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King Panda Mar 2018
the muse of nature revels
in the cradle of a loved one’s whisper

the salsa of wind knifes off rock and
spreads melting sand into stained glass

a rainbow loops out the ears
and croons the rain into a gentle patter

the indefinite bruises the back of the throat
as half-notes are woven into air—

silence forever dreaming of music
King Panda Mar 2018
winter’s rust,
my tongue smudged with coal,
snagged with the bug I rise,
crawl my stare across space to where you lie
perfect in ashes,
un-spread and boxed,
I plant a kiss on your screaming lily.
King Panda Feb 2018
I ****** the blood
off your cranberry hide and
I wiped my mouth
with the wail
of passing stars—
"twang" (a broken guitar)…

you’ve been the prize all along.
King Panda Feb 2018
moonlight caught the top of the lighthouse
bounced of its silver mirror
its beaded tears filled my bottle
and I drank until I couldn’t stand any longer
it’s okay, boy
said the man selling fruit at 1 am
and I embraced his dead shadow
  Feb 2018 King Panda
Jordan N Dingle
Four blocks, yet more to come
Derelict hopes are crushed by the
Perpetual, cacophonous blast of the
My brethren wail for fears their mothers will pay them a visit.
I juxtapose my own existence in this war machine.

(I can hear them in my sleep)

My ears are ringing a ballad,
A barber shop quartet echoing;
Paradox’s that fester in the inferno.
A ticket to my ever-so soon visit,

Am I but mere kindling to the flames of the Somme?
The madness of a First World War soldier.
King Panda Feb 2018
the shock
of bodies—
a sound
rippled in
cheetah lightening
to wings of blasted
flowers taught
lavender sky—

butterfly wound
festering pollened
breeze to
where your
is opened
and twisted cord—

opaque bee
twirling with
opaque stamen
in a wall of
perfect contrast
of forgiveness
King Panda Jan 2018
gnaw red your bone
in the aliform of dream

allocation of my
guts spreads lips
onto stained paint buckets

never meant for
us to be beautiful

to every line
that came out
your mouth—

a moth-springing

wings no longer
dusted but

dried and wasteful.

it was the
paradox of doubt

I cried through
painkiller night
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