov 2024 · 53
Written on the Wall
KorbydAngyle Nov 2024
The pale fleeing, infuriating, face delivered to my reflection stays
    quiet with each
     consecutive gouging of intrepids:
       sail with dense silly notions, fly with brevity though not
        victimless and see the nascent effect of time- a clockwork of
          banal adept inscriptions on a graffiti wall ... That each once upon a time sordid, broken and feckless sought a soul of strength to
  wrench the doomed momentum of an eased contemplation... Through reveries discovered and abandoned
Seek the sought out souls from which the origin, decisive, now leans into
A jib changing, forcing the wind to deliver its deathly toll
Revive the cuneiform straggler singing in luatony- public places
   singing, scampering hymns to deliver you and even us
Morphic pondering. though shall stand clear...
     and clear that you shall stand
Enter Demons' bane and Angels' empathy
Clouds of black in the morning sunrise
  fanned by the oblivion galaxies who swirl and
    taunt your aspirations
Again sanity and decency from which all proclaim to be from;
Starts day to night and daylight savings torn into black
   as memories serving sit with a throne of disdain and future
    looking forward in eternity may be the futures looking back
turn over in your grave if you face the hallows
of your futures without a grain of salt
Nov 2023 · 135
KorbydAngyle Nov 2023
When you first denied slow progress and denial's own grave...
Measley, grounding, malicious , debutant turned to happenstance moderno raves.
Lawless cast the  wicker stones, drachnire, defunct, faceless stares.

I am sequined by rope woven dolls!
You and I remiss from craftwork ...which though flawless...
     cold application stops wings of paper to unfold.
Dashed against mere morsels of civilized epicurean modulation and retentions.
...Hours wait yearly, months wait for monotonous seconds,
  and  yielding is every flawed reflection.
Their reflections of ebb and flow, despite personal benediction
     Truths, our truths...  they shall never show.
Sep 2023 · 136
Could Life Prevail
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
Can't you see their ensconced in the reality that waits inside
Realizations embrace for the derailing of the impact of disgrace
Loss of limbs and fettered destiny imbued of Godless whims
These all secure senses denying the morphotypes stinging the defenses
I am not with out a door an Achilles tendon that opens to the reprises
However divinity of hope lands on mornings and I make a reclamation of the faith that cleanses
Loss and cold or supersonic and scalding the evolving status of self worth can only harness absorb glean and acquiesce
So as deviance and the demons approaching only deliver masochistic feral guises of the real world as you and I approach weaned of evil, there's hope of  validation and our goals
Sep 2023 · 135
Of Self Callous
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
God ...Oh my self how I want to break free
sealed up by brackish mortar healed by valid yet flagrant insensitivities
gloaming fronts assailed eyes turned for the morning into rot and clandestine of it
hallow holds on my halcyons hues of melonic powers hasten to the relevance of unending mishaps
in justice yet colliding with friends the glass covered hope shatters and I am named miscreant
what does day and night with procurement mean
for in reality the thoughts lead to desolation and all deliverance is burned to be named appropriate
and codex of the brand or code of arms of the clean
What little of efforts dissuade all these meanings can only truly be virtue depleting
the hold on virtuous rationality and logic I once knew
facing tomorrow sessions and seasons in tow
another morbid divinity attempt of the faith for a better tomorrow
Sep 2023 · 96
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
To truly have sentient validations or to believe in thoughts that might mystify or make eccentric dreams a reality

Services and demeanor and clouded judgement of the askance world of armistice eternal

    may take a turn

More over false identities proven from one's mirrored look at self identity

Senses degrade, eternity splays the convictions of the absurd you once believed after they were heard

and frail thoughts turn and turn as they burn

Acceptance of well fought ideals breathe life both quickly and slowly into you

What wise distances' once imposed now narrowly escape a belligerence at the door

Look abright full of colors directed at the sun and yourself

into severe torrents of endurance and hate you find the realms

All worlds seek haste and make for hopes of a divine perception

Yet alone we find our souls enduring until vanity and deliverance

take hold of perceptions
Sep 2023 · 99
Heaven's Accolade
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
Heavens's Accolade
Rare is the moment that my dreams don't deceive..
     the pinnacle of hope I wish to achieve
Science, value, yearly drastically held truths of the state;
immolation of the corpse grind of my souls of hope lays on the plate
I am drunk from the wisdom of years that I strived and struggled not of abundance
When suddenly celestial tales and frail parables claimed my wish to exist and my loudly held beliefs...
I am not a claimant of grace and not of  sin; I am not an avenue that lets grace faire begin
Yet moments of denial and foolish trials of unending martyr efforts...
Lay  lost in the grave- thoughts that once were lore,  may only be in morose efforts
Lay still every loss, from my sins; for the sentient realms in which life begins has hurt me even more
Lashing against plague and stolid in the face of virulent paths that pave our futures
I send my zenith... my haste for great significance to the deigns of the...
Angels that lay in wait for the godless ones that deceive whom they are set to embrace
Because inside the endurance and faith I have made they shall bring me past the doors of heaven that once denied
That ascending morality with effort and torture won't be a divine effort of life that can be denied!
Aug 2023 · 125
Stupid Potato Chips
KorbydAngyle Aug 2023
Stupid Potato Chips
Sour Cream and Cheddar Chips they are the best
The **** with sour cream onion, Doritos, or BBQ Lays they fall into the rest
If virtue was a salty dominion the gift of these special chips
may surely take place\
... before the rest... of them.
Sentient doctor's orders and diets galore!
Can not deny the sodium love lore... of which we need more
Although there have been copycats such as ruffles and pringles variating
on the perfect theme
The taste. value and sumptuous delivery
of the best is not a principle which competitors can
catch. copy, and deem.
To be the replacement, they deem!
Lays sour cream and cheddar rule's supreme!
[this doesn't really express my poetry, however, I was on a crave intake; which led to the realization
Aug 2023 · 104
We Have Green Energy
KorbydAngyle Aug 2023
​NOTE: Because it isn't lucrative the use of green energy hydrogen has been denied!

