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do you remember?
Your young mind

innocent and sweet
no room for brood thoughts

do you remember?
the way the grass felt

how the sun glazed your skin
on a warm summer day

do you remember?
the laughter

and how it danced through the air
like fire flies at night

do you remember?
the simple gesture

of a smile from your kin
which, gave you such warmth

can you remember?
or have you forgotten

has society locked it away
their judgement is crippling

why have you forgotten?
what keeps this at bay?

the everyday social pillars
molds you this way

it is not easy to unlock
and grasps the conception

your young mind
is waiting

it is waiting
to tutor you
in finding your self
and unlock the beauty

so can you remember?
what will it take...?

to live each day
in this way
she dances into black
engulfed in a wheel of hues
her limbs as if time lapsed
reveal the colorless to color
follow her, meet her steps with yours
mimic the routine based in ritual
paint each movement with small gestures
feel the momentum of each pass
let her lead through the dark and the unknown
she is but a nimble teacher
one who teaches each daunting step
that you carelessly fumble
your stride pressed in the soil, set but true
finding each print is fate
you can’t stop stepping forward
but, she will lead, on your rhythm
it is up to you which regiment, which plan
just take the first step
she will instruct and correct each fluid motion
from the beginning, middle and end
until your last performance
like many before, in pure innocents
you waltz at the edge of your stage
it will be graceful as a summer eve
ending with only in the sounds
of the night
Bubble gum was
A past time favorite, smacking lips, sugar kiss
Teeth warming up to ******* tongues, licks
Of whistled no you can’t do that, **** in
Pop! Tripped bubbles, blow onetwothree
Inside each other and then Bam
Bam Bam, the bad man is head over heels
For the girl with pink lips, licking sticky
Bubble gum crumbs off her skin.
And you say we always win; winner-winner
Chicken dinner for two or three or
Just you; a lone loner is alone;
It’ll be okay pink bubbles, one after another,
They’ll keep coming your way.
My soul that was once bright
Is now gray and lifeless
The tears I have shed
Has drained me
To where even a thought becomes lost
An emotion is ****** away
I hate this
No emotion nor thought
It pains me to feel this way
As it does you
The urge to see you
Is strong and raging inside
But I feel held back
For I do not want to
Will you let me in
And set me free?
 Jan 2013 Sunshine Girl
Last night I threw away two razors
This morning I bought ten more
For every step I take forward
I move backwards at least one more.

Last night I only counted six cuts
This morning I counted sixteen
My friend thought I tried to **** myself
But I told her that’s not what this means

Last night I felt like I had no one
This morning you came to my door
But for every step I take forward
I move backwards at least one more.

So last night when you ignored my phone calls
This morning you tried to explain why
You told me you needed a break from me
Of course all I could do was cry

Last night I wasn’t going to do it
This morning you left through my door
For every one step I take forward
I move backwards at least one more.

Last night I was gaining some hope back
This morning you came to say bye
You couldn’t give me a reason
You couldn’t even explain why

Last night I was going to **** myself
This morning you gave me a reason why
So when you left me this morning
You didn’t realize I said my last goodbye.
 Jan 2013 Sunshine Girl
Wait between the poles like fingers of forsaken blue accusing a painted sky
Lonely color cast aside to film across a water like light spread thin
The ink abandoned in lazy dribbles
Clouds riding muddled indigo

Wait for me there.
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