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KorbydAngyle Aug 2021
Politics & Media and ...

What in the, ****... this is denial!
What can watch a grand stage? Feel the presence...

Value, glory, cue the tones of music, ulterior passion and fury,
Lights. Has our words once spoken, landed in proficiency... but despair?

This radiations overdrive, push, push, be quiet nothings real and no one gets to see.
My heart, the depths of imagination... yet in the land of midnights, you're just a traveler
of our week's exhibitions and the yearning to find truth/ time's waterfall of our burned scheming and trolling verifications lost to time

Religion, religion, sinners together we can't... Yet fires bring nightmares brings'... hubris brings Belial, truths denied...
Thou elated make separate truths and admissions, yet together the sham of the world is not dreams unsettled...
to the masses divine... for I am without the drifting sacrosanct armors of people... forgotten in time!

For I... I...
am the all of which you had ,
justified political disintegration
A superior deluge, if everyone's building ... the building blocks of time...
Eased truth our only show
Only we believe together, no other, in the vying, comatose brainstorm
That birth freedom, versus cult, and freedoms aren't of this duplicitous denial's cure!
Idea from another poetry forum's
theme's improvised basically anti political etc.
KorbydAngyle Aug 2021
Skiff and Skaff the bleak  stitch has a sum of the all grey that surrounds

Under undulations and foibles from the skies lands the ground

Inside scatters of polished brandished leather the undertones panders  escape & the land

Yuletide, resonance of spring, flowers blusters and storms, wicken,  lightening and rains that sing

All of this can be found, strength of the tales tall, trunks affirming, braches exfoliate, solid girth from the earth's own


Together with nature, all and I, if even a grey sky
Find the bark of all creations blunt - accessional not frail
Nor shy, nor the less...  of the spirit in you and I!
this is from a poetry forum that poses... make an idea from the picture presented (it was a grey tree trunk)
KorbydAngyle Aug 2021
Black Magi you've leant a kiss
Failing and harrowing is the excuses stashed
Bravery then compels beasts and the society into... trying...

That reformation of the tradition, even, the ATF itself - lay, in fact, forty years from the effort
& sassy so much of denial, in a Chevrolet, a hallow sausage,
lies made made popular by MacDonalds?

Now maybe we see...

Chaos forms order,& splinters of governments- cast & mock
an eternal war

Yet the 2nd disgrace buttress  then  3 licks of the fallible, maybe become 1 are  scaring the youth into impression of priests,
and the visions of one place sufferance to suffocate into puppets of one

Magic, magic universal, sweeking into a swoop or a perceiving of justice with each beef as small time pretties and big time scales, adjusts each cream cheese sandwich every week into existence conclusions forgone

But if you had to sway and bemoan endless dying flailing arms trying to gesticulate the savior, the demons, and the masses imemmelteph sausage paffys to be...

Then hopes for the future is as simple as that
which is part of you and me!
I wonder does anybody have an idea what a sausage paffy may be?...Unfortunately as far as i know it's when various stand up comedians use somebody in the back round that flies forward into a wall(basically drywall) with a sausage clearly stuck between the buttocks, and a swath or firecracker effect of powder happens when they smack into the wall standing!
KorbydAngyle Aug 2021
Though as they try as they might, and they might leave existence alone, even though they're trying...
They're afoot, the end of their trying
So even when the solution ascends, they couldn't defend the dying
Ice then trivial assessed planes of precipitation
There's an answer as abundance looks to purity to the ablution
The heathens the goats the principle the children
What can be nice about our reflections, about temples that laugh as as we forget all admissions that rally the passé
and watch over dissertations of nightmares and our lives
Wait Wish Whip, divulge the chains un demure
As previous attempts trials evoke a sensation unclear...
Then by the scratches of society all  appropriations soon
reach to a sky that beckons clouds away, so all is clear.
Have you no concern for the environment of the future?!
KorbydAngyle Jul 2021
Hello, paltry, putrid, squalor, a heat driven warming...
Hello dear 'foul' country afire

Sitting inside our sheltered sloop, yet our ropes are tight
The fastest, or only way home, unites, hopes and might!

Ample dreams anyone, please no confusion,
yet certainty, a saint- a sire

And though these galvanized dreams, sipping electrolyte stall,
blank fascination & we admire?!

The plundering of the needed places, a city's cold,
have you seen the real sky kite?
Though all our gathering wit, what once was is blasé
passed as a past plight!

No take of fleece, no doctrines of clouds,
awash anarchy is our future Empire!

Tuff enough that touching the blasphemous,
within our citizen's key
Yet dealing a swift death into this our sky
A shuffled fears dampen only the mind forthwith stands the city!

Oldest, youngest brightest, dumbest... our sea!?
If not for our planet alone, where do one's
thoughts wonder and why?

Catch the feigned practice, catch the callous lords and ladies,
catch an implicit fee!
so they preach, what's really happening?! I check Daily Optimist all the time... DO YOU?!
KorbydAngyle Jul 2021
I'm askew sketched with knowledge only
a bird of prey terse ambition and pollution through my eyes
when I dip below love of Heavens visage I am become a beautiful snowy mountainside

Depth of simple satisfactions, depth of hues of machinery, almost Machiavellian through the skies
few scant glimpses see me denying the green that need be
And when I touch the farm skulkery ethanol trampled & prevailed zero carbon trail
I am the last strain for hope the tree of human civilizations mentality

So you're, so young the Earth subsides for the minds that shall
reign across galaxy so easily as the sky above, or does it?

We drench our sorrow in hopes of tomorrow, perhaps
drowning a dream in overcoming unscrupulous monopolies,
playing a duplicitous game...

Or perhaps do we drink of a better tomorrow, factories and, machines, not shallow
and ascend in a drunken essence of what the real Earthen throws ...have to offer!
environmental poem, from an idea i got from another poetry forum
KorbydAngyle Jul 2021
I've Wished So Much Of the "4th"

Nothing eternal as the sentry of thoughts
surfaced with course memos
under trees were branches
while the terse sky...
imposes roots from hell

older yearly wanton grueling haughty suppressed
breaking from sundown

Into 3 fingered humanoid flickers of empathy
or simply understanding
as the drain on alacrity
sends drudges of depression to new flights

Light the strolls encase the toes
running brave yet stamper out cursive strokes of the body
staked for Xerox belay on heavens, on belay

Only without your senses
forces fraught jasmine glops of Freon jolts
collected by gutter fed demi costs, the frequency more or less

Another evening & years stretched by
glassy faith cut with fire cool waters
& doubtless familiars
yet, never understanding as the dreams never arrive

They juxtapose, should I be sunk or
I the weeds of life assail, oiled by grease of existence
& fall into another blank reality of holding

Who calls a namesake and savior
or can it be fraught by conscious marks
alight on scratches metaphysical
continuance and the dance
to avail for there's an awe of an almost "omnificent empress"

And then there's just every other fourth of July
I'm no sure if this is from an earlier write, but it makes a statement
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