I can't impress upon you the dour sense and the earthen dire needs
Endure the countless reflections of those who plead
Yet what really is cost versus hydrogen acclimation and engines
The truth is denial of what we have and denial of how to save the future
January the month that begins the calendar year
Yet in synchronous affectation the turn from evil burn and the money greed denial to exchange draws ever near

What simple and grand primitive beings could create and bestow the
feckless money mongers who don't change the system
may be the ones which end history with the title of those
"who are the least to know"
Aug 2023 · 96
KorbydAngyle Aug 2023
Tooties a soul  deviant yet a force of my own   ferocity a soul in match with strength sincere
Subdued stature for those that goad the light of streaming diversity which...bold, undeniable,- thought of as epiphual... claim Heaven's needed and all shall secure
For she was a cat that days of the fox could not be without...
See your future, believe God's implore, thou shallt endure
From such diminished hope a claim a platinum light gleaming across all gardens in the morning sky ... now awakened
Dear Tooties the value of your presence shall always remain
in deliverance, hope, destiny and the absolution availed amongst all of us, especially you and I.
My female cat named Tooties passed away today.
Jun 2023 · 125
From Now To The End Of Days
KorbydAngyle Jun 2023
Isles stolid access tricky gold gleaning a vivacious brink
Between memories and definition cured the seamstress of reality takes my dreams and I forever leave them... a thought killed is as good as one procured
Should crows cackle and taunt the ghetto morning ablaze from nights gunfire
Or should the hummingbird speak of graces- the concern for the few and in some cases plenty flowers that spring from the spars garden beds
Sore from squandered hopes now laying in funeral pyres ablaze of little to no glory
The time teller, the black magic seeker, the unending virtue from souls set of goals afire
Greet candor and greed and satisfaction altogether
as insipid worth of need for constitutional savor the
the darkest whips of a hope lost and a story delivered by angst built of morality that continues to make pleads
Under safer morose weathers the soul of freedom grabs me and deems a future
   that faces these spoken of truths yet has a higher worth
Lawless demons and atavistic angels preen and guffaw
at all my life's worth!
May 2023 · 139
Thou Shall Pray
KorbydAngyle May 2023
New times have emerged to the sea from the vail of the God to
weigh less than 250, thus I've beaten the curve
Drowning and weighing down on me the universe a simplex not succinct not disowning
However while I rot upon the statuary complaints of civilization
laws reform people are torn and small edible killing jellyfish make to the shore
Undecided we the denizens awaiting, a peace and safety yet grueling and feisty
the nuances meanders led to the God born... river
Set me down forgive me of my transgressions.
I have often prayed
Yet waiting, stalwart, indemnity, masses of citizens waiting in the fray

They stamp gold on the classes which are stamped of gold and silver
And when the future lays procured the amplified night for dreams that
simple answers are not the truths served and deliverances for thee who observed...
Sins inundate churning faces believing revolution but the faces of simple skatch
and perceive the deceiving...
universes still await the derision of strength and humanity in tow
Mar 2023 · 127
The Problem
KorbydAngyle Mar 2023
The problem with flailing with arms all about
Is that frustration leaves all thoughts scattered about
As the endearing hustled avenue for reflection of verification took place
The destiny of frozen brans from lost in unknown kilter shams scaled the course of
difference and forced the sentient sentinel to remain in the state of a defense stance
Illicit Godly powers are known to all yet thorough median hemmed perceptions
deny the sources of power
Flames deadly ethereal cleanse the faces dawning perception did end
And forever the decisions, decisive and Saint in tow,
forever did know
That the last dispelled variance and the druid and demigod difference
Never could cast the unction, the amassed, the precedence where all life could challenge the atrophy of magic
of which the afore had cast
Feb 2023 · 154
First View of Anne
KorbydAngyle Feb 2023
She danced; Anubis, Kingdoms, Jah, an unaffiliated ascension to Heaven
      by all sources a specter to religion
The closest spirits fairy-like glossed with bells of toes and satiny outerwear

Indirect draining cloisters of luck were at the behest
    of the overseeing radiant observers who fought
          to classify the rhythm, the aerobic funk

Not without wisdom, her gyrating moves deadened the confessions
      waiting to assail the moves as haughty or beyond function

Tails ecclesiastic spinning her moves... fervid undeniably drastic
Cold eyes severed by furtive thoughts but cautious and wishing nought

Simplify the vision from onlooking wonderment; best aerobic function,
     the nuances, certain vision, the lady so much of a ****

Whence I am allowed and privileged to dawdle on towards her light
The fantasy of new tomorrows is a faith of future with grandeur

Now vanquish that which falls short and abounding is fortune and might
Feb 2023 · 139
KorbydAngyle Feb 2023
Pigeons. doves, no hummingbirds...wait.. actually the wild!
Parrots that squawk and fly about L.A.

