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Deul Sep 2018
if only we met the people who'll love us back
not to  be a bridge to form and do self-sacrifice
if only we could decide who to love
not to just fall and hope if it'll work or not

if only we arrived first and never an option
not to be rebound when there's a commotion
if only we love ourselves as well we love others
then maybe, just maybe, we'll be the happiest
Deul Apr 2018
If the car cant be stopped by breaks,
better just crashed it,

Deul Apr 2018
How can you expect your child to race with the other kids like a car, when it doesnt even have an engine.

Deul Apr 2019
Those intense words
grown in me
Deul Feb 2019
A little bit of poetry made her day
for it was made immortally for her
Deul Apr 2018
Don't ask of what you don't have,
you might wish to bring it back too,
we used to wish to be grown-ups,
now all we wish is to be a kid again,
some wishes to be extremely wealthy,
now they just want to live normally,
Teenagers want to be in love,
Now they wish to forget their lover,
Some do everything to have a child,
now they try their best to not have any,
some wishes to die in any way,
some want to live just a bit longer,
People often don't have an idea what they really want,
just til they lost it and want it back badly,
nothing's left if the wish's not enough,
it'll be all regrets~

Deul Mar 2019
sometimes I close my eyes
gather courage to open it back
this time everything changed
I was falling, with embrace
Deul Mar 2018
We all know wounds heal, the deeper the cut the longer it dries. After months we'll be fine but the scar is left there, with us.

Deul May 2018
what made life worth living?
maybe nothing
but the life

Deul Apr 2018
If I change today,
will it however change tomorrow?

Deul Apr 2018
"Sorry" didn't fix her feelings
"Sorry" didn't stop her tears
"Sorry" can't make her happy
"Sorry" can't vanish the scars
"Sorry" is just a word,
"Sorry" can't change the weather when its raining,
"sorry" can't remake the love that is spoiled,
"sorry" cant bring her back anymore,

Deul Mar 2018
Everyone has the ability
to **** someone
without touching them

The ability is verbal bullying or cyber. Its all about harsh words. Now the killing is Suicide.
Deul May 2018
Slow down you crazy child,
You cant afford to lose your broken heart too.

Deul Apr 2018
At this age I should be living
Instead, im dying
Laughing my heart out
Instead, im crying my heart out
Going extremly crazy with some friends
Instead, im hiding in my own world
At this age, im making good memories
Instead, i keep trying to bury everything
At this age, I should feel bless
Instead, I just want to quit.

Deul Jul 2020
Pitch black with all colors of the rainbow
Born to a dark shadow,she runs like a trapped —ghost

Waiting to be noticed
Deul Apr 2018
I won't give a ****
I'm not giving up,
I'll fight for everything
the vows we made
all of it all.
Deul Dec 2018
time pass went on
through tough roads
we survived on and on
upcoming lonely nights
embrace, all
Deul Apr 2018
The one humans know,
And the one you feel,

Its short..
Deul Apr 2018
Even if the door is open for me
I wont go inside
Unless you let me in
Deul Jan 2020
you're an endless sunshine
The one darkness cant
have control of
#Sunshine #Poetry #Girl #Love
Deul Jul 2018
The line made us connected
we share minds and heart as one
I never thought of this before
even if it's imaginary one
you had cut it.
Deul Mar 2020
A lot to be said, Tons to redone
All left now
Is this half-filled ***
Deul Dec 2019
we're just strangers
when there's no one around
you just don't feel like a stranger
Deul Jul 2018
I slowly followed your footprints
like a shadow in distance
afraid to be seen
you who had shine
the brightest,
Deul May 2018
you're actually rude,
never did you know
the simple gesture
of your own
turn me running
towards you,
like I was never
Deul Aug 2018
let's end these things in private
shouldn't be seen, this desolated fondness
Our secrets within
Deul Feb 2019
Miracles do happen
and immortality exists
if asked for a proof
Love is
Deul May 2018
How come some see what I dont see?
The odd shadow,
Behind me.

Deul Apr 2018
you can never hear the words you love to hear the most
coming from the person you like the most
not enough to give up your hopes
that's why it hurts a lot

Deul Apr 2018
Without a family
I could have given up before
Leave the chance to live
And be alive on the other side
Where flowers bloom
Yet never dies,
Where people go ahead
All heads smiles
"Hakuna mattata"
It is.

Deul Feb 2019
If we could only talk by minds
and know the truth by eyes
then sadness would no longer be
a feeling deep inside
Deul Nov 2018
Time's a second missed,
Deul Jan 2019
Family is not about blood
     It's about who's hand your holding
                 When You Need It The Most
Deul Feb 2019
Time kills
slowly I **** time
timely I'll ****
Deul Dec 2018
The door is open
For you to enter my world
The door is open
For you to leave my world
The door is open
But please just dont do one thing
Don't stand at the door
Deul Jul 2018
our story wasn't legendary
but it was one to tell
Deul Aug 2018
There's no cure for a posioned love
in last stage, will last too long
depart dai soul but not from temple
Deul Feb 2020
Feels good to be running from the devil
I see life, been staring at the ceiling
Deul Apr 2018
Even if you're not mine, I'm yours
You have me
That is til the last star dies
You have me

Deul Mar 2019
" You"
a word that we all know,
but just one specific person,
is shown
Deul Aug 2018
little sunlight, there we hope
we'll rise up and make a growth
veil truth shall not be ought
whisper it freely, down your throat
Deul Apr 2020
a beautiful poetry
Sending shivers & goosedumps
It's entitled as ; untitled

Like the legendary story
Deul Aug 2018
We love playing all day
til we grow old,
whenever it's your mistake,
I always got scold

I kept your secret
Like it is mine
so as your heart
Like it was mine

Let's fight over toys again
You win, I'd lose
Then you'll cry about something
And me beating those boys

I keep dancing in happiness
I keep fighting tears
Today is your marriage
I'm here as your friend

old relationships dont go anywhere
with a new person coming in
Let me go if I'm going
Why are upset of me leaving?

I have a right for your friendship
All nine lives of mine,
I'm your friend
Deul Aug 2018
I kept changing colors
afraid to be not seen
faded black
Deul Jul 2018
it was fun to fall for it's easy without effort
but staying is, it puts efforts and appreciation
to work
Deul May 2018
The first sin was made and people started to lie, so how come we are sure that the whole that was passed by generation where pure
And havent been
Mixed up With

Deul Jul 2018
You're Infront Of Me
But I Still Can't Find You
It's Difficult To See
Deul Aug 2018
why do birds need to fly away
Even if it's been
taken care of well
it still craves freedom
Deul Nov 2018
Bring me your dead heart and heal it with my own,
so as it beats each day on it's own
mine's would no longer be alone
Deul Mar 2020
In the ocean of beautiful people
  I found this one creature
wasn't shiny nor pretty
but sure was worthy
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