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When what truth which eases essential vanity
  defines the next thought
There is another mephesto, hunting, dreaming
  believing tearing a heart
******, pale, defined by gaunt avail, the true nuisances acclaim
Pith and torrid, bounced about frail victims now fraught  
Whom Etched stayed chiseled caustic
     Sanskrit cleanses avarice now from  
      sentient words of Angels ... to whom do you belong?

Made from deviant pillars which hold the Earth
  and fear ever essence
Kneading it’s morbid vows emblems of Satan
    worthy of every marriage and within every vow

Listen, one must listen to deliverance so demure so
  loutonous so as the evil one’s appear
More than masks abiding by the glamourous defense
Pretend for those that scheme together with the best
Soon shall endurance and the sanctimonious
curtsy snipes make less
   ...of the more

And the more shall bleed moralless
  as the need flails at sallow wisdomless one's
Liche dancing queen haughty breasted women
   and *** for hire clean
Lest our virtue stand betwixt the void and who doth
thou claim to be
Malevolent jists benevolent yearly cherubs
and seasonal witches  
Shall all scree and scribe
And make eschuance zenith for the  Drachnire flames from eternity ...that spilled their spells to Heaven... are defied by the existence of the great ones’... inculcation, step, hold, believe not

What little of death did the game afore- now waylays for what  
   little symposium or affective ascensional
     rights forced to valiance

Once and inside cut by knife once again
Did soist wenches their heroes and the Gods now believe  
  hold the cause to effect trying to moushet; flagrant violence peace affronts validation nuances and complete glory for gang revolution
KorbydAngyle Feb 16
That's the unsuspecting, that reigns down on the placid.
Its perceived as that which is... or is nor that ease of toes
  to force sanity into a coveted worn... shoes and kiss them goodbye.

You could depth charge any prying eye that wily, superficial, embedded fourth eye is now represented.

Or you could, vanity in tow, move swiftly to and splendidly vocative, fanned, ebbed spider web footing and Gods and nihilists in ever cause harangue the victims that you the Devils want....

Wine embusses lament and inbursts less as a sin, for the more is the greater summoner of the Djinn.

What is distance when the eyes focus, knowledge, system jandoriah

Front the billions of insignificant moments from the ease of memory or haste of unsure
New to be ameliorates x's off the final certain answer and score that though shall or shant be divine dominion once more
KorbydAngyle Feb 6
shin to the gin watch my gentle and ladies club
oh no wait wait wait I know one...
The Metaphysical Carnival
The Golden Stave
The Magic of Daisies and Roses
five is ability five is alive... which yivitikiss election
does the shanduhmora really show?
How does that sound you like that
Ill kick your ****** ***
KorbydAngyle Nov 2024
The pale fleeing, infuriating, face delivered to my reflection stays
    quiet with each
     consecutive gouging of intrepids:
       sail with dense silly notions, fly with brevity though not
        victimless and see the nascent effect of time- a clockwork of
          banal adept inscriptions on a graffiti wall ... That each once upon a time sordid, broken and feckless sought a soul of strength to
  wrench the doomed momentum of an eased contemplation... Through reveries discovered and abandoned
Seek the sought out souls from which the origin, decisive, now leans into
A jib changing, forcing the wind to deliver its deathly toll
Revive the cuneiform straggler singing in luatony- public places
   singing, scampering hymns to deliver you and even us
Morphic pondering. though shall stand clear...
     and clear that you shall stand
Enter Demons' bane and Angels' empathy
Clouds of black in the morning sunrise
  fanned by the oblivion galaxies who swirl and
    taunt your aspirations
Again sanity and decency from which all proclaim to be from;
Starts day to night and daylight savings torn into black
   as memories serving sit with a throne of disdain and future
    looking forward in eternity may be the futures looking back
turn over in your grave if you face the hallows
of your futures without a grain of salt
KorbydAngyle Nov 2023
When you first denied slow progress and denial's own grave...
Measley, grounding, malicious , debutant turned to happenstance moderno raves.
Lawless cast the  wicker stones, drachnire, defunct, faceless stares.

I am sequined by rope woven dolls!
You and I remiss from craftwork ...which though flawless...
     cold application stops wings of paper to unfold.
Dashed against mere morsels of civilized epicurean modulation and retentions.
...Hours wait yearly, months wait for monotonous seconds,
  and  yielding is every flawed reflection.
Their reflections of ebb and flow, despite personal benediction
     Truths, our truths...  they shall never show.
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
Can't you see their ensconced in the reality that waits inside
Realizations embrace for the derailing of the impact of disgrace
Loss of limbs and fettered destiny imbued of Godless whims
These all secure senses denying the morphotypes stinging the defenses
I am not with out a door an Achilles tendon that opens to the reprises
However divinity of hope lands on mornings and I make a reclamation of the faith that cleanses
Loss and cold or supersonic and scalding the evolving status of self worth can only harness absorb glean and acquiesce
So as deviance and the demons approaching only deliver masochistic feral guises of the real world as you and I approach weaned of evil, there's hope of  validation and our goals
KorbydAngyle Sep 2023
God ...Oh my self how I want to break free
sealed up by brackish mortar healed by valid yet flagrant insensitivities
gloaming fronts assailed eyes turned for the morning into rot and clandestine of it
hallow holds on my halcyons hues of melonic powers hasten to the relevance of unending mishaps
in justice yet colliding with friends the glass covered hope shatters and I am named miscreant
what does day and night with procurement mean
for in reality the thoughts lead to desolation and all deliverance is burned to be named appropriate
and codex of the brand or code of arms of the clean
What little of efforts dissuade all these meanings can only truly be virtue depleting
the hold on virtuous rationality and logic I once knew
facing tomorrow sessions and seasons in tow
another morbid divinity attempt of the faith for a better tomorrow
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