Caustic bangs and screams-the South LA. Moniker
:the squirrelly streams.
Tales stay inside ceased thoughts; they drain the occlusion of deft variances kept
Apex aversive life dismissive; boundaries of good and evil call
Me, myself, morose circle of hope-... I'm denied these dreams- jimmied- stymied, called out for soul cries of induction to gleeful fate....
Truth now dissolves the Godless forces that are known
and the enduring flack of all peoples seeking retribution on the individual-
strife included- variance remains- ends on my individual as once was warned now is claimed
KorbydAngyle Jan 2023
It looks as if the final story is cast in tears and gloom
The drain on life, its' justice the comprisal guise of doom
Ground down by centuries of fear loathing and hate
The new world of prophecies lain by martyrs now awaits
Simple perfection kills the stare
Destiny unclouds judgments blare
Bicentennial askance of the Godless values now sworn
Indentured honored stolid sworn now reveille with all of the prayer
Misting detriment of the zenith for souls

Stand don't scream
Fight let the saturations of benevolence begin

Create don't serve
The final pace on the table of doom
Is Yours
Jan 2023 · 100
Winter's Not Nice
KorbydAngyle Jan 2023
Winters Not Nice

Mud sluffing around disgrace
a broken gullet hooked from lack of distinctions

The undulations for slowly meticulous life remains
on eyes ears and moods- with life

Listless yet frantic verve squeals at lower than average temperature
that spell deadly cold

Cauldron of rot you're now the freezing tempest of consciousness

Dimmed by agoraphobia the license to harangue all
flies from the Fahrenheit zero and below

I am a faction of seekers who pray to be allowed into the gracious realm
....a season is that...

But the only way forward is to push Earths tilt to the other half....
and that ends that!
Dec 2022 · 113
Because Assertion Brings
KorbydAngyle Dec 2022
These are the worst.. shoes, consciousness, and faith
This is the cursed mind at the behest of deviled skewer

These are the laments from the distance to enthronement
that destiny exalted that steps procured

But together the scant fortune their guise and reference frames
Case our modest habitual in vernal vanquished realm of Hell

These and to deserve are actions by an undetermined yet surely higher front of the best of entities,
those that lean to cleanse the refined immersion of ones soul spent

The case of higher impositions led to higher gleans
The closed minded fictions from non material heroes...- beings
I am scolded nye by the godless fanning from nuances of deprived emaciated doldrums
And the truth that seeks to better us all sits at the door step as easy easily as original soul solutions
Nov 2022 · 110
I Shall Prevail
KorbydAngyle Nov 2022
State you're mind, yet you're left to be...
Such cold distinctions, a promise there might be.

Souls on diatribes, wings on denigration, surface your beliefs
and your mind
If these forces all about... the triage on the clouds,
the yearning to live beyond what little we can see.
Tune our minds, their terse as thoughts begin, stretch illusions until
the purpose reaches and ends.
Life so impure, yet doubts even reach further...
Senses insecure, yet volition, times effort brings them together.

What doubt made of virtue-
And what endurance decried of the tame,
Leveled plights for the redeemed and
told the snide demons to cower in shame!
I am principle of light... and Heavens await.
Simplicity affirms I shall be avowed
Before times turn inward... before there is languish
and deprivation awaits!
to believe in certain aspects of one's future is to tempt wisteria clambering and jabbing at  simple brevity
Nov 2022 · 165
Halloween Scavy
KorbydAngyle Nov 2022
In the littlest of hours when the cold Belfry screens its alumni...
In the God forsaken glyphs that are scrawled into the pumpkins
A ghastly glossy serpentine creature senses its prey and pleads in a trap for ablation
But cadence still strikes at the glow, virtues singing, virtues in tow
And frays, full hearted, mince meat organs, the sanctuary foregone, enters...
Decimation, exsanguination, and rectification from abduction of our souls!

Inseparable homing in- veiled in black, and stanchion hues
The cauldron was stirred bubble and toil tis the witch's brew
Lakes afire senses for which we have bereaved yet let go
Satisfy abductions through torture feeling eons of castigations
forcing hubris beyond redemption, our killed prayers...
  we shall never know!

Fasten facts, the dire force perception
   all awaiting the dense fears liquid.
Upon touch of cryptic sun...
If the treats ease a soul more... comparatively?
Mocking entities with a  dreary definition shan't
Break the barrier from what happened passed
   and what once and final in costume happened again  began
Oct 2022 · 105
Read A Book
KorbydAngyle Oct 2022
Tis Best to Find A Book Not Graceless Netflix
Snickle it snuck by the text of tickety tucked
Burmese and Maine **** Panther and Typhoon
The guise of the ill imbrications of tiles of lore
Betwixt the center and cast aghast into the seas on naught
Sheilds fell short and velocity of the beast did comport
Thee with little hope of finding truth or vanquishment or champion lore..
At behest of the demons the civility once again was swept out the door
I have not braver notion than the jasmine and fools language
Yet distinguished are the bedfellows that save us they fight the truly savage!
With nor Godless notion
nor piety in tow the folks amassed to have a go!
"I can accept only an acumen and candor from the least of the less to
the greatest of all angels that upon grace I swear!"
They had decreed in the hope of making past dilemmas
But the unctuous beacon the Harold of evil the overpaid and underscored rose again
As faith had put it they were stifled not by nuance or systems
Only the deafness and the undertow that had created
  an egocentric and thoughtless causeless follow through.
If every story we read is turned into a movie then you don't have a place you live your life with the written wonder and fascination of reading.
Oct 2022 · 88
Faith Redeem...?
KorbydAngyle Oct 2022
If faith has betrayed me, my entire life... the entrusted dynamic varying between munificence

or lethargic catatonic pain

Lays innocuous clasps, brazen and denounced, assert  juxtaposition sans identity

the indemnity a semblance of soul redemption's cowls

   upon the call of the unclear

Lost identity flushing away my right to palpable stalwart meditations...

And the little worth of a day's work, lays only callous the thoughts of future redemptions

What trust is there?- In the guild of fate, the guise of champions and warriors?

Can bereft cessation of  continuing thoughts, vain and in claustrophobic retention -....?

Quell what small path of hope truly lays before me

The scratching arms and demon's claws

Shield resounding hope and prey on what little

clarification lays before me...

In the center of desolation is a slowly churning series of events

When the caustic remembrance of distant hope came and went...

And falling upon an enslaved cross, of all defiled creatures in eternity

I fear the angels have turned their back and beckon with laughs mocking me

Simple requiem, safe courted satisfactions denied, amassing principle

Caught by  Godless precipice, doughty subjective paucity and impure

  classlessness devolves into brash resuming horrors

That the best of me

Was the first

Yet again the least to fight and prove

What can faith redeem?
Sep 2022 · 130
Streams and Demon Deems
KorbydAngyle Sep 2022
Streams and Demon Deems

Satisfy  your own clouded new world of virtues,
exculpate yours and mine
Thickening floam resets the shores, individuals
find their goals for perfections, yet demon's define
Drachnire drab dank demicold dens force questions answer yes/ and no
What winged perception was invited by all seeking credos and amounting squall of the serpentine dominion
Wasted penchant for mercy was lost as the turbulence amassed a ubiquitous forewarning the state of dissensions was begun  
With a slip of Lucifer's tongue the lives of the honorous had little hope that a course perfection may have won
Individuals souls inner colors ranging from pastel to black amassed their determinations and cried for the bells of toll outside of the crags that forced words back
And slowly the first and the last to arrive in it's sardonic soliloquy
Fought so bravely with pride and justice making way for the virtues that call from the depths of eternity
Kraken and Demons, Soldiers of Hate, dividers of the be all soon surfaced to defy the brazen blast from the anti sinners and the martyrs from lives which in subordination await
Call back no scorn for the evil that approached we shall stand tall and encroach on them as they once did upon the lives that once lived

Now and forever alone and acceptance for sanctuary broader than the farthest seas and deserts, enshrined in deliverance a voice to slip beyond the entrenched cost of waring peoples and the demons disease
Simple tasks slow mornings and avenues full of health and redemption wait not of fickle prefect but to see the joy of a world free in the morning glow

Future you await us, the dance of macabre bastions and battle-bound turrets away, the closest fillagree jasmine and boroughs from the creatures that live as prey...
Now only a demonic clause as the Harold declares and the vices unfold to portray
Strength of morality and drastic accolades define
the best of you and me
Sep 2022 · 116
God Save the Queen
KorbydAngyle Sep 2022
Dancing and singing , on crystal toes
The fears are not gaudy the denials are not nare' aired by foes
Inside closest wheels of times spent and thoughts amalgamate
The spinning of virtues and the reclamation of virtue against hate
Dearest royalty these years we have shared in Sovreign disguise
For the valiant effort to live for betterment of all was posed as yours and mine
Together we acquired photos losing never a wonderous wealth of  thoughts to pass beyond our surface perimeters
As the vast driving honor passed between us, betwixt our souls and was made uncalloused for all to hear
Give me this notion to bless the day
As all dwell on the Heavens forthwith
That our eternal queen shall ascend and together her and I stay
What grandeur she represented, yet in passing her memory remains!
Sep 2022 · 100
HELP the World
KorbydAngyle Sep 2022
Go to astringent hurled globs from killing viscous slop
The gaul if believed comes from the hearts inside cuts bruises and a broad scoff
Little prancing feet are the guilt and glee yet un fortuitous of the be all of deathly infinity
Old seeing eyes yearning for pancake morphing clarity
Live un calmed by the unclarity, the wilted force of downed dandelions and squashed dreams
What little I could claim to elevate still languishes in the unknown
For senses are not direction and habits are retro dysfunction full blown
Center your courtship finely crafted thinly set close minded abominations
As the ***** tightens the justice from ethereal destinations glosses over and you begin to believe your annihilation
Lude acts voracity pompous foes glassy couture freezes and begins once more
Can you believe that sands and forest, oceans and stream are behaving in synch with the world of next generation dreams
Or are you part of the cause and effect spillway a fink and a rat Sporadic memories are conclusive the  future shall remember you as that  
No cause for devolved world where special lives are cast to poverty that smiles in the new American systems for the grande scope of
jimmying the media ******* shall rest on your silken pillows so clean
While the fishes rot the skies turn to brown in a pallor of drastic debased ******* scatter rashes burning lungs and causing health deprivation
The stupid pastimes become picnics in dust and the one free will for all and a self choice becomes oxygen masks on the denial nation
what's about making engines that run on hydrogen etc for ***** sake!
Sep 2022 · 105
Deem The Future
KorbydAngyle Sep 2022
A Pterodactyl a predator using vicious sites  
Wings opening and closing like the verses of the emaciated
     sweeping dreams under a rug through all nights
Stretching claws the talons so strong and pure
    Pleads of the nascent young the innocent fodder for the taking
        Billowing religious signs just as injustices ring from the
              clash of striking nails pulling blood from the victims
Learned ones stray from their holy path as the Godless skies
    soon reform into the sensory of loss from all deepest depths
Old are now trying to be young and the young freeze in their own tracks as an ancient force delivers more than they can find in the pleadings of an iconoclast
Hold still little worthless free born soul drat and confusion have taken control!
If we are the mighty and finding ever elations in new innovations?

Then why are the devastations of all environments and the rapturous claws of evil death our only call our only renditions of a future deigning its conditions?
They brag but what really has anyone done to protect and
   improve our planet for the next generations?
KorbydAngyle Aug 2022
Deliver me not from the original grievances
   I issue the wrath to follow
Free the drain on soul strengths that the fraying sanity
    constantly borrows
Instant sloughs of darkly ill magical face cream smearing my guise
Fake dreams of deliverance a nuanced
    future of centuries undone in demise
I can not take any more than the furthest
strengths of human torture
Yet each day the vexes of deadly Angels await
   at my fashioning of hope's,...
          personal door
Can strong words and mighty trials of perseverance help?...
  That which is the truth of existence for me?

Only vague streams of winners and losers
    and deniers await taking their weapons
       and striking at me .... is the sending ,message that can be seen

As zombies gloating over quivering scampering limbs
The vice of walls to protect me now grows far too thin

Oration's tone sounding of skivy demonic crowded contrasts
From champion to hate from glory to denial Earth's
     deadly lack of concern lays it's lies hurt and endemic blasts
Aug 2022 · 88
Gold Soul
KorbydAngyle Aug 2022
Send me your love of the Angels so High
Closed in shuddering bleak cadence, of faith breath,
     of nine hopes so alive
Lost with grips terse deeming futures of forgiven, yet,
   breathing haste of conviction -
     of the predication , all lives will be lost!

In avenues cases for flawed concern
   still cause the deathly blow that good and evil
       may not be discerned

But I am not drenched... from tears of rain by the somber sky

The time for convictions, resilience and verisimilitude
      with faith shall reside.

Give not a shallow promise... a hurt or expression,
     dawned in fear
For the passion of life is to give the living, brethren and sisters,
      a force perception
         all live through acceptance
           and truth availed in the clear.
Dawning, hurting, facing a challenge.
Rest easy, brave soul, the friends
    of golden light are unending
KorbydAngyle Aug 2022
Though you believe what undulated sense;
  front for the sorrows you hold
Immediate hallow holds
  of the voracious viable virtues you've known
Lies in the first step; a divination, on the worlds of freedom hacked,
  led astray
These folds of belligerent eternity  viable,
  hurt now kills enviable struts of moments delay
Am I death cause and curses, fellowship of hope returning
Or am I darker practices of a church denials, a bleak future
the worth for chains deliverance, nuance performing. blatant reality
   chasing hearth of platitudes of redemption...
What I have done? I will claim... let the Gods of
deterrence, fate and light, they may deny
That I holding a future, for my own sense of avail,
may withhold the affirmations the golden hues the springtime glory of all that remains,- in the ever truth is the altar of truth
.... Thus all that I've
Jul 2022 · 101
KorbydAngyle Jul 2022
By the glassy sense of real visions the yearning turns all senses astray
By the Moonglow of the strange begotten creatures the flow light and dark stay
In the holds of free olde and new, inside golden cause are effects sold yet true
I shall survive I mightier than the yearning of fate lost in shadows
I greater strengths.. inside of me the valor builds the juncture instills the yielding maleficence allows
Am I clout a clouded close minded flock of never ending wrens wreathed in satin virtue begins then ends
Like virtue I have a place to begin yet like pariahs I include the worst from that witch began
Losing touch from the life of innocence losing trains of thought from the child who's fantasies began all this
I shall run I can dance I shall dash passed the spirits that wished I'd gone away
I might pray I might dance then prance upon the eternity of the celebrations
I in valor hold I must sing true
All in luster the virtues strange worlds true
in magic's scintillations help me for then I must declare!
Jul 2022 · 67
KorbydAngyle Jul 2022
The riddle of expecting  a resolved claim, the world malicious, who's to blame?
Insecurity a definitive approach that all that rings true, yet goading remarks of the commercial world hassle and foretell the clout of life remains untrue
Did the validity forcing homebodies and bedlam sympathy wean from the dark inhibitions of evil's throws?
Fleeing parsimonious duty desires now derelict in their presence to hope remit the vanity of loss of faith and act as causeway of brutal demonic blows
Heaven a curse? That can not be, I've beaten down the systemic denials and faults of humanity...
Yet within boundaries lay simple temptations, a broken promise a soft landing actually upon granite
Precision's zenith is always a bit too acute, dismissive or binding
Is it a bounty of fear and deprived whims or is it dark unwanted destiny I am truly finding?
Jul 2022 · 55
Designs Devine Deception
KorbydAngyle Jul 2022
Dreams settled into a glassy deception,
all never-ending blatant cold lies awaiting
Losing touch with reality, hurt exceptional yet disturbing,
could I grit my  teeth and punch into a better life, or is all a nuance deceptive, alluring and brutal
I'm not without hope I can see great tasks,
revenance and coy denials of what I have done
The Earth bleeds for healing and I foresee that
what I have proclaimed in all dimensions may have begun
Jun 2022 · 80
Which Faire?
KorbydAngyle Jun 2022
The flagrant deigns of desperate eyes the source fools
Now shield God because your loss of honor fits into rules
We that pray upon molded fronts because the chaos sings
Are the first choice adaptation swaddles rings queens kings and beings
Letters written to pluck the freest of inner beliefs and needs
While deviled haughty contorted voices hurt the suffering pleads
Should not grace take all continued not by horded fronts
Touch free states underscored by distant chains killed by wants
The stash enters dominion  the ever bright and avenues of cold
Stay brazen with images of the lautony never dying rolls the feckless cadence of the resolved...
I shall be never denied
I am determination not wolves confuses in denial
Jun 2022 · 113
Another Day
KorbydAngyle Jun 2022
What tis?... dear demented little buttery fat cloak
Logres egress resting black volted up limbs and junk
Swirl inside friends ewes stocked by harangue harmony... it's requiem 86 first conceived of in the sixties
Then a later yeast fluffed slapped slapped how much garlic can one nosey drake terse sweeney Italian flavors in the  back bake in the alley crack
In the old presences flaunted by simple styles killed by the fire that stood for in the dreams... and at the beach goers flying their kites emblems from Asian deniers as dutiful as prancing trash scuttles
Like a highway on the once pristine views of trillions of drops of Earths timed evidenced gold
Yet when fools cry out and truths be told

Only the next day as monotonous as the past one life is on the run Sketching the torrents of confusion and skirting the target of what must be done
May 2022 · 126
One & The Same
KorbydAngyle May 2022
The thoughts of a world... so disparate yet un staunched, for even from disease, disuse
It brings together all of us... no matter who
Lasting the day thorium lithium ****** the lot is truly a cat's sampled tongue on the lambs fur woven cot
Screetching yet perking the morning air, perching not to perish, as blackbirds languish in the scant thin air
Ardent stolid dressed for the ****, soldiers found plates, stained by bonfire smatterings of smokey air
Yet in the brash contrasts when life closes down expositions and forces festering thoughts one halcyon of it remains... that of hope
So with Leprechaun gold in the pockets, of time the daydream of a better future, still unstructured no pentameter or rhyme
Yet each creature throughout aviary schemes and broken with doubt sketches wisps platinum from a scry showing fires crossed,
skybound defiance , and rest
With the cache of changing seasons as gold in the pocket and the crisp bite of each night's cyclic affair brings us together, one in the same
Apr 2022 · 127
Self Reflexive Proprietary
KorbydAngyle Apr 2022
what am I a robot?

As tons of mega drugs spurn only binary language

Entirely the waste, waste basket, metal wire mesh, of my life, secedes to its volume as quintessential vocation rehabilitation and cohabitation

The lips fletched silk umber cord spool by clutches of spindly metatarsals programs by Judas spikes, virtues

Lost at last, circular processing units freak, just for show when the I in I.O. ablebody blasts through the lashes holding rickety flood gates...
of a horde of bugs

Shouldn't errors accent the daily reboot with appropriations to new partitions rather than partisan boots remurk the embattled sludge of one's wean at toxic 'gov'

The question of self realization, ever thoughts go, then and RAM, yet with the soldered mesmerizing synchronous ROM, keeps Iolo moon degree feckless, vibes returning again for more speed

Mainly blotted out in psychedelic ringing, the final whistle of the cooling fans lose their ply on reality, and the foray's pace of limbs crashes into objects affirming... that the truth I define me I was born a robot, to be, I was fashioned of parts of complexities yet live abstractly and mechanically

What am I a robot?
Apr 2022 · 100
AI Composure
KorbydAngyle Apr 2022
AI Composure

....12.1020200010.... es wa a swa awes awsy tanse thank tank eaves
redidle rebittle dooty fitty duty dizzy dessy dizzy chrisy pissy tizzy
sin sincere sinestrein singular sifty severance severe scissored scintilly suffy sense
epitome epa petty phone hepa gramophone jany detente detention fast fiery del uh gone
end the celebrated moment fearsome and true don't forget or bid on memories,,,
only where the west wind grows scales the mountain that looms 12.1020200010....
Mar 2022 · 122
Aaah Precious Panic
KorbydAngyle Mar 2022
Aaah Precious Panic

Precious panic cuckold of chambray
Blug the plug the blunt puck notwithstanding humming randy feral & smug
In a day I sought due recourse for killed an'mitsy all 'a' brightened and layed
But the ghosts of Mithril citadels and ghouls and wraiths danced of it in the forever more
Not by once or dawning hurt blank souls revenant from Hades
But the grief derived denizens reprieve the good book and armistice were born of it and ...the various shades
East rassled the wisps the vines curdled and cuddled beasts bane beats of the heart that cuts loose
re-countanance floor to columns' heights through the rain
I not Holier I than the trenchaunt sly folio that's I standing with I in spite of myself
Such good waits for cues on heinous delving redundancies
as easily as it was first thought to be by pain and panic.... cast out
Mar 2022 · 82
KorbydAngyle Mar 2022
Hyper or hyperbole domes of gladed with gaff enables by breeze through broken panes shouldering voracity of greener energy than unborn of saucers nature of beauty asked green granulars webs of pin dot loess fell witness that Gods beauty was nigh bestows with greatness developed worms worlds and wheedles times until victory defeat remain affixed ....who shall join light & freedman night as we saunter through this future redoubt?
Jan 2022 · 134
About The Desperation...
KorbydAngyle Jan 2022
Resonance of review, the rank scalpels under muddied blood  
Mottled cusps, light grungy- finding & winding its flaunt of the grim
effect of letting its presence  flood the room
Ichor blaze'  synchronous blots dotting and chocking of Gods cuts
found by the wounded exculpated guts whom accept the flails bruised
  by emotion waiting for the list to be finalized
Then the eyes given girth yes the next touch gums at your blendered
fingers... swaths, nerve endings, impudence kin defending
You end the day in futility harrowing shrieks
bold whistle of cheeks of devils and banshees can't flout
You have envisioned truth you are a living burnout
Jan 2022 · 101
KorbydAngyle Jan 2022
See if the first was fear
Until that last was supermarket beer
The buttress is golems and frights and fomentation in lacey tights
Body lowers as girth widens
but that's physics
only spiritually
it will always be
the other way round inimically 'apprise them'
As standing tall is subterfuge
And as time is wasting and the waist it is defying
It is all undue

& either flowery bowery butchery cynical slithery maniacal
Co eccentric-cism caught the common cohabitation
Tarnish on the door of morn and in night
Or on another day of looking at tattered floors debuted so sinister
yet book end dull receding is
Candle light
The flickers in brain wish wash and forlorned
then senses inane
and finnigan begin again
What else can one say?
Dec 2021 · 89
KorbydAngyle Dec 2021
That which I have none of ...yet...
fulcrum discount drudging its way through
Mortis cank luster ulterior architecture of neural Flax,
plying and weeding superfluous eventide drenched of light reflecting Silver portraying Black...
These are not one dash to a door to walk through and be done or leave but only focusing chalice of the daily usurpations
...  securely as both stalagmite and stalactite hampering a winding path through daily life..
It can't be fashioned of only of Baphomet or Arc Angels
its of a truth inside complexity
There indeed exists a subject moot, simply that it has to exist, Gratitude.
Dec 2021 · 76
Individual Prism
KorbydAngyle Dec 2021
What timely threshold taints the sunrise, yet
   soon should I find an evening?
No more the territory of all truth
than conniving chops of every feral militant dream...

Yet energy and activity, a vast proficiency,
   though embattled ensnare the owners of me
    with purpose and flair for the extreme

O moment too bold, yet forever in possession of transcendence
   true detente between the existent selves and the fantasy you

I am the sky
I am the sea
I am the reverberations of a deep deep blue.
Dec 2021 · 94
Who's That?
KorbydAngyle Dec 2021
With little beguilement a scowl made
    she was revenant
Two swirling worlds eyes topaz and navy blue
   our thoughts began but time had been spent

Years are only derived through yuletide alarms when relished
and so they've passed me yet to exist,
   not ******, for better times I'll wish

Old charms aren't sipped satiny sanctuary nogs
or weaponry candies stout performed and **** warmed
  amuck in grandeur and hope, mud to hogs

Yet irregularly checked that all went off nice and with a northern star
   resolutions are pixies' vent turning crystal, tinsel  that glitters  not
      gold  isn't far

Can one develop first and fair tree between the past and now
what must be ?

The image of  our Holidays a family and you and me?
Dec 2021 · 81
Tell The Others About It
KorbydAngyle Dec 2021
Excuse now your fee... advantage to me... ha ha ha.
We'll have you on our journey impurity.
Asinine simplicity... that's the answer? Could it be?

Help!- now, please.
Disclose the hold on distribution, of joviality disease.
Excuse the little value, one acts out hoping to achieve.
Life includes processions, only my own forever- bleeds.

The garden maze of space age zeitgeist- anew and value.
From people in 80's video game world... to shame the mirror showing you.


My minds an awake magic, metropolis trick.
Ground to floor, empty shelves cluttered with disgust-
it makes me sick!

Yet, even as one poses,
- stalwart the self to bear witness.
Godly accounts & chartreuse roses.
Inappropriately phases grind away- a tear in Godblesses.
A dream one, almost. never chooses.

Perhaps proof in the paper & doubts life was fair?
It's there- the poetry, a forming dominion gestalt stare.
It's more the loss, not being bait scorned, as a missive too impure.
Returns thus! My contemplations! ... And creativity the only cure!
Nov 2021 · 119
The Road
KorbydAngyle Nov 2021
These few irked rounds, on and on/ path of our existence
  and everyone has higher volumes
Interact with the images
associated with" locked out from Heaven"
Like a first sequence of a cage,
the whips of metallurgy clatching simultaneously
No one can win in this brazen performance,
horror or honor of persistence,
faith finds serendipity
Yet bound by the heavy cheetah design
of agenda waterfalls, such swift spotted pelt work...
  sleek, fast, benumbing prance of predatory victory
meanders through the fields
of vision
Unite for the punch... or dismal stanchion from hours of hubris's undercut...
not for all who know...
   they've found some roads or do walk upon journeying ground...
     sealed for decisions
Be a conversion... move through the winter, take hold
  and each morsel...
    be of hope, fight the drat that ensues
   for each twist and turn is causeway - which is told
    all advances providing the defenses from monotony
     within personal Hell and now finally I beseech thee
      our causes can forever go
What is on the road of life? So real, yet, perhaps undaunted we take on the trials, such a brand, found for every individual a special blessing.
Oct 2021 · 94
Hunt or Be Hunted
KorbydAngyle Oct 2021
What breeze is this? The  dollop doldrums swiftly cutting down where once trees stood fertile demigods, coalescing thoughts and offerings from the Earth.
Down into the engorged under realms when Eden once gripped social inspiration is now fear and stolid memories of believing- what should be could be.
Now with might and a whip, one person speaks though 500 layers of binary code, to save a step to the motors that ruffle their feathers with periodic harvests so loud and bold. sister machines, it's whining and spooling its grip.
But inside the changes the first and last step still roots itself in monotonous autonomy of the pollution machine, an excuse for a rinse of celebrated solar light. yet further from the first baby steps and progress is the fight.
Perhaps the hunter, the exhibitionist, the latent supposed innovator, the land to be procured and free from past error, should be on the list of hunted instead?
No better motivator, than" survival", says time, now fading past us to a dystopian wasteland: unbreathable air, muddied water; to this does such standing prey of our dear terra firma and atmosphere.
another environmental rebuke at slow progress
Oct 2021 · 86
Trick or treat
KorbydAngyle Oct 2021
Trick or treat?-sent misery culling the excesses of societal boasting. Faustian gloating and vapors from our nucleonic vats.
Wish you weren't here, the swan song of devastating destiny
   shall ring whence treats are the fickle grease of-
    suppurate, formed...   by the angst & suffering & banality of
    eternity of  tombstones

Shilling for your thoughts? Razor thin laced hosiery, black and purple- blue,  snuffing the petals off neon colored flowers-
  as the dust splatters on the contemptible street...
a smile and snicker
A trick or a treat?

Yet in the end blurs of walkway's zenith & carved hemispheres of orange wickedly clear, grungy sugar cookies and cryptic air
All adept in spackled scents of snuffed candles. death alluring
What shall it be little pestering barking lamb little sallow boy?
Trick on the brink, turning of the light, or treat?... By the dealer as
Death's scythe's  slice? Annihilation lands it's might!
Oct 2021 · 90
The Nurse
KorbydAngyle Oct 2021
Aggregates of Hospital's Alabaster-
deigned frightfully close -
   of enemy, boisterous identity,
cantankerous breach some...
  of happiness some and more, for the host!

Tell of a motley crue, worn of shoes lapping pathways, virtue abounds
Inside every great inclusive vault, medicinal throws
         The good work abounds!
         Abundance of the light!
Tenor falls... health's witness.... new compromise to abundance
whence lastly an ill went, new great cheers
nurture the horizon
once all well, God amiss
The nurses, ours glowing,
Help by God's witness
ever the constitutional Hostess
KorbydAngyle Oct 2021
... my own two cents.. however it's not really a poem

First and Last An Environmental Rant

Firstly i'll be sending the takeaway to the last place
on Earth you'd expect....
The end of reason and the beginning of industry
So there one can be the first to fly float ***** and sing and much more in space
Once the era ends the last laugh shall be on anyone for they have
survived the vicious blow of pollution...
Wait that's endearing, even wise beyond years
That last step of pollution voided!
Who'd of thought?
How do "we" think about it?
To make progress and refurbished green and blue forests and waters
Perhaps everyone's best ideas
Firstly and Lastly
... my own two cents.. however it's not really a poem
KorbydAngyle Oct 2021
Explain Hopeless  Also Resilience

The universe sows- difference to melancholy... those
plods of handkerchiefs, our mascarpone dessert
  is going for golden lucre mistakes,
   still we yearn.
Yet lore of strength... and music admired thearchy,
  streining people, people and pleasure
   and dodling as serfs.
Let us see... are the guardians,  immediacy returning?
Or is syphilis? As they languish-
  uptorn within theories and disease?
The champions of charm, still charm their ways beyond.
And the blank, evil, maladroit.. canonites and
denizens laughing at us?!
You midgets! You rein in a cat, tightening the drawn
leathur,  on the steering wheel!
Time to think about, whether,  a there there
is one on the windshield.
Let's drag it northern, evening time, with label
and remarks for a train to see.
An old varmint tries to say
"cool it.. wrong!"
Addressed by Jedidiah to stand today as Imoteph.
Hopefully marriage,  or the meaning of cool waters.
Yet, eminent domain unfolds, approaching time
has no ****** for the battle...  not safe nor,  daughters.
For everyone gets to get high.
And make to high ground in a hurry, tis an equity wing.
Whose this? I'm so sorry, I didn't call mocking a nuisance-
    of the Santa Ana wind.
It is dim after that.
She did fall and the stampede was okay.
Souls for the solar, far more than digging the punishment,
of autos versus freeing Mary Judge, semi adverse in the shade.
We're going to take our knives!
And your wounded young...
We gonna bring back to the killers!
...and (and)... their going to turn away and call you a
    ***** when you get married!
Imagine that.
A perfect princess wearing a blue dress...
We've never seen it before!
Only some sort of bodies- mess.
Her walking looks like a golden field rat.
So fast, devious, fully relaxed.
- As if you're about to kick a mimes but,
  the herbal kingdom in tow versus mercy shacks...
Has quiet a few doctors... as an earnest life,
  my sir and lady 'foolery' thought.
It seems very artsy,  that one is ashamed of
  bruises and the bloodshot.
'Oh this quagmire pie can join the back bone,
  hot on pay offs.
When what they have at the factory,
is touché Asian phone and answers all relent,
  of the same, sane, cognitive existence.

Yet bodies 'tra la la'  to corpses
... whose mine?
Should not rot lead to dirt..
Mix of the wretched Earth...
it's very beneficial when it's found...
  which is what greater doses or leaves
     of war-  appeal and abound.
The game sleeper trying.
Stated, again, as ignorant-
  as a feloric fox askew.
Amazing grace was done by the orator,
  bobbed, however, with modern translations.
Which then, was that which.
should not be, what now
is merely, the sentient that which is?
Could not all of this be over with and get done?!

Hateful, hopeless,  yet tuff, strong with resilience....

And that's what keeps going
on... and ... on... and ... on ... and ... on ...
tried to stress the statements better with punctuation and spacing elements
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